Omniversal Mercenary

Chapter 16: The End Isn’t Near… This Is The End

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Arthur doesn't have any 'experience' with ladies. That's why he was slightly reluctant about tearing this blond busty woman's skirt so that she could walk properly.


It wasn't like he wasn't tempted. The nurse was just that seductive...   


"You can't run in this clothing." He said before... taking out a dead Hydra soldier's body. He placed his foot on the soldier's torso and pulled out the dead soldier's boots and pants before throwing them on the ground and storing the body back in his inventory.


"Take these pants and boots and wear them instead of your skirt and heels." He told her.


"Eww, I am not wearing a guy's pants, a dead guy's!" Shizuka complained.


He sighed, "You either do as I say, or I leave you here still sprawled on the floor, okay?" 


But the more he looked at her figure, her thighs, the more tempted he became to tear the side of her skirt.


Even though he has become an Omniversal Mercenary and a super soldier, his personality remained the same... He still was just a nineteen-year old, he still had teenager hormones!


And the fact that real Shizuka looked hundreds of times prettier and sexier than her anime version wasn't helping.


"Mou~ and here I thought you were a nice guy, Arthur-San!"


"Guess what, you were right, I AM saving your life, after all!" Arthur offered his hand so she could get up. 


With his support, she got up.


"Thanks, Arthur-san." She smiled, "I guess, you are a gentleman, after all." 


He shrugged.


"Now, look away!" She pouted in a cute voice as she glared at him.


Arthur turned around, smirking a bit as he shook his head in exasperation.


Shizuka gazed at the black pants and ankle length boots which were in front of Arthur... She put a finger on her cheeks, a thoughtful frown dawned on her face before she muttered that those black pants would suit well with her white shirt. 


She unbuttoned her skirt and then lowered its zipper, gravity did its work and the skirt fell to the ground, she walked to the pants and boots, again, which were in front of Arthur.


The airhead nurse, only in her shirt and panties, bent down to pick them up. IN FRONT OF ARTHUR.


Arthur didn't say anything, the sensual view of Shizuka's peachy, fair, and creamy ass was appreciated. Much appreciated.

The view of her bubble butt which jiggled with her each step...

Very much appreciated.


Shizuka Marikawa was finally wearing pants, efficient and durable.


"Eh? Arthur-saaan!!! You turned back even though I told you not to?!" Shizuka whined.


He rolled his eyes, a small exasperated smile on his face. "Look carefully, you were the one who came in front of me!"


"Eh.. uh, how did you like my panties, anyway?" She blinked before giving a flirtatious smile, changing the subject after realizing that he was right and it really might've been her at the wrong.


"I like purple." Arthur replied, "Anyway, let's move."  


It seems that took too much time as when they arrived at the place from where the noise was coming, there was no one to be found, the group must've gone ahead to the Faculty Office, Arthur thought.


So, he along with Shizuka also proceeded there.




"Open up, it's me, Arthur!" Arthur knocked at the Faculty Office's door.


A fat black-haired boy wearing thick glasses opened the door.


Takashi and Kazu were behind him, shifting some desks and tables to block the door after the new additions entered.


He walked inside, and Shizuka also trotted after him and slumped on a chair that Kazu offered her, pure bliss on her face as she plopped her bubble butt caged in tight black pants on the chair.


"Kohta Hirano." Arthur shook Kohta's hands, still in front of the door, "Nice to meet y— "


"Huh? Who're you?" Saya interrupted him and frowned as she adjusted her glasses.


"Arthur, an Omniversal Mercenary... Nice to meet you too, Saya Takagi." He replied, giving Kohta a nod, he then offered his hand to Saya for a handshake.


"So, you know me? I guess, my reputation as a genius precedes me..." She humphed before looking at his hands for a bit and then shook it, "But really? Omniversal Mercenary? There is a limit to chunni-ness! Turd!"


"At least I don't go around telling every person I meet that I'm a self-proclaimed genius. And I'd appreciate it if you keep that arrogant tongue of yours under control when talking with me." He snorted and sat on a chair in front of Saeko who was massaging her stiff shoulders from using her wooden sword all day.


"Hey, I'm not self-proclaimed! I have certificates too!" Saya glared.


"Yeah, yeah whatever. I believe you..." He waved.


"Argh, he's not here for even a minute and he managed to irritate me already! And why did you say that I go around telling people about my genius? I don't do that at all!!!" She gritted her teeth, her fangs peeked out.


"Takagi-san maybe you do..." Kohta spoke sheepishly with a smile.


Saya glared at him.


"Shut UP, you fat tub!!! I know it. Takashi! It's' you! The one who told him bad things about me! You bastard!" She pointed at Takashi.


"It's not me, Takagi! Arthur says that he knows every important person in this world.. ah, where do I begin...?" Takashi sweatdropped as he scratched the back of his head.

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"Yeah, I've been meaning to ask as well, who exactly is he, Komuro-kun? Earlier you said that he's... 'out of this world...' and seeing as he can make anything disappear in just a touch, that claim appears to be true?" Saeko alternated her gaze from Arthur to Takashi and Rei as she leaned forward on her chair and looked at Arthur.


Arthur folded his arms and leaned backward, closing his eyes. 


Takashi looked at Arthur as he spoke, "We were at the terrace, on the stairs of the Observatory, escaping from undeads... and then a portal appeared... and He CAME OUT from it... And besides, making things disappear in just a touch, he can also bash THEIR heads in just a punch, and he also has otherwordly guns."


"Hah!? Really? You expect me to just believe it... No, wait...! Continue." Saya frowned, it may sound unbelievable but it was possible that Takashi was telling the truth, he had no reason to lie, plus, with whatever was happening outside, anything was possible.


Even what Takashi was saying.


"Okay... uh..."


"Every world has a story — events- entertaining events, historical epics, or even love stories..." Arthur spoke from his seat, cutting off Takashi, "My old world, and this world too."


Shizuka raised her head, hearing his voice. Her droopy eyes had an interesting glint in them. Her airhead yet curious mind, was now fully attentive.


He stood up, "You all must've watched a documentary or a movie inspired by real life, have you not? I also happened to see something like that, an anime specifically, showing the events of 'this' world. It was called "High School Of The Dead" and you all and a few others who you'll meet in the future were the main casts in it."


Saeko's eyes widened at that, if they were Main Casts then could it be... does he knows?


Her tendencies...? The real her?


Her heart pounded, 'No, if he knew about me, he wouldn't talk to me this casually... his voice had no disgust towards me.'


"Wait... do you mean, anime girls are real!!??" Kohta jumped excitedly.


He got a serious nod from Arthur.


"From my perspective, all these girls here are anime girls turned real, so yeah I guess they're real in some other universe!"


"This apocalypse was just too much for the whole world, even for the Main Character... I am an Omniversal Mercenary... I was contracted to assist the Main Character to achieve his goals... but..." He sighed, "The bastard was already bitten, he died."


"Hey, don't call him bastard!" Rei cried, "It was my fault that he got bitten,"


She slumped on the floor defeatedly as she recalled Hisashi's face when he died while hugging her knees, "It should've been to die, not him!"


Takashi went and caressed her shoulder, soothing her a bit.


"The Main Character died!?" Saya roared in shock, everyone was shocked.


But she composed herself soon with a soft exhale and looked at Takashi hugging Rei to calm her down, she felt a small tinge in her chest, "Was it, Hisashi Igou?"


She wouldn't have believed that Rei Miyamoto's boyfriend was dead a moment ago, the way she was smiling a while earlier... there was literally no shred of sadness or depression on her face until this Omniversal whatever guy mentioned her boyfriend's death. Did she actually forget about her boyfriend?


Oh well, "This wasn't supposed to happen, was it? What happens now?"


"No, it wasn't meant to happen, instead of him someone els-." Arthur shook his head, Saya narrowed her eyes at his 'slip-up', "Now, a new Main Character will be chosen by this world, and I'll have to find 'him' and assist 'him'."


"And you think it's one of us? Is that why you're here with us?"


Arthur shook his head in denial, "I am not sure, but yes, the next Main Character could be one among you guys."


"But Arthur-san, you shouldn't have told us about this... what would happen if the future changes because of it, all your knowledge about this world might go to waste!" Kohta asked worriedly.


"Are you stupid or what!" Saya folded her arms under her bountiful breasts, "The plot got fucked the moment Igou died, and I think there is another motive behind him telling us that so willingly..." 


She smiled and narrowed her eyes, "He wants to be the leader- no. That's not it." She paused gawking at Arthur's face, trying to figure out his expression, but he was entirely unreadable.


'This guy... he's quite smart himself. He's quite good at concealing his real expressions... He knows exactly what he's doing.' She analyzed.


"He just wants the final say in major plans or decisions we make,  something like a VETO, right, Arthur-san, Omniversal Mercenary."


"People are free to think whatever they want." He shrugged.


"Arthur-San, do you know what exactly is happening outside? Do you have a way to stop this?" Saeko asked, but it sounded more like a request, a plea.


He sighed and turned the TV on, "I think you should all take a look at this."


A mortifying silence engulfed the whole room as they watched the news all over the world. The hellish state of the whole world...


"The end isn't near... This is the end."


Arthur said from the back as he rested his back against the wall.


His dark comment horrified even Saeko and Saya.


'Why would he say that...' Was what Saya thought.



Yeah, sorry to blue ball y'all with a fully clothed Shizuka but isn't a getup like that hot as well, lol.

Anyway, romance development is gonna take some time... I mean even in this apocalypse, you can't bang a girl like Saeko in just a day.

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