Of Blood And Stardust

Chapter 15: Chapter 13 – A Cat Swipes The Board

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“No plan survives first contact with the enemy”

-Helmuth von Moltke the elder.


Alex stretched; their eyes strained from working at their console all day. The coms shuttle had just exited hyperspace and shifting through all of the messages clogged up in it was an absolute pain and they could only wish the planned hyperspatial communication net was finished faster, just to remove one burden at least.

They looked over across the rest of the CIC. Only a few officers were present right now, making sure the ship kept running and that the fleet kept itself in formation, but David could probably handle that all by himself, his eyes flaring as he delt with the tanker captain’s ramblings. He insisted on handling it, even though it technically fell under their responsibility as he said they could keep working on what they were already doing.

They looked back at their console they saw the clock had finally slipped over to 12:00, break time, finally letting them slink out of their station and out of the CIC.

It wasn’t that far from the canteen, though it did take a slightly winding path through the ship, a left turn there, down a staircase and then right… There weren’t many people around yet either, with most taking their break either half an hour earlier or later, but there was one other person they met, an able rating by the rank marks with is accent that of one of the transfer crew. As they edged closer, he called “So are you that coms officer I’ve heard about?”

“Well, I am the head coms officer. What about it?” They asked, their eyes brows raising.

“Well, what gender are you actually?”

“What?” Their face flashed with confusion, the question ambushing them like a wolf jumping out of a dark shadow.

A sneer passed over the rating’s face, “You know perfectly well what I mean so shut it with that shit about not being a man or a woman, what are you?”

“I’m not.” They responded, trying to swallow their fear and keep their voice firm. “David is crude,” they thought to themselves, “They can face off against this man,” but David never had this venom in his voice and never questioned them like this rating was, nor did he ever had that expression. This situation was not like their light jibes at all.

“Shut it!” He yelled, the man’s face starting to grow red, “Why the fuck did they let a defective, idiotic bleeding-heart commie who’s so deluded they can’t accept the fact that they’re a woman! That’s what you are I’m sure! I swear they should have got more of you in 2021-“

And that’s when a half a kilo logbook collided with the rating’s head a full speed, causing them to crumple to the ground, screaming in pain.


Their head swivelled to then see David the Blackthorne marching down the corridor at double time, face a roiling red and eyes completely filled with an insatiable rage and bloodlust that made their heart stop, even though they weren’t the recipient of that rage.


“Ugh! What in Tarn-“ the crumpled rating mumbled before choking as his collar was nearly ripped from their uniform as they were dragged up.


As the rating’s eyes finally connected with Blackthorn and processed what they saw, he choked again, finally letting out a quivering, “W-what is i-“


“Uh- I-“


Alex had barely been able to process what had happened and what was still going on. Just, he did that?

“YOU, OVER THERE!” Blackthorn yelled, spotting a stray marine lance corporal who had just turned the corner to investigate the booming explosion of anger.

“Uh- Yes sir?”

“Grab this cunt and throw them in the brig and do not dare let them out until I, the admiral or the lieutenant here lets them out!”

The marine took a few quick glances around, judged that any more delays would end him in the shit as well, and started to drag the rating away.

“Well, that’s one more sack of shit out of the woodwork now. You alright?” David asked, his anger draining away from his face as his tone quickly shifted.

“Oh my god…”

“Yeah, I know it sickens me-“

“No, just- Why did you do that for me?”

“What’s so special about what I did? I was protecting a friend and comrade while getting rid of people who should have never been in the military in the first place. Oh, and I finally get to say I literally and figuratively threw the book at someone at the same time!”

They stood there, still stunned, “I thought-“

“Thought what? I’m a completely cold-hearted bastard?” He said with a little chuckle, “I will admit I am a little bloodthirsty.”

They shook their head, “No- well- I just thought you didn’t think much of me that’s all…”

“Well, you are a pacifistic wimp, but I have something against everyone so don’t take it personally.”


“Now come on, they’re serving hunter’s chicken in the officer’s mess and I’m not getting any scraps here! That and we’re going to be having a gin and tonic afterwards.”

They smiled, a genuine one, not wanting to say that they didn’t like gin the last time they tried it and just staying happy in the moment.



Hiegfal had been sleeping soundly, an hour-long meditation session with incense had cleared his overflowing mind, the faint smells of the session still there as he was gently roused from his sleep.

As he opened his eyes, he saw a shadowy figure sitting by his bed, candle in hand. From it came the gentle voice of duke Nathaniel, the smirking bastard. “Greetings High Priest, I hope I haven’t interrupted you?”

He groaned, “Why have you woken me up?”

“It’s a matter of the spiritual and physical security of the kingdom, that’s why I have woken you up and you’re the one who can help with this…”

Hiegfal slowly started to push himself up, meeting the duke’s eyes as he replied, “Shouldn’t have you met with the king first? Or is this about something you didn’t bring up in the negotiations earlier?”

“You’re correct, you see, I noticed something odd about the “admiral” we met there, as this supposed servant of Ifcan didn’t know a basic fact about them.”

“Well, I feel you could have raised this before I went to sleep but what fact is this?”

The duke waved a hand as his face remained serious, “They called Ifcan a man, where anyone actually intimate with their reverence would know that Ifcan has no proper physical form, and henceforth, no sex.”

He squinted, “It’s a mistake any human can make-“

“But as you know, they’re angels, not humans and this shows that they may be agents of the devil, lying scheming ones of chin in fact! So, me and you will go to the king during court tomorrow and tell him that these supposed diplomats are wolves in sheep’s clothing, and he must break off the treaty.”

“I see…”

Hiegfal scowled, the realisation immediately hitting him on the actual reason why the duke was here.

“Well I think this is something we most certainly have to think over and have to gather the signs to fully decide-“

“You know sodomy is illegal under the church?”


“Shush, there’s no point in denying it, I know all about your relationship with, oh, who was it again? Julius, was it? The low born fellow. I have it all written up in a letter I was thinking about mailing over to the prophet.”

The sick bastard was loving every second of it, every word plunging into him like daggers, his gut sinking lower and lower as the duke’s smile grew higher and higher, his joy slavering every word.

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“What, do you, want.” He finally muttered, giving in, with all hope lost.

“There we are that’s the spirit!”

“The spirits of holiness are far from wherever you step” he muttered under his breath, the words laced with acid.



David found himself starting his morning like any other in the CIC. With some tea made exactly how he liked it, made with a bag, milk before and one sugar, sipping it at the central command console well before Edward ever came in. The perfect time to set everything in order and drill in some discipline into the new recruits if required. But any idiots would probably not be appearing for a while after yesterday’s corrections.

But this morning was the first fun and exciting morning he had had since the war, with a message received by good old Alex.

“David! We have incoming coms from the kingdom, and it isn’t good news!” They yelled over their console, tone slightly rising in a sure-fire indicator that they were very serious about this not being good.

“Well come on! Spice up my morning!”

“They’ve announced they’re breaking the treaty and are saying that they will quote, “defend our land from the vile hell spawn of Chin you are!” end quote sir!”

His eyes lit up with pure glee as he quickly down the rest of his tea, “I’m getting the diplomat and admiral, wait here and record all the other communiques they send!”

“Yes sir!”



He could only stand stock still as the court raged around him, the king had his head in his hands as the only one who seemed to be in any state of calm was the facking duke.

Hiegfal’s mouth felt bitter, his gut churning as silent prayers made their way around their head, begging Ifcan for his insolence and part in all of this…

“This is your fault your Highness! How could you trust them after a few hours of drinking and dining with them when they came in with those black metal daemons!”

King William remained silent his words of “May the angels save us” still ringing in his head.

He swallowed, “The king did so based on the knowledge he had and my guidance! He couldn’t have known until now!” but his words were weak, though they did seem to calm that noble.

“So what do we do then!” another one called out.

This stirred the king somewhat, some strength returning to him as experience and intuition picked up.

“Get the riders ready, we need to be able to call all of the levies when we hear their response!” He called out.

“Your Majesty,” His Marshall looked up, his scared face fixing into a frown, “Its only been two years since we last called up the levies, and these daemons should me no match to our knights and men at arms.”

The king glared back, “And this is a threat to our entire world if we are correct about this and they will come with an army like no other, we need everybody we can get with a bow or spear in every possible hand, so call up all of the able-bodied men, the sowing season has ended at least.”

He nodded solemnly, “Your right your majesty, I apologise, and I will have the riders ready at a moment’s notice.”

“Duke Nathaniel!” he continued, Hiegfal’s throat seizing up as the king spoke, “You’ll be taking command of our war against them, I’ve grown too old to manage this and you were the one who brought this to my attention. I put my trust in you.”

The duke smiled, what seemed to be his plan piecing itself as he said simply, “I would be honoured, your highness.”



Edward was woken by the sound of sobbing by his bed, his lethargic mind slowly rousing from one of his usual confusing messes of a dream to it. His sleep encrusted eyes slowly opening to see Elliot in tears beside him, his body immediately lurching up.

“Whats wrong!? Is there an emergency? Whats happened!? Are the-”

Elliot simply tried to wipe away a tear from his eye as he whimpered, “I’ve fucked up! I’ve completely destroyed it! I never should have been assigned here!”

“Destroyed what?” he asked, his voice chocking up as well as he grabbed their shoulders, “What’s going on mate!?”

“They’ve broken up the treaty! A-and-”

“Oh fuck.” Now plan B, the messy, deadly one…

“I accept all responsibility for it! I’m the one who fucked this up and I should have done more work to ease them in! I put unreasonable terms to them and-“

“Mate, mate! Don’t say that, please, don’t say that!” Edward yelled, yanking in his sobbing friend into a hug, Elliot’s eyes flying wide as he was pulled in.


“Its not your fault, you’ve done nothing wrong here and everything becomes apparent in hindsight, and anything that happens from now on are on me, alright? I’m the one who calls the shots here so all the blood is on my hands, okay?”


“No, its fine, just I need to get my uniform on and send a message. And don’t worry yourself, we can talk later, okay?”



It was only ten minutes until he was in the CIC, fully dressed and with a plan in his head, a completely bull-headed plan, but a plan.

“Alex!” He called over,

“Yes Admiral?”

“Is the hyperspace message probe still around?”

“Yes, it is.”

“Send off the fallback message on it, we need as many troops as we can get as well as many space to ground transports as possible, second, send a message to those brutes on the ground with the prepared declaration of war, we have the authority to issue it with our little letter and we need to get them on the ropes as soon as we can.”

Alex simply swallowed as David, sat by the command console smiled that sadistic smile he always had on when it was time to combat as the course was set irreversibly towards war.



“Your majesty, we have word from the devils.”

The buried his head in his hands. How could had he been fooled like this!? The only ray of light in these dark days being that at least his son was safe in the far east, but war may reach him eventually if he and the duke didn’t succeed, but for everyone, they must.

“Very well?” He muttered, “What is it?”

The messenger swallowed, “All diplomatic options have been used up, and now we use our final option. By executive order 42 of the interim government of the International Federal Commonwealth, we declare war on your nation with an unconditional surrender still accepted by us if you do not desire conflict.”

“Ifcan save us…”

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