Of Lilies and Lust

Chapter 11: Parental Relations(R-18)

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Frankly, I feel blue-balled. Whoever that girl was had ruined one of my many fantasies, and I’m feeling a little bricked-up. I can feel how wet my own pussy became in expectation, but now it was all for naught.


I have other options, but they’ll have to wait. I just got a text from mom. My mom. The mom who saw me kissing another girl in a Chili’s. That mom.


I’m not stressed. Not one bit. I don’t even have any canker sores. Possibly…


She’s at home. Waiting for me. Ready to have a discussion. In other words, write my obituary because I’m about to be erased off the face of the Earth, and people might now have to refer to me in the past tense. It was nice on the mortal coil while it lasted; I, at least, got a girlfriend near the end.


Nah, my mom wouldn’t do that. In fact, she’s probably stressing out more about this. The intimate talks were never her forte. She…clams up about that stuff. This is probably going to be a ‘Oh, okay. I never knew that about you’ talk. Then, she has to deal with gossipmongers at work.


Hmm, perhaps some practice targets for some hypnosis? Maybe. No, probably. I have this power, and I need to be more assertive about my decisions. Easier said than done though…


I walk through the door, taking off my shoes, if only to delay the inevitable. There she is, sitting in her pantsuit and skirt. Her hands sit in her lap, fingers twiddling in anxiety. Her wandering eyes eventually land on me, and, with minimal places to sit in the spare living room, I sit next to her, refusing to make eye contact.


“So…” I try to break the thin ice forming between us, but to no avail, neither of us has the courage to actually have this conversation.


Or maybe not? “Was that girl… Who was she? You’ve never mentioned anyone to me before.” Mom asks that question with shaky breath, still refusing to look over at me.


“That—That was Clara. Uh, Clara Blair,” I stammer out; the magic I use seemingly nowhere to be found. I can feel it in my chest, I think, but I just can’t focus enough to use it. “She’s…captain of the golf team. She’s—She is my…girlfriend.” Oh God, I said it!


Mom sits on those sizable nuggets of information; her expression flipping from one emotion to the next fast enough to the point where I can barely figure out what each one is. She’s currently flipping between confusion, understanding, elation, and everything in-between.


“That’s…lovely—dear.” Uh oh. She’s walling herself off. She did this when the person I call a biological father left us, shutting everyone out until she properly managed her mental state. Unfortunately, she’s inept at managing her emotions by herself.


I need to do something. Something that’ll break her from her shell.


“It’s not just Clara!” I blurt out. “She, well, consented, but…” Confidence is waning. “I…like girls, okay? I don’t know what you think about it; frankly, you haven’t directly expressed how you feel, and it’s leaving me confused trying to figure out what you’re thinking! But…I-I, wel—okay. I like girls, but I don’t know if it’s love or lust, but I fantasize about making out with several people I know. Some students at my school, sometimes it’s teachers. I don’t know. I’ve been trying to figure this out on my own, but I need help. Then…a thing happened, and I realized that maybe getting a love life of my own was possible. Then I got one, and I’m greedy. I know we don’t have much, but you don’t let me help us! Help us get more! And is it so wrong for me to want some things of my own! Things, well, not things… I want more… I want more girlfriends… Maybe even get married… But! Most importantly, I want you!”


Riding the emotional high, I turn towards mom, gently pulling her head towards me, and push forward, connecting our lips. Her full, plump, experienced lips meet my slightly immature ones.


Her eyes widen, and she struggles to pull away. Sadly, she does, as she’s slightly stronger than me.


“Aurora,” she whispers. “I—”


Warmth returns, giving me the endless courage I need. “Mom, I know you’ve been fighting for us for so, so long. I appreciate that, but, since you won’t let me get a job of my own, let me help you in other ways. Let me…” I pull closer. “Let me be your partner.”


I wrap my arms around her and give her a hug with all my might. Blood pounds in my ears, hope reigns in my heart, and my stomach churns in turmoil. I…want to be with you, mom.


“Okay.” I blink my eyes open. I hadn’t even realized they closed in the first place. “I—I know it isn’t right, but…I just…I think I’ll accept your help…now. I know I’ve…blocked you out. When he left me, left us, I thought I would have to fight for us all alone, but…I never really was alone. Was I?”


I pull back and look at my mom’s face: her rosy cheeks, her nervous smile, her oh-so-familiar eyes I see in the mirror every morning. I got most of my features from her, though I’m still wondering about breast size. Her breasts are so much bigger than mine.


"You never were." I lean forward, kissing her again. She reciprocates this time and puts her hand on the back of my neck, pulling my head closer.


I feel something prodding at my lips, and I open them slightly. H-holy shit. Is this her tongue? Mom’s already being adventurous… I respond with my own, tasting her saliva. Hmm. Sweet. Or maybe that’s just how I see it…


A hand sneaks up my right side, stopping at my breast, giving it a quick squeeze. The pliable flesh gives under the hand, and I move my left hand over to her waist. With a slight tug, I slip my hand under her shirt moving to her bra. It’s a cheap polyester one, but it’s still something.


“Let’s take this to my room.” Without giving me a choice, mom stands up, letting me follow her.




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It had taken us all of five minutes to get all out clothes off, tossed carelessly to the floor. Mom had taken the center of the bed, laying down, legs spread in a ‘V’ shape. Her pussy glistens with expectation.


Let’s test the waters… I give her folds a light lick. “Mmph!” Her futile efforts to muffle her moans only makes me more aroused. I go all in, shoving my face between her legs, lapping at the delectable pussy with reckless abandon, not unlike a dog.


“Oh, Oh. Yes~ There~” I prod at different spots with my tongue, eliciting varied reactions with each one. Some get a soft moan, others have her gripping at the sheets.


All-in-all, quite the meal. Sweet, not as much as her lips, but with a salty aftertaste. Good enough to make me want seconds.


I continue my pursuit, pushing myself into her to try and reach deeper with my tongue. Eventually, my nose hits her clit, causing her to jerk. Fluids rush my tongue and mouth, and her vaginal muscles clamp down around my tongue.


“OoOohhh~” Mom’s chest heaves as she comes down from her orgasm; most likely the first by another’s hand, or mouth, in years. I pause my movements, slowly pulling my rough tongue back out, making sure to give her sweet spots a final lick.


Pulling myself forward, I find myself over my mom’s prone body; her gasps and listless eyes filling a need I never knew I had. “You’re beautiful.” It just came out, but she gives me a light smile.


I lean down, towards her neck, and suck, kiss, and mark her. She’s mine. My mom, my lover.


She snakes her hand around and, while I do my best to give her a hickey, starts rubbing my pussy. She might be experienced in age, but not in love between girls. I’m not that much better though.


“Ugh~” I moan into her neck as she flicks my clit with deft fingers. Faster than I’ve done before by myself, warmth builds up in my lower stomach and rushes forth with vigor.


I collapse down, energy drained from me, right onto my mother’s bosom. Our chests heave together. Out of all the things flying through our thoughts, I just know that we’re both ready to try more…in the future.




[ Congratulations! By reason of your first time with someone experienced, you have unlocked the skill: “Sensual Kisser – Lv. 1” ]


[ Sensual Kisser – Lv. 1: A kiss at the right moment can make a girl’s heart beat like there’s no tomorrow! With Sensual Kisser, that moment can be now! Kissing a girl will exponentially increase their current state of emotional being, depending on place. Increased likelihood to increase lust as a base effect. ]


[ Level up! Minor Hypnotic Suggestion – Lv. 2 has become Minor Hypnotic Suggestion Lv. 3 ]


Man, these skill descriptions are getting strange…


[ Exception partially resolved! The Height value of the Status Sheet has been reset! ]


That’s useless… I already know my height.


[ Name: Aurora Rose

  Age: Error

  Height: 5’ 5” (165.1 cm)

  Error: Error


            Clara Blair – Girlfriend

            Cassiopeia Rose – Lover


            Confident Swagger – Lv. 2

            Intimidating Stare – Lv. 1

            Minor Body Manipulation – Lv. 2

            Minor Hypnotic Suggestion – Lv. 3

Physical Inspection – Lv. Max

Sensual Kisser – Lv. 1 ]

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