Of Lilies and Lust

Chapter 7: First Date

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Well, I kind of didn’t pay attention to the rest of the day, riding that high of getting, you know, a girlfriend. It’s a big deal! For several reasons. None of which I really feel like dictating right now…


However, the weekend comes, and I lay in my bed, listening to the hum of the air conditioning. That high has really died out… I did, at least, write a few more names in my list, but I have no idea how to approach them. I can’t expect any or all of them to be as degenerate as Clara.


Speaking of, Clara was really easy to seduce. Imagine how easy it could be for anyone else if they push just the right buttons. I’d rather not be cucked if I’m being candid.


*Bzzt Bzzt* I turn my head, staring at my phone on my drawer/nightstand making that unfamiliar noise. Or motion? It’s on vibrate, so… Eh, doesn’t matter. Who’s texting me? It can only be like…four people.


Oh. Surprise! Surprise! Speak of the devil, it’s Clara.


Clara: Hey! I don’t know how this whole girlfriend/girlfriend thing works

Clara: But I wanted to check on you!


Heh. I don’t know. She’s cute. Entertaining. Physical…ly adept. I don’t need to worry about those other things right now. I still have the whole year to seduce more of the girls at school. I’ll just spend my time with my girlfriend right now.


Clara: Oh. Are you one of those people who don’t respond to messages for like 5 hours?


Shit. Wait.


Me: No. Just lost in thought

Clara: Ok. Is it important?

Me: Maybe? Not right now though

Clara: Ok. Wanna go do smth?


Is she asking me on a date, or just to hang out? Is there a difference at this point?


Me: Sure. Have anything in mine?

Me: Mind*

Clara: How about shopping?


Ehh… No. I don’t really have… How the hell do I explain to my girlfriend that I’m poor? I don’t want to treat her like some… sugar…student? She’s only a grade higher than me.


Me: Um. I’m not financially in a good place right now. I’d also like to not treat you like some piggy bank. Maybe something else?


There. Short. Sweet. Truthful without being too harsh.


Clara: Whatever. It’s on me! A girlfriend should byy things for her girlfriend anyway.

Clara: By*

Clara: You know what I mean.


Ugh… Fine. I’m not getting out of this in any other way, am I?




Man, even if she isn’t wearing her uniform, Clara isn’t just cute, but she’s still hot!


She’s wearing a white, buttoned blouse. Designer brand, I believe, and I see she’s put her hair to the side, as opposed to her letting it flow, with a brass hair clip. She’s wearing black, tight-fitting, khaki pants, and some black heels that give her another two inches. Her purse hangs at her side, also designer brand.


I’m feeling slightly poorer by the second. A quick Inspect shows that, yes, she’s wearing underwear now. Seems like I’m her sexual outlet now. At least there’s that.


In contrast to her, I’m wearing jeans, a collared shirt that was on sale at the thrift store, and comfortable walking shoes. Yeah, my excitement for going on dates with her from yesterday is being jarred up and thrown into the repressed emotions pit.


She turns, seeing me, and her face lights up like the Rockefeller Christmas tree. “Aurora!” She calls out, running to me…on heels. Well, who am I to say that it’s difficult? I’ve never even owned a pair before.


She stops in front of me, bending over slightly to give me a chaste kiss on the lips. I give a simultaneous moan and groan. Moan, because this will make me horny as fuck. And groan because I’m slightly against PDA. Though…that second policy might be up for revision in the future.


“Not in public,” I mumble, heat rising in my cheeks. At this point, I losing clarity of who seduced who, but the finer matters are losing importance.


Clara doesn’t articulate a word and instead gives me a shining smile in response. Though, the way her eyes are slightly upturned makes me feel slightly…scared…and excited. Ah, shit. I’m unlocking a new fetish, aren’t I?

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She drags me along. Luckily, for my ever-so-fragile ego, she decided to stick with a more middle-class shopping district. Still out of my price range, but not as harmful to my psyche. Another nice touch, she decided we’d be more window shopping than actual shopping. She’s so considerate.


Now I feel like a crappy girlfriend. Hmm, I need capital. Maybe I can use my magical skills for that? Hypnotism might work. Just find a rich asshole somewhere, erase his memory, maybe arrange his will, and a little money laundering and a frame job later, and I have money.


Or maybe, just hypnotize mom’s boss into giving her a raise— Better yet! A promotion!


On the nth shop of the day, I hear a faint noise.


*Gurgle* Yep. Clara’s stomach just gurgled. I think it might have growled. Doesn’t matter, in the end, I’m stifling a chuckle and Clara is blushing up a storm.


“I—Uh, uh. How about we get lunch?” Clara suggests, trying and failing to get her emotions in check.


I give her a knowing smile. “Oh? Where should we eat?” Having the conversation flipped back on her, she panics, pointing…huh?


“There! We can just eat there.” Is…Is she okay? Even by my standards, that place is…okay. I mean, I’ll take what I can get, but should a rich-looking, or maybe just rich, girl like her really go there?


“Uh… Are you sure? I’m fine with it, but what about you?” She nods, gathering her courage and marching forward, one step at a time.


Okay. I guess I’m having Chili’s for lunch today.




It was a…meal. It’s Chili’s. A family tex-mex place. Not exactly like I’m eating at a Michelin Star restaurant.


Clara refused my offer to at least pay my part of the meal. She won the staring contest there, and I’d probably feel the dent in my wallet from it anyway.


So, we’re here. Chatting about aimless things, just whatever we can think of, as they process her card. That ends, however, when Clara’s phone buzzes.


“Ugh.” She leans back, pressing her right index finger to her temple. “I think we’ll have to call this date short.”


“Oh,” I say, crestfallen. Despite how it was…uncomfortable financially, I did enjoy the time I spent with Clara. “Why?”


She swipes her hairline with her hand, looking up at me with annoyance, though, not directed at me. “My parents want me to come back. They didn’t really explain why, but, you know, I love ‘em and stuff.”


I feel…something. “Is it me? Do they know you’re out here on a date with me?”


She winces, slightly. “Eh…Yes and no. They know I’m out with you, but they’ve met the parents of all my friends before and my friends, too. They’ve never met you, so…they think you’re suspicious. They would honestly probably kill you if they knew we were dating.”


I…don’t know how to respond to that.


The waiter comes back, and Clara signs a 30% tip. She pushes out her chair, standing up. I mirror her. “I liked this.” Her voice is breathy, lust thinly veiled.


“I did, too,” I reply, my desire held tight, easily done after several years.


Our eyes meet and we lean into each other, giving our second kisses of the day; these ones not as chaste and pure as the first.


Clara leaves, and I stand there staring after shrinking figure.


“Aurora?” A voice calls out, one far to familiar right now to be comforting. I…am anxious…nervous…another word. I don’t…know. Something. I—don’t want to be here right now. I’m not ready to face this. Face…her…


I turn, finding my mom, and most her co-workers, dressed in their suits and ties, eating a business lunch at Chili’s. Today of all days. Great.


My mom’s expression is indecipherable. A mix between elation, confusion, and some third unidentifiable emotion.


I weakly wave. “Hi, mom.”

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