Of Lilies and Lust

Chapter 2: Morning Sickness

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Most thoughts of sleep are pushed from my mind as I stare at the mystical, magical, blue text panel floating at least a foot above my face, just lazily dangling in the air.


However, my mind is still addled by general exhaustion, and I decide to poke the damn thing. Probably not the best idea.


[ Initializing System… ]


[ Error: ArrayIndexOutOfBounds Exception ]


[ Notice: Please restart to fix exception ]


[ Name: Aurora Rose

  Age: Error

  Error: Error


            Minor Body Manipulation – Lv. 1

            Minor Hypnotic Suggestion – Lv. 1 ]


Huh. Again. Well, fuck. Simultaneously, there’s both a lot and not to take in right here. First, holy fucking shit, I have a system. Second, the hell is an ArrayIndexOutOfBounds Exception? Probably something to do with my admittedly short…status sheet. Third, the fuck are these skills?


[ Minor Body Manipulation – Lv. 1: Allows the user to manipulate tiny portions of their body as far as their stamina and imagination will allow. ]


[ Minor Hypnotic Suggestion – Lv. 1: Allows the user to persuade others with higher success. Only works with minor requests that the target is already considering acquiescing towards. ]


Then just as fast as they showed up, the two description screens that overlayed the status disappeared, almost like swiping away an app. I…wonder if I can…make it show up again?


[ Minor Body Manipulation – Lv. 1: Allows the user to manipulate tiny portions of their body as far as their stamina and imagination will allow. ]


[ Minor Hypnotic Suggestion – Lv. 1: Allows the user to persuade others with higher success. Only works with minor requests that the target is already considering acquiescing towards. ]


O…kay. Now, I’ll deal with those two later. Now for my status sheet. It’s been sitting here…taunting me. Though…yeah, I can just will it away and back. Neato.


Right. Instead of willingly dealing with whatever this is, I think I’m going to sleep. This is a tomorrow Aurora’s problem.




I blink my eyes awake, rubbing the crust from them. As I transition out of my hypnopompic state, I remember the events from last night. Or were those a dream? No, wait, the dream was that weird old lady chasing me in the desert.


Is it…


[ Name: Aurora Rose

  Age: Error

  Error: Error


            Minor Body Manipulation – Lv. 1

You are reading story Of Lilies and Lust at novel35.com

            Minor Hypnotic Suggestion – Lv. 1 ]


Yeah… It is. Okay, uh…fuck, again. Well, fuck me, I guess? Grabbing my phone, I glance to see a nice 5:13 on the screen. I guess I still have some time before I have to get ready for school.


Uh, Body Manipulation. Stamina affects it, so… Physical or Mental is the question. I’d say mental cause of the mind, or maybe physical because of the body, or maybe it’s both? How about we just start small?


Sitting up, I hold up my fingertip, as if telling some unknown person to shush, then focus on my nail. I feel some warmth, almost comforting and…exhilarating, course through me as I force the nail to grow faster.


It barely grows a millimeter before I feel suddenly sluggish. A vertigo wracks my vision as I collapse back into my pillow, trying very, very hard not to soil my sheets with the contents of my almost-empty stomach.


Through the discord, I hear my door creak open. A familiar figure walks in, worry clear on her face. Mom…


“Honey,” she coos, kneeling down and stroking my hair. “I heard a noise… You don’t look too well.” It’s slightly weird… Mom’s genetics really hit copy and paste when she made me. The only difference is that her eyes are more hooded, her hair reaches down to her shoulder blades, her tits are…maybe E? Yeah, and her hips… They’re so shapely.


Ugh, here I am, laying in bed after trying some skill, and I’m lusting after my own mom. What’s wrong with me?


“I’m fine, mom,” I croak out. Pause, wait. “Okay, maybe I need water.” Her gaze somehow softens even more. I just noticed…she’s already dressed in her blouse and pantsuit, her work pants…if that’s what they’re called, caress her firm yet soft legs and…thighs.


I feel a familiar warmth fill me as I say, “And maybe a goodbye kiss, too?” She looks conflicted for a second, obviously thinking I’m too old for such things, but she silently agrees by giving me almost what I desire.


Just only she did it on the forehead.


She pulls up my sheets, tucking me in. Before leaving, she gives me another kiss on my forehead; another unknown emotion filling her eyes for just a moment before I recognize her motherly love.


The door closes, and I’m left to ruminate with my thoughts. So…body modifications. I feel like the drawback is just more than just stamina and imagination. It’s almost like…wait.


I blindly reach to my left, smacking my phone, then pulling it back and typing a few key things into the tabs.


Hmm, fingernails are made of collagen and calcium phosphate. I think body modifications need to be fed with actual nutrients. Calcium deficiency, looks to be a bitch. Though, honestly, should I really trust an internet diagnosis? Probably not. Am I going too?


Hmm…jury’s still out on it.


My mom comes back in, her purse slung over her shoulder, and a glass of water in her hand. She sets it down and rubs my hair. A sad smile adorns her face, yet I know it hides more underneath. “Do you want me to call the school? You can stay home today if you want.”


I shake my head. “No. I’ll go. Just…I’ll need a minute.”


“Okay,” she replies, voice growing somehow softer like silk upon my ears. “I have to go now. Make sure you don’t hurt yourself.”


I smile. “Okay, mom. Bye.”


She stands up and heads towards the door, just before entering though she turns back and smiles sweetly. “Alright, bye.” Sitting up, I give a half-hearted wave, and a soft whisper escapes from the far-reaches within my heart.


“I love you.”

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