Omniversal Mercenary

Chapter 25: Mess, Mess with you, Mess you up and Mess-up.

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Arthur explained to Saeko how clogged the port would be today, before exiting the humvee and clearing up the area surrounding the house they'll be staying the rest of the evening and night.

Roughly a day and a half had passed since all this began. A lot of time for people to realize what the undeads are.

A threat to their lives.

And they can only see one option to survive this hell, just escape it.

It was absolutely right.

But their method to escape wasn't.

It was quite evident since even yesterday, all the bridges and highways were blocked by countless vehicles filled with panicking citizens, wishing to escape the city.

It was obvious that even today the way to the port will be clogged, but by tomorrow, most of them would be bitten and turned into undeads. Or hopefully escape successfully. The infection rate is just that high.

Of course, if he really wanted to, he could still make it today, but it was just not worth it when he had so much buffer time.

In just about 30 minutes, the clearing of the surroundings was done. The potholes in the streets were filled with dark red blood, and the house which was going to be their stay for the night had its boundary walls dyed dark crimson.

This time as anyone could infer from the scene, all the killings were done by Saeko alone. All she asked Arthur before going berserk was to only use his gun when her life was in danger. Fortunately, he didn't have to use it.

But this havoc... This gore... This Mess...

"Nice work, Saeko, I have learned a lot by observing your sword style. It packs quite a bit of destruction along with that sweet elegance." Arthur praised her as wiped a piece of rotten flesh from her head.

But to Saeko, it looked like he was patting her head.

She smiled with a frown and a small blush. "Thanks."

Arthur looked at the house, he chose this particular house mostly because of its extraordinary modern outward appearance. Probably also loaded with all sorts of comfort equipment, and just as he guessed, the door lock was also digitalized.

Ninja did its work and the whole house was ready for their use. They entered it and began looking around the house, all the facilities looked exquisite and were quite well maintained.

Whoever owns this house hasn't been able to reach it after this hell began. They're either dead or taking shelter elsewhere. As if they had the chance to return and then escape afterward then the house would have the signs of people leaving hurriedly.

There lived five persons in this house if he counted all the individuals in the family portrait hanging on the hall's wall.

"Arthur, I'm going to change clothes, these are too drenched with my sweat and undead's blood."

"I have some clothes too if you want..."

"They don't suit my preference, I hope to find better ones here." She smiled politely.

'Ah, she's a girl, alright. These things matter to her.' Arthur nodded.

Getting a nod from Arthur, she walked away with an extra sway of her hips.

It wasn't an attempt to seduce him or anything, she just wanted to do that, perhaps, she wanted to tease him or see his flustered face, like how Marikawa made him. Or perhaps, she wanted him to look more at her...

Sighing, she stopped her mind from thinking more about him and looked around the house.

Meanwhile, Arthur took out an ordinary-looking katana from his inventory and began imitating Saeko's moves.

The living room was big enough for him to move around freely.

'This super soldier body is a cheat...  I'm imitating her each move with precise accuracy. These muscles have incredible connections and coordination with my brain. This allows me to copy any move just by looking. The physical ones.'

He was adept in a few forms of martial arts but that was it, swords were useless in his world. Mastering them wasn't worth it, so, he just stuck to his tech.

Saeko came back after a while, she was wearing a royal blue Kimono, but couldn't find undergarments of her size, so she was without any.

She thought to ask Arthur for it but her steps froze still on the stairs as she stared at Arthur's sword training.

She was impressed, he was imitating her style quite well- No, he perfectly imitated her, there were no flaws in his style.

She narrowed her eyes, and walked down to him, "You're doing fine.. but... Here, your arms should be like this." She instructed and she adjusted his arms a bit.

Arthur kept a straight face even though there were no corrections at all, she just pulled it down a bit and then pushed it up back, right where it already was...

'Ah, she wants to do THAT...'

"Oh!" He replied. "I guess learning it really might need a bit of time and an instructor. How about you show me the basics."

She nodded with a smile, emitting a mature aura, "Sure, gladly. Let me see, you don't need basics, you're already at a level just slightly below an expert... There are minor corrections needed in your stances, improving them will give you the total mastery of the Busujima sword style."

Saeko hummed, "So, let's begin right now if you're not tired that is."

Arthur shook his head, "I can do this all day."

Saeko gave a side smirk before shrugging, "Oh, remove your T-shirt, I will be able to spot the imperfections better then."

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Arthur blinked, 'This play is getting too far, but seriously, her straightforwardness surprises me.'

"Sure," He said as he removed his blue polo T-shirt, revealing those things called abs, for Saeko to admire.

He resumed his sword practice, and Saeko just nodded in without telling anything as she 'observed' his movements.

At an upper slash, she paused him. She swept her palm from his slightly sweaty shoulder to his elbow, "Here, this should be here."

Arthur deadpanned internally, 'So, this is how girls feel when molested.'

Seems like his massive deadpan leaked a bit, as a touch of fluster occupied her face before she composed herself back to the usual calm in just a moment.

She parted her full luscious lips and spoke in a serious tone, "They are too minor to notice, so you might think that I'm not correcting at all... But the minor improvement in the result will put you at expert level."

He looked at her skeptically before shrugging, "Perhaps... yeah. But it still doesn't explain why are you trying to mess with me."

She covered her lips with her palm and laughed a bit, her soft giggle looked quite graceful, "Fine~ I really was just messing with you. I'm sure whatever you did to learn Busujima sword style, didn't include years of hard work and dedication and that irked me a bit, that's all, really. But I didn't have any bad intentions, just wanted to see you get flustered a bit like how Marikawa sensei does... I failed apparently."

"Hm, how about I mess with you a bit too for you trying to mess with me." He narrowed his eyes.

"If you can catch me, sure." She gave an alacritous response.

"I am not that much of a good man, you know. I'll mess you up for good, even begging won't save y-"

Saeko dashed before he could even finish his sentence, she got a bit embarrassed after hearing his words... They seemed a bit... Lewd.


She was already caught...?!

The game of chase hadn't even begun properly before it was over.

Her wrist was firmly caught by him, she twisted it a bit but his hold... even though it wasn't that tight, didn't budge.

"Heh, look what I caught!" He smirked as he pulled her towards him.

Saeko's balance got off as she got pulled. She accidentally stepped on her own Kimono. The mess-up caused it to slide off her shoulders as she crashed into Arthur.

Her bare marshmallows, decorated with cherry-like pink nipples, melted on Arthur's chiseled chest, which was slightly sweaty due to the exercise.

For a moment, even Arthur froze up as he felt the super soft flesh on his chest.

Their eyes met... A fierce blush appeared on both faces.

Saeko quickly separated herself from him and turned around, she propered her dress. "Sorry, it wasn't tied properly!"

Arthur wiped his nose as he tried his hardest to calm his beating heart.

For the first time since he arrived in this world, he was this flustered.

That was the first time in his life that he felt the actual softness of tits.

He covered his eyes with his palm, and the other hand did a subconscious grabbing motion, which was seen by Saeko as turned back after wearing her Kimono properly.

Her eyes widened and her already blushing face became fiery red, she frowned.

Slight anger, slight happiness, slight embarrassment, and all sorts of emotions were exploding in her heart.

But his flustered face looked so cute that for a moment that the back of her mind whispered to her to let him feel her breasts all he wanted with his hands...

"Ahem, seems like I finally got you flustered" She declared and then scooted away with a smile.

Arthur gazed at her as she ran away... She charmed him a bit more than he already was.

He pursed his lips, 'I never accounted for romance. I didn't want to take it into account. I didn't want to fall in love again.  I didn't want to like someone this much.....'

He was aware of his increasing feelings towards her. But he chose to not think about it, but he didn't expect to change his decision so soon.

He looked at his hand, 'But now Saeko... I'll make you mine...'

He sighed, '... Am I just horny...?'

He sighed again. 

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