Omake no Tensei-sha

Chapter 4: 43- There was a big snake, so I killed it and ate it

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A light mist covers the entire area.
Emerging from the mist is a large gray tree, probably quite old.
It stretches towards the heavens, but it is not clear how high the tree is.
If you look around, you can see tiny waterfalls and white flowers that resemble MizubashoIt's a type of flower, if I can I'll add a pic growing in clusters at the edges of the mirror-like spring.

A girl was moving through a sacred, inviolable, and awe-inspiring landscape.

Black hair, black eyes, and white skin.
She is dressed in black and dingy clothing composed of a Shinigami Wolf's fur.
She isn't wearing any shoes despite being in the mountains.
Her grimy yet beautiful face, combined with her cold expression, makes her look like an elaborate and exquisite doll.

The girl's name is Emmy.
She is a six-year-old girl who left her Master's hermitageIt means the house of a hermit/person who lives all by themself far from society and wanders aimlessly.



Ugh. . . 

". . . . . . ."

In the fog where neither birds nor beasts chirp or bellow, only Emmy's stomach was making noise.
She involuntarily sat down and thought.



Three days lost in this strange fog.
Emmy had almost eaten nothing but water.
After all, there were strangely no animals, except for the occasional plant, in this mist.
No birds, no beasts, not even insects were here.
The girl Emmy could eat anything without hesitation.
The jerky she had been carrying was long gone.

Still, she would never touch the white flowers that grow on the edge of the spring.

The name of that flower is Celehu Hana. It is extremely poisonous. It should not be eaten under any circumstance.

A voice that only Emmy could hear told her.



However, with her body now more resistant to poison, she might not die even if she ingested the flower. . . But neither Emmy nor the voice knew this.




Emmy sat still for a while, but she got on all fours like a beast, put her mouth near the fountain and filled her belly with water.
She must get out of the fog as soon as possible.
Emmy poured magic into her limbs and forced herself to walk.



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How much time has passed since then?
Emmy's dark eyes, reflecting the ever-changing scenery of the fog, spots a foreign object.

It was a narrow cobblestone path.

Apparently man-made, even though it is in the mountains, which are usually inaccessible to humans, the path stretches until it fades into the fog.



". . . . . . ."



Emmy decided to follow the cobblestone path, creating a thud each time her foot landed on the rock.
Maybe there are people living at the end of it.
They might have some food they can share.
If the people there discriminate against black hair, Emmy will dispose of them and loot their corpses of food.
By the time such a disturbing thought surfaced, she had reached the end of the path.

The end of the cobblestone walkway came into visibility sooner than she expected.
Unfortunately, it didn't lead to civilization.
There was a majestic stone column that could be perceived as an altar.
And only around it did the mist clear, along with warm sunlight beaming from the sky.


Emmy's eyes were glued to the column.

A beautiful snake lay sleeping on the altar.

Pure white scales shimmered in the sunlight.
Its body is so thick that no human would be able to hold it.



Such an overwhelming presence. . . 
Combined with the surrounding environment, the snake looked too sacred for words.


However, Emmy was starving, and she didn't care if the food she was about to defeat was sacred.
She doesn't care.
Not at all.

In the eyes of this girl, the snake is nothing but a huge piece of steak to be devoured.



Emmy instantly starts exuding magic everywhere on her body and enters a battle stance.
Her magic capacity is unusually high for her age but due to the 3 days of fasting, they had decreased quite a bit.
If Emmy fails to kill this beast, it's over.
As if she was pretending to stagger and trip before, she stood firmly and used [grasshopper].

A technique that allowed her to leap very high, taught to her by her master.
Emmy is gonna surprise the snake from above, and then one-shot it and use the art of decapitation.
Planning on employing the method of her master, Emmy challenges the snake.

However, this is a great serpent.
It is not something that could be defeated so easily.
Suddenly, its red eyes snapped open, he raised his head, glaring at the little girl overhead him.

Oh no! By the time Emmy had thought of the reaction she was swept away by the tail of the snake.


". . . Guh"

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Emmy was blown dozens of meters away until she hit a tree.
The tree cracked, and then fell over; Emmy, who had been strengthening her body with magic was not harmed.
Although she couldn't convert all of the impact, the amount she did convert to magic was one of the factors that helped Emmy. 
There weren't any broken bones or wounds on Emmy's white skin, but the impact still affected her. 

She looked up and saw the large snake slithering toward her at a fast speed.
Its red eyes showed an unconcealed pleasure and delight of playing with food.
The hunter and the hunted roles have been reversed.


Emmy jumped up and straightened her stance, before she crouched down and threw dirt at the snake.
Flying at a swift pace, it is not just a piece of dirt, but gravel that is so hard because of [solidification] it cannot be compared to those pebbles.

However, perhaps sensing the danger, the snake started to dexterously dodge the gravel.
The span between them was only a few meters now.
For such a long snake, that distance can be cleared in a matter of seconds.

The game was over.
The snake opened its mouth to swallow Emmy, its prey.



. . . But.

Suddenly, a question arose in the snake's mind.
Why isn't this girl trying to evade?
Don't you want to escape?
Or are you just waiting for your death heroically?

Considering what this girl did before, she should be trying to move out of the way.
Yet. . . This girl didn't even move.
Throwing all that gravel can't be in vain right?

Was it not in vain?

As if.
There's no way this girl could do that.


She wouldn't become a decoy

And use gravel as a distraction.



. . . Have you lured me this far?


The wise serpent thought about it instantly, but it was too late.
Its body was in mid-air so it couldn't change the trajectory.

And. . .

The large mouth of the snake was about to slurp up the girl in front of it.

Somehow it felt something like an invisible thread that seemed to extend verticallyup and downfrom the ground.



The snake split cleanly in half.



The serpent's life was cut short as soon as the "thread" cut its head, but the momentum of the lunge did not stop and neither did the "thread".
It was completely halved.



Emmy, who had jumped away from the lunge, clung to a large tree and observed the snake.
After corroborating the snake was dead and wouldn't move again, she dropped back to the ground without making a sound.


. . . If Emmy was an adventurer, she would have been crying from joy at the sight of the scales.
There was a lot you could make from the scales and fangs of the beast, and if you sold it at the right place, you'd be rich.

But Emmy is just a hungry girl.
Without wiping away the saliva that dripped from her mouth, she approaches the carcass and stares at the pale pink flesh.



Emmy bit into the raw cross-sectionI'll put the link if you need it, but I think it's like the meat between the vertebraeof the snake.
It should be so tough that no ordinary person could chew it, but Emmy of course is no ordinary person. She uses magic to reinforce her jaw and makes it so that she can tear off the meat and chew it with ease.
The toxicity of the meat should also be extraordinary, but Emmy's stomach is very resistant to poison.
All of this was reformed into nourishment, but the surplus went straight into increasing her magic capacity.
And that's not all.
This great serpent, which had lived for a long, long time, contained a large amount of magic just stored in its flesh and blood.
The magic that was originally Emmy's slowly accumulated, the snake's magic mixing with hers.
All of the reserved magic bolsters her body into having bulked the magic cache in Emmy's body.

Emmy ended up feasting on the snake's body for three days.
The changes that happened in her body were roughly what was described above.
If you eat anything living, this will happen to you.
This enhancement is common in the magical world of Ardist.
Usually, the changes were insignificant, but the snake had a lot of reserved magic in its body which exceeded by leaps and bounds.
This was actually Emmy's second time of getting super powerful after eating something, the first happened when she ate the large owl in the Naso Forest, her home.

. . . However, Emmy was clueless about all of this and the strength she possessed.
She thought she had gained some magic power but that only happened because she was full.






Having finished her meal, Emmy left the stone altar and continued her aimless journey.
By the time she left, the light fog had dispersed completely, and the summer sun was shining everywhere.

Emmy was happy and her mood improved since the sun feels so nice!

She skipped merrily, smiling at the person in her brain, who too had been starving to death a few days prior, but had returned to her care-free attitude.
As the altar faded away behind them, the noises of the forest returned.
In the distance you could even hear the Myogyogoshugo.

The signs of life in the greenery were so relaxing.
No evil intention directed at you.

With a feeling of nostalgia for the things that she had not felt in a long while, Emmy continued on her path.


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