On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Chapter 102: Eighty-Seven

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As Eri and Aiko got off the train I waved at them. “Over here you two!”

Eri came scuttling towards me, face red, and before I could react she had her arms around me, pulling me close, before planting a kiss on my lips. It wasn’t a deep one, but nonetheless I was feeling both embarrassed and warm. Wow, kissing in public. That’s so bold… still, this feeling, is it… contentment?

Eri released me, blushing furiously, not listening to Shaeula’s cackles or the wolf-whistles my sister was performing. As she stepped back her gaze dropped down my body. Hey, where are you looking? Reflexively I tightened my leg. The injury had healed even more, as during my training last night I had been sending aether down my Silver Cord to try and repair my body, causing the wound to shrink even further, new tender flesh filling the gouge. It wasn’t healed by any means, but it was now bearable, even without numbing my pain senses. I guess I still feel guilty keeping it hidden from them. Still, it’s for the best…

“I’m happy to see you too, Eri.” I said, patting her on the head gently. “So, are you two looking forwards to the trip? It should be fun.”

“Sure am bro, sure am.” My sister said brightly, handing the suitcase Eri had dropped in her haste to rush to me back to her. “It’s a shame that we can’t check out your Tokyo pad while we are here, but we have a plane to catch, right Eri?”

“Yes, I’ve never been on a plane before. I’m very curious.” Eri said, looking around at the large crowds at Tokyo station. She moved to my side, and I reacted instinctively, draping an arm over her shoulder, and pulling her close.

“Indeed. I too am very curious about how a giant metal bird can fly so high-high.” Shaeula agreed from behind me. “I feel seeing it may give me some precious insights on the nature of the wind.”

Uh, less talk about Astral stuff in front of my sister and Eri please! Although I guess that was pretty vague, so only people in the know would get it…

“You’ve never flown then, Shaeula? So how did you get to Japan then, you are a foreigner right?” My annoyingly perceptive sister asked. As I struggled for a response she shrugged with a giggle. “Never mind. Doesn’t matter really does it? Hey big bro, we should stock up on supplies for the train to the airport. No time to waste, we are in Tokyo, there must be nice stuff!”

“The train to Haneda airport is only an hour. You won’t need much. But we can grab some bento I guess.” I led them to a store selling some pretty nice boxed lunches and paid for us all, as well as grabbing some drinks, though Shaeula moaned when I wouldn’t let her have any beer.

“You can’t get drunk before getting on a plane.” Eri advised her as we descended to the platform we needed. “They are really strict about that. They serve drinks on the flight though, don’t they?”

“They sure do. It’s a twelve hour flight, so we’ll get meals as well. Though ironically due to the time difference we’ll end up landing before we set off, if that makes any sense.” I laughed.

I had explained this to Shaeula before, and it took a while before she had understood the concept of time-zones. Still, it meant that we’d be arriving around lunchtime Thursday at local Las Vegas time.

As the train we needed pulled up, I asked Eri and Aiko if they had stayed up late like I had advised.

“Yep, don’t worry about it big bro. We only had a couple of hours’ sleep, so I think we’ll be able to get some more on the flight. How about you two?”

Well, I didn’t do anything special, but with my abilities, going without sleep for a while is no big deal, the same for Shaeula. “Yeah, I might sleep a little. Anyway, make sure you have everything.” I grabbed Eri’s suitcase with my free hand, lifting it in, even though it was pretty light, as we were only going for a few days. My sister pouted as I didn’t take hers, but I laughed it off as the duty of a boyfriend to carry his girlfriends’ bags.

On the train we chatted away, the four of us attracting attention from some of the other passengers. Well, I was surrounded by three very pretty girls after all, one of them foreign in looks. We ate our bento boxes, which were as nice as they were expensive, and discussed what we were going to do when we arrived.

“I can’t believe my first flight is such a long one.” My sis exclaimed. “Oh yeah, the two fashionable idiots are super jealous of us, so we have to make sure to really rub it in by sending them lots of pictures of cool things. We need a few of you and big bro being all lovey-dovey as well, Eri-chan!”

Eri chided my sister, blushing, but she agreed with her. “It’s… my first trip with Akio as his girlfriend, so I have to make memories. My mom and dad will want to see pictures as well…”

“Don’t worry, we may be there for work, but we’ll have time to hang out and have fun together.” I promised. After all, there’s no point risking my life to protect friends and family if I don’t get to spend any time with them…




Shaeula was kicking her legs in amusement as we took our seats. I had upgraded us to seats with better leg-room with some winnings I had earned over the last few days. I suppose I could have gone all out and upgraded us to business class… but I spent enough on the Hotel… maybe on the way back we’ll be in First Class… She had sunk a couple of beers in the airport bar while we waited after check-in, while Eri and my sis were doing some last minute shopping. Seriously, girls do need a lot of stuff…

“This aeroplane really is very impressive indeed-indeed.” She chimed, peering out the window at the other planes as they took off and landed.

“Oh, you are just truly adorable.” Aiko laughed. “You too Eri-chan. You’d think you’d never been on a plane befo… oh, we haven’t have we? I guess I’m pretty excited too. Thanks for this big bro, you really are the best!”

Eri was on one side of me, Shaeula on the other, while my sister was seated next to Eri. Eri was looking a bit nervous about the flight, so I held her hand reassuringly, getting a radiant yet shy smile in return. Man she’s cute... and her hands are so soft and warm…

“Don’t worry.” I told them all. “The best is yet to come, I assure you. This will be a trip of a lifetime!”

We were interrupted by the cabin crew running through the safety announcements, which my companions watched with rapt attention. Once that was done, the plane taxied to the runway, and I found my other hand also being held by Shaeula. Eri shot her a stern glance, but upon seeing my sister smirking she turned away.

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“Cut her a break Eri, she’s nervous too. Me, I’m just excited. Wow, this is going to be awesome!”

And with that the plane accelerated, taking us into the air, Shaeula peering out of the window in fascinated amazement, Eri with her eyes shut…




The gentle snoring of my sister and the slow gentle breaths of Eri could be heard as the plane cruised at high altitude. Good, finally asleep. They could use the rest…

Beside me, Shaeula was enjoying a beer, having become tired of staring out of the window. I too had a drink, and was enjoying the calm. “So, did you get any insight into the wind? That would be an unexpected bonus to this trip.”

“Hmm, it is hard to say-say. I definitely feel some insight is just within my grasp. After all…” she paused, gathering her thoughts. “This massive machine is moved by but the wind coming from those engines, is it not-not? To think the wind can hold such power, create such marvels… yes, if I could duplicate it-it…”

“Yeah, if we could fly a plane in the Boundary we could bomb the crap out of all our enemies. I doubt it’s feasible though. And I’d worry about being shot down by Wyrms too. Still, harnessing the same power to move an aeroplane with a smaller object could make one hell of an attack…”

We bantered on as time passed, enjoying a few more drinks while Eri and Aiko slept peacefully. Luckily the flight was smooth, with little turbulence. I wasn’t sure what I expected, but it was surprisingly relaxing. Though I guess the company helps…

“You know what, I was wondering…” a sudden thought occurred to me. “What do you think would happen if we entered the Boundary now?”

Shaeula paused, glass of beer raised to her lips. Gently she lowered it and looked at me, her amber orbs gazing into mine. “I suggest… we do not try anything foolish, my master.” She shuddered then. “I suspect all that would await us would be a very long fall-fall. Perhaps there might be lands or dungeons in the skies, but if not…”

“Yeah, I thought it would be a lousy idea. I was just curious.” With that our conversation became lighter, and we passed another few hours before my sister stirred from her slumber. Opening her eyes she glanced around, seeing Eri still sleeping, and Shaeula and I enjoying ourselves with beer and some spirits.

“No fair bro, why do you pair get to drink and have all the fun?”

“Well, the perks of age, I guess?” I raised my glass to her sardonically. “America is even stricter than Japan, so no beer for you, which is probably good after your hangover last time. Still, I expect you’ll have more than enough fun without it. Maybe if you are a good girl you’ll find a way later…”

Aiko joined in our chat, and around an hour later Eri woke up too. We ate dinner and passed the time reading, chatting and watching some in-flight movies, until our captain announced that we would be landing shortly.

Eri, Aiko and Shaeula all crowded the window, watching as we descend to the airport. In the distance the tall, exotic buildings of the Las Vegas strip could be made out, prompting expressions of delight from the girls. Once we landed we headed to passport control, where I discovered that Shaeula could speak English as well, though she didn’t seem to be aware she was talking a different language. That makes me wonder if Shaeula is actually speaking any language at all… maybe it’s like telepathy… but that wouldn’t explain how she understands the written word or the TV… hey, maybe because I speak both languages, and she’s bound to me and my Territory…?

The customs officer smiled at us as he checked our passports and other paperwork. Impressed by our excellent English, he asked what our purpose for visiting was.

“Well, us two are here for business. But I thought I’d bring my sister and my girlfriend…” I still blushed saying it… “… along for a short holiday.”

“Well, welcome to Las Vegas, Sin City. Don’t be leading these cute girls astray now, you hear me?”

“I wouldn’t dream of it. Anyway, where can…” I asked a few questions about getting a taxi and so on, and soon we were through customs and driving towards the strip, a very chatty taxi driver showering us with compliments, my sister talking back excitedly. I hadn’t told the driver which hotel we were staying at, only to drive to the strip, as I wanted to surprise them. As the girls gawked at the impressive showpiece buildings around us I too admitted I was impressed. Damn, this place is something special… a month ago, who’d have thought this is where I’d end up?

“So, which hotel you guys staying at?” The taxi driver asked now we were at the main strip. I replied, “MGM Grand, please.” And the driver took us there, in front of the massive building. As I paid the driver and gave him a suitable tip he flattered the girls outrageously, saying that he would likely not see passengers as cute for a long time. Yeah, Americans sure are more forward than us Japanese. Still, seeing Shaeula puff up with pride and Eri writhe in embarrassment, I thought it wasn’t so bad.

Entering the impressive hotel we approached the desk. I leaned in and spoke to the receptionist while Eri and Aiko were looking around, captivated by the hustle and bustle, a far cry from the quiet town life they had known. The receptionist noticed the room we were staying in, and raised an impressed eyebrow. “Nice. Living the high-roller life I see.”

“Sure am. My first time here, so I thought we might as well make the most of it.” As I took the keys she signalled over a porter to carry our luggage. Following us to the lift we went up to one of the upper floors. As we got off my sister was becoming more and more excited. “Uh, big bro… just what room are we staying in? Aren’t the nicer rooms towards the top? You can afford this, right?”

“Well, all will be revealed.” I said, checking the key. “Here we are. You can drop the bags here thanks.” I told the porter, giving him a few dollars, and he headed off with a smile and a wave. Unlocking the door I pushed it open, revealing a four-person suite room, with an expansive seating area, two large bedrooms with massive beds, and even more…

Sure, this was expensive as hell, burning through a ton of cash, but considering the plan, it’s insurance…

“Wowowowowowowow!” my sister had broken, rattling out her signature verbal tic at a rapid rate. “You must be joking bro. we are staying here? Seriously?”

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