Of Swords and Dragons

Chapter 5: The Wolf Queen- Fires of Hope

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           I was born in the Kingdom of Volk; it was a bit east of the Deep Forest above the Kingdom of Vlarn and on the Western Side of the mountains from the Throne of the Forested Mountains. We were a fairly large kingdom. Economically we were on even ground with Vlarn and had a fairly strict regulation on their damn religion. My Father often said the Church of Viroi was like a cockroach. They always ran from the light and did terrible things in the dark. We had a good relationship with the Orcali to the South and the recent crusade had resulted in my father ousting every priest, priestess, and acolyte of Viroi from the kingdom. A decision I wholeheartedly applauded considering the letters we received from Vro.

           The letters which had been sent to my father by Vro had been horrifying, to say the least. Mass abductions and rapes, the slaughter of civilians, defied the decency of the common man. My father had wanted to march on Vlarn, but Vro had been adamant they could handle the crusade on their own. A month later the Orcali tribes had completely annihilated the entire crusade with scattered survivors fleeing toward Vlarn or seeking refuge with us. A definite mistake as we had about fifty of them in our dungeons awaiting the arrival of Vro. It was a visit I quite looked forward to, first and foremost the Orcali was a very warm and welcoming people, secondly, I got my Feri extract from them. My father still did not know I was truly a girl. I had never found the right time to tell him. He was not a fanatic of Viroi, but he did hold some very old-fashioned beliefs about men and women. Our kingdom was welcoming enough to individuals like me, but I just did not know his opinion. When some nobles had tried to press him on some regulation, he had simply said that it did not matter who they were, they were his people and he would not do anything to hinder them. Which was nice, but did not tell his personal thoughts on them. I sighed and watched the Orcali contingent ride up. It was a small delegation consisting of Vro, Zilpha, a few guards to deal with bandits, and two human women. One wore what looked like hunting leathers with no weapons and the other woman was wearing a dress in the Orcali fashion. 

           I rushed to join my father as he marched to the courtyard. He was smiling broadly, Vro and he had been friends ever since they met on the battlefield fighting bandits together. Vro hopped off his Dire Wolf and spread his arms wide. My father approached him and wrapped him around the other man greeting him warmly even though Vro was still a few inches taller than my sizeable bear of a father.

           “Daniel!” Vro exclaimed clasping my father’s arm. The Orcali did not stand on ceremony and while it rankled some nobles, my father loved it.

           “Vro! My old friend,” King Daniel of Volk exclaimed, “I am happy to see you healthy and victorious. Your entourage is a bit different than usual.”

           “Indeed!” Vro was a loud individual and an absolute joy to be around, “You know Zilpha and my men,” Vro pulled the woman in hunting leathers in front of him, “This is Rachel, my mate. She defected from the crusade upon learning the cruelties they engaged in and slaughtered them wholesale in retribution.”

           I looked at the woman who while muscular was also blushing fiercely. She managed to extend her hand, “A pleasure to meet King Daniel, I have heard much of you from Vro in the last few weeks.”

           My father stared at her hand for a long moment, “You were a follower of Viroi?” His tone was suddenly tense.

           The woman hung her head and dropped her hand, “Aye, I am ashamed to say I was. Ignorance is no excuse for my complicity and I only live at the mercy of the Orcali. They chose to give me another chance and I will not squander it.”

           My father stared at her hard for a long moment, “I do not trust you Rachel, but I do trust Vro and with his word I welcome you into my house. Should you breathe a word of Viroi I will see you removed from my kingdom.”

           Vro frowned, “Daniel, she has rejected Viroi. I witnessed her pay the price of her ignorance in the blood of those whom she once stood with.”

           “True enough, but Viroi is like cancer. She may one day decide to take up arms for her golden lord again,” My father spat these words.

           Vro opened his mouth, but Rachel held up a hand, “I got this Vro,” She wiped her hands nervously on her pants, “King Daniel, I know this is bland, but I will never be accepted back to the graces of Viroi because according to those who follow him, I am an abomination. Quite frankly they will kill me on sight.”

           My father glared at her, “Abomination how?”

           I saw her swallow nervously and inhale deeply, “Simply put, a month ago I was a Paladin of Viroi, Mattias the Pure was my title.”

           “That is impossible,” My father looked taken aback, “Paladin Mattias once visited here. You are not him.”

           The woman laughed richly and then struck a very forward pose with her hands behind her back completely different from her shy pose before, “Honorable King Daniel of Volk, I am here on the behalf of Viroi. I understand you have concerns regarding the followers of Viroi and I wish to alleviate your worries. I have brought my entire collection of study materials and am willing to sit with you long into the night,” At the end, she reverted to her shy stance and laughed bitterly, “Gods I was such a fool.” Vro shook his head and patted her shoulder supportively.

           Father paced back and forth for a moment, “What was the event that I told you which rendered you silent?”

           Rachel closed her eyes in pain, “That your wife had been burned at the stake for being a witch by the priests of Viroi in the city of Avilos. Without trial or judgment, simply at the order of the priests.”

           I felt shock course through my body, I knew my mother had died soon after my birth, but my father had always been silent on the cause of death.

           “Then what of the oath you made?” Father demanded with fiery anger in his voice.

           Rachel bent her head and dug in her pouch at her side and produced a small pouch that had been sealed with wax, “This is your wife’s remains as I was able to find them. A mage should be able to verify if they are authentic or not” She handed it to my father and then went to the Dire Wolf and pulled a much larger sack down. Rachel opened it and dumped it on the ground. There was a snap of energy from a seal breaking and out fell four heads with severed hands, “Before you are the heads of Bishop Richards, Priest Davils, Priest Zors, and Priest Isholt. They were the four who sentenced your wife to execution and lit the fire. I investigated them and rendered justice after leaving your kingdom. I was drafted after for the crusade and planned to immediately journey here after it was completed.”

           My father stared at the severed heads for a long moment, “Why were your powers not taken at that time?”

           Rachel sighed, “I found numerous evidence of crimes and summoned a bishop from another temple to render judgment publicly after I read out their crimes and produced evidence. The bishop made his judgment and removed them from the following before I executed them.”

           My father nodded and looked at the pouch in his hand, “Everything you have said matches what was relayed to me through my intelligence network,” He looked at Rachel and shook his head in disbelief, “I still struggle to believe you were once Mattias.”

           Rachel grinned shyly, “Me either. Thanks to the Orcali I am on the path to redemption and happiness. Feri is one hell of a fruit.”

           My father laughed loudly, “Aye, a nastier fruit I have never tasted, but to you, I suppose it was divine,” He looked to Vro, “I have a hell of a celebration to celebrate your victory. Nothing like your celebrations mind you, but still one hell of a feast. I trust you brought some things to contribute.”

           “Daniel, little Dani,” Vro wrapped an arm around my father as they walked to the main hall, “You know I brought the good stuff, plus enough Feri and Viri for all who are willing.” I heard them laughing as they walked off.

           I walked up to Rachel. I was slightly shorter than her and extended my hand, “Uh, hi, I Prince Xaven. Thank you for avenging my mother.”

           She took it and shook it, “It was my pleasure, and thanks to your father cracks formed in my beliefs it made it easier to break them when I needed to.”

           Zilpha then tossed a bag at me and I caught, “There you go, ‘Prince,’ what you requested.”

           I felt my cheeks color at her emphasis on my masculine title. I managed to recover, “Thank you Lady Zilpha, as always I appreciate your kindness.” I took the bag and tried not to sprint back to my room.

           Once there I immediately opened one of the vials and the room filled with the scent of Feri. It was flowery and sweet. I drained it and immediately felt a heady rush. I had been taking it for over two years now since Zilpha had let me try some when I asked. My body had changed in a variety of ways that I used clothes to conceal. Turns out billowy shirts did wonder for disguising breasts. 

           There was a knock at my door. I opened it and saw my father standing there, “Xaven we should talk.”

           I felt nervous, but remembered the discussion of my mother, I nodded and let him in. My father stepped in and sat down in a chair I had brought up here, especially for his large frame. I sat across from him and brushed aside my needlework. I liked to sew and knit.

           My father eyed it for a long moment, “I will never know why you insist a man would enjoy those activities.”

           I shrugged, “Well I do. Despite his words, my father had never prevented me from following my heart. He always made sure I had the means to do what I wanted.

           He let it drop as he always did, “So today I told you what happened to your mother in a rather inappropriate manner,” his shoulders slumped, “I just never expected Rachel to turn up and deliver on a quest I had issued solely as an impossible challenge. I was convinced she was an imposter or liar.”

           “Well, she seems nice, and Vro did vouch for her,” I stated kind of bluntly.

           Father took off his crown and set it on the desk and rubbed his forehead, “I know, I already apologized to him. With that sense of right and wrong no wonder Vro took her as a mate,” He shook his head, “But yes, the priests of Viroi executed your mother at the stake as a witch because she was a mage and used her talents for healing those who could not heal themselves. By the time I heard of it, it was too late. I had to use my spies to find out what happened and all of the priests had been moved to other kingdoms so short of declaring war on the whole land I could do nothing,” He smiled at me, “Plus I had her child to look after and Jessica would never have forgiven me if I had let you come to harm because of vengeance. So I never told you and did my best to raise you as she would have wanted.”

           “She sounds like a wonderful woman,” I said, my father had shown me pictures of her often and I knew what she looked like, I just did not quite remember her.

           “Aye, and you remind me of her more every passing day, patience and kindness. Gods know you did not get your looks from me.” Father said with a smile.

           I took a deep breath, “So you have no problem with Rachel?” I asked cautiously.

           He shook his head, “A more honorable warrior you would be hard-pressed to meet. That woman marched across four kingdoms to bring those bastards to justice.”

           I swallowed, “What about her used to being Mattias?”

           He frowned, “I have been around the Orcali enough that it does not phase me. People like them are just a bit different and differences make our kingdom strong.”

           “So, the transgender people don’t bother you?” I asked softly.

           He shook his head, “I have had my life saved by more than a few of them. Why do you keep asking about this?” Father looked at me with a very serious look, “Gods know I have even knocked a few nobles out of their seats for trying to somehow restrict my people from living their lives.” 

           I sat silently for a long moment before looking at my father and fighting the shakiness in my voice before I spoke softly, “What if I was like that?”

           “You would still be my child and I would love you all the same,” my father said with a warm smile, “Nothing will ever change that, not in this lifetime or any other.”

           I launched myself at him and wrapped my arms around him. My shoulders heaved as I wept in relief and happiness. He rocked back and forth with me as he had as a child, “There my girl, it is ok. I love you.” We stayed like that for a long moment. 

           I felt lighter than air itself, buoyed on happiness and joy, I pulled back and wiped my eyes.

           He kissed my forehead gently, “I suppose it is time for me to confess something,” he said with a small chuckle.

           I blinked at him in surprise, “What do you mean?”

           He chuckled again with a broad smile, “I have more or less known for the last six months, and had my suspicions long before that.”

           “What?!?” I yelped in surprise.

           His smile never wavered, “My child, you are not nearly as sneaky as you think you are, for crying out loud you left a Firi extract bottle on my throne six months ago.”

           I blushed, “Oh.”

           He ruffled my hair like he often did when I was a child, “And my dear, the long hair, the constantly baggy clothes, all of your various hobbies. I have suspected since you were but a babe picking flowers and putting them in your hair declaring yourself ‘the most beautiful princess in the world,’” his smile was proud, “I am sorry if I ever made you doubt my love for you, I tried to give you room to be yourself no matter the circumstances and always made sure my kingdom would be a safe place for you and those like you.”

           I thought back to all of the times he had told me that I was doing something unmanly, or not typically manly. Then I realized he had been trying in an awkward way to open the way for conversation. Those had never been looks of judgment or condemnation. Just a parent trying to figure out how to make sure the conversation was open. I smiled and hugged him tightly, “It’s ok dad, I had not really figured out how to tell you until now.”

           “It is ok my girl, I am so grateful that you have trusted me enough for this,” My father held me at arm’s length, “Two things we must address before anything else, one, have you decided upon a new name? and second, do you want to go public and have me cover for you?”

           I looked at him in shock, “Uh, dad you seem more prepared for this than I would have thought.”

           He snorted, “As I said I have suspected for a long time and have sought out the advice of others like you whose confidence I have had. They gave me some pointers.”

           I felt a swell of warmth in my chest, I had always known my father had strived to be a good man, but at this moment, I could not think of anyone who could compete with him. Tears ran down my cheeks.

           “Daughter?” His voice was filled with concern as his warm grey eyes looked down at me, “Did I do something wrong?”

           I shook my head and wiped my eyes, “Not at all, you are the best father in the entire world in my eyes.”

           I saw him light up in pride and happiness, “Thank you, my daughter.”

           “As far as names go, remember what you used to call me when I was younger?” I asked shyly.

           “My precious little Xava,” he said with a smile.

           I nodded, “That is what I want to go by.”

           “Then it shall be done, Xava,” he said in a warm tone.

           I could not help, but beam at him and happily bounce, “As far as going public,” I was silent for a moment. Part of me wanted to hide in the closet for a while longer, but people like me needed to know I existed, that they had a place. I looked back at my father’s gaze, “I think it is important that I come out and tell everyone who I truly am. I would like to do it at the banquet tonight since there is already a public address planned.:

           He nodded, “I will make the arrangements.” Father looked me up and down, “It may be too soon to get you a full wardrobe, but here come with me, Xava.”

           We walked out and the guards in the hall saluted us, “Your majesty, my prince.”

           I thought nothing of it, but my father stopped. He turned to the guard who addressed us, “Corporal Bils, correct?”

           The guard nodded nervously, “Yes your highness.”

           My father nodded, even without his crown he looked like the epitome of royalty at that moment, “I need you to go relay some information for me,” He patted the man on the shoulder plate.

           The man nodded, “Anything, my lord.”

           My father gestured for me to come forward, “This is my daughter Xava, you will address her as such from now on. She is the princess and heir to this kingdom and failure to address her appropriately will be considered disrespect to myself and my house. Do you understand?”

           The poor guard looked confused, “Ah yes my lord, I will pass this on.” He looked at me in confusion, “Though I do not quite understand.”

           “All will be explained in due time, but what is necessary is that you address my daughter appropriately. Understand?” My father leaned in slightly. An intimidating sight, even out of armor.

           “Yes, my lord, it will be done,” Corporal Bils turned to me, “My apologies princess, this is just new and sudden to me.”

           “It is ok,” I said softly and gently patted his arm, “It is a big change, and will take some adjustments on all sides. All I ask is that you and everyone else do your best.”

           He bowed low, “Of course milady, I will go inform the guards now.”

           My father was looking at me with pride as we resumed walking, “You handled that well my daughter.”

           I smiled, “Thank you father, please don’t be too harsh with them. It is a big change.”

           He frowned slightly, “True enough, but addressing you correctly will not take much and I will not tolerate any disrespect to my daughter.”

           I was practically bouncing at his words as I walked. I had prepared for the worse and expected an awkward acceptance. Instead, my father was showing that he not only welcomed me as his daughter but would stand for me. That meant the world to me. We reached his chambers and he ushered me in.

           This was not a place I visited regularly; I did not really have a reason to unless my father wanted my opinion on something he was working on. 

           He pointed at a standing wardrobe in what appeared to be an unused corner of the room, “That used to be your mother’s, she was a taller woman so you may find something you like and I will send for the tailor to fit it to you,” He smiled sadly, “I know she would have wanted you to have it.”

           I hugged him, “Thank you.” I whispered and slowly walked over to the wardrobe. I opened it and started looking over the clothing there. My mother had a bit of everything it seemed. I saw riding leathers, what looked like clothes to go under armor, day-to-day dresses, and a rather dramatic-looking robe. Then I saw it, a brilliant blue dress which would match my eyes. It was backless and had gentle embroidery of the night sky covering the skirt fading as it reached the waist of the dress. I rubbed my fingers over the silver embroidery and smiled. I looked to my father, “This one.”

           He smiled in a way that radiated bittersweet happiness, “That is a lovely choice daughter. It was the first dress I ever saw your mother in. I will send for the tailor.”

           What was going to be a slow day before the feast turned into a whirlwind of activity, the castle tailor who was summoned practically beamed as she worked on fitting the dress to me and providing me with appropriate undergarments and shoes to match, I was breathless as everything happened around me. Hairstylists were called to style my hair. Then as suddenly as the storm of activity occurred it was over. My father had been in the wings giving me support and privacy when needed. Then I was staring at myself in the mirror. I was in shock. I had slowly been gaining confidence in a body I had never felt at home in. Now looking in the mirror, wearing my mother’s dress, I felt like myself. A beautiful woman was looking back at me and I reveled in it. I felt a smile just break across my features as I did a little twirl in front of my father.

           Tears wet his cheeks as he smiled at me, “You are the spitting image of your mother. You look radiant my daughter. Now come we have a kingdom to address.” He offered his arm to me.

           After years of court training and studying things I technically should not have, I took his arm as he escorted me proudly through the castle. I felt the gazes of men and women as I walked and blushed slightly.

           My father chuckled, “Xava my dear, this castle will be besieged by suitors in the coming years.”

           I smirked, “Well father if they can beat me in sword combat, I might just marry them.”

           He laughed, “Then it looks like you will be ruling as an independent queen, I made sure you were too well taught for that.”

           I smiled as we reached the balcony from where my father would speak. Hovering magic crystals were ready to broadcast his message to every corner of the kingdom. It was the greatest proof of our independence from Viroi. We welcomed all who Viroi scorned mages included. As my father lectured many a noble about, diversity and acceptance made us stronger, not weaker.

           “People of Volk, my people!” My father spoke in a deep and resonant voice. He was certainly a skilled orator, “Today is meant to be a day of celebration, our long-time allies the Orcali Tribes have vanquished the unjust crusade that the temple of Viroi launched against them!”

           Cheers erupted from the crowd below at this. The Orcali had become beloved in our kingdom thanks to the trade agreements my father had overseen.

           “But I have another announcement which deserves celebration. Long I have made sure my kingdom welcomed all, the outcasts, the rejected, from all kingdoms across the land, especially those scorned by the damned temple of Viroi that seeks to eradicate all whom their mold does not fit,” His smile grew, “So today it is my pleasure to introduce you to my heir once again,” He moved to the side and gestured for me to take his place.

           I had known this was coming, but I still had not known how to prepare. I had hesitantly asked my father to just announce it for me. He had said he would if that was what I really wanted, but he felt it was important for me to have my own voice. At this moment I knew he was right, this was my choice to be visible to all, to let the world know who I really was. I stepped forward and the crowd fell silent before me. More than a few murmurs were going on, some in disbelief, some confused, others in anger. These were my people too though, and I had a responsibility to them, especially those who were like me.

           “My beloved people of Volk,” I started softly, but the receivers picked up my words still, “There are many things I could say, and long have I thought about what I would say in a moment such as this, so I decided that honesty is to be for the best. I was born Xaven, the crown prince of this kingdom. Raised and educated by my father to be your leader one day, hopefully in the far, far future. Somewhere along the way, I found I was different; I was not at home in my own body. I hated my appearance and reflection. I was ashamed of the body I was born with and desperately wished for it to change. Thanks to my father’s dedication to diversity, I learned I was a transgender woman. Upon learning this I was frightened to be myself. Would I lose my friends? would my father accept me for who I was? Could I truly be true to myself?” I took a deep breath before continuing, “Today I told my father who I truly was, and he welcomed me with open arms and love, better than I could have ever hoped for. I am happy to introduce myself as Princess Xava, heir to the Wulven Throne. The kingdom of Volk will continue to be a home for the oppressed. All will be welcome within our borders, except for those who seek to oppress others. We will defend our citizens no matter who are what they are!” I finished.

           For a long moment, there was silence as the echo from my words faded, then the people began to cheer. I knew there would be the ones who disagreed, the bigots, the religiously motivated, but it was important for them to know; that their hate had no place here. The people of Volk agreed and I felt my heart warm. My father had done work to make sure people like me would have a place here. By the gods, I was grateful for him. I looked at him and saw him beaming with pride at me.

           He stepped forward and joined me, “There you have it. Man, woman, and more will be welcome. The Orcali will be welcome, the Mages, the Elves, the Dwarves, and even Dragons would have a place here if they so wished it! Our kingdom will be that of outcasts, the forgotten, and the oppressed, and we will be stronger for it. Let none take our freedom!”

           The cheers intensified and we left as mages pulled the crystals down. We entered the courtyard to applause from servants, knights, guards, and more. We made our way to the banquet hall as sounds of revelry began to echo through the city. I took my place beside my father at the table as the long tables in front of us were lined with everyone from the castle. Nobles, servants, and pretty much anyone who was off duty. Food was carried in and set on the tables. Everyone dug in. I heard some kingdoms had something where people had to wait for the king to eat, my father stood on no such thing. As he preached to his people, the only difference between him and they were the circumstances of birth.

           I saw Vro sitting there with his blushing mate in his lap as was the Orcali tradition to my understanding. The woman introduced as Amara was seated nearby and the room fell silent as we entered.

           Vro stood up, “I would like to extend a greeting to my old friend’s daughter, all welcome Xava! And if I may be so bold you look absolutely radiant!”

           I blushed and curtsied, “Thank you Uncle Vro.”

           A voice suddenly echoed out, “Fuck this! I have put up with your nonsense long enough Daniel!” Count Quolas stood up and was red in the face, “I will tolerate these fucking freaks in the kingdom, I will even put up with the fact you say they are not to be bothered. But to fucking prop up your own son as this scum is fucking disgusting. I will never bend my knee to it!”

           The silence was full of tension. Vro and most of the Orcali looked murderous. Rachel was off of Vro's lap and some kind of light gathered around her. My father had gone pale with rage and reached up to unfasten his cloak.

           I placed a hand on his shoulder and spoke, “You have insulted my honor, Count.” I said loud enough to be heard without shouting. I looked and Corporal Bils standing nearby, “Corporal if you would may I have use of your sword.”

           Bils pulled out his sword and handed it to me, “It is my pleasure, milady.”

           I placed it point down and rested my hand on the pommel, “Come Count Quolas, I challenge you to a duel, meet me in the courtyard.”

           “I am not dueling an abomination!” He practically screeched.

           “I am, above all else, the heir to the crown. You have been challenged, failure to meet me in the duel means you will relinquish all you own and default to my justice unless my father objects.”

           “I do not,” My father said stonily, “The challenge is a fair just one Count, the laws you nobles insisted on still apply.”

           Count Quolas stood up and angrily stormed to the courtyard and yanked his sword out of his sheath. It was a jewel-encrusted mess. Engraved with golden plating. A display piece if anything. He glowered at me as I stepped out into the courtyard, “Come on filth, I will do what your father should have the moment your true nature became obvious.”

           I kicked off my low heels and walked barefoot onto the flagstones. The dress would restrict my movement slightly if I ran, but I was not planning on running. I took a classic guard with the point of the utilitarian sword at Count Quolas’s chest.

           He roared and rushed at me. He swung wide, I blocked it and pivoted with a cut to his head as I slid to the side. My sword stuck in his neck with a meaty thunk. I pulled it out and pivoted away, I narrowly avoided getting blood on my dress.

           Count Quolas collapsed lifelessly to the ground. His son was staring wide-eyed at the entire thing from the door. Poor Lucas. I cursed my impulsiveness. Death always had long-reaching consequences. He looked at me in fear.

           I extended the bloodied sword to Bils who took it gratefully, “Thank you, John. I told him.”

           He bowed to me, “No thank you, ma’am, that count has been a bane on the people’s existence who have the misfortune to live on his lands.”

           I approached Lucas carefully, he was a boy about my age. The only child of Quolas was born to some random mistress that only the gods knew what had happened to her. He had black curly hair piled on top of his head, and he looked absolutely terrified, “Lucas, right?”

           He sniffed and nodded, “Yes milady.” He bowed his head and would not meet my gaze, “What are you going to do to me?” His voice shook in terror. The law as the nobles insisted on keeping was that the victor of these duels when approved by the King would receive unquestioned control over the lands of the nobles and be allowed to extinguish the bloodline of the one who was defeated. My father hated this, and rarely approved of the duels, but they had happened three times with extremely bloody results in his reign.

           “First I would like to apologize, it is a cold comfort I know, but I did not think about the consequences of my actions or who would be watching,” I closed my eyes, “It does not bring your father back, but I wish you to know you will be paid a weregild for his death.”

           He looked up in surprise, “You aren’t going to kill me?”

           I shook my head, “No, Lucas. You will be provided for and not punished for the actions of your father.”

           Lucas looked relieved, “Thank you, princess, my father-” He paused and shook his head, “He was not a good man.”

           “You eat with me and my family tonight, Lucas,” I said and patted his arm, “We will figure out the rest later.”

           “Really?” He looked at me in surprise, “Even after my father said those horrible things to you?”

           I smiled, “Yes, you didn’t. Now go, Vro will welcome you.”

           Lucas practically ran to the table where my family was dining. I picked up my shoes and walked back in before setting them down.

           My father looked at me and I could see approval in his eyes, “Princess Xava, what will you do with the lands and wealth that are now yours?”

           “With the king’s permission, I would like to return the land to the people and redistribute the remainder of Quola's wealth to them after payment of any debts his family owes. I also will pay a weregild to Lucas, his son who survived him.”

           My father nodded, “This has the crown’s approval does any seek to challenge this ruling?”

           Duke Astore raised his hand, “King Daniel, I have no objection to your spawn engaging in whatever debauchery they want to. However, the peasants cannot be trusted with that independence. Others will get ideas and may rebel against their betters. I know I am not alone in this.” He gestured to the other nobles gathered.

           All of them nodded and murmured darkly. There were only about six of them left after Quolas’s death. My father was not big on promoting people to nobility. He had taught me that power was better off in the hands of the people. War, and petty differences, among other things, had whittled their numbers down to what it was now across my father’s twenty-five-year reign.

           My father looked at me. I could yield and keep the lands for myself and appease them, redistribute them, or accept them collectively challenging me.

           “Is this how you all feel?” I called out, “You object so much that you would be willing to challenge the crown princess in combat?”

           Astore glowered at me, “Careful child, some of us actually know how to fight and have spilled blood.”

           Zasto, a portly duke stood and looked to either side, “Indeed we do, the royals have gotten far too full of themselves and their powers. It is time you respect our nobility.” He looked cocky, after all, no one would accept six successive duels. It was suicide.

           “Then I accept the nobilities challenge,” I announced to the stunned crowd, “Corporal Bils, I have need of your blade again.” I reached out and felt the pommel of the sword placed in my hand, “Come nobility, prove the worth of your blood.”

           I stepped out into the courtyard where Quolas’s body still lay, “I pity your families this day.” My tone was bitter, “I thought one death would be enough, but it seems greed knows no bounds. If you remove your challenge now, I will allow you to keep your status and lands.” It was a grace none of them would offer.

           Astore strode out, he was a combat veteran. He drew an engraved sword that glinted in the setting sun, “Do any of you yield to this whelp?”

           The other five nobles had assembled behind him in a loose line with cocky smiles, “No Duke, we stand with you.”

           “Good,” Astore looked at me with a dark look, “Always wondered what it would be like to be a crown prince.” 

           I begged for forgiveness from my mother’s soul and cut the sides of the dress to give me ease of movement, “I hate that I will have to beg your family’s forgiveness.”

           I raised my sword in the guard position. Astore actually obeyed the duel’s etiquette and touched blades. We both stepped back and evaluated the other’s stance and positioning.

           The two of us circled like wolves, occasionally shifting stance and making a feint. He tired of the posturing first and leaped forward with a sharp lunge. I parried and gave ground. I had seen his footwork; he had prepared for a counterattack if I had struck back. Our swords flashed back and forth. Astore was skilled with a sword for certain, he had seen combat and was willing to fight dirty and change styles. He did not give easily to feints and possessed a keen eye. However, my father had insisted I be trained in the warrior’s arts because being royalty was just plain dangerous. I had been sparring with guards, mercenaries, and beings from all corners of the land. Even a dwarf once who, had taught me the trick I used against Astore.

           He had stepped too far forward and I thrust the sword into his foot. He yelped and tried to step back but the blade of my sword stopped him and threw him off balance. In combat, he would have been wearing armor to prevent this, but the leather was no match. My fist knocked him down as I leaned into the sword pinning his foot to the ground. He fell sideways to the ground. I pulled the sword free of his foot and whirled around into a downward stroke across his neck. I struck three times before his head separated from his body. I did not escape the blood this time.

           I kicked the head contemptuously towards the group of nobles, “Next.”

           Two more followed. They fought dirtier than Astore had and I began to get exhausted and accumulated minor injuries. After each fight, I kicked their heads over to the remaining nobles. My injuries emboldened the three remaining ones. The next two died as well but scored more serious injuries on me including a stab to my stomach that luckily missed anything vital. My midriff was now bound tightly with bandages as the rules of the duel allowed.

           Marquis Zasto was the last noble to fight, he was smiling greedily as he approached the now blood-drenched courtyard. “Goodness little prince. You are far more skilled than I would have ever thought. Unfortunately, you have bitten off more than you can chew.” He was wielding an executioner’s sword. A massive hunk of metal meant to decapitate. The way he easily swung it back and forth was concerning. I had thought him lazy, but his bulk apparently concealed martial prowess.

           I cracked my neck and adjusted my grip on the borrowed sword I wielded. I was slow, hurt, and exhausted fighting a fresh opponent who looked like he had been making an angle from the start to assume control. Also, an opponent who had carefully concealed his skill and confidence. I would have killed for a spear just then. I closed my eyes and gathered myself. The adrenaline had worn off and I just hurt. 

           He almost contemptuously touched his blade to mine before standing back and swinging his sword in a figure-eight pattern. I ignored the swings and focused on his feet. Those would show when he was going to attack because I did not trust his eyes. There was a shift and he lunged forward in surprising quickness.

           I deflected the blow and saw it crack a flagstone as I danced away. I was glad I had not tried to catch the blow straight on. It would have surely knocked the sword from my hands. I changed my stance to something Vro had taught me. The Orcali was known for strength, but their fighting styles actually relied more on speed and deception.

           “You are quicker than I thought you would be little prince,” Zasto taunted.

           I said nothing and focused on slowing my breathing.

           He struck out again. This time I swung at his sword and struck it full force to knock it off course. Before he could fully correct it, I spun back into a reverse cut. As expected, he moved to block. Mid spin, I reversed my grip and what looked like a cut turned into a backward thrust.

           Zasto gasped and tried to catch his breath. I twisted the blade and danced away pulling my sword with me. I reset into a guard position breathing heavily. Zasto remained on his feet and then collapsed into a pile. I waited and did not move forward, I thought I had seen a breath in his frame and did not want to fall prey to a surprise attack.

           He rolled over and sat up after another minute, he was bleeding heavily, I must have nicked an artery. He glared at me, “Fuck you.”

           I just waited. After another minute, he just slumped and turned grey in the face. His hand still clasped the sword tightly.

           I kept waiting for another minute. Then I took the corpse’s head. Panting I limped to Bils who was staring at me in shock. I passed him the sword. I still had one more duty to see. I slumped to my knee in front of my father, “I am victorious.”

           My father looked concerned and proud at the same moment, “Princess Xava, I see and acknowledge your victory. What is your desire?”

           “All of the lands is to be given to the people. They shall choose their own leaders, the wealth will be redistributed to those on the lands, and debts will be paid. The families will be compensated and I would like to meet with them tomorrow should they be willing.”

           “The crown will see to it at the next available time. The feast will be delayed as too much has been spilled today. We will rest and try again on a less bloody night.”

           I nodded and blinked slowly, “I require a healer.” That was my last conscious thought. I then passed out.

           I woke the next day in my own bed bandaged and feeling a lot less pain. I saw a page dash off as I opened my eyes.

           “How long have I been out?” I asked

           “Slightly over a full day, milady,” A familiar voice commented.

           I looked over and saw Hawk, my father’s spymaster. A quiet man whose advice my father prized above all others. He wore simple grey clothing. As a slightly shorter man, he was soft-spoken, despite the saying that all short men tried to overcompensate.

           “Hawk,” I said with mild surprise, “What brings you here?”

           He chuckled in that quiet manner, “Your father is dealing with the fallout of your duels. A few of the noble heirs are demanding they inherit their dead father’s lands in direct defiance of the ordinance they pushed for. The people are rejoicing in the streets, and you are being hailed as the Princess of Blades.” 

           I closed my eyes, “It is bad, isn’t it?”

           Hawk chuckled again, “It is more difficult than bad. In any other kingdom, this would cause a complete breakdown of order. Your father’s obsession with the rights of the people under him though has led to no significant breakdowns. Messengers are still responding and people are respecting the law of the land. Your father is maintaining a firm hand in dealing with the noble families and also making sure nothing else gets out of hand. A very admirable man if I do say so myself.”

           I smiled despite myself, “That I agree with. Sorry to cause you so much work.”

           He shrugged, “Your father and I have known that eventually, the nobility would push back publicly. They had tried to assassinate the two of you at least six times in the last few years. Unfortunately for the assassin, I am very good at my job, and the number of people willing to betray the crown in this castle is next to none.”

           I smiled, “My father does like to treat the people well.”

           Hawk snorted, “This land is one of the most prosperous, but you would never realize it looking at the royal treasury.”

           I shrugged and sat up, “Good work deserves a reward; besides it is not like we are poor or anything. More importantly, our people are healthy and happy.”

           Hawk looked at me with a glowing smile, “You and your father are cut from the same cloth.”

           He looked out the window, “You do realize the people of the land are singing your praises, the princess who took an entire kingdom and then gave it to the people in the same breath.”

           I shrugged, “What would I do with all of that land? Taxes cover the country's expenses and the land will be better maintained by the people who work it and value it. It is not a perfect situation, but one day, nobility will be a thing of the past. No one should have their life decided by someone they may never meet.”

           Hawk laughed out loud this time, “That is straight from your father’s mouth. I will give you some privacy to get dressed. Then follow me, it is time we go help.”

           I did as he instructed. I found a dress in the soft red and grey in the wardrobe. The tailor had been hard at work. I made a mental note to pay her a bonus. I slipped the dress in the colors of our kingdom on and wore some soft leather boots that came up to my knees. Fighting barefoot had sucked. As I exited my room, I found Hawk waiting for me. I nodded to him and started to walk.

           “Hold up milady, I got you something,” Hawk held out a sword belt decorated in silver to me. There was a sword in the sheath as well, “It is only fitting the Blade Princess have her own sword. Though Corporal Bils has sworn over several cups of ale he will serve you till his dying breath.”

           I took the sword with a smile, “He is a good sort, though ale easily emboldens a man.”

           Hawk chuckled again, “Yes, but you freed his family from the tyrannical noble rule and gave them the ability to succeed on their own worth. No one forgets that. Half the kingdom, the ones who produce food are personally indebted to you.”

           I blinked and waved my hand, “Nonsense, I just did what any just ruler would do.” I fastened the belt around my waist and drew the sword. Even to my relatively amateur eye, it was a masterwork. The blade was blackened steel with silver engravings in a language I did not recognize.”

           “What language is this?” I asked looking at the flowing runic writing.

           Hawk shrugged, “It was given as a gift for you by someone mysterious to even me. I could not tell you, just know that sword will never fail you.”

           “As long as you trust them, Hawk.”

           “I do.” 

           I needed nothing more, I slid the sword home and strode onto the throne room. I still ached, but the healing mage had done good work. Honestly, I could not understand why other kingdoms shunned them. We reached the throne room as several of the remaining noble heirs were making demands of my father. I was about to announce myself when a shaking voice erupted from where guests of the throne could sit.

           “You all are FOOLS!” Lucas yelled, “My father regularly beat me for failing to meet his expectations.” The young lad strode up and stood in front of the king before the noble heirs. Under the damnable rules, our parents insisted on to try a gathering power we should all be dead. Instead, mercy was shown to us. None of your parents would have shown mercy in the place of the Princess. She even stated a weregild be paid to you for the loss of family. A weregild that could be used to start a new life, a comfortable life.”

           I realized then the shaking was not out of fear, but pure rage.

           “Yet you have the gall to demand lands won through the trial of combat, a series of duels that your fathers fully intended to act without honor in. Each one hoping to claim the crown for themselves,” Lucas spat on the carpet in front of them, “You are all pathetic greedy leeches, take the mercy that was shown and start life anew. Or are so you greedy you cannot even fathom a simple life?”

           Zacharias, the eldest son of Astore stepped forward, “You insult my honor, I demand satisfaction.”

           Lucas laughed at him, “You aren’t nobility anymore, your father lost you that title. You don’t get to demand shit.”

           My father spoke then, “It is true, you have the same rank as commoners currently.” He sounded almost bored, “I am only bearing your company because my daughter, whom you have disrespected so many times that I am fighting a deep-seated rage to gut you, has requested your presence so she may apologize for killing your fathers.”

           “Fuck that faggot,” Zacharias snarled, “And fuck you, coward, refusing to stand for your family’s honor.” He snapped at Lucas.

           “What was that Zacharias?” I asked as I stepped out of the shadows of the doorway. Hawk following a few paces behind, “It seems you called me something other than your majesty, or princess. In fact, I think it might have been an insult even.”

           Zacharias paled, “Ah.”

           I cut him off, “I would like to remind you the only reason my father has not killed you yet is that you are the same as any of the rest of his people. He is the one who said none should be punished for simply speaking their mind of the crown or royalty in general,” I cocked my head at him, “It was the nobility who said their strength of honor would protect them and refused that protection in preference of the archaic traditions which led to a tragic loss of life. A loss of life I tried to prevent I will remind all of you. Your fathers chose to stand against me and wager their families, wealth, and land with the skill of their sword. And they lost.”

           The former heirs stood silently watching me.

           “Of course, you could demand satisfaction from me, I am not as a patient of my father and still a little stiff from my wounds, but I will face you. If you are that insistent on your nobility,” I sighed, “Though I would prefer there be no more bloodshed. Take the weregild, go forth and be prosperous through your own work, or leave the kingdom. I do not care. Understand there is a limit to my patience though.”

           “We could go join your enemies!” Zacharias yelled.

           “Yes go join the Viroi fanatics, let me know how that goes when they find out who you prefer in bed,” It was a low blow, but I was tired of letting this brat try to threaten me.

           He paled and his mouth shut with a clack.

           I sighed, “You are all dismissed, follow the laws of the land and you will be free to live your lives. I am sorry for killing your fathers, I am sorry that I had to spill blood, but the choice was theirs.”

           The gaggle of former nobles left grumbling. Except for Lucas who suddenly looked shy.

           “Thank you, Lucas, for being brave like that,” I said and extended my hand to him, “You have shown your true worth today.”

           He took it and shook it, “Thank you for mercy milady. I uh got to go do stuff.” Lucas then hurriedly left.

           My father smiled after him, “I think I might adopt that lad.”

           I looked at him in surprise, “Oh?”

           “He came here for the express purpose of providing a counterpoint to all of their claims. He regularly shut their claims down before I even had to open my mouth.” My father explained, “Plus I would not mind having a son.”

           I laughed happily, “I see.”

           Father made a wounded expression, “Look I would like to have someone to accompany me on hunts.”

           “Any excuse to get away from your duties,” I tsked in a teasing manner.

           “Speaking of, after the feast tonight you will need to go survey the nobility’s holdings, I have heard rumors of unsavory activities that I need you to verify. I trust you to act morally and ethically my daughter,” He got up and placed a hand on my shoulder, “I will stay here and oversee the redistribution of their wealth.”

           I nodded, “It would be my honor.”

           The day passed pretty uneventfully except for when the tailor showed up and beamed at me, “Milady, I have something wonderful for you.”

           I nodded from my place beside my father, “Go on.”

           She opened the box she had brought with her, in it was my mother’s dress, “I have managed to repair it with the help of a local mage.”

           I looked at it and to my father, “We have to compensate her.”

           My father nodded and was about to speak.

           The tailor interrupted us both, “My name is Amelia Xerstead, you have freed my family from being serfs under Astore. This and all my services are a gift to you Blade Princess I will accept no form of payment from the crown ever.”

           I slowly approached her and gently picked up the dress. The embroidery had changed distinctly. Along the sides where I had slashed it open for ease of movement were now silver swords on either side. The stars had spread higher up the dress and a blood-red ruby seated in the dress itself at my neckline.

           “Thank you, for saving this dress. It was my mother’s.” I practically whispered. There was no trace of the damage done to it except for new embroidery of stars and moons, not a trace of blood either.

“Thank you for giving my family and so many others a future beyond the dirt,” Amelia responded.

           The rest of the day passed uneventfully; I began thinking of making a place where all could come to learn. I knew some places had similar institutions, but we needed something like that here.

           The feast arrived and I wore the repaired dress this time the entire room of the commoners of the castle and families who were invited stood.

           “All hail the Blade Princess, champion of the people!” Lucas cried out from beside my father.

           The room erupted into cheers. I slowly realized that while death had far-reaching consequences, my mercy for the people had much more important consequences. I curtsied and blushed. I joined my father at the table and ate. Vro regaled us with tales from the crusade including his first meeting with his new mate.

           “So there she was in that hideous paladin armor, but every symbol of Viroi had scraped off of it, it was covered in smoke and gore. I demand to know why she is there. I think she is some kind of spy or saboteur, that the crusaders had figured out our plan. Instead, she tells me she is there to fight and die on our behalf.” Vro had a full belly laugh, “We did not believe her until she starts fighting her former allies like a demon. Slays them all. Then my spies reach me and tell me of a paladin gone made among the crusader’s ranks who slaughtered an entire camp. I put two and two together and decided to fight with her.” He pulled Rachel tight against him and kissed her neck, “Next thing I know she comes out shaved smooth and starts devouring Feri fruit like it’s the most delicious thing on the planet. I was already lusting after her having seen her fight she apparently had similar feelings so the rest is history.”

           My father was eating a Viri fruit, something I despised, in absolute enjoyment. I took a helping a Feri fruit myself.

           Rachel spoke then, “We do have something to ask you about King Daniel.”

           “It is just Daniel to my friends,” My father waved his hand, “Go on.”

           Rachel turned to Amara, “Amara this is your story to tell.”

           The emerald-eyed woman approached, “You are aware of the Kingdom across the mountains?”

            Father nodded, “Indeed.”

           “I come from there, the former prince there is like your daughter. She came out to her father and last I heard was being punished for it. I wished to see if there was any way we could get your assistance to save her.”

           My father winced, “Ah if you were fleeing there, I suppose you would not have heard. I did not know the full story as the order has completely broken down, just snippets.”

           Amara froze, “What do you mean?”

           “Hawk, I am no good at this, I cannot answer properly and will be corrected by him anyways,” My father looked miserable, “She was like my Xava?” his tone was sorrowful. I took his hand and squeezed it.

           Amara nodded, “As am I, a priest of Viroi caught me and sent me to the castle for judgment. She stood up for me, and then announced herself before a hostile group. She had her only knight escort me to safety. I tried to find out what happened and all I could find out before I fled the kingdom was that she was being punished for it until she repented.”

           Father’s shoulders slumped, “I knew King Portis had bought into that accursed belief system, but his own child?”

           “What happened?” Amara asked Hawk, “Please tell me.”

           Hawk swallowed hard, “The crown heir was found dead by their former bodyguard who carried them home to be buried. The queen took the body back to her homeland in the south, and the bodyguard exacted a bloody vengeance on everyone else. Last news out of the kingdom was that the nobles had become competing warlords and were waging war for territory.”

           Amara slumped, “She is dead?” Tears dripped down her cheeks, “She could have stayed quiet, I should have kept my mouth after she saved me.”

           My father stood up and went to her. He hugged her tightly, “Do not blame yourself, child, that woman was brave and knew what would happen. If only there were more like her in this world, if only she had parents who would have treasured her like she should have been.”

           Amara cried quietly in my father’s arms, after a short time she wiped her arms and my father returned to his seat, “Thank you, Daniel.”

           “You are welcome in my kingdom Amara, we can always use more healers here,” my father said, “You have a place here, I promise.”

           Amara looked like she was about to break down and cry again, “Thank you, thank you so much.”

           My father smiled warmly at her, “And if you need a family, well mine is a little ragtag, but I will always welcome another daughter.” He turned to Lucas with a smile, “Speaking of, if you want Lucas. I could use a son.”

           Lucas stared at him in shock as did Amara, “Are you serious?!”

           Vro answered for my father, “The man collects the gems others would throw away, it is why I fell for him so long ago.”

           It was my turn to stare in shock at my father as he colored slightly and coughed. Even Rachel was staring in shock.

           “Someone please explain?!” I yelped in shock.

           Vro chuckled, “Dani?”

           My father sighed, “It was back when I had barely entered manhood, I am actually the same age as Vro, the Orcali are just blessed with longer lives.”

           “You are dodging the question!” I almost snapped.

           My father looked up for a moment, “My father as you know had many different opinions and beliefs than I did. He sent me to go hunt Orcali to prove a point. I hunted bandits instead and ended up rescuing several Orcali children who pointed me in a different direction to another bandit camp. I escorted them to where I knew Orcali’s hunted and turned them over. I then went off for the other bandits. There I met Vro and we fought together to free the children,” He chuckled nervously, “That is the story I have told because the nobility posed such a resistance to the Orcali. I went back home and my father was furious because he had hired those bandits. We fought and he kicked me out of the castle. I went to the only other place I knew I would be welcome.”

           “To Vro,” my jaw hung slack in shock.

           Father nodded, “Indeed I did, I am actually a full-blooded member of his tribe. Towards the end we grew closer and closer until the inevitable happened,” He looked sad, “Then Hawk found me before he was Hawk and informed me my father had been assassinated and that the kingdom was falling apart at the seams.”

           “I told Dani to go back to his people, I saw the responsibility weighing on him. The knowledge that those he was now responsible for were suffering. I went with him as he slowly reclaimed his kingdom. We fought and your father collected allies from those who would not have them and formed an imposing military force. By the end your father had defeated the rebelling nobles and pacified the entire kingdom in two years,” Vro sounded thoughtful, “He now was king and I had to go back to my tribe, as much as we wanted to stay together, we could not. He had to fight through mountains of prejudice to even establish trade and it seemed events always seemed to keep us apart from that time on,” Vro said sadly.

           “Then you met my mom,” I filled in, “And I imagine she was not fond of sharing.” I pictured my blushing father trying to explain Vro to her.

           “Oh no, your mom knew about me and Vro when we were still able to be together,” Father corrected, “She was one of the ones who helped us fight and often encouraged me to go see him, but well back then the nobles were much more aggressive and just getting them to stop attacking the Orcali was a feat. I put down three separate rebellions from the nobles.”

           Vro chimed in then, “Meanwhile I was dealing with various tribal matters that kept me from visiting and working towards peace with Dani, not to mention incursions from Vlarn on a semi-regular basis.”

           I stared at the two men in shock. Suddenly their old friendship and the tenderness that was always present made so much more sense. How Vro would call my father Dani, a nickname no one else dared use, dozens of moments of tenderness they had stolen together despite the weight of their responsibilities over the years.

           Vro and my father exchanged a long look I had seen throughout the years. I wanted to laugh and mock everyone who said men who love men were weak. My father was the strongest man I had ever known. Living proof that simply was not true.

           I decide to speak up, because the two of them never would, “Hey Rachel?”

           Rachel shook her head and looked over to me, “Yes milady?”

           “Do you have any objection to the two of them?” I asked innocently.

           “Of course not,” a wicked smile crossed her face as she looked between them.

           I blanched, I could read her intent and wanted no part of that thought, “Hey Vro, Dad, you have both mine and Rachel’s blessing. The nobility is no more. There is peace in both of your lands, I know Vro’s tribe has new leaders.” I squeezed my father’s hand, “There is no reason the two of you should be apart anymore.”

           They both looked at me in shock and then at each other, then at Rachel, and then back to me.

           My father spoke first, “You know they do have a point-”

           He could not get another word out because Vro tackled him and kissed him passionately. Passionately enough that I looked away out of embarrassment. Cheering erupted throughout the dining hall.

           Vro paused and called to me, “Xava, you will be handling the feast from this point forward, your father and I have a lot of catching up to do.”

           I made a gagging sound but smiled as he practically carried my father out of the hall with Rachel following at his heels.

           I may be a virgin, but there was no doubting their activities. I looked to Amara and Lucas who seemed to be in just as much shock, “Welcome to the family.” I said and hugged my new sister and brother.




           The next day I set out with a small detachment of soldiers to inspect the noble’s lands, investigate any illicit activities, see to the needy, and pursue retribution if needed. The investigations went well and the people were overjoyed to see me. I had more food offered to me in villages and towns than I had at actual feasts. I followed my father’s advice and held elections for governors of each area. Each election in the noble’s territory took at least a week to put together, another week to get the voting supplies out, and a third week to see elections happen. All I did was remind them of the crown protection and laws of the land. None were to be oppressed, taxes still had to be paid, and they were still accountable to the people. A fourth week was spent investigating the noble’s holdings and making sure the proper reporting methods were in place. I hated how much the nobles had restricted the education of their people. The first territory we did this in was Astore. I honestly had not expected to find much. Astore had been an old-fashioned noble hopped up on respect, honor, and dignity. I had never been more wrong.

           A small contingent of his men was still in his castle. They refused us entry, but former servants told us of secret tunnels. A well-defended castle was the bane of an attacker’s existence. Secret tunnels were the bane of defenders. My men and I handily defeated the defenders. Though I was surprised when they fought with the last man. The dungeons beneath the official dungeons revealed why.

           I felt sick as I walked the secret dungeon. The servants had told us this was down here though they had never known why. It was I how I learned that Astore apparently was more despicable than I thought. I passed bodies that had been suspended and brutally tortured. Most were human, and some were Orcali. In each cell, the torture got worse. Almost all had a dead body. Some bore signs of a quick death from the guards, but the positioning of the bodies suggested they had suffered terribly before the end. I felt nauseous and guilty. I should have come sooner; I should have come here first instead of assuming there would only be embezzling. Midway through I retched and vomited on the floor. Bils was there to provide me a steady arm to help me up. I reached the cell at the end of the tunnel. It was dark here and it seemed like someone had been attacked here. Blood stained the stone walls and floors in the flickering torchlight.

           I looked in and saw what looked like a human-looking body in the deep shadows. Another victim I had been too late to save. I slammed my fist into the gate in frustration and sunk to my knees.

           I felt like an utter failure. The body shifted in the shadows. I sat up with my tear-stained face, “Send for the healer!” I drew my sword and without really thinking, I swung at the locked portion of the gate. My sword should have bounced off of it. After all, swords don’t just cut metal. In this case, though the sword sparked and cut the lock in half. I sheathed my sword and rushed in. I found it was a woman. I vaguely noticed the glint of gold on her cheeks and neck. I did not think of it. Fueled by adrenaline, I picked her up in my arms and carried her out. The sole survivor of this dungeon. I gently placed her down in the courtyard as the mage healers rushed to us. I took off my cloak and wet the edge of it and started trying to wipe the blood and filth off of her face. As I cleaned her face, I realized she was not human at all. The gold I had glimpsed in the dungeon was actually scales. Her hands ended in forcibly blunted talons and the scales ran over her entire body fading to the skin on her front and becoming fully scaled along her back. A reptilian tail hung limply behind her. Her temples had brutally shorn horns that looked like they had been hacked off. Her eyes cracked open and revealed amber-colored irises. Her voice was shaky and cracked.

           “Oh, the sun,” Her eyes glanced over to me, “And the moon.”

           I cradled the poor woman’s head as the healers worked on her various injuries. Bruises and broken bones, lashes from whips, burns, and what looked like the remains of where what looked wings had been cut from her back and cauterized. It took the healers hours of work till the sun was slipping behind the horizon again until she was stable enough to move. I insisted on riding in the wagon with her to care for her and to free up the healers. I saw she was placed comfortably in the wagon. Then I assembled my troops.

           I looked over my slightly bloodied troops, several had been injured in the attack, but none had been killed.

           “My people, you have fought honorably here and conducted yourself with dignity,” I looked to where Astore’s loyalists’ remains were being burned on a pyre. A fair distance away were rows of graves for the victims, each with a pile of stones marking their final location. I could see the inscriptions of the nameless victims. Words of poetry are unique to each one. I was filled with sad pride for my soldiers. They showed kindness to those poor people they never knew in life. All without me saying a word. I looked back to them, “We all know the horrors of what lays under this keep which is why we will burn it to the ground and send for as many priests as we can to give last rites to the restless souls so that they may find a peace they never knew in life.” I looked to the road and grit my teeth, “I foolishly believed I knew the extent of the nobility’s depravity and greed. I was wrong. I ask of you that we march as hard and fast as we can. I will be sending for reinforcements. The time for kindness to these remnants is passed. We will turn these keeps upside down and free any victims we can. I ask you to move quickly for me so we may yet save lives.”

           My soldiers roared in approval.

           I turned to my tired mages, “My mages, Albert, Victoria, and Xar, I have asked much of you this day, but I would ask one more thing if you are willing.”

           “Your word our command, majesty,” Xar said. His face was flushed with anger.

           I pointed to the keep, “I want that building burned to the fucking ground.”

           They bowed, “As you command.” The group of mages turned and began to chant in sync with each other. I could feel the energy building as they wove glowing symbols in the air. Suddenly balls of fire began to rain down on the keep with roars of fire every time they impacted. Victoria changed her chant and stomped. The walls of the keep shook and crumbled to dust as the fire continued to rain down from heaven. Soon only a smoldering pile of rubble was left.

           I spat in the direction of the razed building, “Thank you my mages,” They were all sweating and panting, but their faces were glowing with fierce satisfaction, “Rest well, I will need you before the end again.” I gave my horse to them for their use and climbed into the wagon. I trusted Bils to maintain a manageable pace. I had sent the more heavily wounded soldiers back to the capital to request reinforcements. What I had intended to be a mop-up campaign I imagined would become something more violent before the end.

           It was three days of marching before the scaled woman regained consciousness. I was bathing her face in cool water and gently pouring a medicinal mix into her fanged mouth. I would gently massage her throat to get her to swallow. Luckily her fever stayed low and the healers complimented my abilities in caring for her.

           Her amber eyes cracked open in the dimness of the supply wagon, she looked confused and exhausted, “Whe-where am I?” Her voice was strained.

           “You are safe, and on the road,” I rubbed my neck, a habit I had picked up from my father, “As to our exact location, I am not sure right now. I have been in the wagon with you so I have not been paying attention.”

           She coughed and tried to sit up, “You are a healer?”

           I held her shoulder and placed my rolled blanket under her so she could rest in a more upright position, “Not quite, though I have been picking up the skills from the healers who have been checking on you. My name is Xava.”

           She coughed and placed a hand on her side, “Never thought that bastard Astore would actually spring for a healer. Where are you taking me?”

           I took a deep breath and exhaled. I wished I could go back in time and make him suffer more, “Astore is dead, we are not affiliated with him.”

           The woman cocked a head at me, “You looked angry, why?”

           I tried to smile, but it came out as a grimace, “A grand failure on my part and a wish to go back and make him suffer more.”

           She was silent for a long moment, “You killed him?”

           I hesitated and then nodded, “I did, in single combat.”

           The woman gave a terrifying fanged smile, “Good.” Her eyes sagged closed and soon she was asleep.

           It was another two days before she regained consciousness in any meaningful way again. I was dozing against the wagon and slowly became aware of the gaze upon me. I yawned and rubbed my eyes, “Are you in pain? Do you need anything?” I asked in a sleepy voice.

           “I am not restrained in any way, I could kill you and escape,” She did not seem to be threatening me, just curious.

           “It would not be necessary,” I answered and looked out the back of the wagon. I waved to a couple of the soldiers who were patrolling. It was night time and judging from the landscape we were approaching Quolas’s lands. I felt dread gathering in the pit of my stomach. I remembered Lucas telling me that his father was not a good man. He had been often confined to the keep, but he told me of his suspicions. I looked back to the scaled woman and sat back down, “If you wanted to leave no one would stop you, I would just ask you to tell us so we can make sure you can be given supplies,” I sighed, “You are still healing though, so I would ask that you wait first. Understand though; that you are not a prisoner in any way. Just in our care.”

           She snorted and coughed, “You keep saying ‘our care,’ but you are the only one I have seen.”

           I shrugged, “I feel that your well-being and healing are at the very least my responsibility as it was a failure of mine that you were treated in the manner that you were.”

           She shook her head, “You don’t strike me as any kind of noble.”

           Before I could respond, Bils appeared at the back of the wagon, “Princess!” He said urgently, “An armed force is approaching us, they are flying the colors of Quolas.”

           At that moment I was filled with anger, “Fucking bastards, better fucking run.” I grabbed my sword belt and fastened it as I leaped out of the carriage. Dimly I was aware of stuttered confusion.

           “Fucking Prin-Princess?!”

           I stormed to the front of my forces and there in the front of the moonlight was an armed force easily twice the size of ours.

           “Mages can you give me a visual?” I asked as I saw a pair of figures riding down under a flag of truce. The air hardened and focused in front of me zooming so that I could see what looked like the Regent of Quolas, a cruel-looking woman. I snarled, “Bils, you are with me.”

           “Milady,” He gathered his shield and closed his helmet. 

           I snatched up a spear and shield to carry with me as I stormed down to the Regent and her guard. As we reached her, she glared down at me, “So this is the abomination that killed my lord.” Her voice grated on my nerves. It was the voice of someone who thought they were better than everyone else around her.

           I dug up her name from memory, “Ah Merida,” I said with utter contempt, “Have your men throw down your weapons and surrender to the judgment of the crown.”

           Merida blinked in surprise and dramatically looked back to her own forces and waved. Calvary appeared in a gap of her formation directly where they could charge and overwhelm Bils and me, “You are in a rather pitiful position Prince. Yield and run back to your castle and I won’t send your head back to your father.”

           I spat on the ground, “So you reject my offer?”

           Her eyes narrowed, “Your authority ends at the capital’s gates little faggot, go back home with your life.”

           “The blood this day will be on you,” I said.

           She made a chopping gesture and her calvary thundered forward. We had mere seconds before they were upon us, “Yield and I might keep you alive to entertain my men.” Her smile was wicked and cruel.

           I relished her shocked gasp when my thrown spear took her in the chest. She slumped off her horse and I readied my shield, “NOW!” Glowing small walls of force sprung up in the calvary’s path. They would not be any protection, but they would stop the horses. The charge could not stop so the entire line of calvary collapsed in a horrid sound of screams of dying horses, the crunch of bones being smashed, and the cries of dying crushed men. Moments later fire rained down from the heavens on the bloody mess of men and horses. Then the fire began walking back to the arrayed lines of men. They screamed as my men joined me on the field and we began a steady advance to their broken lines. Fifteen minutes later the battle was over and the survivors had thrown down their weapons.

           I was covered in blood and my side burned from where a spear had glanced off my shield and left a long, deep cut. I used cloth cut from the bitch’s dress to clean my gleaming black word. I was currently using a pile of corpses as a seat. The highest-ranking survivor stumbled after Bils shoved him in my direction. He fell to his knees.

           “Name and rank,” I said emotionlessly. Rage still burned in my heart, and I had horrible suspicions of what would be at the keep. Astore could not have acted alone.

           The man swallowed nervously, “C-Captain Vens,” He managed.

           “Not a captain anymore Vens, you are my prisoner,” I sheathed my sword and stood over him, “Tell me what I am going to find in that keep Vens.”

           He would not look at me, “Ah, well, you see.”

           “Stop,” I commanded, “It seems like you are about to lie to me Vens.” I gestured to the maybe forty men that were left of the original hundred and fifty that Merida had fielded against me, “I did this with fifty men, I personally killed your noble, your regent, and a fair number of your fellows. I am very angry still from what I found at Astore’s keep. Right now, the barest shred of decency is keeping me from simply killing all of you and calling that mercy.” I knelt in front of him and forced his terrified gaze to meet mine, “If I so much as think you have lied to me, I will gut you and bring the next prisoner, I will repeat this until I think I have the truth,” I let go of his chin and stood to look down on him, “Now Vens, what will I find?”

           His story made my blood boil. Apparently, Quolas ran a slave ring for all of the nobles to all of their tastes to varying degrees. Sometimes there were just servants after they were sold, others were used as toys for the various depravities of others. He even told me how Zasto loved to use them to hunt and use them for weapons practice. It had been kept quiet by only taking people from the northern lands beyond the winter straight. The sites were kept away from villagers so they could not tell on the nobles. Witnesses were enslaved and disappeared. Vens confirmed that he was one of the slave catchers as was the rest of the men. Merida had recalled them to fight us. There was a cavern under Quolas’s estate that was used as a slave pen. I almost struck him down there.

           “Vens you and the rest of your fellows will face judgment from your victims and others in front of the crown. If any of you give me any, and I do mean any reason, you will be killed. Spread the word, or don’t. Your lives are worth less than dirt to me.” My words were close to a bestial snarl and I strode back to our lines. I thanked my men and congratulated them on their work as I walked. They were gathering the bodies for a mass pyre. Slavers deserved no recognition in death. I thanked my exhausted mages as they sat and ate. Part of me wanted to desperately push on. Our casualties had been non-fatal thanks to the terror the mages had sown. Most of what we had done was break their lines and fight those who did not surrender. Even still almost all of us were wounded and exhausted. We needed rest even though I wanted to immediately push on. “Bils,” I called out. 

           He appeared walking towards me from a bed of a wounded soldier, “Majesty.”

           I took a deep breath, “We will secure the prisoners and rest for a few days before pressing on. As much as I want to charge ahead, our people need rest. Spread the word of the report and break out the good rations.”

           Bils nodded, “Understood ma’am,” He hesitated, “Know the rest of us to share your urgency and wish to move forward as well.”

           I thought for a moment, “Gather all the gold we have of those willing to donate,” I pulled my pouch and handed it to him, “Summon all the fastest scouts and go to the surrounding farms and villages, buy any horses you can find for a fair price. We will rest till you return if you can gather a wagon for those who don’t know or cannot ride.”

           Bils bowed, “Yes your highness, your will be done,” He met my gaze, “We want these bastards as well.” He sprinted off, yelling for various people.

           I fought the urge to scream at the sky in frustration and went back to the wagon. I had my supplies placed there from my horse and I could use some of the herbs to bind my wound. 

           I climbed into the wagon and gathered some of my supplies to wash off in the nearby stream. The scaled woman was awake and sitting up.

           “You’re a princess?” Her tone was a mixture of suspicion and curiosity.

           I nodded, “Apologies,” I realized I did not know her name. She had never offered it, “Listen, I know you have questions,” I picked up some spare clothes and some bandages, “But I need to go wash and tend to my wounds. When I get back, I will do my best to answer your questions.”

           She stood, “I will just come with you.”

           “You need your rest,” I shot back.

You are reading story Of Swords and Dragons at novel35.com

                        She rolled her amber eyes, “I heal faster than you and this is the best treatment I have received in a long time.”

           I sighed, “I won’t stop you, but please give me a little privacy.” I stepped out of the wagon and she followed me.

           “Very well.”

           We walked in silence to the nearby river. I was grateful it was slow flowing and fairly deep. True to her word, the scaled woman turned her back to me as I disrobed and slipped into the water. I hissed as the water hit my injury but then relaxed in the cool water as the filth and grime washed from me. I picked up the bar of soap I had taken from my pack and began to wash. I looked up to the woman and stared in shock as she disrobed and unwrapped her bandages. She was a stunning beauty. Her scales glittered in the fading light, contrasting with her tanned skin.

           “You are staring awful hard princess,” She commented dryly

           I immediately looked away, “Sorry, I, uh, I, uh, did not know you were doing that.”

           She laughed with a sound like a low rumble, “You act as if you’ve never seen a woman before.”

           I made busy scrubbing myself, “I, ah, have not had time for such things.”

           She chuckled again, “May I see the soap?”

           I nodded and handed the soap without looking in her direction, we bathed together in companionable silence before she spoke again.

           “You have not asked my name, why?” The scaled woman asked softly.

           “Your name is your own business, I figured you would have told me if you wanted to know,” I felt my shoulders slump, “Heavens know you have suffered enough.”

           The silence filled the space between us again.

           “It’s Corina,” she said softly.

           “It is nice to meet you, Corina,” I responded and risked a glance at her. She was standing at the same level of depth so all I saw was her face and neck. The knowledge she was naked under the water still had me blushing.

           Corina laughed again with that rumbling laugh, almost like coins rustling together, “So, you’re a princess, huh?”

           I nodded and did an underwater curtsy, “Princess Xava, heir to the Wulven Throne of the Kingdom of Volk.”

           “And you fight and fight well,” Corina gave me an odd look, “Astore for all of his bluster was a coward.”

           I shrugged, “When we fought he could not run away, he thought to kill me and claim my title.”

           “And you won?” She asked.

           I sighed and nodded, “It was a long day.”

           “I watched your battle, you fight with a fierceness and grace that is admirable,” Corina commented, “The mages called you the Princess of Blades, why?”

           I looked away shyly, “The nobles challenged me one after another, I beat them all,” I shrugged, “It was coined that day by Bils actually. It was his sword I used.”

           “A princess who is enraged by injustices to her people, that fights like she was possessed, who does not brag on her achievements, and is so painfully shy that it is adorable,” Corina shook her head in disbelief, “I would think I was hearing a storybook tale if I had not seen it.”

           I blushed at her term of adorable for me then an overwhelming sadness filled me, “I still failed you Corina and gods only know how many others. If my father and I had been more observant, more proactive we may have prevented the horrors you endured.” I looked to the starry sky overhead, “I want to keep marching, I want to storm every keep and free everyone that I can, I want to render judgment on those who would do such terrible things. But I have to pace myself, wait, move slowly, or we will lose everything.”

           I heard a swish of water near me and looked down to see Corina standing closer than she had been before.

           I gulped, “Ah, yes?”

           “Why did that woman call you an abomination, those other horrible things, and prince of all things?” Corina asked as if she was looking at me for some flaw, “Are you possessed by a demon?”

           I giggled nervously, “Ah, no.” I was silent for a moment, but it was not like it was some kind of secret. The entire kingdom knew, “I was born a boy and up until over a month ago I had been presenting as one.”

           “But you are a girl,” Corina’s amber eyes were practically glowing, “Why would you ever pretend otherwise?”

           I blinked in surprise, “Because I was born a boy, I thought I had to be a boy?” My tone took on a questioning inflection. Corina was just so emphatic I was a girl that it caught me completely off guard.

           “Every year you pretended to be something other than what you are, you lied to yourself. I am glad you finally found the peace to be true to who you truly are,” Corina nodded in finality, “Now get dried off and dressed, then I will bind your wound.”

           “I can do it myself,” I said defensively.

           “Never said you couldn’t,” Corina said climbing out of the water and shaking water droplets from her tail which emerged above a well-toned ass, “You have taken care of me, I want to return the favor,” she smirked at me, “You are staring again princess.”

           I may have protested more, but her comment made me blush furiously. I followed her instructions. It is how I found myself holding my shirt up as she applied a slave that I had applied so much to her injuries over the last week. Her touch was gentle and she deftly bandaged me.

           “You really should wear armor when you go into a battle princess,” Corina said while resting her hand above my injury.

           I lowered my shirt and she removed her hand, “It was just a scratch. I could not wait.”

           “You could have, and you should have,” Corina said, “If you fall, your soldiers will lose heart.”

           I sat there in front of her in silence for a long moment. Corina had a point, “You are awfully wise Corina.”

           She snorted and I felt hot air on my neck. There was a rustle as she stood, “I was not always a sex toy and punching bag for assholes.”

           “I am so sorry Corina, I wish,” I clenched my fists, “I wish I could fix it.”

           She turned to me with her glowing amber eyes, “It was not your fault Xava, you rescued me, healed me, cared for me, offered me freedom, and you killed all of the ones who abused me. I don’t know if the nightmares will ever stop,” She smiled at me gently, “But I do sleep easier knowing you are nearby.”

           We walked together back to the wagon together. Inside she settled onto the cot and I rebound her wounds. True to her word they were healing faster, but they still looked painful.

           “For someone so vicious in battle, you have a very gentle touch,” Corina commented.

           I blushed again. I had never been flustered like this before by anyone, not even courtesans had managed it, “I, uh, I only learned the martial skills at my father’s insistence. He said the world was full of enemies who would seek to attack us especially since we were challenging the state of what many consider normal.”

           “What do you prefer to do then?” Corina asked as she hunched her back so I could tend to the nubs where she may have had wings. I gently dabbed ointment on the still-healing skin, thankfully the bone was no longer visible.

           “Dancing, drawing, some sewing,” I answered and wrapped the injuries.

           “You have to show me your dancing skill sometime,” Corina said as she pulled her shirt back down.

           I smiled, “Maybe you will come to a ball sometime.”

           “Mmm maybe,” Corina said noncommittally.

           I felt my heart drop a little, “May I ask an invasive question?”

           “More invasive than staring at my naked form Princess?” Corina said with a wink, “But yes.”

           I felt my cheeks heat up again, I did my best to not dwell on those pleasant memories, “What race are you? I have learned much about other races in my education. I can’t place you though?”

           Her eyes narrowed slightly, “Why would you learn such things?”

           “My father wanted me to be able to be respectful of all cultures and customs which may come to our lands. Plus, his boyfriend is Orcali so there’s that,” I chuckled remembering how awkward my father had acted the morning after his and Vro’s reunion. In my opinion, they had been adorable.

           Her face relaxed, “Interesting, well I am what is known as Dragonkin. Supposedly we are descended from dragons, and very rare. I never met my parents and was born from an egg. We have many draconic traits and well Astore and his men took offense to some. Though I did manage to take some blood and flesh in return.”

           I felt tears gather in my eyes at her jagged horns, mutilated nubs, and how her claws seemed like they had been hacked at, “Gods, Corina, I am so sorry.” My head slipped down as I felt the weight of my failure, “If only I had moved quicker.”

           “Don’t beat yourself up princess, you are doing good things. You cannot right all the wrongs in the world, it does give me the heart to see someone like you with a pure heart.” Corina laid down on the cot set up for her and pulled the blanket up.

           I smiled at her kind words and made a pillow from my blanket and used it to cushion my head against the side of the wagon as I leaned against it. My exhaustion pulled at me and I started slipping towards a light doze.

           “Princess?” Corina’s voice echoed at me.

           I blinked, “Yes, hmm, need something?”

           She shook her head, “I know you won’t switch with me, but come here and actually lay down. You will be of no use to your people if you fall over from exhaustion.”

           I shook my head, “I could never do that and infringe on your honor.

           Corina laughed bitterly, “I don’t have any honor left after that dungeon. Now get your regal ass over here and lay down so you can actually sleep,” Her voice had a note of command to it.

           “You-” I started another protest.

           “You can come here and lie down with me in a dignified manner, or I can get up and make you lie down. You need sleep and to recover especially after a week after trying to sleep propped up.” Corina sat up and made it clear she would make me.

           I huffed slightly but listened to her. The cot was narrow and there was no way to fit without touching. We both lay on our sides with Corina molded against my back. I had never been the tallest person, but Corina was still slightly taller. I tried to scoot to the edge and give her space. In return, Corina wrapped an arm around me and pulled me right next to her.

           “You are soft and warm, don’t you dare go anywhere,” She breathed in my ear as I felt her breasts pressing into my back.

           My entire body ignited into the warmth and I was very grateful I was covered with the thin blanket and my front was pointed away from her. Despite all of this, my exhausted body simply gave into the warmth and comfort of the embrace and I just completely slipped into sleep.

           I woke once to a soft growl from behind me, but Corina shushed me and had me lay back down. I obeyed and fell back asleep.

           I blinked awake and became aware of Corina still pressed against me. The noise outside the wagon signaled that the camp was in full swing of the activities of the day.

           I went to sit up and spring up. I had overslept. I always made it a point to ready the camp with my soldiers, to share the workload with them.

           Corina immediately pulled me back down, “Where do you think you are going, Princess?”

           “I overslept; I need to go help with the camp!” I said and once again tried to sit up.

           “Do you make your wounded soldiers help?” Corina said once again pulling me back against her.

           “Well, no, but I am the leader!” I protested and wriggled in her grasp.

           “You are doing nothing, but resting today. Your soldiers are well trained and can take care of themselves.” Corina said while easily pinning me in place. Her tail showed surprising dexterity and bound my thighs together tightly and her arm held me firmly against her.

           I could literally only squirm in her grasp, “Corina! I have responsibilities!”

           “Not today you don’t princess,” Corina growled in my ear and sent a shiver running through my body that was not related to fear.

           The Xar appeared in the opening of the wagon, “Hey! I brought that stew you asked for.” They said as they climbed in, “Good morning your majesty.”

           “Thank you, Magus Xar,” Corina said in a dignified tone, “Could you please inform Princess Xava she is not needed today?”

           Xar chuckled and bowed, “Princess Xava, the camp is running well. The people are fed, the prisoners accounted for, and the horses are accounted for. Your presence is not needed and it is unanimous that you should rest today.”

           “You betray me too?” I asked with an exasperated sigh.

           Xar just chuckled, “Princess, you have sweated and bled with us every step of the way. You used yourself as bait in the last battle for crying out loud. Fuck, you almost died. We prefer you alive and well rather than exhausted. Just listen to your handmaiden.” Xar then left the wagon.

           I sighed.

           “If I let you up to eat, will you behave yourself?” Corina asked almost playfully now that her point had been made.

           “Fine,” I agreed reluctantly.

           She relaxed her grip on me and I sat up and took the bowl of stew. It was hot and delicious. I happily devoured every bite.

           “What does a handmaiden do?” Corina asked conversationally.

           I shrugged, “Typically is someone who assists someone with dressing, day-to-day tasks, keeps them on track. Kind of like a butler.”

           “Do you have a handmaiden? She yawned and showed impressive fangs.

           I shook my head, “No, haven’t had time to really look for one and this kind of stuff I am doing is not for the typical handmaiden.”

           Corina was silent for a long moment, “I think I would like to be your handmaiden.”

           I turned in surprise, “Uh what?”

           Corina smiled at me from where she was propped up against the wagon, her expression grew distant, “Xava, I have not had faith in anything for a long time. I never knew my parents, the village that raised me was destroyed by bandits, I lived on the road for a long time, and I was captured by slavers, tortured, and mutilated. I lost my faith in all of that. There were no gods, no mercy, no kindness in this world. I had given up on life and took only a small comfort that I may have killed at least a few of my abusers.” She sighed, “Then along comes a princess, a princess who carried me out of the dark into the sun. A princess who sacrificed her own comfort to tend to me every day. The same princess whose people leap to follow her orders for she leads by example instead of iron rule. I princess I have seen push a wagon out of the mud, clean up after the animals, and finally, lead her soldiers into battle. Who possesses a kind and shy heart.” Corina smiled at me and patted my hand, “I don’t have anything left in this world, but I would like to see what you do next and stand at your side while you do it. Would you take me as your handmaiden?”

           I looked in shock at her for a long moment, I had never thought about what my actions would look like from the outside. I found myself lost for words, “I-uh- I am just doing- uh what needs to be done.”

           “Keep telling yourself that princess. What do you say, think you can handle having a scarred and mutilated dragonkin at your side?” Corina asked with a sad smile.

           I took her hand, “I would be honored to have you at my side Corina, though we need to talk about you keeping me from my responsibilities.”

           Corina smiled fiercely, “Nowhere in the job description did it say I had to listen to you.”

           “I am the Crown Princess!” I declared in shock.

           “And I am your handmaiden, my job is to literally look after you. Now come back here and lie down.” Corina instructed.

           I tried to protest, but she just picked me up and put me back in bed, once again wrapping herself around me in a way that I could only squirm.

           Over the next few days, her care for me became a running joke among my soldiers. I would go around trying to do too much and Corina would swoop in out of nowhere to make me take a break. I had not realized how bad it had gotten until I was in conversation with Bils once he got back.

           “Ok, so most of everyone can ride a horse then, I will help train the others with you so our entire force will be mobile. This gives the others more time to rest. Last communication put our reinforcements a day behind us so we can also turn the prisoners over to them. I will oversee the interrogations to make sure we have not missed any information,” I began thinking of all the things I needed to do, I had to meet the quartermasters and make sure the wagons had enough to feed our horses.

           Bils looked at me, “Milady, there is no need, we can take care of this.”

           I shook my head, “You have already done enough Bils, I need to carry my weight.”

           “Your highness, really, everything is well in hand. You can rest in preparation for the coming campaign,” Bils insisted, “You have not been eating properly.”

           “The men eat first,” I said offhandedly. My stomach growled, I did need to get a cracker at some point.

           “Corina!” Bils called out suddenly.

           “John!” I yelped, “What are you doing?”

           “Getting the only person who can make you rest,” Bils said while rubbing his nose.

           Corina appeared, “She over her head again?” Corina prowled towards me.

           “No!” I exclaimed.

           “Yes, she is trying to do everything again,” Bils said at the same time.

           Corina curtsied in some riding leathers I had tailored to fit her, “Princess, you can walk out of this tent back to the wagon, or I will carry you out.”

           I glared at Bils and Corina, “This is high treason, you know this right?”

           Bils waved his hand, it was not the first time I had made this threat, “Yeah, yeah, as soon as we get back, your father will dismiss it and give me a medal for keeping you from overworking yourself. Corina will be given even more authority and Vro will laugh his head off,” He smiled cockily at me, “Now listen to your handmaiden and go take a break.”

           I huffed and tried to walk out of the tent with dignity. The smiles of my men and women around me told me they all knew what had happened. Especially with Corina following behind me. I reached the wagon and fell back onto the cot I shared with Corina. Corina just sat beside me.

           “Was that really so bad?” Corina asked as she pushed me to lay down.

           I resisted at first, but the cot seemed to be magnetic and I collapsed with a yawn, “There is so much to do and I can help.”

           “Your help is not needed princess; your people need you rested and ready to lead them. You have their loyalty and respect already.” Corina stretched out behind me.

           Despite myself, I snuggled back into her. She was warm and comfortable. I could not imagine sleeping alone again.

           “It is going to get bad Corina; they are going to fight back.” I muttered, “I don’t want our people to die.”

           “We all believe in you Xava, don’t worry. You will lead us to victory.”

           I drifted off to sleep. That day and night would be the last times I got good rest for the next few months.

           My reinforcements arrived and as I requested, they were mobile and lightly armored. Everyone that could be mounted, was. The prisoners were sent back to the capital and we set off at a blistering pace.

           I rode up and down the column, urging my soldiers on. It was unneeded they knew our task and they were motivated. Even the newcomers listened without question. We reached Quolas’s keep and I had the mages, who luckily had some help now from five other mages, to just knock the front wall down. The few remaining defenders tried to fight, but we shattered their defenses in a heartbeat. True to the information we had gotten, the caverns were filled with caged slaves. I sent the slaves and prisoners back to the capital with an escort detachment. I greeted the towns and villages, explained the circumstances, and pushed on. Only after I had the mages collapse the keep into that cavern. I would not suffer those structures to survive.

           Our pace was astounding, I rotated the soldiers and horses through the wagons so we could maintain our pace longer. In days we covered the distance that would take almost two weeks. The defenders at Zasto’s keep never saw us coming. Once again, we freed slaves, took prisoners, and sent them on. My leathers had taken on what seemed to be a permanent bloodstain on them from the blood I spilled. I was at the forefront of every attack. I was the one shattering cages. My men were flagging, but we had to keep going.

           I slowed the pace and took more breaks on the way to the fourth keep. It once belonged to Count Yulov. I felt relieved that the only slaves here were the servant variety with no evidence of bloodsport or torture. I still had the building razed and the slaves freed and sent back to the capital. We rested here. Corina forced me to and I slept for almost the entire two days.

           The next keep put up a token fight before yielding, once again just servant slaves. The last keep fought the hardest out of all of them. There were no secret tunnels into Fort Dread, the former holding of Duke Marlow. They also had wards on the walls that kept my mages from just collapsing them. Day after day we fought and maneuvered to break the defense. In the end, it was Bils brilliance that aided us. His scouting revealed a drainage pipe that had rusted bars that could be pried off. I led the way through the stinking sewage tunnels. Covered with filth we erupted from the drainage ditch and fought our way through the very surprised defenders. The demoralized and terrified defenders yielded to us. They threw down their swords and the keep was ours. I quickly found this had been the launching point for their slave raids. It fed directly into the winter channel and had a cave dock where they launched their raiding parties from. I once again freed the slaves from the caves below. It was done, I was sure to mop up operations for this accursed slave ring would take time. There were no more funding from the nobility, no more noble protections.

           I dove into the winter channel by myself to wash the filth from me it was freezing cold and I was thankful for it. I was feeling better thanks to a quick swim when I saw Corina calling me back to shore. In camps, she was glued to my side and I found myself grateful for her interventions. I hauled myself out of the water, “Yes, Corina?”

           “Bils needs you, we have guests.” Corina looked serious.

           I immediately followed her to where Bils stood in front of what were two large-looking creatures. I suddenly realized they were minotaurs. An almost mythical race from the north. I also realized they were pissed.

           “Listen here human!” The largest one who was even large than Vro roared at Bils who due to his credit did not balk, “You have taken our young and we demand them back or there will be consequences! You thought to sneak back to your holes, but like all slime, you leave a trail.” The other two minotaurs snorted and gripped axes, “This is your one chance.”

           Bils looked agitated but controlled himself, “Lords, I ask that-”

           The large one swung his ax at Bils.

           I was barely aware of myself moving. My sword swung out and somehow cut the head of the ax off. I shoved Bils back and lowered my blade as the surprised minotaurs readied themselves.

           I took the blade which I had not had a chance to clean yet and knelt. I gently laid the bloody blade at their feet, “I apologize for my tardiness,” I did not look up at them, I knew this would be considered a challenge in their culture, “I am Princess Xava, leader of the soldiers you see before you. I am happy to speak to you to see that your young are returned to you. I just beg your patience so I may plead my case, People of the Mountains.” It was the honorific they used for themselves. It was not an insult to call them minotaurs, but it was definitely more polite. I kept my head bowed and my hands on my thighs palms up to show they were empty.

           The leader exhaled heavily and crouched to inspect my sword. Under their culture, I knew they could claim the blade. It would be a sore loss, but much better than losing lives.

           “One known as Xava, your sword is covered in blood and you smell of battle and water. Also filth.”

           “We have just taken this keep less than a few hours ago. In order to do so, I led my people through sewage to take it. I had been swimming in the water to cleanse myself when you arrived.”

           “Your people are cleaner than you,” It was a statement.

           “I always take care of myself last when they will allow it, there was much to be done following the battle,” I answered. I remembered the last short and brutal fight in the caves.

           There was a long pause and they rumbled to each other in their language.

           “One known as Xava, you have honored us unlike many of your kind. We will hear you out.” The leader grunted.

           I slowly stood and left my sword where it was, “Thank you for your consideration, please join us at our fire. I beg your patience as my people and I do not know your ways.”

           The leader huffed again, “For someone that does not know, you do know a lot.”

           “All I know is what I have read in books and tales of your noble people,” I made sure to avoid eye contact still, that was reserved for equals and they very much did not see anyone as equals currently.

           “What do your stories say then?” He growled.

           “Some minor information of basic respect, that you are a proud and reclusive people that prefer to be left alone,” It was a general summary leaving out unflattering opinions from rather racist texts.

           There was a long pause, “I feel you are not telling the whole truth.”

           “I would rather not repeat the words of fools who know not of what they speak,” I responded, “Some who penned these works made what I believe to be false claims, simply because of their disrespectfulness.”

           Another pause, “Very well. Take us to your fire.”

           I nodded and turned from them. Bils was looking at me oddly, “Bils, please inform all men to stay clear for now from the fires. I will handle this any who joins us should follow my lead.”

           “Majesty-” Bils started.

           “Bils, I simply ask that you trust me, Corina will be with me,” I interrupted.

           Bils bowed, “It shall be done milady.” He left and began quickly giving instructions.

           By the time I reached the fire, it was mostly quiet except for some soldiers watching from a distance.

           “Your people are very protective of you,” The lead minotaur commented.

           “Indeed, I am lucky to have them,” I answered as I sat at the fire. I was glad for the warmth as it made the chill of the water fade.

           The group of them were silent and I let them be silent, I would let them take lead in this conversation though staring at their chests was getting old.

           “You have a high rank with your people,” The leader said contemplatively.

           “I do, I am the crown heir to this kingdom,” I answered. I never believed in lying.

           “Why is the heir all the way out here?” Their tone was even, neither confrontational nor accusatory.

           “How much do you know of our lands?” I matched their tone.

           “There is a king, there is an heir, and there are those known as nobles,” Was the response.

           “Indeed, the nobles of these lands are all dead due to their own foolishness, I was sent to ensure the transition of power into the people’s hands. During this time, I found out about atrocities that were occurring under our noses. The army you see before you have been used for this purpose. It is still evil and cruelty to root out, at my orders, we have freed all we encountered, laid to rest those who were slain, and destroyed every noble keep so it may never be used for that purpose again,” I kept my tone even and neutral.

           “Do you have proof of this?” They asked, there was heat to their voice.

           I could almost feel Corina about to leap up, “Corina, they have a right to ask.”

           I felt the heat at my back fade, “Yes milady.”

           “If you would be willing to follow me,” I stood and led the way to the encampment where the freed slaves were. There were fires everywhere, my mages were running back and forth healing everyone they could.

           “Before you are those freed from this keep, the others have been sent to the capital to be cared for and housed until we can provide them with passage back to their lands,” I explained.

           At my voice, the camp fell into a hush of quiet whispers.

           I wanted to swear, it made me seem like some villain with that reaction.

           A small child approached me, “Excuse me, Blade Princess?” Her voice was quiet and shy.

           I knew I should devote all of my attention to the minotaurs, but if they got mad at me for speaking to a child, well I could yell too. “Yes, my dear? Janice, right?”

           She nodded and extended a pair of crossed sticks with colored thread woven through it in the colors of the kingdom. Red and grey.

           “Is that for me?” I asked with a smile.

           She nodded with a smile.

           “I love it thank you,” I took the little thing and with a bit of fiddling attached it to my shirt.

           She made a noise of excitement and ran back to the older woman who had been caring for her.

           I stood and just then one of the minotaurs rumbled loudly at me.

           I knew it wasn’t the leader and I turned just in time to catch a furry fist to my face. I was used to taking hits, but damn it was like a club hit me. I dropped like a rock and suddenly Corina was standing over me with her claws spread.

           Worse the entire camp erupted. Soldiers rushed to my aid as did the entire camp of rescued slaves wielding everything from daggers to pieces of firewood.

           An Orcali woman wielding a tree branch rumbled ominously, “Touch her again cow and I will rip you to shreds.”

           “Leave our Princess alone,” Another man wielding a frying pan snarled at her side.

           I staggered to my feet and shook my head trying to clear my vision, “It is ok everyone, stand down!” I called out, “I am fine.” I most certainly was not fine. I wanted to puke and the world would not stop swimming. I leaned on Corina.

           The leader of minotaurs struck the one who had struck me in the chest and I heard the crack of bone as the other let loose a gasp of air. The leader followed up with an uppercut that knocked him clean out. The leader rumbled at the third who picked up the now unconscious aggressor and carried him from camp.

           I fell to my knees as I fought to stay upright, “Do not harm them,” I started off yelling but trailed into a murmur, “Don’t hurt them, they suffered enough.” The world started going black, “Bils!” I grabbed Corina and hauled myself up using her arm.

           “Yes majesty,” I heard rage in his voice.

           “Do not harm the minotaurs, no matter what,” I ground out.

           “Princess-” He protested.

           “Swear to me!” I hissed weakly.

           “Yes, Xava. They will not be harmed,” Bils sounded pained.

           “Good,” The world went sideways and I was vaguely aware of my body hitting the ground.

           I heard yelling and was vaguely aware of being carried somewhere. My head just hurt so bad. When the world went dark again, I was grateful.


I woke up in the wagon in a pile of blankets. Corina had her head on the bed. I groaned and started to sit up. My entire body hurt; my head felt like a splitting headache.

           Corina raised her head and glared at me, “Lay the fuck back down.”

           I nodded and slumped back, “My head hurts.” It felt like a piece of bark was being dragged through my throat.

           “Drink this,” Corina cradled my head and poured a thick liquid down my throat. It was sweet and burned slightly. Something fermented. It did not taste too bad. I drank without complaint.

           Minutes later my body felt light and my head hurt less. “What happened?” I managed to ask.

           Corina stroked my hair, “The blow from that minotaur cracked your skull and made your brain swell. If it was not for the mages you would have died.”

           “Fuck,” I closed my eyes, “Is anyone dead?”

           “No, Bils maintained order and escorted the minotaur leader from the camp and basically told him that if you died he would come hunting him,” Corina held my hand, “You were the only one hurt.”

           “Where did all of these blankets come from?” I muttered, “We should only have one, the civilians need these.”

           “You never stop, do you?” Corina said softly, “They were given to you. Even with the healing, no one was sure if you would make it.”

           I coughed, “What?”

           “You almost died Xava,” there was a tightness in Corina’s voice, “You have been between life and death for almost a full week,”

           I felt concerned well in my chest, “Is-”

           “You do not get to worry, drink,” She poured more of the liquid into my mouth and I swallowed. Time passed and my worries slowly drifted away with the pain.

           Corina leaned out of the tent and yelled something, I heard cheers erupt from outside. I smiled; I was glad my people were happy. I drifted off to an easy sleep.

For the next few days, I was like a newborn as I slowly regained use of my body. Corina fed me until my brain remembered how my arms worked and the fermented milk that the minotaurs had sent did wonder. Corina made sure to clarify that it was a mountain goat’s milk, not theirs. That had sent me into a giggling fit that had Corina shaking her head.

Another three days and I could walk again with the use of a cane and Corina. I insisted on at least seeing people and she agreed. I could finally function without the pain relief from the milk.

I hobbled around and people came up and expressed how happy they were to see me. Bils looked absolutely relieved and looked like he wanted to hug me. I gestured at him and he gave me a bear hug.

“Gods woman, I thought you were going to die, never fucking order me not to attack someone who harms you again,” he snarled.

I patted his back and he let me go, “John, they had their children taken from them and they are angry. Rightfully so.”

“They shouldn’t have-” Bils started.

“And that’s why their leader caved in the other's chest. I am alive just slow,” Bils sighed and nodded, “Yes milady, thank the gods. Fuck.” He looked to a trail of smoke in the sky a distance away, “The minotaur leader wants to see you when you are ready.”

I looked to Corina, “Am I allowed? I would like to. There are bridges to be mended and children to be saved.”

Corina hesitated then nodded.

Bils went to fetch the leader, I found a nice fire by the wagon and sat on the chair that had been brought for me. I ended up leaning against Corina and dozing while we waited.

I was awoken by a short cough, I looked up and saw Bils there with the minotaur leader. I met his bovine green eyes and nodded. I knew I was violating something but did not remember what at the moment.

“Apologies if I accidentally offend,” My voice was sleepy, “I have not fully recovered yet and sometimes my wits aren’t quite all there.”

“My name is Toves,” The minotaur rumbled, “I owe you that and much more for the injury you suffered.”

I waved my hand, “Your children are missing, I understand the rage”

Toves looked at the ground and seemed miserable, “Aye they were until your man came and showed me that they were already sage in the capital. They arrived yesterday by way of something called a relay carriage and have been seen back to the mountains. All telling tales of the woman with the black sword who shattered their cages.”

I nodded, “I am glad they are safe; all is well then.”

Toves looked confused, “My man almost kills you and you demand nothing?” The weight of your injury is heavy on my shoulders.”

I coughed and my head throbbed, “The children are safe and reunited with their parents, the slavers have been dealt with.”

“You are hobbling on a cane and can barely stand!” Toves looked at me in something approaching shock, “Your shamans told me you may never wield your sword again!”

“If my only deed with a sword is the freeing slaves, then I am content,” I answered. It was getting harder to focus, “Corina, do you have any of the milk, I might have overdone it.”

Corina hissed, “Ask what you came to ask, I need to get her back in bed to rest.”

Toves got on his knees in front of me, “In repayment for the loss of your skill, I beg that you let me serve as your weapon.” He produced my sword and set it at my feet.

I sighed, “If that satisfies your sense of honor, then I accept. Know that I do not require it. I am just happy your children are safe.” I leaned back against Corina’s warmth and dozed slightly, “I am just ready to go home.” I muttered.

I was vaguely aware of Corina carrying me back to bed. I laid against her and drifted off to sleep.

We began our journey back to the capital. The mages destroyed the last keep without my instruction as they knew I wanted. Their journey with my small army was much slower this time. I think it was because of my injury, but I had no proof. Against my wishes, they purchased an honest to gods mattress and put it in the back of the wagon. I could not complain about the comfort. Toves was now my bodyguard. He never strayed more than fifteen feet from my location. Corina still babied me the entire time even as more and more of my strength came back. By the time we reached the capital, I was able to walk on my own and bear most of my own weight. A full three months after I had left, I was finally returning.

I could not help but smile as I stepped out onto the courtyard. Corina climbed out from behind me and Toves flanked me on the other side. My father came rushing into the courtyard and wrapped me in his arms.

“I thought I had lost you, the messengers said you had been seriously injured,” He held onto me for a long moment.

I squeezed him back, “I am ok father, still on the mend,” I stepped back from him and gestured for Corina and Xava to come forward. “Dad, I would like you to meet Corina and Toves. Corina is my handmaiden now and Toves has pledged himself to be my bodyguard in apology for my injury.”

           Toves immediately bowed his massive head, “Your daughter saved our children, and words cannot express my sadness and regret at her injury.”

           My father clapped his hand on Toves’s shoulder, “I understand honored one of the mountains, forgiveness has been given and I would like to forge a relationship with your people.”

           Toves looked up in shock, “Why? We have harmed your daughter.”

           My father chuckled, “She is alive and well, children have been saved, and no lives were lost. I would have preferred my heir not be almost killed.” His words developed a sudden edge, but he took a breath and exhaled, “Patience must be had though when two peoples interact.”

           Toves nodded and smiled, an odd expression on his bovine face, “I see where your daughter gained her wisdom. I will gladly write a letter to my successor to begin talks. What are your intentions?”

           “Friendship mainly, peaceful trade between our lands, things like this,” My father explained.

           “No military alliance?” Toves eyed my father with suspicion.

           “Nothing on paper Toves,” My father smiled warmly, “Friends do not need such things, trade routes will have to be established, but if your people chose to shed their blood for mine, it will be their choice, and the same from us.”

           Toves offered his hand to my father, “You are unlike the tales of the south we have heard.”

           My father frowned, “Unfortunately, I would recommend caution when interacting with other kingdoms. They are less friendly than us.”

           “We will keep your advice in consideration,” Toves shook his head, sharp horns glinting in the sun, “We have been harmed before.”

           Dad turned to Corina, “I have only heard stories of Dragonkin.”

           She nodded, “Indeed, it seems to make us valuable slaves.”

           “Oh,” his face became creased with pain, “You must be the survivor my daughter spoke of.”

           “Indeed,” Corina answered almost tersely, “But your daughter has given me hope. So I plan to stick around.”

           “I am glad to hear that,” My father agreed, “Come all we have a feast waiting.”

           He turned and led the way for us. I noticed tables had even been set up outside and the doors to the main hall were wide open. Orcalis, soldiers from my army, some of the rescued slaves who had no homes to go home to, servants and guards from the castle, practically everyone was filling up the hall.

           Corina stared in shock, “Xava, what is this?”

           “This is a feast,” I answered as I embraced one of the maids I had known from childhood. She had always given me candy.

           Corina looked at me in shock, “But these are all commoners. Anyone could walk in. Anyone could attack at any time.

           I smiled at her, “Why live in fear, as my father likes to say, the only difference between me and them is the circumstances of our birth.”

           Corina was in shock as the kitchens began spewing forth food, the sheer amount of people coming forth and mingling. There was no distinction in the castle of who was who. I remembered we ate together and talked about life. I did consume too much wine as it was constantly offered to me in celebration. It was a wonderful night. My father told me how proud he was of me for freeing the slaves. He had reached out and helped the ones who could not go home, to start a new life. The night was just a wonder of dancing and laughter. I greatly loved it so very much.

           The following month saw me continuing to heal and gain some of my skills back. I did not lose so much as some things just felt off. Then disaster struck.

           It started when the Vlarnish Emissary appeared with priests of Viroi in their entourage. The Kingdom of Vlarn was the home of the church of Viroi and honestly, it struck me as a terrifying place to live.

           The emissary was a man named Adam. I personally hated the aura of superiority he gave off. He acted like all of those around him were somehow less than him. He bowed according to court doctrine to the height accorded to an equal at my father. It was an intentional insult designed to test my father.


           “King Daniel, Prince Xaven,” The emissary said in his smooth tone as if there was nothing wrong, “It is a pleasure to stand here before you.” The priests behind him seemed to radiate smugness.

           I felt like I had been struck in the face by his disrespect at refusing to use my name.

           “I feel you are confused,” I ground out at Adam, “There is no Prince Xaven here.”

           My father nodded at me and some of the colors faded from his face, “Ambassador, I am tolerating your presence and the presence of the liars at your back. Give me one good reason I should not personally remove you from your kingdom.”

           Adam smiled, “King Daniel, I see no reason to honor your insistence on sin. I respect the natural order as Viroi intended. I will not fall to your level.”

           “Then you can leave,” My father rumbled and stood.

           “Not before issuing the following,” Adam pulled a scroll and tossed it at the bottom of the stairs, “The Vlarn and the Church of Viroi have had enough of your flagrant disregard for the natural order of the world. We will tolerate your disrespect no longer. The charges are as follows; Destruction of the proper order by killing your nobility and turning their property and wealth over to mere peasants, refusing entry of Viroi to your lands, parading your son as a daughter, mingling with savages, reportedly even bedding one of the male ones, harboring a traitor to the church of Viroi, and just being a disgrace to the title of king.” Adam spat on the floor, “Consider yourself at war.”

           My father nodded, “So be it, remove yourself from my kingdom immediately.”

           “One last thing heretic,” Adam said glowering, “Be blessed in the name of Viroi.”

           There had been talk of the Shadows of Viroi, supposedly blessed assassins. I had dismissed them as myths, or exaggerations. I had never been so long. I watched in horror as a sword slammed through the back of my father’s throne and exploded in a flash of light. Sadness permeated my soul, but instincts honed in combat made me roll forward just in time to see another sword slam into the back of the chair. The royal guards dashed forward and the priests ripped off their robes revealing chainmail underneath. They were paladins. I drew my sword and Adam smiled as the paladins engaged the royal guards.

           I wished desperately for Toves and Corina, but they were off doing different things. I had made both take a day off to spend on themselves so they were in the city somewhere. I spun my sword to loosen my wrist and took a guard stance. I closed my eyes and could practically feel the twin assassins moving behind me. I spun low and lashed out at knee height. One jumped back and the second let out a hiss in pain. I whipped my sword back up and down, slashing across their face. I pivoted and kept them between me and the second and slashed their throat. The second leaped over the corpse of their fellow. I blocked the attempted stab with a dagger that suddenly lengthened and cut my cheek. I saw an opening and pushed my sword through their eye and they stilled when my blade pierced their brain. I whipped the blade out and turned to face the remaining three. The throne room had the echoes of smites fading. The last of the royal guards fell. I was alone facing two paladins and an ambassador.

           Adam cocked his head at me and frowned, “It seems the stories of your skill were not exaggerated as I thought Prince.”

           I spat on the ground and ignored the burning on my cheek. I did not bother with a retort as I saw the two paladins move forward to engage me. Then the doors to the throne room burst open and the castle was alive with the sounds of combat. Vro and Rachel were there together. Both are coated in blood. Vro had his twin axes out and Rachel was glowing with some form of spectral armor.

           The paladins pivoted to face the new threats. As soon as their eyes were off me and Adam looked away to see what was entering the room, I sprinted across the floor while holding my breath. I was borderline silent and he did not know I was there until I was in front of him. He opened his mouth to scream for help and I rammed my sword through his chest. He died with a whimper. He tried to hold on to me as I twisted my sword and kicked him off my sword. I looked up and saw Vro and Rachel finishing off the paladins.

           I saw their gazes flickering back to my father. I took a deep breath and shoved my grief into a bottle, “Come Uncle Vro, let’s kick these invaders out. I stormed out into the courtyard. Vro and Rachel followed. I held my sword high and called out, “Loyal people of Volk, show these invaders our true spirit!!” My voice echoed through the courtyard and soldiers who had been flagging gathered their strength and pushed back. I dove into the nearest cluster of fighting and began pushing the white-cloaked Vlarnish out. Blood ran in small rivers through the stones of the courtyard. Then it was over. My dress was ragged and torn, blood leaked from near misses, and wounds were over my body. Vro and Rachel were in similar straights. Slowly we realized the invaders who had attacked were dead to a man. None had yielded or surrendered. I felt rage building in my chest. This defied all laws of combat. Assassinations and an attack on the heels of a declaration, it was unheard of. I sighed and wiped my sword on my dress. I sheathed my sword and walked heavy-hearted into the throne room. The soldiers and guards who had victory followed me in. Many knew I would have led them in a cheer. I saw Vro kneeling beside my father, tightly clutching his hand. Tears streaked his green cheeks as Rachel rubbed his back in support. More than a few tears rand down her cheeks as well. It was my understanding that while I was on campaign the three of them had grown very close.

           I reached the thrones and knelt on the other side of my father. I reached up and gently closed his eyes. I knelt for a long moment and let the tears come. I sobbed there. Vro at some point reached out and held my hand as we mourned the great man my father was. I do not know how long I was there. No one rushed me, no one called for my attention. I was surrounded and alone at the same time. My tears ran dry and I knelt there. I felt the weight of responsibility crash upon my shoulders. I was now the leader, the one to make decisions. I wanted to turn and run to bury myself in a hole somewhere far away. But I couldn’t. I hated it. I did not want to lead. I wanted to cry for eternity. The kindest man I knew, the man who had raised me, taught me, loved me, praised me, the one who had accepted me no matter what, who trusted me, was dead. All because of a stupid faith, a stupid kingdom. My people were now at risk and there would be even more deadly.

           “Bils,” I called out while still kneeling.

           “Milady,” I heard from behind me.

           “I am trusting you to be my right hand in the days to come,” I said with a hollow voice, “You will be the iron in my hand.”

           “Yes milady,” Bils responded and I could feel his resolve.

           “Commander Bils, my first command is twofold; Summon the mages I must make an announcement to the people, the second cut the heads from every last invader, put them in a cart, and send them back to Vlarn. Let them know we have received their declaration.”

           “Yes ma’am,” Bils stood and took off.

           “Uncle Vro, you will need to head back to your people, I strongly suspect Vlarn will be coming for you as well,” I whispered.

           Vro’s hand clenched mine tight, “The Orcali will stand with you, my daughter.”

           I felt a warmth in my chest blossom, “Thank you, but see to your people Uncle. We will still need to gather our forces. Feel free to join us when ready.”

           “After the funeral,” Vro said with misery in his voice.

           “After the funeral.” I agreed.

           I heard Xar behind me as they shifted nervously.

           I stood and faced them, behind them Toves and Corina appeared. Both were coated in the blood which confirmed my suspicions that this attack happened all over the city.

           “Are the communication crystals ready?” I asked with an empty voice.

           “Yes milady,” Xar said.

           “Thank you, I will go to the balcony. Gather every mage in the kingdom who is willing to fight. No one shall be forced, but I want every willing mage assembled, I want to integrate them fully into our army.”

           “It will be done,” Xar bowed and left.

           I walked slowly to the balcony with Toves and Corina flanking me. They were silent and Corina placed her hand on my shoulder. I took her hand and squeezed it tightly.

           The balcony from which my father addressed the kingdom was much more intimidating alone. My anger and sorrow overrode my fear. I took my place upon it and looked at the crystals that would broadcast my image and voice to every corner of the kingdom.

           “Proud people of Volk, Valiant People of Volk, Free People of Volk,” My voice shook as I spoke, “Today we have been struck with a treacherous attack,” I looked over the city and saw the heavy smoke hanging over the city from fires that were steadily being put out. The strategy had been simple and effective. Kill the rulers, burn the capital city to the ground and the kingdom will fall. But they had misjudged everything, me, my father, my people, and their dedication to be who they were without oppression, “Vlarn came to my father and me with a declaration of war. They then attempted to assassinate my father and me.” I paused for a long moment, “My father was struck down without a chance to even defend himself. I killed the assassins with help from my Uncle Vro and his mate. My heart is heavy with sorrow for not just my father, but all lives lost. But no mistake can be made, Vlarn and their cursed god is coming for us. They refuse to allow any freedom to exist in this world, so they wish to destroy us, all of us, all who do not fit the mold they find acceptable, so I must ask of you for the greatest of sacrifices.” I drew my sword and set it up on the railing, “War is coming, and we may kneel and submit or we can fight back. So I ask you, my people, will you stand with me?”

           My words echoed out and an angry roar began to reverberate from the city below.

           I scooped up my sword and held it up for all to see, “SO BE IT! We will strike back with our entire might, times will be hard and many lives will be lost, but with you, behind us, we will be victorious or they shall curse the name of Volk until the end of time. Make no mistake they are coming for all of us, so all of us shall stand.” I sheathed my sword and strode into the castle.

           I made my way to the servants’ quarters. There were the sounds of sorrow. Too many lives had been lost today. I reached the main room where they could gather to rest and enjoy themselves around prying eyes. They looked up, some new faces, some I had seen since I was a child.

           “I have come to ask a favor of you, my father treasured your help across the castles, he taught me to know you by name.” I felt rogue tears slip from my eyes, “I ask would you please help prepare my father for burial?”

           Wordlessly they rose and many hugged me as they walked past. I walked with them. Together with Vro, we prepared my father to be buried in the familial crypt under the castle. By the end of the day, we had laid him to rest in a quiet ceremony. I heard Rachel making a soft heartfelt prayer to someone called Ila. Amara stood nearby silently.

           “I will see our people through this father, and at the end, I will make sure they stay free.” I touched his cold brow and then helped slide the heavy stone lid closed, “Thank you for everything.”

           I went to my room and Corina and Toves followed me as they had since their return. Silent shadows. Upon reaching my room Toves went inside first while Corina gently kept me from entering. Minutes later Toves exited and nodded to Corina. Corina guided me inside. She undid my sword belt and helped me out of my bloody dress. Normally I would have blushed and protested. Today, tears just dripped down my cheek. She guided me to the bath and helped me wash the blood and gore from me. She took a moment to clean herself. After she helped me into some nightclothes and guided me into my bed. There she wrapped herself around me like she had so many times in the wagon. She had not done it since as she had her own quarters. Today I was more grateful for it than I could express. Safe in her arms I wept throughout the night and only slept fitfully while she squeezed me tight.

           The next morning, I woke with her and she helped me out of bed. Once again, she dressed me. I finally spoke, “Thank you, Corina, I have something I need to do. Will you come with me?”

           She nodded, “Of course Xava.”

           I went to the kitchens and saw Vro and Rachel eating there. I joined them with my small entourage we wall ate together. I hugged Vro and Rachel and left after breakfast. Small talk had been kept to a minimum. There was one thing I had to do.

           It was the final step toward claiming the Wulven throne. I found the ancient path down beneath the castle. It was a path that went far lower than even the crypts. It was not hidden but said to only be visible to the reigning royalty. I had never gone here before, but my father had shown me. The steps went from paved to have been hewn into bare rock. Then soft dark dirt. The tunnel gave way to a cavern that was lit with a single massive crystal hanging from the ceiling. Fertile grass and lush trees grew here forming a forest. I had directed Toves to guard the entrance. Corina and I pressed deeper into the forest.

           I did not know what I would see here. My father never told me; he had just told me that I would know when it was time. Corina followed almost silently behind. I trusted her more than any other person in the world. She had cared for me in ways that deeply warmed my heart. We reached the center of the forest and I stopped in front of a massive tree. Somewhere along the way, I had taken her hand in mine. We stood silently together for a long time.

           She turned me and I looked into those golden eyes, “Xava, princess. This is your trial. I am happy to have walked you here, but I think it’s best if I go wait with Toves.”

           I nodded; she did have a point.

           Corina picked my chin up with talons that had regrown into sharp points again, “I will tell you this Xava. From the moment I saw you when you carried me from the dungeon, I have been absolutely smitten with you. I have never seen a beauty like you. At first, I told myself it was just because you had saved me and cared for me. Then every step along the way, I found myself falling in love with you. Your sacrifice, your hard work, the gentleness I see in you, your kindness, your mercy, your intelligence, just everything about you. I can’t pretend otherwise, I love you Xava. I know this is not the best time, but you are about to go to war and you almost died now twice before I could tell you. I won’t take that risk again.” She held my hand lightly, “I understand though if you do not feel the same way.”

           I grabbed her face and kissed her deeply. She tasted of sunlight itself. Corina had stiffened in shock, then she melted and embraced me. We stood like that for a long moment. My heart was overwhelmed with feelings. I had held myself separate from her; afraid she did not feel the same.

           Corina gently broke the kiss, “I will be waiting for you princess.”

           She strode off with a small bounce in her step.

           I turned back to the tree and for a moment I thought I saw a wolf in the bark. I settled in to wait for my sign. My heart several degrees lighter than before. I smiled. I was sad, but even in sadness, there could be joy. I mourned my father, but gods I have filled with gratitude for my family, friends, and Corina. The beautiful woman who had stolen my heart. I smiled and I heard howling in the distance. I was tempted to run, but there would be no more running.

           Tall wolves that resembled the Dire Wolves that the Orcali rode began to appear. There was something different about them. They wove between the trees with yellow eyes gleaming in the shadows of the trees. The howls had faded, there was no growling, they just circled me. I simply stood there and looked between them. Despite their unarguable deadliness, I found beauty in their sleekness and movement.

           A voice seemed to echo into my mind, “Will you not run daughter of man? Your death is at hand,” the voice was soft and feral, wild in my mind, “If you do not hurry you will know your mortal death.”

           I closed my eyes and breathed deep, “I do not much like the idea of running from death. Death will be my companion for many days to come. My father has just died and there will be much death to come. War is here and if my death comes now, so be it, though I would rather it not.”

           “You have reason to live?” The voice seemed to be prowling around me as the wolves sat stationary, staring at me.

           “I have love, I must make sure my people stay free or die free. We have chosen to fight and not submit, there is much I must do in the coming days. I will not let my people face this fight alone,” I stated.

           “You think your people need you?” The voice seemed to rumble.

           I laughed, “No they have not needed me for a while, but I would like to stand with them.”

           There was a rumble like a growl and the wolves faded into the trees. A massive she-wolf taller than any dire wolf or even some exotic animals appeared. Almost like she stepped out of the tree itself. I knew at once this was who had been speaking to me. Her yellow eyes were in stark contrast to her stark white fur.

           “Child of man, your ancestors have been coming here for generations to prove their bravery, why are you here?” She stepped closer to me.

           “I was told it was a rite of passage, but my father was killed before he could pass on anything else,” I said. I refused to cringe or cower before this majestic creature

           “Are you afraid?” It growled leaning close enough so that I could smell blood and death on its breath.

           “Terrified,” I answered.

           “What is it you seek, child of man?” it rumbled, “Those before you came here to know true fear, to face the world honestly. You know fear, you could run now. Not risk your pathetic life before me anymore.” It leaned closer and I knew it could kill me before I could even draw my sword.

           I leaned forward instead, “It depends on what you are offering aside from death, Lady Wolf.”

           She began to prowl around me, daring me to flinch as her monstrous muzzle appeared from behind me, “Why would I offer you anything?”

           “Because you have not killed me yet, at the very least I interest you,” I answered. I knew I was playing with fire; I knew I should leave. But I was fascinated, I wanted to know more. Despite the terror I felt, I was mesmerized by the grace of this wolf. It called to something inside of me. I wondered what it would be to be like her, to rush through the forests, to feel the thrill of the hunt.

           “What do you want child of man? What is it you desire? Power? Wealth? Immortality? You seek to take from me like a captured spirit and make a wish?” Its rumbles were growing in intensity.

           I could not help, but smile. Only a fool would think this being was bound in any way, “I am not so foolish to demand anything from you. Even if you leave now, I have known a sight I will carry with me for the rest of my days, something free and terrible, feral and precious.” I paused and looked up at the shining crystal, “If I could have anything though, I would ask for strength and wisdom in the coming days, to protect and guide my people. To save as many lives and shield those precious to me. I don’t know if I am up to the task, but I will do my very best to protect those dear to me.”

           A wind whose origin I did not know whispered through the trees. A distant howl sounded.

           “Child, oh child, has it been so long you do not know my name?” The wolf chuckled.

           I looked at her and smiled sadly, “I do not, unfortunately. I know nothing about you other than your terror and beauty, the freedom in which you stride this land.”

           “I am Shivulf, the harbinger of freedom and death, an avatar of destruction and power, I am the one who leads the hunt, and protector of the den. I am the wild thing which civilization fears, the primal urges they try to hide from, I am the wild.”

           I looked back into her yellow and fierce eyes, “They fear the wrong thing, it is those desires harnessed and tamed which can lead us to greater heights. No matter where we are, we must remember the wild from which we came,” I hesitated before speaking the family’s motto, “From the wild we came, to wild we will return.”

           The yellow eyes flashed; a rumble reverberated in my bones. I realized the great wolf was laughing. “You speak well, child, and I feel the ancient anger and desire in your bones. Desires you acknowledge despite the trappings of civilization. I hear and recognize the call of the wild inside you,” They looked at me and saw into me, “My boon is that of the wild, ancient and primal, fearsome and free, you will know strength and wisdom beyond that of civilization. But you will be a beast to many. They will know fear looking upon you, do you want my great and terrible gift?”

           I paused for a moment, this being was not lying. I knew that there would be a price, but I could use it to save my people and protect those I care about. I would pay that price.

           “I will accept if you are willing to offer,” I responded.

           The rumbling laughter returned as the howls of dozens of wolves filled the cavern. “Then it is done, may the pact be made in blood. Fight as long as you can child of man. This is going to hurt.”

           I whipped out my sword as I was swarmed by the pack of wolves in the forest. The sword was instantly knocked from my hand and I found myself fighting with my hands and teeth. The pain of bites and constant mauling I received was enormous. II was bitten countless times, and my blood splashed on the ground. Still, I lashed out and struck wolf after wolf from me. I felt the urge to run and save myself rise, greater still was the desire to fight back and win. My strength seemed to grow as I progressed from simply pushing wolves away, to throwing them bodily from them. My ineffectual punches became terrifying slashes of claws. I began to bite back and send the wolves dancing back from me. I raised my face to the sky and let loose a wild howl as the wolves around me drew back.

           Shivulf stepped forward with a terrifying toothy smile, it was one I mirrored with one of my own, “You are no longer a child of man, you are a daughter of the wild. Call on me when even this strength fails and I will come, my child. Go, be free, be wild, sow terror and freedom so that man will know the fear of the dark places again.” She and the other wolves faded into mist. My skin no longer bled instead dark fur covered my body, my senses were alive and I could smell life itself. Corina was worried for me, my mate. I strode from the forest and I shriveled down to my human size, no longer was I fully human though. I was something so much more. I strode naked from the forest, tearing the remainder of my dress from me as I approached Corina who waited beside Toves.

           “Princess!” Corina exclaimed looking at me in shock, “What happened to your clothes and,” She paused, “You smell different. Your eyes.”

           I wasted no time and pulled her to me roughly with a kiss, nipping at her lip gently. I paused and broke the kiss, “I have been given the blessing of the wild, come my mate we have a war to fight. Toves, are you with me.”

           Toves bowed his horned head, “Of course Wolf Queen, may Shivulf guide our blades.”

           “We have terror to sow among Viroi’s faithful,” I strode up the steps to war and freedom. Terror and life waited in equal amounts and I would see my pack free and safe from the chains of the false god.

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