Omniversal Mercenary

Chapter 8: Selfish VS Sacrificial and A Chaotic Neutral

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Barnes was bewildered... 'I... I... this situation isn't written in the books! He should've been devasted right now - He lost everything, he went against even his morals, and then he had a near-death experience in such a short period of time... yet, he failed... his mind should've been in a vulnerable state where the protocol said to deal accordingly to uplift accordingly! Yet... But he's he's.... what is this human?!'

Barnes somehow composed himself. He hated to have a question, he hated to not know something... but he still spoke.

"A-Arthur, I'm sorry! I swear on my position as a Manager that I won't ever try to use your Family or Luna's name against you. But I have a question..."

Arthur let go of his head and sighed. Arthur didn't know Barnes all that much, but he knew one thing — His job is the most important thing to him. "Ask." He said.

"...I know you aren't a heartless person... you're not evil... but you still went against your morals... guilt should've been eating you right now. And failure and trauma should be haunting you right now. An ordinary person would've gone insane twice. But you are still the same as before, just a bit angry, why is it so?"

"I told you the answer to that already... My mind just ain't that weak."

He sighed, "Guilt really is eating me right now... That was a tough decision Barnes... really nerve-wracking... At that time... one hand was Luna and on another were a bunch of people whom I didn't know nor would ever form any connection with... a world which I was sent to for mere three hours. I sacrificed my morals... for that. For the person who sacrificed her life for me. I chose to be selfish. I chose her."

Barnes hummed, "I guess, I understand it now... Your mind is strong, I know it now. And now, I feel like I understand your psychology at that time better.

Too much had happened in such a short amount of time. You are smart, no doubt about that... but your mind was too clouded. The truth is I don't fucking care about how many people you kill...

If you were evil, I would've cursed at your failure and even celebrated if you had succeeded... but you weren't being selfish you were just being sacrificial. And that hurts me. I really care about you Arthur, you are my fated mercenary... that's why I say it. Sacrificing everything that makes you... YOU... can be detrimental. No matter how much you overestimate yourself. One day or another you WILL lose yourself... you are just a human after all."

"Besides, this job doesn't demand sacrifices... it aims to fulfill your wishes. You just gotta be patient. If not on this mission then other or more mission can get you whatever you want. If you don't like the mission of one entity, there are millions more! You don't need to sacrifice anything. These words that I'm saying really do come from my heart Arthur... But you don't need to hurry... I... I don't want to lose the current you Arthur... You are my fated mercenary your well-being is a part of my job." Barnes's voice was solemn.

Arthur felt silent for a moment... this time Barnes's words really did impact him. Why wouldn't they... Barnes was absolutely correct, and there really was no sign of manipulation... just truth, after all.

And his mind really was too cloudy by everything that had happened.

Arthur closed his eyes, he contemplated everything that happened.

"I... I am sorry, Barnes." He spoke as he finally admitted that Barnes was right and thus he needed to apologize. "You are right. I really shouldn't become like that. I will stay like what I am... not a villain, not a psychopath, not a goody-two-shoes... but just Arthur - a Chaotic Neutral."

The Livestream then shut off. A replay button appeared. And a new blue screen popped up gaining both Arthur's and Barnes's attention.

[Objective 1: Survive for 3 hours in the last battle of Captain America- The First Avenger, has been accomplished!]

[You have gained a Perfected Super Soldier Serum(without the side effect of change of personality)!]

A blue syringe manifested in front of him, and Arthur simply grabbed it. He sighed, at least the mission wasn't a total failure, he should be happy with what he got.

But then another screen popped up.

[Optional Objective: Neutrally Cause Chaos in this verse of Marvel, has been accomplished!]

'Huh? Wha- but how?'

He was slightly confused.

[Calculating Reward...]

[ You have gained a world ticket to your own world, you can go up to 15 minutes back in time from your death! ]

[ In accordance with your "expectation of rewards" and the urgency of the situation, took it upon himself and stopped one of your loved ones, the original Luna's soul, from reincarnating. Meaning, when you return to your world, you will meet your 'loved' Luna instead of a multiversal variant. ]

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Arthur blinked as he read the reward for the optional objective. No words came out of his mouth. He was happy beyond measure. He thought it would take him decades if not centuries to get something like this, and he obtained it just like this!

Without even knowing what he did, really, just... 'Why does this being seem so suspicious?'

"Thank you, " Arthur voiced out his gratitude as a smile stretched upon his lips.

[ No Problem, payment was part of the contract. ]

The screen changed and a ticket appeared in its place.

'So, these guys interact with this, huh?'

Later, he injected the syringe filled with azure liquid into his arms...

He felt his strength rising and his muscles building up bit by bit as time passed, the effect of serum.

He was pleased that there was no pain in the process.

<Pov- >

was amused not only by the chaos the newbie mercenary unleashed but also by how he forced the World itself to step in.

Finally, his search which lasted for more than a millennium yielded results.

He had found the mercenary who he had been looking for.

The Mercenary had impressed him already by his shrewdness... then bombing shit happened.

was amused, even more, the boy was going to create an endless pit of despair. It was evil... but the being was neutral, he didn't care, just a few mobs would die by a mercenary nothing to fret about... but still... On a simple whim, he contacted the Manager.

And then the scene that followed blew his mind.

That little cripple with absolutely no superpower nor any magic just went there for three damn hours and forced the World itself to make a move and stop him.

That was a big deal.

He could become someone who when given enough power might even alter Absolute Points!

He was sold...

The next time he hires him again would be when he could at least survive in the Marvel Verse for a month.

Till then he will watch his carrier with great interest.

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