Omake no Tensei-sha

Chapter 8: 47- Carriage raid [Megzam and Ima’s perspective]

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The "activities" of the bandit group led by Megzam had been smooth sailing as of late.

About a year ago, they had failed to raid a rural settlement called Fenoben Village, they encountered a mysterious vagrant during their escape into the woods resulting in the injury of two of his men.

It was a traumatic experience.

However, Megzam overcame the situation, which would have destroyed any ordinary bandit gang, with his strength and wits which had attracted his men to him.
First, to help his two men to regain their confidence, they attacked small peddlers traveling alone and small merchants with weak escorts.
The many successes they accumulated this way encouraged the two underlings to grow as bandits.
But that's not all.
The hopeless thugs, hearing of Megzam's success, began to gather under his wing.
The Megzam bandits, who had advanced west from Raybreak along the highway to avoid the sacred peak of Zahanu, had grown to 10 by the time they entered the Tenidith Kingdom.




They were camped in a nameless forest a short distance from the road when a tall, mysterious man with a hood concealing his face appeared.
Megzam and his men were on high alert at the sudden appearance of this man, but when they saw the contents of the heavy bag handed to them by the man, they were surprised to find that it was a bag of gold.

The man, who hid his identity, said that the money was an advance payment.
If Megzam and the others accepted his request and completed it, he promised to pay them 10 times the amount of gold that was in the bag.
The request was to attack a certain poor Baron's family.
Not the Baron himself, but his daughter, it didn't matter if she was killed or sold, as long as you target her.
The tall man persistently reminded them of the request again and again and disappeared after a while.

(I don't know what happened between them, but he must have had quite the grudge to hire bandits to attack the Baron's daughter...)

Megzam thought of such a thing, but for him, a crude man, the affair of others was trivial to him.
The important thing was that he could earn a lot of money just by attacking the daughter of a poor Baronial family who was unlikely to hire an upstanding guard.
Of course, there was no way Megzam would refuse such a tempting request.

Megzam and his men started planning the strategic immediately.
Just in case, he let the adventurer-destroying ruffian who rushed to Megzam as a subordinate sneak in as an escort of the carriage via the Adventurer's Guild, leaving the baron defenseless.
Megzam thought the reason that the preparations went so smoothly was probably because the client was behind the scenes.
This level of manipulation should be no problem for a man of his caliber.
After all, he was powerful enough to hand over such a large sum of money.
Megzam didn't think too deeply about it.
He might be the smartest amongst the bandits, but he wasn't one for details.
Thus, the raid on the Salah baronial house was carried out.


The fake guard attacked him quickly defeated the Baron, leaving only the three women in the carriage.
A large amount of gold was just around the corner.

The request was almost accomplished.




If only that damned, vagrant child had not appeared.



◇ ◇ ◇





When Hagen's head popped with such sound, Megzam instantly knew that they were going to fail the gig.
The speed of which Megzam's calculations happened was the highlight of his thinking process.


"What just happened!!"

"Was it a wizard?!"

While many of his minions were distraught, Megzam silently retreated, keeping an eye on his old lackeys, Andar and Tapas.

After all, he didn't know who commenced the ambush.
Just a second after, another two heads of nameless minions were totaled.
The risk of the battle against such an opponent far outweighed the gain.
Megzam didn't care for the money anymore.
He still cherished his life, so he receded farther and farther away from the battle.

"Hey, hey what's going on!!"

"What is this?!"

"Come out you wizard! Come out now coward!"

The unexperienced members didn't join in the battle but rather abandoned their new comrades.
Little by little, the deserters scuttled closer to the forest to hide.

The enemy opposite of the carriage showed themselves.
Andar, Tapas, Megzam, the new recruits, and everyone else who was still alive was shocked.

Because it was. . . a young girl.
Or more specifically, the young girl who totally outsmarted their asses

a year ago.


It's only been one year.
Just one.
How could she improve so much?

That tramp become even more of a fool.
Who would intervene with foes stronger than herself?

"Huh. . .?"

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"A. . . Brat?"

The stooges were disconcerted at the sight of a little girl tossing a pebble into the air expressionless.
And if you took a closer look at her figure, you'd see how thin she was.
The weak looking figure and the sense of intimidation emanating from her was such a contrasting image that it confused the minds of the newbies.

Megzam, on the other hand, quickly regained his wits and began to act.
He gave instructions to survive.

"Hey! Don't be so frightened by such a little girl! Surround her!"

After seeing the abandoned pawns lunging towards the girl, Megzam, Andar, and Tapas jumped into a thicket of trees and fled at full speed.
The minions fighting stalled the little girl and left them time to skedaddle.

◇ ◇ ◇

Ima, a poor noblewoman, was simply stunned by the scene unfolding before her very eyes.
The shock was so great that she felt as if she was in the clouds.
The whole situation was surreal.
Like a dream.

"Hey! Don't be so frightened by such a little girl! Surround her!"

In response to the angry voice, all of the bandits dogpiledMeans a bunch of people lay on top of each other onto the girl.

But the girl didn't show any panic.
Expressionless, she threw the pebble she was toying with earlier.
Ima thought she threw it but the pebble was so fast she couldn't see it fly through the air.
Just then, a popping sound echoed.
The heart of the bandit closest to the girl blew apart.

Soon the battle was overturned by the girl.
No, it wouldn't be right to call it a battle.
A massacre or bloodbath was better.

Four of the bandits charged the girl.
Right after the head of one burst, she quickly moved onto the next.
The last one managed to get a little closer but that was all.

He slammed his machete down toward the girl.
The girl's right hand cut through the outlaw's body cleanly.

◇ ◇ ◇
Nothing moved anymore.
The sun shone brightly on the reddish-brown puddles scattered on the ground.

The girl stared at the forest wondering if she should follow the outlaws that ran away.
She eventually let out a sigh and turned to Ima.

"Oh. . .!"

The girl was the savior of Ima and the others from danger.
No matter how smart Ima was, she was not skilled in the fighting department.
She was just a baroness.
. . . But the girl who caused such bloodshed was standing in front of her.
Moreover, her eyes and hair were jet-black meaning she was a "cursed" child.
Therefore it wasn't odd that Ima involuntarily took a breath.

However, the girl didn't care about Ima's fear and still advanced to her.
No emotion could be read from the girl's face.

Suddenly, doubt spread throughout Ima's heart.
This girl helped us.
At least, that's what I originally thought earlier since this girl started killing the bandits.

But. . .
What if it was just a whim?

What if this girl-shaped monster just liked to kill?My heart, poor Emmy

Every second that fear grew.
Ima's breathing became labored and she began to sweat.



Just before she reached her limit and screamed.



The girl who had stayed silent the whole time spoke to Ima.






"I'm hungry."




It was a lovely voice.



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