Omniversal Mercenary

Chapter 6: Fate of Millions

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A while later, Captain America landed on a glacier mountain...

He got out of the parachute.

'I have to live... for him. For our country...' Steve  mused.


'OUR country...?'

His eyes widened in terror and his heart pounded in his ears. "That kid said, OUR country, even though his country was supposed to be germa- No it can't be!" His hands shook on his blunder.

That boy intentionally made him see the broken console, it made his mind go haywire with the fear of death, the fear of not being able to protect several million people... and at that moment he provided Captain with a hope to live and presented it so well, that it made Captain America think he wasn't pushing his duty to someone else!

"That fucker! He fooled me!!" He cursed that skinny black-haired boy. What a hypocrite~ 

Steve ran, a pathetic attempt to catch the aircraft which was only visible as a black dot in the vast sky.

But then the ground started shaking... his eyes widened as he saw an enormous avalanche making its way toward him.


Arthur released a satisfied sigh as he watched Captain Jump from the ship, from the screen connected to the rear camera.

Acting like a goody-two-shoes always tired the fuck out of his facial muscles. Well, at least with this he managed to accomplish the toughest part of his plan, manipulating Captain America into leaving this ship somehow.

His efforts paid off, and Captain jumped off without suspecting anything. More so, with guilt toward him, giving him the ship.

'Oh well, not like his guilt will be of any help to me.'

Now the aircraft was Arthur's belonging.

Now came the last part of his plan.

Arthur smiled wryly as he fixed the ship's malfunction.

Repairing this level of damage was no big deal for him, he had fixed worse.

In just a few minutes, it was done.

The gigantic, weaponized bomber aircraft, Valkyrie, was now under his command.

His loot!

New York City was visible now...

A look of contradiction and contemplation formed his face as he eyed the city from thousands of meters above and hundreds of meters afar.

'The fate of millions of lives...'

Only a few minutes were remaining till he successfully finishes the first objective, which was surviving for three hours in this world. He would get a pretty decent reward for such an 'easy' mission... But the optional objective's unknown reward tempted him.

That's why he wanted to change at least something in this world, so that aware or unaware he causes some kind of butterfly effect, but he also knew from Marvel's What if series he watched, that changing 'Absolute Points' was impossible, it was called the 'Will of the World' in some universes.

He guessed that his efforts to stop Captain America's cryo-sleep would somehow fail and his small interaction with Peggy would change absolutely nothing.

He supposed that if the kiss went a bit longer, then Steve might miss catching the plane, but Steve still did come here.

Nothing he hoped had worked till now.

So, if he wanted to change anything significant in this world it would be bombing this city right here with his own hands.

It was a pretty major city for America as it served as the hub of industries right now and would also become a financial center in the future.

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Who knows... if he is successful, even the Nazis might win the war and only god knows what kind of butterfly effect would that cause.

What kind of Chaos would erupt...

But that would mean he'd have to press the button and bomb this city, killing millions.

His apocalyptic world and his mana-less body had honed him to possess a brain better than most. He was a talented engineer, a good strategist and a great analyzer. It also forced him to be selfish. Without being selfish no one could even survive that kind of world. Goody-Two-Shoes were among the first to die, they were consumed by the same people who they tried to help. The absolute scums basked in wealth and women under them. He was neither of both.

Killing also wasn't something new for him, he had killed several people in the past, even far stronger than him, though it was when he wasn't sick.

But mass murder...

Infants, children, men, women, old and young.

He alone will have to bear the guilt...

He moved his finger and hovered it over the button which will seal the fate of countless lives.

'This is for my own selfishness... this is for...'

{Are you sure, you want to kill countless innocents just like those Devils of your world you spoke of?}

'...' Arthur fell silent, his eyes fluttered.

'...' Arthur fell silent, his eyes fluttered.

Barnes had betrayed him.

'He is trying to sabotage the mission...' Arthur closed his eyes deep in thought.

{You still have time to think this thing through... again, you know, Arthur.}

'...' He didn't reply.

'Yeah, you're right.' Arthur sighed.

"Mission: Time" Arthur called out, to see the leftover time.


'One minute fifty-six seconds left, huh... How do I spend it.' He wondered.

He touched his wheelchair which disappeared into his inventory. After that, he pulled out a backpack from his inventory and inserted his shoulders into the stripes.


With a deep breath... he pressed the 'Innocent's fate sealing button'.

A hatch opened, and a black bomb with New York City written on it fell from it.

Next, the gigantic ship disappeared into nothingness leaving only a skinny boy donning a backpack larger than his torso to fall alongside the bomb.

Sealing the fate of millions, Arthur was now relishing skydiving.


But... the next moment he realized why the Optional Objectives are said to be insanely difficult.

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