Omniversal Mercenary

Chapter 35: Inventory

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[ Simulations Executed Successfully ]

Arthur sighed in relief, looking at the screen, and then the device in his hand vanished.

Saeko was still laying beside him, hugging him like a teddy bear in her sleep, he stared at her face.

'She's cute.' He thought as he caressed her cheeks.

Since he was idle and didn't want to move as it might disturb Saeko's sleep, he thought to explore his inventory, it didn't require him to move anyway.

He wondered if Barnes knew more about it.

'Hey, Barnes, is there some kind of tutorial to use Inventory? If I had known about the property of Inventory I discovered yesterday, I could have used it in the previous mission...'

{Well, Inventory is different for each mercenary... It is for you to explore all of its elements. Well, let me start from the start.

Inventory is an ability that gives you access to a storage dimension. For each mercenary, these dimensions are different and unique, and each dimension interacts with matter differently. As a result, the items are also stored in a different way for different mercenaries.

For example, some Inventories trigger a portal, some cover the item with a pitch-black liquid, and some even allow users to go inside their inventory.

Yours requires physical touch and vanishes the item instantly, as you already know. The way it stores liquids is also a consequence of your dimension's interaction with liquid matter.

Well, that's all I know about Inventory, so I guess you gotta explore and uncover more of your inventory's properties by yourself.}

'Hmm, then... If a mercenary has a skill that grants them access to different dimensions, could they barge into my so-called storage dimension and steal my items?'

{ Mmmmmmm, well such a case never happened so, I don't think that's a possibility.}

Arthur hummed and touched himself willing for himself to get stored in his inventory, nothing happened.

{Anyway, you fucking should've plunged your dick into her begging, dripping, slutty cunt!!!! } Barnes's aggravated voice resounded in Arthur's head.

'Please, Barnes... Now that she's my girlfriend, I don't want to hear you talking about her like that...'


{.... Huh?}

{ You Dawg! You're in love with her already, eh?} Barnes teased.

Arthur pursed his lips, he didn't have the answer. He didn't know how much his feelings for Saeko had grown...

'Well, anyway, I am thankful that you didn't shout in mind while I was being intimate with her last night.'

{Heh, what do you take me for? I know when to give my mercenary his time... Hehe.}





"So... the nuke we're going to deal with... it's coming here by evening, huh..." Saeko asked to confirm while looking at the gigantic aircraft in front of her.

The all-black aircraft Valkyrie looked as intimidating as it was intended to while manufacturing.

They were at the cliff of the table-top mountain of the island.

Arthur didn't come to this island by chance. In Rika's apartment, he had researched the islands near the Tokunosu International Airport, and this one perfectly met his requirement.

And although the surface of this lifeless cliff wasn't as smooth as a man-made runway, it will do nonetheless.

"Yeah, in the evening it will reach here and explode at some high altitude causing an EMP that'll fry all the electronics in the city..." Arthur explained.

Currently, it was a couple of hours before noon, so, they still had plenty of time.

"Let's get in."

Saeko didn't require more explanation. The fact that all the electronics would become useless after the explosion was enough for her to get an idea of how much more chaos it'll cause.

They entered the Aircraft from the rear hatch.

"I wanted to ask this yesterday as well, are those empty spots for bombs? I don't see them, have you already bombarded some city with them?" Saeko joked.

"They're in my inventory at present," Arthur replied.

That wasn't a lie, the remaining two bombs were in his inventory, though he didn't comment about bombarding a city.

"Of course," She shrugged.

"I have to do something above, you can head to the pilot chamber," Arthur said and climbed a stair to the terrace of the aircraft.

Reaching the terrace, he took out a metallic projectile. It looked similar to an ordinary missile, but its body had waldo arms and its's rear had a ring glowing with blinding azure light, a color same as that of the Tesseract.

This was the item he was working on in Rika's apartment and that house they had rested in.

He nodded after he loaded the special projectile, named Latcher, into its launcher. After this, he went down to go to the pilot chamber, but Saeko was still waiting near the stairs.

He shook his head in exasperation and smiled.

They continued their stroll to the pilot chamber.

The pilot chamber looked exactly like the original, just eight extra monitors and a few other pieces of equipment were added to the right of the control panel.

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Arthur took out the Tesseract from his inventory, its blue hue illuminated the surroundings.

"It's beautiful and frightening at the same time..." Saeko muttered under her breath.

Arthur nodded at her remark and put the cube in the power source chamber, it smoothly and slowly sank after he rotated the handle on the lid, locking the Tesseract in its place.

After that, he walked to the cockpit and stared outside the windscreens for a bit before sitting on the chair.

Saeko also followed him and took the co-pilot seat to his left.

Arthur pressed a few buttons and all the electronics lit up as if the whole aircraft got reborn again.

The ancient-looking display in front of Saeko showed the parameters of the aircraft. There was a bit of damage on the aircraft as shown by one of the displays, she raised her brows...

'Knowing him, this aircraft could be a stolen item from somewhere too. A battlefield, perhaps. Where else.' She scoffed.

Arthur pushed the lever on the panel.

The engine blared and Valkyrie accelerated, his gradual push to the lever multiplied the acceleration of the aircraft. In just a couple of minutes, it reached adequate velocity, and the vessel left the cliff as it floated in the air.

Valkyrie, for the first time in this world, reached the sky, where it belonged.

A soft giggle escaped Saeko's lips as her excitement peaked, the realization that she was above the sky, tickled her.

The aircraft flew above and above, tearing the clouds scattered about in the blue sky before the elevation plateaued as Arthur pressed the autopilot button.

"Now, Valkyrie will take rounds of this area till the radar detects the nuke." Arthur leaned back on the cockpit and turned to Saeko.

She nodded with a small smile, "I guess, we'll have to wait then..."

"Hm, till then, Saeko... how about you tell me about your family... and possibly about your father's personality...?" Arthur asked standing up from his seat.

Saeko tilted her head with a teasing grin on her face. "Are asking that to ask my hand for marriage from him?" She giggled.

"Well, yeah...." He chuckled.

This idle chatter and light flirting didn't let them realize how quickly the next six hours passed.

And then...

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

The siren wailed, announcing the arrival of the nuclear missile.

Arthur's face turned grim, he hurried to the cockpit and pressed a switch.

"Saeko, hang on!"

With an abrupt motion, the aircraft turned sharply to the left... toward the city.

The eight displays beside the cockpit lighted up. Each one was showing a detailed analysis of each parameter of the targetted nuke.

But the screen at the top left corner just showed loading dots.

[.. ... ... ... ... ]


The air shrieked as the nuclear missile passed Valkyrie from behind, it was just an instant and then it headed to the city too.

A few seconds later, the loading screen changed.

[ Initiating Launch sequence... ]

On the terrace, a particular launcher pivoted around and aimed towards the nuke.

A few seconds later, Latcher was launched with a stark blue blaze trailing its path. The Latcher, powered by the embers of the godly stone, was catching up with the nuclear missile with quite an ease. But one thing looked quite odd with this projectile, it was connected to its launcher by some sort of metallic cord.

In a few more seconds, the Latcher had caught up with the Nuke, and the metal tentacle-like arms opened and latched into the Nuclear missile. Latcher was now fully connected with the nuke.

Arthur, standing on the terrace of Valkyrie, smiled as he saw the notification on the screen he was holding. His black hair fluttered wildly due to the chaotic wind, and his blue eyes glimmered.

He touched the cord that connected launcher with the Latcher, and it disappeared.

The Nuclear missile and the Latcher also vanished into thin air... as if they never existed.

Inventory is truly his biggest cheat.

"Nice work!" Saeko gave a nod to Arthur that just returned back to the pilot chamber.

"Still, I kinda expected to see some grand-scale fireworks..." She laughed.

Arthur laughed too, "Now, now... I can't spoil my girlfriend that much... Anyway, let's head back to others."

Saeko hummed with a smile.

After a few moments of silence, she parted her lips, her expressions were a bit down.

"Arthur... are there more such dangers...?

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