On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Chapter 123: One Hundred And Five / Side Nineteen – Oshiro Sapphire Aiko – R18 chapter/contains sex

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Eri led me to the king-size bed, and we sat down, my arm still in hers, pressed to her chest. As we sank a little into the soft mattress she let out a damp sigh. Looking at her, I once again marvelled at her beauty, her dark hair black as night, matching her obsidian eyes. Her face, which was upturned, gazing up at me, was like someone had crafted it, her skin without visible flaws. If Iife was a Chinese novel, no doubt she’d be described as a peerless jade beauty. And further below… I swallowed nervously, keeping my gaze on her face.

Eri in her nightgown (SFW version)

“So… uh, don’t you think you should be covering up?” I asked. “What happened to your normal pyjamas?” Damn, that was a stupid thing to say. This situation is throwing me off balance…

Eri giggled then, her arm tightening. “I don’t know why you are so freaked out, Akio. It isn’t like you haven’t seen me naked before.”

Wait, what? No I haven’t… oh wait, does she mean…? “Yeah, but that was back when you were an early elementary student. Just a child. Sure, I helped you and Aiko clean up and bathed with you a few times, but… that’s different, isn’t it?”

“Oh, you don’t understand women, do you Akio? I used to think you knew everything, and it’s nice to know there are some things I understand better than you.” Eri smiled then, her face still red under the muted lights of the bedroom. “I still remember, and it’s the same to me… besides… if it’s my… my breasts… didn’t you see them this morning?”

Oh… you noticed. “I didn’t want you to be embarrassed. It was only a little gap under your swimsuit anyway…”

“I was embarrassed. I could feel… that… poking at me.” She giggled nervously. “But I was happy too. I was so worried that you didn’t desire me, but your body, it’s honest isn’t it? You know, you can touch me if you want, I don’t mind. I’m dressed like this for you. I’m not an adult, but I’m old enough to get married if I wanted, so doing this… it’s fine.” She whispered, her voice shaking yet somehow shockingly erotic.

This is escalating very quickly. It’s a good job I was still wearing my suit trousers, as if I was in my own sleepwear, a certain… reaction… would have been clearly seen. “Seriously, just what has got into you Eri? This isn’t like you, and I’m worried.”

“Worried? I don’t want you to… be worried.” She sniffled, her eyes shining again. “I want you to be… happy… I want you… to want me!” It was then tears started spilling from her dark eyes, running down her pale cheeks, dripping to the near transparent gown she wore. “I dreamed of being your girlfriend for all these… years, and…” she paused to sob. “… I got my wish, after … nearly giving up… but now… I’m more scared than ever… I hate it!”

Putting my other arm around her I pulled her close, her head in my chest. Freeing my arm from her chest I rubbed her head gently, whispering into her ear like I did when she was young and scared of something. “It’ll be all right Eri. I’m your boyfriend, I’ll be by your side always. We have all the time in the world ahead of us. You don’t need to do… this…”

“… this? Don’t call it this. It’s love!” Eri insisted. “I know you care about me, even love me. I don’t doubt it. I can’t. if I doubted it I wouldn’t be me! But we’ll be apart for so long again, you in Tokyo, me in Nishimorioka. I know you’ll visit, but… but…” crying tears freely now her voice was loud. “I need it. I want it. A connection between us no-one else has! If I have that, I can hold on while we are apart! Besides…”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea, Eri. Sex is… well it’s something that shouldn’t be done so carelessly. You should only do it when… owwww…” I let out a yelp of pain as Eri reared up and bit into my lip, my blood scattering. As it flowed she inserted her tongue into my mouth, and even as she cried she aggressively kissed me, her body heating up. Mine too. It’s… she’s… very hot. My body is reacting too…

“You… you can be an idiot sometimes Akio.” She cried as she released my tongue. “It isn’t just that. Not just a connection. I’m not yet an adult, legally, but I’m not a young girl either.” She sniffled, and with that she slid down the shoulders of her gown, her bare breasts exposed to the air. Her nipples are hard… and damn, I can see a stain on her panties… oh god…

“You don’t think I dreamed of the day when you’d hold me like the prince I always thought of you as? A romantic first love, like in a storybook? Well let me tell you girls want it just as much as boys. Besides, not only do I want it, but…” she angrily wiped away her tears with her now freed arm, and gave me a most brilliant smile. “I think it’s the ultimate expression of love for a woman, to offer themselves to the man they are going to spend the rest of their life with. And make no mistake, we’ll be together always. You promised me, and I’m promising you.”

With that she guided my free hand to her chest, and it was warm under my palm, and so soft. I swallowed nervously. I can feel her heart beating. If I’m honest… Looking at the desperately embarrassed, yet agonisingly cute Eri in front of me, it was impossible to say I didn’t want to… still my last reason intervened. “Well… sure, I can see that you have thought this through, and aren’t doing it for the wrong reason, or just to please me… but… well, I promised Uncle and Auntie Mori that I wouldn’t do anything stupid while we were away. You wouldn’t want… owwww!” she bit me aggressively again, kissing me sensually, her hands unbuttoning my shirt, exposing my sweat-slicked chest, her hands running over my body, giving me shivers. The juxtaposition with the usual terminally shy Eri and this mortified yet aggressive one was sparking warmth within me, and my own breaths were also coming in hot gasps, matching hers. As our lips parted she spoke words that crushed my last bastion of reason.

“They said you just had to take responsibility, didn’t they? Were you planning to dump me after all? The Akio I love wouldn’t do that, right, right?”

Well, no. I didn’t accept her lightly, even if the decision was one I wrestled with. But… “No, I promised you to be your boyfriend and to make you happy, always. But… if we cross this line… I can’t see you as a childhood friend anymore. Our relationship will change. And I find that both somehow sad and also frightening.”

Eri nodded, her pert breasts jiggling. “I understand. I really do. I’m scared too. But not of you, Akio, or of what we are going to do here… I’m scared that when I become your lover… I’ll love you too much. I think… if you ever abandoned me, I’d die…”

Uh, she’s very intense. It’s pretty worrying really. But I guess this was destiny in a way. Everything was leading up to this moment. Kissing her again, this time gently, I laid her down on the bed. Looking down at her, who was looking up at me, her onyx eyes reflecting a mixture of anxiety, arousal and happiness I asked her one last time. “Are you sure? There’s no going back after this.”

“I’m sure of this as I’ve never been as sure of anything in my life.” She answered. “I am going to seize the happiness I want, and I’m going to give you twice as much as I receive. But since I receive such an infinite amount just knowing that you’ll be with me, I guess we’ll have the same amount of happiness!”

Oh fuck, that line was so corny, but… feeling my own tears I hastily scrubbed them away. Leaning down to kiss her once more I then pulled away, turning towards the door. “I think there was some condoms in the bathroom. This suite has everything…” before I could finish she pulled me down beside her, angrily pouting.

“No condoms. Not the first time. I won’t allow it!” she shouted, face red with anger this time.

So annoyed all of a sudden… “But… what happens if you get pregnant? How would we face our families? And what would you do about school? You have University entrance exams coming up soon, so if you were to…”

“Do you really think I would ever survive at University? I am scared of people I don’t know, especially men. It’d be hell for me. Besides, we could never afford it, you know how poor we are.”

“I have money, I could…”

“If you are going to spend money on me, I’d rather just be your wife, waiting for you when you come home. I’ll learn how to cook and clean and how… how to satisfy you in bed.” She smiled. “It all starts here. But I’m not a fool. Just… just this once let fate decide it. If I get pregnant this time we’ll accept it, and if not then we can use protection until we are both ready. You believe in fate, right?”

More than you know. This last month has shown me many things I wouldn’t have believed in before, but this night… perhaps it is the most surprising yet… instead of answering I lay beside her once more, and our lips met, tongues entwining, our hot breaths merging as one…




“So, wow, you think… you think they are going to do what I think they are going to do?” I asked Shaeula, taking another big gulp of champagne. “I know Eri-chan has been volatile ever since you and my big bro came to Nishimorioka, but this… it seems… well, I don’t want to say out-of-character, as she adores my bro and would readily give herself to him if he wanted… but ah that’s it. Bold. It seems wildly bold for her!”

“I believe she has just found the shape of the happiness she is aiming for-for.” Shaeula answered. “She wanted to know what she could do for Akio, and she has decided she can be his lover. It is not so complicated. Besides…” Shaeula grinned at me. “I feel we both know she wants this herself. Those who are shyest are often the most… forceful when the time comes-comes.”

“Yeah but… I know they’ve been kissing and all, but… ugh wow, I need more booze. I know I said only one glass, but…”

“Feel free.” Shaeula slid me the bottle and I poured more of the delicious fizzy liquid. “I would not worry too much though, Aiko. After all your brother is quite the coward. He has not even tried to push me down, despite seeing me naked several times-times. Perhaps I was too harsh with him at the start when I suggested that my father and siblings would have his head cut off and spiked on the ramparts of the Twilight Gate if he touched me inappropriately. How regretful indeed-indeed.”

Wow, hang on… I can’t let that slide. “Seriously, no joking. You.. you want my big bro to… do that with you? I know you’ve talked about a harem and not minding sharing him with Eri-chan, but… I kinda thought you were joking, at least a bit.” Plus he’s been seeing you naked? Damn, my brother really is soaring up the steps to adulthood. Wow, I feel both happy and sad.

“Every day I become more sure he is the other half of my soul, the full moon to my new moon. Still, I am a patient one-one, I can wait until I have won Eri over too. And then… just a gentle push. Besides, we have already…”

“No condoms. Not the first time. I won’t allow it!” the shout echoed through the closed door, and I reacted by spitting out a mouthful of champagne, spraying it all down the front of my pyjamas. Wowowowowowowowowowow! What? That was Eri-chan?”

“What are these condoms?” Shaeula asked, straight-faced, and I turned purple, writhing in embarrassment.

“That’s your question? Really?” I choked out. “It’s a tool to prevent pregnancy, the man wears it on his… oh you know what, I am NOT talking about this now. They are going all the way, going to do it! My brother and best friend will finally be adults. Eri is going ahead of me! Wait, shit! That’s my bed too… I have to sleep there tomorrow night. Oh I feel sick. Please Shaeula, let me room with you from now on!”

“So they will become as one? A bold move. I am very happy for her. She has decided what she needs-needs to do to banish her fears.” Shaeula raised her glass to the closed door.

“Well yeah, really, I’m shocked, but I’m happy for them too. They are perfect for each other. My brother has a lot of love to give and is very protective, and Eri-chan needs to receive love and be protected. But to think she’d be so bold…  just… oh god, my dad is going to freak out…”

Besides, I can’t believe they’d do it while we are here listening. Shaeula seems amused, but I’m half-convinced she doesn’t know what sex is anyway, but I do! I know damn biology. Wow, these two are going to owe me bigtime tomorrow…




My tongue rolled on Eri’s breasts, licking around the nipple, feeling it hard against my lips. She had a sweet taste, a mixture of light sweat and lemon. It was hard to describe, but it made my heart race. This may not be the right thing… but I admit I want this now… the thought that she’s a sister to me is fading as I lose my reason.

Under me Eri was moaning, fidgeting restlessly as my hands and tongue roamed over her body. Sliding further down I licked along her stomach and then into her navel, causing her breath to come in short gasps. I slid lower then, my tongue sliding over her white panties. Now that I could see them closely they were very mature, patterned silk that was now almost transparent with her love nectars, clearly outlining her most private area. I stroked my tongue on her wet patch, doing what seemed natural, and she let out whimpers of pleasure as I stimulated her gently.

“It’s sour…” I muttered, and she clutched my head with her arms, her moist gaze watching as I toyed with her.

“That’s… so… embarrassing. I’m ashamed… yet… I can’t stop…” she gasped, as I intensified my probing, my hand on her breast, the other sliding under her to caress her ass. She had a fairly small bottom, yet it was tight and soft to the touch. I never knew…

I’m discovering so much I never knew about you.” I marvelled, feeling lightheaded, my blood rushing from my head. “Your taste, your feel, your pleasured moans…”

“It’s … it’s scary, yet so, so right. Learn everything about me. Everything no one else ever will!” Eri squealed, her voice shockingly loud. “Devour me, eat me up, make me yours for ever!”

Her gaze was driving me beyond reason, my body ready, so my hand tugged and her panties slid down over her thighs, revealing her fully. She had pure black pubic hair, not much, just a small neat patch above her leaking slit, which was closed shut and cut like a knife-wound, perfectly straight against her smooth white flesh. Love nectar had already soaked through to the sheets below, darkening them.

“So, how is it. Am I beautiful?” Eri asked bashfully, aroused at the shame.

“As much as a goddess.” I answered, entranced. “I’ve thought this since you were just a little girl, but you were always gorgeous. Like the stars at night, beautiful yet ephemeral.”

“You should have told me.” She moaned softly. “We missed out on time we could have spent more wisely…”

“No, I think this is better, you know.” I looked up from her privates, surprising her. “You are not an adult, but not a girl either. Before, I never could have seen you as anything but a young girl, my second sister, but now…” I gently caressed her slit, wet squelching sounds echoing. “… I see you as a woman. My woman. Who I’ll cherish forevermore, against anything that stands in our way, even death.” We kissed, our tongues seeking each other in both desperation and joy. “It’s time. Last chance to go back.”

“As if I would, after such a love confession.” Eri smiled, so radiant it blinded me. “Make me yours, take what a woman can only give once in a lifetime. Though if we are born again… I’ll find you and we can enjoy it once more!”

“Wow, so lewd!” I laughed. My hand gently opened up her vagina, and she shivered at cold air entered the delicate insides.

“I’ve… never opened it up before.” She admitted. “I… I did touch myself, thinking of you… but only the outside. I never wanted anything inside but you, ever since I learned about sex in class.”

You really are too good for me. I can’t believe I thought you’d be better with other friends when I moved away. If I could go back in time I’d punch myself. But it wasn’t too late… if I didn’t have the chance to be an Astral Emperor I would never have followed the chain that led me back to Nishimorioka, and we would have drifted apart forever. So no matter what comes… no matter what hardships are ahead for me, I’ll always thank Exposition-san for that…

“So, are you ready?” I took a look inside her, in a mixture of curiosity, and concern I would hurt her, seeing a milky-pink film inside her. “I can see your hymen. It doesn’t look too thick, but what the hell do I know? You are the first girl I’ve slept with… I hope it doesn’t hurt too much…”

“Of course it will hurt. It is my pride as a woman to have the man I love deflower me. Don’t be afraid, I’ll accept any hardship to love you, and the pain will be my badge of honour, that I saved myself for you!”

Her hands reached up and tugged down my boxer shorts. As my erect member burst free she let out a little yelp, transfixed. “It’s big. Will it fit? It will, won’t it?”

“Men and women are made for this, so I guess it will.” I was wet myself, pre-cum soaking my shaft. “One last kiss, please.” As we entwined again, I lowered my body, my penis meeting her vagina, and with a push…




“Oh my gooooooood, I can’t take this.” I was complaining bitterly, on a beer now we had finished the champagne. The buzz of the alcohol was kicking in, but it still didn’t drown out the moans leaking from the bedroom. “What the hell are they doing in there? Don’t they care we are listening?”

“You know what they are doing, it is sex, is it not?” Shaeula giggled. “As for us listening, I believe they have forgotten we are here entirely. Besides, I count it as an act of trust in us, that they would be so carefree in their most private moments with us here.”

“I have to admire the way you always stay positive. If I was you I’d be a bit more jealous.” In fact, I was feeling the bite of jealously myself. Not that I was jealous of Eri having my brother of course, no, but that they had a bond I couldn’t be a part of. Oh well, our three musketeers act was going to shatter one day. I thought it was already lost, but big bro came back, and at least it’s better now.

“Jealous? Why? I may have this Material body-body, and I would open myself to Akio should he wish to try this sex, for I am curious myself. But I am a weaselkin. I do not procreate in such a manner. No, us Fae bring new life to the world and find pleasure in the mixing of our lunar chakras, the wellsprings of our power-power. And last night…” she licked her lips, so seductive that I was captivated in spite of myself. “… to save my life as I burned with flame, Akio dove deep within me, and our souls connected. We have a bond, one that ties us-us together. We have shared something as intimate as any human sex can be-be… he is my other half, just as Eri will become one of his other halves.”

“You can’t have more than one other half, it doesn’t make sense!” I protested, wincing at the noise from the bedroom as it grew more intense. “So… you are telling me you’ve had fairy sex with my brother? Does he even know? Wait, you’ve NTR’d Eri-chan? Beaten her to the punch? Wow, oh god…” My brother’d be unhappy if he knew I knew what NTR was. It’s those two stupid boys in our class, forever going on about their shitty porn. No wonder I hate guys. Hey, wait, does that mean I’m the only one here who is still a little girl? Ugh. My thoughts had turned to nonsense to escape, and I swigged more beer. Gonna hurt like hell tomorrow and big bro will be pissed off, but it’s his damn fault for putting me through this!

“Perhaps you could call it… foreplay?” Shaeula said, seemingly completely lacking in embarrassment. “It was not-not a full conscious melding and mixing. Though it was rather… amazing.” Shaeula was flushed, sweat running down her body, and her legs were twitching under the hem of her yukata nightwear. “Our bond is there now, and we could go beyond as we wished.”

“Well, enough of that. It’s just making me sad. So, you’re a weaselkin huh? I’d love to see that.”

“When you master the lessons I have taught you, then you can-can.” she agreed, and that sparked a thought.

“So, it’s like mixing your essences. But didn’t you put your essence in me and Eri-chan to start awakening our networks? Have you been banging us too? Have I climbed the stairs to adulthood in a  shower of lilies?” God, I’m drunk, I must be, I’m talking utter rubbish…

“Hardly.” Shaeula snorted. “All I did was inject a little aether into your deactivated root chakras and show you how to stimulate them-them, then use my mystic eyes to identify problems in your flows, striking defective nodes-nodes and branches to activate them as necessary. I suppose you could liken it to the handshakes you humans like to do-do, or perhaps a hug? It definitely cannot equate to sex.”

“Oh thank god, I’m still pure.” Wow, I’m so stupid…

Suddenly a pained scream from Eri-chan echoed through the room, followed by my brother claiming “The worst is over, it’s in…” Suddenly feeling sick I turned to Shaeula, who was still fidgeting restlessly.

“Oh please won’t you kill me? I think I just listened to my big bro and best friend lose their virginities live. I was sure my fortune at the shrine last time I went wasn’t ‘worst luck’ so why must I be here?”

Oblivion with alcohol is my only solace now. Thank the gods Shaeula is here to suffer this with me…

You are reading story On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor at novel35.com




My penis slid slowly inside Eri’s pristine virgin soil, slowly pushing her open. She groaned softly and I slowed, concerned, but she gave me a warm look. “Keep going. This is what all women have to face. To me this is joy!”

Grabbing her hand in mine I kept kissing her as I pushed inwards, my glans colliding with a barrier, preventing entry. As Eri was panting hard, I paused. “You ready?” I asked softly, and she kissed me once more in response, salt from her tears on her lips.

With a groan I surged forwards, feeling resistance, and then something tore. Eri let out a pained scream, clutching my hand tighter, but I didn’t stop, I couldn’t stop, not now.

“The worst is over, it’s in…” I told her, my voice shockingly loud, my control over my body shattered. My penis was being clamped tightly by her moist folds, which were convulsing slightly with her rasping breaths.

As she nodded, tears fell like rain, and I wisped them away gently. “You regret it?” I asked, and her free hand slapped me gently across the face, a token blow.

“Of course not, silly. How could I ever regret giving my heart and virginity to the one I’ve always loved? It does hurt a bit though, still, if it didn’t I wouldn’t feel that we had done it right…”

Looking down I could see she had bled quite a bit, blood staining the sodden sheets. I hate to see her in pain, but she wants to feel this, so if I lessen it a bit… I trickled some aether in, using my Ether Healing, and she suddenly sighed, her insides twitching harder.

“I feel so warm inside. It must be love.” She smiled. “The pain is dying down, you can start to move. Just… kiss me, touch me, while we do?” she asked, with a gaze that inflamed all my passions.

“I don’t know if I can stop when I start… you are just so… so beautiful, and it feels so amazing to make love to you!” I said, as I started pistoning, gently at first, but speeding up, faster and faster. My mouth met hers greedily, my free hand groping at her chest.

“Ouch, owww, ugh… ahh, ahh ahnn!” her moans were pained to begin, but as we continued they turned lewder, pleasure overtaking her as I gently alleviated the damage to her body with aether.

“I feel something… something burning within me!” Eri moaned in between her gasps. “Should it… be like this… on our first time?”

“Maybe we are just that compatible…”  I too was feeling pleasure rising, the sensation of her insides incredible, it was as if heat was flowing out of me, bringing my emotions and sensations higher and higher. As I suspected, I was unable to stop, going harder and harder, Eri writhing in pleasure below me…




“They are really going at it. Maybe if I consider this educational I can convince myself this doesn’t suck?” I said out loud, and Shaeula snickered.

“Do not-not be like that Aiko. I think it is-is a beautiful thing indeed-indeed, two souls joined in love-love. The Fae believe love is a strong force-force unmatched-matched.”

Shaeula was breathing heavily, and as I looked at her she was squirming strangely, her legs rubbing together, torso twisting. One hand was near her belly, twitching, the other on her thighs, her drink long discarded.

“Are you sure you are all right?” I asked, concerned.

She merely smiled at me, her face crimson, her amber eyes glimmering with moisture. “I appreciate your-your concern, but-but… I am… ahh, fine-fine, I … ahh, assure you-you!”

Yeah, no way you are fine. “Your verbal tic has gone into overdrive. And what are those ‘ahh, ahh’ gasps? They are damn sexy… err, I mean… oh wow, god, hell if I know what I mean. Seriously, are you getting turned on by listening?” my face was burning as I asked the question. To be honest I was feeling a heat deep in my belly, and my pyjama bottoms were sticking to me, damp from… Yeah sweat! Definitely sweat, nothing else, I swear!

“Verbal tic-tic? I am sure-sure… ahh, mmm, I do-do not know what-what you speak of-of… my bond… ahh, oh… with Akio, our… mmm, linked souls-souls… I can feel the pleasure he-he is feeling, and Eri’s echoes-echoes to me as… oh, Seelie Queen, help-help me… this Material body-body… why does it… ahh… feel-feel this wonderful?”

Her hand slipped inside her yukata, stroking, and her amber eyes went unfocused.

Wow, just wow. Does no-one care about me? Shaeula is getting some sort of weird magical cybersex, Eri has become a woman, I can’t use my favourite joke with big bro anymore and call him a clueless virgin, and I have to watch it all with no release. It is so not fair! I am so pissed off!

As I was forced to listen to stereo moans and wails of pleasure from either side of me, Shaeula suddenly sat bolt upright, her face flaming. “This… I can not-not believe it. Mmm, I can… barely move-move, but… ahh… help me Aiko, we must go to Eri-Eri now…” she staggered to her feet and nearly fell on me, unsteady and still shaking from reflected pleasure.

“Why, is Eri-chan in trouble?” I asked, suddenly alert, the drunken and annoyed feelings I had vanishing.

“Trouble-trouble? Ahh, no, not… maybe… but not-not… ahh, if we… mmm… can adjust it-it.”

Suddenly I heard my brother cry out in ecstasy, followed by Eri screaming too. “I… my chakra network… it… I feel it flowing. Your energy, so warm, so full of care for me! I love you Akio, now and forever!”

Shaeula let out a low growling moan, convulsing, and the room was suddenly filled with a sour scent, unpleasant to my nose.

Wow, I’m glad she loves my bro, but I did not need to hear the two climax… I think I’m put off sex for life… and now the room stinks, I think I got a three for the price of two… still, it seems something weird and magical is going on… grabbing Shaeula by the arm, who shivered, moaning at my touch, I helped her to the door, which we flung open, greeting us with a sight that I did NOT need to see, but would likely never forget… not even if I batter my head against the wall until I pass out… yeah, I am NOT sleeping on that bed anymore…

“Master, Eri, allow me-me… oh ahh… mmm… to assist! This-this turn of events is-is… unprecedented, but… mmm… most welcome!”




“Oh, Akio… I love… love…love you!” Eri was panting as I thrust away at her. I was rising towards climax, I could feel it like a hot lump in my belly. All thoughts of what my parents and Uncle and Auntie Mori would say were driven from my head, although it was truly too late to care about that now.

“I love you too!” I answered. My body was boiling, my chakra network working overtime. I wasn’t sure what was happening, but it felt amazing. If I knew sex was this good, I’d have spent more time wooing girls at Uni. Although it’s probably because there is love. That must be it…

“What’s … happening to me… Akio? I’m soaring, the world is going white… I… ahh, think I am… going to fly!”

“Me too… I can feel it rising. I’m… I’m going to cum. Are you sure you want to risk it, I could do it … outside?”

“It’s no… risk at all!” she answered. “It’s fate! One day I’ll bear your child, and we’ll raise it… ahh, mmm, ahh, with love. If it’s now, it’s now!”

“Then…” I kissed her again, my mouth stinging from all the intense sucking. “… I’m cumming. Eri… I’m cumming!” Hot white liquid surged from me, pumping inside her. With a squeal she shuddered, her womb twitching in response to the hot jet that soaked her deepest insides as she reached orgasm.

“It’s all white, I feel like warm… ahn… water is poured inside me… I’m … I’m… wait, it’s yellow and green and hot… it’s surging… within me… like I… my chakra network… it… I feel it flowing. Your energy, so warm, so full of care for me! I love you Akio, now and forever!”

Huh, chakra network? How the hell do you know about that, Eri? Still, she was right, I could feel aether, elemental wind and fire pouring freely from me, sloshing into her like water from a jug, saturating the area around her non-existent lunar node.

“I’m… I’m flying again!” she orgasmed a second time, this driven by the energy that was violating her. Her skin was flashing between pale and flushed, sweat springing out of her every pore.

Suddenly silver flames burst across my vision, forming familiar words. Why? I don’t get it… but… as Eri shuddered under me again, seeking my tongue, I reciprocated, concerned at the sudden scalding nature of her skin and insides.

Your Skill, Kin Bonding And Restoration has advanced from Rank 2 to Rank 3. Your Bonds are stronger and it further ???????? ????????? ???????? ?????????.

Mori Eri has accepted your kinship, becoming bonded to you.

Resonance has occurred with your Bonded Kin, strengthening their ??????????? and ?????????.

Wait, Eri is now my kin? I welcome it, but how the hell did that happen? She shouldn’t have any abilities, and doesn’t even have an Astral body…

“I’m… I dreamed of this so long… now… I’ll no longer fear that you’ll … abandon me. And I’ll… never let you be alone again.” Eri was muttering weakly, her second climax having left her exhausted, the raging energy also cascading through her.

Suddenly the door slammed open, and my sister was there, supporting a flushed and exhausted Shaeula, a trail of sour fluid splashed down her bare legs, her yukata damp and pungent. “Master, Eri, allow me-me… oh ahh… mmm… to assist! This-this turn of events is-is… unprecedented, but… mmm… most welcome!”

Just what the hell have you been doing? But still… Eri is suffering, no time to worry. “Yeah, something is wrong with Eri. Kin Bonding has triggered, but that should be impossible, right? She also seems to know about chakras. Anything to say?”

“Later-later. I expect you are wroth with me-me… mmm, I feel so drained… but Eri comes first-first. Help me over, Aiko.”

As Aiko helped Shaeula over to the limp Eri she saw the sheets, stained with blood, love nectar and semen, and turned her nose up at me, glaring. “We are going to have words about this later, but… Akio, Eri. Congratulations. From boyfriend and girlfriend to lovers. Now you’ll never break up, or my dad and uncle Mori will kill you.”

“That’s true.” I laughed tiredly. Leaning down I kissed Eri on the forehead and held her hand once more. “Hang in there, Shaeula knows what she is doing, she’ll fix you!”

“I know… she will. I could feel her… with us… at the end. We’ll have to… do something… about that in future, but now…” her voice was fading, her strength all but spent.




I watched Shaeula fuss over Eri-chan, her eyes glowing mysteriously. My brother, still holding Eri-chan’s hand, which I found rather sweet, I’ll admit, turned to me. “So, I’m guessing you know about chakra and aether too?” his tone was fed up, but he seemed a little sorry for not telling me. I’m not letting you off the hook that easily though, big bro. You owe me for that, and tonight too!

“Yeah, Shaeula told us the night of the baseball match. Don’t be mad, she said you were not sure of whether telling us was the right thing to do anyway, and… seriously bro, are you an idiot? You came back with such a pretty foreign girl, tons of money, and were hot and fit, like a superstar athlete. You think your sister and the childhood friend who has loved you forever aren’t going to notice something is up? We asked her and she had no way of brushing it off. So if you treat her badly because of this I won’t forgive you, and your lover will be pissed too, all right?”

My bro nodded to me. “Sure, I get it. But that begs the question, what will you do now? This isn’t a game. I almost died earlier tonight due to this power. I met a rival, and he was going to have my body dumped in an alleyway as a robbery victim. I don’t want you to suffer such a fate.”

“Sure, I get it, you are so overprotective but I don’t hate it. Still though…” my gaze had wandered and now I regretted it. “Can you like… cover your dick, bro? As your sister I do not need to see it waving about all erect and covered in Eri-chan’s stuff. Does this hotel sell brain bleach?”

Oh shit, sorry. I forgot, I was too worried for Eri.” He grabbed his underwear and pulled it on.

“Well, I can’t get upset if you are worrying for Eri-chan. How is she Shaeula? You… you can help her, right?”

“I can-can and will!” she said firmly, masking her own post-orgasm exhaustion. Energy was leaving her hands and saturating around Eri-chan’s chakras. “I fear though I made the same error again-again, I am so ashamed. I set up branch routes to where the lunar chakra should be, and it has poured energy there-there instead of cycling it through the other seven. Still-still, a bond has been established between the sea of rampaging energy and your own lunar chakra, Akio. I believe I can tame it and create a sort of false chakra for now-now. She should make it through this unharmed.”

“Oh thank god. You are the best as always, Shaeula.” My bro said, taking Eri-chan’s hand again and squeezing it reassuringly. Eri-chan returned a smile, so achingly pure and beautiful despite being so weary that I was mesmerised for a second, blushing. Wow, Eri-chan is my childhood friend and big bro’s lover. Don’t go getting crazy now… still, I guess becoming a woman really does make you beautiful, if It’s with someone you love. Lucky, I’m jealous…

“It was my error, I shall fix it-it no matter the cost!” Shaeula insisted, taking Eri-chan’s other hand in her small one.

“I haven’t heard your answer. What will you do now?” my bro said, jolting me out of my reverie.

“About these strange powers? It’s obvious. I want to help you, Eri-chan too. No matter the danger, we remember how you saved us from the dog. Our days of letting you shed blood for us as we cower are over, right Eri-ch… oh, wait, you are now my sister in truth, right? Can I call you Eri, like my bro does? You can call me Aiko too, if it isn’t too embarrassing for you.”

“I don’t mind… Aiko. Wow, that is embarrassing, isn’t it?” Eri smiled.

“So, in that case… if you truly want to step into this world, knowing what risk it entails, then I cannot stop you. But you have to follow my orders and keep margins of safety at all times. Shaeula and I have come too close to death too many times in just a short month.”

“Oh, I think we need to hear about this so we can scold you pair, right… Eri?” wow, feels weird without the honorifics, but I feel closer to her than ever…

“Yes, I’ll never allow you to die, my Akio!” Eri insisted.

“Fine, you can learn from our mistakes at least. I guess Shaeula was right too, strengthening you before you run into problems is the right decision.”

“And I have succeeded!” Shaeula suddenly piped up. “The rampaging energies have been contained. I fear Eri and I shall be-be spending the night trying to fully balance her chakras but the worst is over.”

I’m so relieved, big bro too. “In that case… how about we drink the night away? I don’t even care if I’m sick tomorrow anymore, tonight has been enough of a shock for me to last a lifetime. And shit bro, put on more damn clothes. And cover Eri too, be a gentleman!”

My brother chuckled. “Yeah, I should.” As he covered Eri with a blanket, firming up my decision not to sleep in that bed ever again, he turned to me. “Now you know about aether, I can probably heal your hangover as long as you drink plenty of water. Just don’t drink so much you get alcohol poisoning and it should be fine.”

“Oh, a practical use of magic eh? Cool. Well, we have a long night ahead of us then, right? Time to party, we have to celebrate big bro and Eri’s eternal commitment, right?”

Laughter filled the room, tired but happy, and I felt that all was right with the world again…

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