Omni Gacha: Secret Organization

Chapter 1: Prologue

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“PUT YOUR HANDS UP AND YOUR PANTS DOWN!” An voice of an angry man sounded loudly.

“WHAT THE FUCK GERALD?!” Another voice called out to the angry man.

The source of this commotion was coming from a large mansion, standing tall and firmly in the middle of a forest.

The two voices came from two men who were both wearing disguises over themselves. A classic black jumpsuit with assault rifles in their hands.

They were standing on the balcony of the top floor of the wooden mansion. There were glass doors leading inside as the moonlight perfectly seeped through them.

“I WAS JOKING AND HENRY YOU JUST REVEALED MY IDENTITY!” The angry man glared at his friend.

“YOU JUST REVEALED MINE DUMBASS!” Henry spoke back with the same amount of anger.

“FUCK! Damn it, you know what it’s fine.” Gerald sighed, his rage still lingering. “We just have to get the money and kill everyone inside so we don’t get exposed. Now shut up.”

“Fine, I’ll just wrestle with your sister.” Henry shut his mouth but muttered some quiet words that Gerald picked up.

They both entered the room that the balcony was connected to, but were still arguing loudly. Aside from the loud noises they were making and hatred for each other, both of them were coordinated.

Their guards were up and ready for anything, scanning the fancy interior of the mansion for anything expensive.

Henry pulled out a bag and stuffed anything valuable inside of it. They warily opened the doors and saw the dim lighting of the mansion.

They didn’t turn the lights on but slid on some night vision goggles. Turning them on, they continued searching throughout the mansion.

However, aside from all the valuables left out, there was nothing else there. Not even the home owner was there, only his clothing.

“The owner isn’t here?” Henry muttered to Gerald. “As one of the world’s richest, his security system sucks ass.”

“Stay on guard, something might jump out at us at any moment.” Gerald spoke while shoving some gold bars into his bag. “But that man just left out all of his valuables, how stupid.”

“Or he’s expecting us.”

They kept creeping throughout the mansion while making sure every corner didn’t my have some sort of trap or security system. They roamed the entire house and stole pretty much everything they could fit in the bag.

All they had left was the basement the man had. How they knew was because of a large label hanging in front of the door saying, “BASEMENT”.

“This should be where he piles all his money.” Henry gripped his gun and grabbed the doorknob.

“If he has any left with how much he put out.” Gerald gave the signal and flung the door open.

They stormed down the room, expecting to find some sort of hidden bank or something.

However, it looked just like a normal basement. With the exception of a punching bag and some gloves.

The two were baffled at the sight and extremely confused. The basement was quite small as well with nothing much to be found.

As the two wandered the room, looking for some secret passageway or something, a shadow lurked in a corner.

Then, the shadow lunged at Gerald!

“The hell?!” Gerald was tackled down, dropping his gun and finding a knife shoved in his back. “FUCK!”

He cried in pain as Henry quickly reacted. He turned around to fire his weapon but the being that did it was using Gerald’s body as a shield.

“Damn it move!” Henry tried to get a good shot but they just kept moving Gerald’s body in the way. “Stop hiding you pussy!”

“I-It’s the home owner!” Gerald could see the face of the man they were robbing.

Blond hair and tanned skin. Adorning green eyes and currently wearing a similar jumpsuit to Henry and Gerald.

“… Damn it!” Kai Argbright cursed. “How did you know!”

“Your one of the most famous people in the world and your mansion is in the middle of nowhere.” Gerald talked calmly, taking advantage of Kai’s ‘unsuspecting’ attitude.


He managed to free himself and dived right back at Kai, attempting to pin him down.

But Kai reacted quickly and threw a solid punch in Gerald’s stomach. The punch made him cough up some saliva.

But this was a distraction as Henry now had a perfect shot. Gerald was going to keep him away from the gun and Henry would fire.


A bullet soared through the air and hit Kai directly on the chest.


But what should have killed him made a very metallic noise. Like the bullet had grazed a metal plate.

“What th-“ Henry was startled but Kai lunged at him. He grabbed another knife from his pocket and skillfully slashed his hand.

The gun fell out and Henry shouted in pain. Gerald, who was still wounded, reached over for the gun and pointed it at Kai saying, “Don’t move!”

Kai turned and saw the firearm Gerald was wielding and froze.

‘Shit.’ Kai thought. ‘This is a lot harder than in the movies.’

Henry walked over to Gerald’s side and flung his hand around. The blood splattered all over the ground and he picked up his gun.

“He almost had you.” Henry said while pointing his gun at Kai.

“He’s fast and surprise attacked me.” Gerald spoke in a pissed voice. “You saw him but still managed to lose the upper hand you had.”

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Henry couldn’t refute. But he said, “Fine, let’s just get this over with and be rich as fuck.”

Gerald shrugged and they both turned their attention back to Kai.

“Tell us where you keep all your money.” Henry spoke first and made their demands.

“…” Kai was silent, his eyes darting around the room.


Henry fired a shot directly at Kai’s lower thigh and pierced it.

“SSsssh…” Kai winced in pain, still trying to find something he could use.

“Damn it listen! Tell us where the money is or else your body is going to look like the nightmares of someone with trypophobia.” Henry proclaimed.

“Oddly specific,” Kai finally said. “But my money is all online.”

“…” Henry and Gerald were both in silence. Not once had they thought about him having all his money online, with his vintage house and demeanor.

“Give us your bank information.” Gerald changed their plans and demanded.

“…” Kai remembered something very important. “I’ll tell you under one condition.”

“You’re not in the position to be making demands.” Gerald spoke, sitting due to his injury which he tried to ignore. “And hurry up or else we’ll give you a painful death.”

Kai coughed into his fist, “The password is…”

With swift and precise movement, he uncoupled a grenade from his pocket.

But then…


Gerald reacted quickly, shooting a bullet in Kai’s head when noticing his abrupt movement.

“Damn it, why’d you kill him!” Henry yelled at Gerald, Kai’s body falling backwards.

“I thought he was going to pull some sort of stunt!” Gerald argued, wincing at his damaged stomach.

Seeing his comrade’s pain, Henry just sighed. From the corner of his eye he had noticed some sort of note sticking out of Kai’s body.

“A note?” He went over to it, not suspecting anything since Kai was dead.

He bent down and picked it up with his good hand, reading the note aloud.

“If you’re reading this, know this…”

“I always wanted to go out with a bang.”

“?!” Henry interpreted the message and was going to warn his comrade.

But it was too late, for a moment a bright light shook the small basement before an explosion came out.


Smoke rushed out the door to the basement followed by a bright explosion. The explosion set ablaze the house and coherently the surrounding forest.

News of this spread to the world with police finding the burned body of Kai. There, a large-scale funeral was held for one of the worlds most impactful people.

Who was he exactly? Obviously, a very famous person that created a semi-perfect source of energy.

This energy was created by Kai’s collective knowledge over his lifetime ever since he was a kid. This massive breakthrough in science hastened the development of the world.

It was almost perfectly clean, barely releasing any sort of harmful substance. It was 1.5x as effective than the natural oils and could be easily mass produced. It could be applied to all appliances and immediately took the world by storm.

Kai, the creator of what he called Rehte, became a multi-billionaire and left a mark in history.

Though he was famous and one of the richest people in the world, he didn’t really seemed to want to stand out.

At least that was what he wanted people to think, while in actuality he attempted a multitude of large-scale events.

He once gathered millions of people to create what he called a, ‘secret organization’. But as soon as the government found out they immediately disbanded it and told Kai that doing such things weren’t allowed.

However, he took this with a grain of salt and instead gathered a lot of animals. This was also stopped as farms and people from around the world noticed their animals were gone.

No one knows how he did it but the government gave him one last warning or else they’d have to arrest him.

These attempts made him even more famous and some people even began to create their own miniature groups.

These miniature groups were more of a joke at first, but grew immensely to the point where Kai just couldn’t my help it.

He tried to unite all the groups into one major one, what he’d called the Grand Organization.

So, the military arrested him and put him on house arrest. An extreme version with him being stuck in a mansion isolated in the middle of a forest.

His attempts in escaping were futile, every time he even took a single step outside the government would always be ready.

They were doing all this because of how dangerous Kai was. In only a few attempts, he managed to gather large amounts of beings for some sort of goal.

They would have been considered a terrorist group if not for the sheer amount of innocents volunteering due to the money Kai had offered.

His true goal? No one understood it. Why he’d go through all the trouble in making such a grand organization even with the world being incredible stable.

No one understood him.

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