Omniverse Trip With Gacha System (Seirei Gensouki)

Chapter 43: CHAPTER 19: Outdoor Drill & Greed  (Part 5)

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CHAPTER 19: Outdoor Drill & Greed 

(Part 5)

Then in the next second, we all heard a monstrous roar that echoed from the forest; the sound was loud enough to shake the trees. The startled animals in the forest fled all at once, making the students flinch.


Thump, thump, thump, thump. The noise of something hitting the ground sounded rhythmical, then fell silent for a beat, before an even louder sound reverberated. It was as though something enormous had taken a running leap.

Then, a giant figure emerged from the forest, looming in the sky.

"W-What is that?" Alphonse exclaimed as he looked at the monsters running towards us.

It was a large humanoid creature, holding a sword carved from stone... But it wasn't human. Its mouth curved into a fearsome grin when it spotted the students below before it landed back in the


A thunderous roar echoed alongside the tremor of its landing. The ground shook like a small earthquake had occurred, causing the weaker parts of the cliff to crumble away.

"W-Watch out for the cliff!" someone yelled, prompting the students to scramble away from the edge — but they didn't enter the forest. The forest contained that creature, after all.

"It's heading this way, Alphonse! What do we do?" Christina yelled, wanting Alphonse to take the lead command, but he had completely shut down in a panic.

While all this was going on, my focus was on an entirely different thing. I just hear a jolly voice in my head. 'Hmm... So, I am finally awake. Oh! hello. Greeting Master, my name is Greed, your soul weapon.'

I heard an overly joyful greeting from my soul weapon, as I glanced at the Red & White ring on the forefinger of my right hand, and found it glowing in a Redish white glow,  'So, you have finally woken up.' I asked back.

'Yes, master. I am ready to serve you, for the rest of my life'

'Yes, master. I am ready to serve you, for the rest of my life', it replied in a jolly voice, hearing a smile appear on my face.

'You wake up at the correct time. Two strong opponents are coming toward us. Are you ready to engage them?' I asked.

'Yes and no.', its answer made me do a mental facepalm.

'What do you mean?' I asked.

'Yes, I am ready to fight. But, I don't have access to my first form, that's why no. I need a strong weapon to unlock it,' Greed told me.

'How strong.' I asked back.

'Mmm... The stronger, the better, it will increase the base strength of my future forms.' Greed answered my question.

'Okay, wait a minute.' I told it to wait as I pulled out the Spirit Sword from my inventory that Ryou gave me before.

With a thought, a one-handed sword appeared in my left hand out of nowhere. This surprised Roanna, who is still in my arms.

"Rio, where did this come from?" Roanna asked me in a slightly high voice, due to the surprise. It made others look in our direction, only to see me holding an unfamiliar sword that wasn't in my hand a second ago.

"It is a family sword that is passed down from one generation to the next generation. Only the direct descendant of my mother's family can use it, I only found out about it a few months ago. On my 12th birthday, when it reveals itself in my dreams." I spout some nonsense to avoid questions.

Then I said to Greed, 'Here, try this. It's a very powerful Spirit Sword that resonated with my soul. So, you better give some good results.'. I warned Greed, as this sword is precious to me.

'No worry master. since it resonated with your soul, that means it will do the same with mine, as our souls are almost identical. Now, bring it close to me, so that I can devour this thing.' Greed said.

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With an internal sigh, I did as Greed said and brought the Spirit Sword near the Red & White ring on the forefinger of my right hand. Just as they were a feet apart, Greed changed his ring shape and turned into a liquid that devoured the sword in my hand in a blink of an eye.

A second later, it revealed a beautiful almost completely White curved Japanese sword with a Red Blade edge and pure white handle, covered by a beautiful red cord, which is covered in a Reddish White glow, radiating the presence of a king.

(Image Here)

'There master. A perfect weapon for a King, who is on a path to become a God.' I heard Greed saying in my head, as I looked at the beautiful sword in my hand.

"Beautiful." I hear Roanna saying as she looks at the sword in my hand.

"Like it?" I asked her.

"Yes. But is it strong, to me, it looks like a decoration, not a strong sword" Roanna said her doubt, hearing which greed started to shake, showing its dissatisfaction towards Roanna's words.

"Hahaha. Is that so? Then let me demonstrate the power it holds." I said as I loosen my arms around Roanna, just as the two Minotaurs exited the forest.

"Will you be okay," Roanna asked me. I smiled at her question, then I said to her, "Don't worry, I am many times stronger than what you think. I will solve them in no time."

Saying this, I started walking towards the two Minotaurs, who on seeing me walking towards them, started to roar and swing their swords.

As I reached 3 meters away from Roanna, I gathered strength in my legs, so much so that the ground underneath my legs started to crack in the shape of a spider web. Then just as I took my next step, I disappeared from my place, as a 2-meter-wide crater appeared on the ground where I was standing a second ago.

In the next second, I appeared in front of the two Minotaurs. Who roar at my provocation, and swings their stone swords at me. I dodge both of them, by jumping into the air, as their swords on impact with the ground create a large crashing sound, as their swords have stuck deep in the ground. And a second after the impact, I landed on one of the two swords embedded in the ground.

Then using Chakra, I started running on the blade of the sword as I ran towards the Minotaurs while gathering Mana in the blade of the sword. Just as I reached the handle, I jumped into the air as I release the gathered mana in the form of an energy slash, in the direction of the minotaur on the right, whose hand is coming to grab me, but get severed from the rest of its body, on collision with my Energy slash.


Feeling the pain from its severed arm, it let out a painful howl, which was so loud that students had to use their hands to block their ears to avoid the pain.

As the Minotaur on the right was roaring in pain, the left one freed its sword from the ground and swung at me.

Just as I was going to gather mana in the blade for my next attack, Greed contacted me and said, 'Master, this time try and use your Conqueror's Haki. I guarantee it will not disappoint you.'

"Okay," I says, as I canceled the previous plan, in the next second my body start giving off the Aura of a king, and due to this heavy pressure descent on everyone around me, except Roanna, Flora, and Christina, who only feels like they are in a presence of a king, as I deliberately avoided them.

"W-What is this feeling? Why do I feel like I am standing in the presence of a king? Not even father radiates such an Aura while sitting on his throne." Christina said in bewilderment as Flora and Roanna are in complete awe of what I am doing.

As I used Conqueror's Haki, Greed's red edge started to glow as I could feel Conqueror's Haki gathering in the form of the sword intent in its blade. Feeling this an amused smile appeared on my face, as I gripped Greed even tighter, and just as, Minotaur stone sword blade was at a distance of 4 meters from me. I swung the sword in my hand, unleashing a large red arc that on contact cut everything that stands in its path.

Either it was the swords coming for me, the Minotaur behind it and on my right, or the ground behind them, all of them were cut into on coming in contact with the red sword slash, I just unleashed.

*Bang* *Shatter* *Cracked* *KABOOM*

The energy slash first blocked the stone sword, which then shattered into two pieces. It then passed through the bodies of two Minotaur, as smooth as a hot knife through butter. At last, it collided with the ground behind them and created a 40 meters long circular sword arc on the ground.

As I landed on the ground, the two Minotaur disappeared leaving only two blood-red fist-size enchanted gems in their places.

"That was.." I started. '..Great' Greed ended my sentence for me.

"Yes, you are great Greed, I didn't even use 5% of my total strength," I said with a happy smile on my face.

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