Omiai Shitakunakattanode, Muri Nandai na Jouken wo Tsuketara Doukyuusei ga Kita Ken ni Tsuite

Chapter 163: Volume 5 - CH 30

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Several days after the seaside trip.

“He-hey… Yuzuru-san! Please delete that picture!”

“Wha… Isn’t it fine? You also said it is okay to take pictures, didn’t you?”

Yuzuru and Arisa were arguing with each other while looking at their cell phones.

The screen shows a bashful Arisa wearing a sexy swimsuit.

It was taken on the day of the beach trip.

“I-I changed my mind! As I thought, it’s too embarrassing…!”

“N, no, but… That’d be a waste…”

“What do you mean waste… Were you planning to use it for something?”

“Eh? Ah, no…”

Yuzuru involuntarily looked away.

This reaction from him made Arisa’s face turn bright red.

“Absolutely not!”

Arisa declared and reached for Yuzuru’s cell phone.

Yuzuru hurriedly raised his hand holding the phone high in the air and tried to escape Arisa’s clutches.

Arisa similarly reached out and pressed down on top of him.

Yuzuru flipped over backward and tried to push Arisa back with one hand to keep her away from the phone…

He inadvertently squeezed her breasts.

“Ah, hey… what are you doing!”

Arisa jumped back, shyly protecting her breasts with her hands.

Yuzuru took advantage of this opportunity to get himself out from under her.

“You’re the one who’s trying to force me to delete it. Why bother? It’s just a picture.”

“If you think it’s just a picture, then please delete it. The real one is here, so isn’t that enough?”

“No, but swimsuits aren’t something you get to see normally…”

“You’ll be seeing it every summer from now on, won’t you?”


Arisa’s cheeks blushed slightly.

“If Yuzuru-san insists, I can show you… if you really ask me to.”


“Yes. I’m Yuzuru-san’s fiancée… Isn’t the real one better than a photo?”

Arisa whispered this in Yuzuru’s ear.

Then she gently reached for Yuzuru’s cell phone.

“So… let’s delete it, okay?”

“Uh, um…”

“Hey, please? S-see… the real thing can be touched, unlike the picture, you know?”

Arisa pressed her breasts against Yuzuru’s chest firmly as she said so.

Yuzuru’s heart shook at the feel of the soft bulge.

“See, Yuzuru-san, you love them… don’t you? You touched it earlier, didn’t you?”

“N-no, that was an accident and not intentional…”

“Anyway, you want to touch it a little more firmly, right? Aren’t you really interested in it?”

Arisa said as she poked her finger at her own breast.

Her camisole showed through the fabric of her white blouse.

“N-no, n-not really…”

“Holding back is not always a good thing, you know?”

Arisa grabbed Yuzuru’s hand as she said this and gently guided it to her own breast.

Following her prompting, Yuzuru tightened his grip on his hand.

He felt a soft sensation.

“Nn… how is it?”


It was an addictive feeling that made him want to keep touching it.

Yuzuru was so absorbed that he kept touching her.

Arisa allowed him to do so for about five seconds, even though she was blushing up to her ears.

And then…

“You touched it, didn’t you? Now, please delete it.”

“Damn… You tricked me, Arisa.”

“It’s Yuzuru’s fault for thinking only about perverted things.”

Yuzuru, in tears, decided to delete the photo.

However, he was a little annoyed that he had been subjected to this.

“You talk about others being perverted, but you’re also a closet pervert, aren’t you?”

“Wha! What are you talking about? What about me is…”

“You were showing that outfit on purpose, weren’t you? Am I wrong?”

“This is a see-through… It’s a type of trend! When I walk outside, I wear a top, and I’m not being immodest…”

“But you don’t wear anything like that in front of me.”

“Well, that’s… kind of fashion, too… Do you not like it?”

Yuzuru shook his head from side to side in response to Arisa’s question.

“No, I don’t hate it.”

“Then isn’t it fine? I am gracefully matching it to Yuzuru-san’s tastes.”

Arisa smiled after saying that.

“Aren’t you glad that I’m your fiancée?”

“That’s… true, I guess. If you weren’t my fiancée… I’d be horrified.”

Yuzuru laughed as he said this and pulled Arisa lightly to him.

And then he took her lips.

Arisa also accepted it.

She then placed her head on Yuzuru’s shoulder.

“Um… Yuzuru-san. This is about something much, much …further down the lane.”


“…Do you want to have children?” 


Yuzuru’s heart jumped strongly at Arisa’s sudden remark.

“N-no… see, we’ve talked about kids before during the game of life, right?”

“A, ah …… w, well, sure.”

“Do you want them… Yuzuru-san?”

With an upward glance, Arisa asked Yuzuru.

For a moment, Yuzuru almost mistook this like, ‘Is this an invitation?‘

In fact, that was the mood around them at the moment…

However, it would be outrageous for a high school student to be pregnant.

In other words, this was simply about future family planning.

…For the time being, Yuzuru decided to think so.

“Naturally I do.”

First of all, Yuzuru’s personal feeling was that he wanted to have a child with the love of his life.

Secondly, as the next head of the Takasegawa family, he felt obligated to have a child to carry on the next generation.

For Yuzuru, it was a matter of course.

“I see… I’m glad to hear that.”

“What do you mean you’re glad…?”

“I hear that many people don’t want kids these days… Ah, but of course, I desire them… too.”

You are reading story Omiai Shitakunakattanode, Muri Nandai na Jouken wo Tsuketara Doukyuusei ga Kita Ken ni Tsuite at

Shyly, Arisa said so to Yuzuru.

Yuzuru was a little nervous to hear her say “I desire” from her glossy lips.

“By the way… Do you want a boy or a girl? Do you have any idea how many you want?”

“Maybe one each…”

“Why is that?”

“My family is like that, so I have this image of that being the norm… What about you?”

“I’m not concerned about gender. No, I still want both a boy and a girl. In total… I’d like to have three.”

“Certainly, it would be better to have at least three to make things more lively.”

Although Yuzuru had a younger sister, he sometimes wonders if he could have another younger brother.

And Ayumi being Ayumi, wanted a younger sister or brother.

If two children are the norm, then perhaps one additional child would be ideal for Yuzuru.

“But …if there are going to be three, I’ll have to work hard to… make it happen.”

With a blush on her cheeks, Arisa said so.

Indeed, it is Arisa who is going to give birth. He can support and help her, but he can’t take her place.

“Yes, that’s true… but you don’t have to get so worked up about it. It’s still a long way off to begin with.”

“By ‘long way off’… when are you thinking about, Yuzuru-san?”

“At least after we graduate from college, I guess…?”

Pregnancy and childbirth while still in academia was too outwardly offensive.

“A-after graduation? That’s… quite a long way off.”

“… Do you prefer to have it a little earlier?”

“Eh? N, no, it’s not like that… B-but, you see… It would be a problem if you are not able to do it at that moment. I think it’s better to practice early on…”


“Yeah. You know, like we did… when we first kissed. Also , our relationship has deepened, and, well… I was thinking it’s about time to…. s-see how it goes and all…”

Glancing up at Yuzuru’s face, Arisa said so.

Yuzuru then realized that there was a slight discrepancy between his perception and Arisa’s.

“A, ah! I-I see. You’re talking about that… That’s, yeah. Maybe it’s time to start practicing.”

“…What did you think it was?”

“…I thought you were talking about pregnancy.”

Arisa lightly pounded Yuzuru’s chest with her fist.

“Of course not! N-no, it’s not that it’s not relevant, it’s just that it’s a rather close case…”

“N-no, I’m sorry. The introduction to the story was …you see, it was a very specific family plan…”

“Please think about the mood… Wasn’t the mood like that…?”

Arisa’s shoulders were shaking in embarrassment.

This confirmed Yuzuru’s earlier statement that “Arisa is the closet pervert“.

“Sorry, sorry… No, of course I’d love to do it. We both have to work hard if we’re going to make three.”

“Yuzuru-san no baka!” (TN: I prefer this to ‘Yuzuru-san is a dummy/idiot’  )

Yuzuru thought he was following up, but Arisa felt he was making fun of her. 

She continued smacking against Yuzuru’s chest hard.

“G-generally speaking… The child thing is something that will happen much, much later. It doesn’t mean we’re going to make it yet…”

“Huh? …Is Arisa reluctant to have children?”

“No, I do want them… But I can’t imagine having one yet…”

She seemed to have little sense of what it would be like to be a mother.

Yuzuru, however, was not so sure if he could imagine himself as a father.

“And… I thought it might be nice for us to spend some time together for a while…”

“That’s true. I’m sure we’ll be busy once we have kids.”

Yuzuru’s father and grandfather may be impatient, but…

Time with his fiancée, being alone with his wife, was more important than his parents’ and grandfather’s feelings of wanting to see their grandchildren/great-grandchildren.

“I think that’s something to think about in earnest after we  graduate from college and start working.”

“That’s true.”

Yuzuru nodded.

The idea of a child is too early for a high school couple and would normally be considered too serious.

However, Yuzuru and Arisa were engaged to be married to each other, so it was not necessarily the case for them…

“Speaking of which… How is Yuzuru-san’s employment going to turn out?”

“Eh? My place of employment? Well… if you think about it in order, I guess it would be to get a job in a company related to the Takasegawa family, gain experience, and so on… Or maybe the exact opposite, overseas where the Takasegawa family has less influence…”

The end goal was the same though…

Somehow, Yuzuru thought the latter would be better for him.

“O-overseas… I guess I’d better study English properly…”

“I’m sure Arisa will have no problem with that.”

“It’s one thing to have a paper exam, it’s another to actually be able to speak it…”

Apparently, Arisa intended to follow Yuzuru even if he went abroad.

…Yuzuru made up his mind not to let her affection for him go dry.

“…By the way, do you think I should get some kind of qualification or something?”

“Qualifications ?”

Yuzuru couldn’t help but tilt his head.

“No, I’ll be your… Yuzuru-san’s…um, f-future wife! So, I’m wondering if there’s anything I can do now!”

Clenching her fists and blushing a little, Arisa said so.

Yuzuru couldn’t help but be moved by this heartfelt gesture and thought.

“Let’s see…”

“Um, Yuzuru-san… Nn!”

Yuzuru slowly approached Arisa, pretending to be thinking.

…and kissed her aggressively on the lips.

Arisa’s eyes went blank, then she pushed Yuzuru away with a slightly stronger force.

“W-what are you doing? G-geez… No more carelessness or openings…”

Yuzuru chided Arisa, who was turning red in the face.

“No, you were just too cute.”

“G-geez… Please take it more seriously!”

“Right, for example, considering the qualifications my mother has…”


Arisa listened to Yuzuru with a serious look.

“…Maybe a driver’s license?”

“…anything else?”

“Ah, I think she also had a curator’s license?”

“Does that have anything to do with the Takasegawa family business…?”

“No, nothing, in particular, I think?”

Yuzuru tilted his head.

Although his mother was a professor of American literature, it was not as if this directly influenced anything in the Takasegawa family’s business.

“My mother seems to do what she likes, so you should do what you like too, Arisa.”

“What I like to do, you say? But I…”

I want to be helpful to Yuzuru-san.

Yuzuru gently hugged Arisa who seemed to want to say so.

“I will be happy by just having you by my side.”

“Is… that so?”

Arisa smiled happily but hid the slightly disgruntled expression on her face by burying it in Yuzuru’s chest.

The two of them… still had a bit of a gap between their hearts and in the views of their love life.

Even though they were both vaguely aware of it, they pretended not to see it.

You can find story with these keywords: Omiai Shitakunakattanode, Muri Nandai na Jouken wo Tsuketara Doukyuusei ga Kita Ken ni Tsuite, Read Omiai Shitakunakattanode, Muri Nandai na Jouken wo Tsuketara Doukyuusei ga Kita Ken ni Tsuite, Omiai Shitakunakattanode, Muri Nandai na Jouken wo Tsuketara Doukyuusei ga Kita Ken ni Tsuite novel, Omiai Shitakunakattanode, Muri Nandai na Jouken wo Tsuketara Doukyuusei ga Kita Ken ni Tsuite book, Omiai Shitakunakattanode, Muri Nandai na Jouken wo Tsuketara Doukyuusei ga Kita Ken ni Tsuite story, Omiai Shitakunakattanode, Muri Nandai na Jouken wo Tsuketara Doukyuusei ga Kita Ken ni Tsuite full, Omiai Shitakunakattanode, Muri Nandai na Jouken wo Tsuketara Doukyuusei ga Kita Ken ni Tsuite Latest Chapter

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