Odyssey of a Deranged Transmigrator

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Prologue

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Knock-knock! The door opens with a loud knock that reverberates throughout my bedroom, waking me up. 

When I turned to see who was at the door, I noticed an unknown person standing there with a repulsed expression on their face and a filthy bowl in their hand. 

“Who the hell are you?!” I shouted out. 

The stranger’s expression suggested that they were taken aback to hear someone speak to them in such an impolite manner.

“It’s your breakfast, sir,” the stranger whispered, closing the door behind them. 

I dragged myself out of bed, my whole body feeling drained and achy. My head hurts. 

Where am I? Is this a dream? What’s going on here? I’m sure I died from old age.

As I slowly began walking towards the door to find where they went, I noticed a mirror on the side of the room.

In the mirror, I could clearly see all of the cuts and bruises I had received. They were fresh. 

I had sickly pale skin, crimson irises, and disheveled hair, and I appeared to be much younger than I actually was—probably between the ages of 15 and 18 years old.

“Fuck. I reincarnated, huh...”

As my attention wandered around me, taking in, processing, and committing to memory the various aspects of my environment, I became aware of a pot. 

“Is this supposed to be breakfast?” I said this while taking a look at the vile mass of gruel that was sitting in the pot. It resembled homemade pig feed that had been sitting around for a year or so. 

I picked it up, feeling its light weight in my hands, and took a whiff.

“Ugh, it reeks. Holy shit.” My nose was suddenly assaulted by a putrid odor. Something was coming up from my stomach and into my mouth, and I could feel it. “Fuck, I’m gonna puke.” I thought to myself as I set the pot back down on the table and covered my mouth with both of my hands as I did so.

I ran as quickly as I could in the direction of the window, opened it, and then immediately threw up what appeared to be partially digested food and water.

“Fucking asshole,” I said as I wiped the remaining puke out of the corner of my mouth with my hand.

After that, I went outside and discovered that I was in a long hallway that was decorated with pictures that were hung on the wall. They seemed old.

I got fairly close to one of these photographs and stared at it for a while. The picture showed two young children laughing and having a good time together while playing.

I went on a stroll, opened a few different doors, and investigated the mansion.

Every room behind each door was devoid of its contents, with the exception of a restroom and a number of storage rooms that held a wide variety of items, including beverages, cooking utensils, and weapons. 

When I got to the end of the hallway, there was a fireplace and a very long table with lots of chairs beside it. There were also more paintings on the walls and several pieces of furniture that appeared to be quite expensive.

At the far end of the table sat a middle-aged man in a double-breasted coat with embroidered badges, a woman in a tightly-laced corset over a chemisette and a skirt decorated with numerous embroideries, and a man who looked slightly older and taller than me, perhaps two to five years my senior who was also dressed fancily like the other two. 

Making as little noise as possible, I made my way toward the exit.

“Felix, sit down.” It was stated in a commanding manner by the middle-aged man, but I paid no attention to what he had to say.

When I turned around, I saw that he was looking at me specifically.

“So my name here is Felix, huh,” I said inside my head as I walked towards the chairs.

“What do you want?” I inquired, directing my inquiry toward the middle-aged individual.

“That’s not how you address your father.” The woman scolded me.

“What do you want?” I inquired once more, this time ensuring that I made direct eye contact with the middle-aged man.

“You disrespectful brat-”

I pulled a chair up next to the table and sat down, positioning one leg so that it was perched precariously on the edge of the chair. I was in no particular hurry, so I just grabbed an apple that was close by and started munching away.

“Looks like I did not discipline you enough yesterday, bro~ther.” The young man who looked older than me said as he looked in my direction.

The woman gave the middle-aged man an unfriendly smile.

“I see,” I said before sizing up the young man. “So you’re the one who caused these wounds. You’re a real piece of work, brother.” I spoke in a toneless manner before walking away.

“Sit down. We’re not done talking yet!” The middle-aged man shouted.

“I’m not interested,” I said as I walked away, facing the direction of the door.

Then, all of a sudden, he yelled, “Bind!”

A powerful force brought me to a complete halt in my tracks. It was as if chains had been wrapped around my limbs. I couldn’t move.

I struggled to break free of my bonds but could hardly move at all.

“Felix, I asked you to clean the barn the other day, but you didn’t listen, did you?” The middle-aged man asked.

He continued speaking, “I hope you understand that there are consequences for your act of disobedience.”

I paid no attention to what he was saying and started struggling against the force that was holding me captive even though I couldn’t see it.

The force that was binding me began to become even stronger, and it began to feel as though there was very little room for air to circulate between my arms and legs.

“Stop trying to fight it; it will only make your suffering even worse!” He shouted at me. 

My flesh, my muscles, and even the blood vessels in my body all felt like they were being compressed right now, and the pain was only getting worse.

“What’s the matter, Felix? Do you have a death wish?” The middle-aged man asked in mockery.

Bang! A muffled popping sound echoed in the room. I was finally liberated from the power that held me captive. 

“You... how did you-” The middle-aged man uttered in disbelief, unable to complete his sentence.

I turned around and looked at him, “You don’t need to worry about that.”

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“Felix!” The woman called out.

I did not pay any attention to her as I made my way once more towards the front door, and then I exited the mansion.

I heard footsteps coming after me. It was the middle-aged man, and he suddenly grabbed my left wrist.

“You’re still manaless, but how- how did you break out of my spell….” The middle-aged man asked as he examined my wrist.

“You no longer have to worry about your manaless son... ’cause he’s dead,” I said as I turned around, staring into his eyes, before swatting away his hands and leaving the Estate immediately afterward.

“Haaah, it feels so good to be free. I just obtained a new lease on life; it would be quite a waste to play Cinderella in this world of magic.” 

I didn’t have any idea where I was going, so I just kept walking until I found a dirt trail.

I followed the dirt trail for what seemed like hours before I finally spotted something off in the distance. A wall constructed of hay and pointed wood, with wooden structures located behind it.

“Must be a town. Finally...” I thought to myself as I made my way toward what I assumed to be the nearest town to the Estate.

When I arrived at the gate, it was completely open, and the guards were standing watch inside.  

I was walking forward with the intention of entering the city when I was abruptly stopped by the guards.

“Do you have identification?” asked the guard.

“Do I look like I have one?” I answered with annoyance dripping from my voice.

“The cost of the toll for one month will be three hundred als. Do you have the money?” The guard asked with a suspicious gaze.

I sighed and said, “I don’t.”

“Another goddamn beggar. Get lost!” The guard snapped and appeared as if he would punch me.

I knocked out the first guard with a hard punch to the bridge of his nose before the other guards could attack me.

The other guard tackled me to the ground, trying to take me by surprise. I made a sideways pivot, which caused the guard to miss his attack. 

I snatched a knife from the guard and made a break for it, heading for the woods in the area.

“Are they chasing me?” I asked, looking back behind me. 

I did not see anyone. “Great,” I muttered quietly.

I kept running in the direction of the woods in the hopes of finding safety there. As I progressed deeper into the forest, I noticed that the trees became denser, larger, and taller.

I had lost all sense of direction and could no longer localize my exact location.

I was startled when I heard the sound of grass being rustled somewhere nearby, and I immediately fell silent after hearing it. 

I lowered myself to the ground and gripped the handle of my knife very firmly in my left hand.

As quickly as they had appeared, the rustling sounds vanished, and the forest was once again enveloped in silence.

I climbed up one of the trees to get a better vantage point, and while I was there, I looked for any indication that something was moving. 

After a few minutes of waiting, there was still no sign of movement.

There was a spot in the cross-section of the tree’s branches where I could lie down safely.

It turns out to be a lot cozier than I had anticipated it to be. To my great relief, there did not appear to be any black ants or anything else crawling within reach. I lay there, trying to relax by closing my eyes and taking a break from looking at the world.

I finally found a spot where I could relax for a moment, and I immediately started coming up with ideas. What should I do now?

I need a job. However, I need to go into the town in order to find a job. But I need money in order to get into the town. And since I don’t have any money, I need to find a job. Fuck. What an awful loop.

Should I locate a hole in the wall later on in the evening? But there is no assurance that there will be one.

If I choose not to go into the town, what other choices do I have available to me? I could build myself a simple shack or even a tree house in the middle of the forest. But do I have the necessary equipment and supplies to get the job done? Would it hold up through a storm or a night of high winds? 

Definitely not. Sigh. Tonight is going to be a chilly one. Dammit. It would be best if I dug a hole later on to sleep in.  

I also have the option of killing a large animal and sleeping in its corpse; however, what if I draw the attention of a predator?

“Hah… what do I do now?” 

While I was mulling over what to do atop the tree branches, I heard something rustling in the area. 

A predator? No, these strides, these light steps, it’s most likely two bipedal entities walking over a patch of dead grass. Are they humans?

I moved around while simultaneously attempting to prevent the tree from shaking in an abnormal manner.

It was at that point that it finally clicked in my head that they were, in fact, people. However, it is clear from the expressions on their faces that they are intent on achieving whatever it is that they have set out to do.

“Are they hunters?” I asked myself.

It came to my attention that they were lifting a box of about average size that was wrapped in a substantial piece of fabric.

While I was paying close attention to what they were doing, I became aware of a faint whimper coming from within the box.

“I see… poachers, huh.”

I waited for a while until they were in a position where they were directly beneath me, and then I moved.

It’s time.

Good morning, motherfuckers.

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