Odyssey of Space and Time

Odyssey of Space and Time

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Odyssey of Space and Time

Review: 9/10 from 5 ratings

A brand new story.

Is it true that the end of something means the start of something new?

Is being born in a new body all there is to reincarnation?

What is the cost that must be borne?

Follow the adventures of Paul, who was born in a place with no past or future.

A story set in the turbulent spacetime and across multiple timelines.

The story of a man who used lying to get by while trying to survive in a universe devoid of space-time laws.

Watch the grand performance that is going to take place to see hope, friendship, sadness, craziness, and cruelty.

Always keep in mind that everything has a cost

This is the property of icaneatfire

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