On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Chapter 134: One Hundred And Sixteen

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The searing blaze was giving off immense heat, and the gnolls that were thrusting their spears through the barrier at us panicked, several dropping their weapons and fleeing back to safety, but others jerked their spears back through the barrier. Somehow this meant that the Foehn was no longer an enemy attack and blocked by the wards, and so the flames were brought within, droplets scattering everywhere and igniting a half-dozen gnolls, their fur catching ablaze, spreading voraciously, burning sparks falling on the stony ground and creating new tongues of fire, greedily reaching for fuel.

Yeah, shit, that stuff is evil… I was shocked at its power when fully fed by wind, as it had exceeded even my expectations. It was fortunate that we weren’t caught up in it ourselves. I can see why napalm is considered a war-crime back on the Material. Still… from our safe distance I watched as the barrier was sustaining constant damage over time, the fires eating into it, pushing it ever inwards. It was too useful an ability to seal away, but it would definitely require more caution going forwards. Another entry for the manual, no doubt…

“Most impressive, my master.” Shaeula approved. “Even those stupid fire-foxes would be impressed. Perhaps one day I will have the pleasure of seeing you demonstrate it on them-them personally.”

Fire-foxes? I doubt she means a web browser. Still, that doesn’t matter now. The black-furred gnoll commander was sending his forces away from the flames on either flank, and as their ranks reformed they began to pepper us with arrows and other projectiles again. Cacti needles were also raining down, but they were lighter and easily defeated by wind.

“We need to finish breaking the barrier. I doubt the Foehn will be enough alone.” With that I drew on the wind energy within the batteries that I had stored while we were helping Eri level. They were far from full in such a time, but it was enough for some attacks. I focussed my air into a vibrating drill, driving it into the weakening barrier, scattering more flames.

Shaeula joined me, adding her wind that was amplified by the pink jade bells to my own, the weakening barrier seeming to give under the ever-increasing pressure. Her left hand held the dagger, and it gave off a burst of light, slamming the barrier and passing through, turning a cactus-creature to dust.

“It’s breaking…” I drew on aether too, ignoring the fact it was taking me significantly more to use at the borders of enemy Territory. Using it to grab hold of both our workings, I increased the speed and power, just like I did against the wyrm. Energy flared up into the sky, a cascade of olivine and jade, before I released my remaining dregs of citrine fire energy, guiding some of the fading flames of the Foehn up into the swirling winds. Seeing what I was doing, Shaeula intensified her support, feeding in her own wind and fire energies. As the twister of green ignited, flaring yellow, I pulled on the threads of aether I had snared it with, and unleashed it with a great yell.

“Jupiter Descending! Blaze Mode!” Sure the name was lame, but it was important to shout it with conviction!

The barrier gave out a shrill humming noise as the powerful blow struck the already weakening shell. Energy was being pulled in from other parts of the ward, but the throughput of the barrier was unable to sustain the rapid relocations of energy needed, and with one final shattering noise, filling the air like breaking glass, the whirlwind of blazing ruin cascaded through, cutting a burning swathe across the grounds, engulfing and consuming most of the cacti and any gnolls who had not heeded the order to flank us. Yes! Now we have a chance! Still, with one more trick up my sleeve before being forced to fight a conventional battle I focussed. “Blossom!”

The fiery wind detonated outwards, sending energy skittering in all directions. Most of the gnolls were out of range, but some were cut down or covered with burning tongues of Foehn. Looks like we have cut their numbers. Without anyone actively controlling the Territory, we shouldn’t face any surprises either. Though the lack of Defensive Emplacements is a factor… are they hidden somewhere waiting to strike, or…?

“Marvellously done, my master!” Shaeula was enthused. “Even my eldest brother, who is a master of the elemental arts-arts, would be impressed.”

“Yeah, well its left me dry of elemental energies, and also aether. How are you holding up?”

“I have used much-much, but I am by no means exhausted. I still have some-some wind and a little flame left at my disposal.”

The black-furred gnoll was raging as he regrouped his forces. More reinforcements were coming to replace the slain, and I had to wonder at just how many Barracks and Spawning Spires this place must have had. I thought this before, when we were defending the Thunderbird, but the army was huge. Has he… just stacked troop-creating buildings? Sure, I can see it working unless you come up against something very strong, but still…

“In that case, now that the fighting isn’t restricted by the barrier, we can show our own strengths. Time to unleash your pinwheels.” I told her, then I glanced over at the furious leader of the defence. “As for me… I think I need to test just how far I’ve come. I’ll take him.”

Shaeula nodded. “Be careful master. You are strong now, I know, but that brute is likely a born warrior. He will not-not be easy to bring to heel.”

Grasping my spear tight I nodded. “I agree. But I need to do this.”

Shaeula unleashed her pinwheels, the spinning blades whining through the air, the taut bluesteel strings giving off a green radiance. “In that case, fortunes of war, my master.”

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Racing forwards I speared several wounded cacti in my way, snatching up what ether I could and burning it to aether to keep my Astral body running. Calling out to the blade-wielding gnoll, I raised my spear in challenge. “Either submit to me, or face me in battle!”

“When the master returns, grr, I shall gift you to him! Your death will be long and painful, growl!” his eyes were wide and bloodshot, angry steam leaking from his fang-filled mouth. “I shall mount your woman in front of you, grr, and then…”

The gnoll ducked back as I hurled one of my javelins at him. It missed, but it was enough to shut his mouth. Yeah, even if you submit, I don’t want you serving me now. Guess we crossed mercy from my list of options. “Why is it that scum always go straight to that? I mean, I’m no old-fashioned gentleman, but I do believe women should be respected. More importantly…” my voice was as cold as the deepest reaches of the arctic ocean, my knuckles white on my spear. “You dare talk about Shaeula in that manner? Enjoy your last moments of life, cur…”

Behind me, Shaeula flushed, grinning at my vehement defence of her. Waving her pinwheels she sliced across a wide area, gnolls splitting apart in a welter of gore before vanishing.

All right then. I raced forwards, and the gnoll charged, massive sword which was nearly as tall as me swinging towards me. That’s quick. But I’m faster. I spun to the side, dodging the blow, and my spear flickered out, Sojutsu that I had studied videos of and practised coming to me naturally. Still, the gnoll evaded, quicker than any normal person could, leaping backwards.

“Damn, too rough. I need more polish.” I grated, jumping back myself as the gnoll kicked at my spear. When he was off balance I threw my second javelin at him, but his sword deflected it. He then roared in rage and rushed me. I slid to the side, faster again, but the gnoll barked in joy, eyes narrowing. He had anticipated my evasion, and his foot slammed me in the ribs. I had managed to see it coming and bend away, robbing the blow of much of its power, but I was still winded. He’s not as strong or as fast as Grulgor, far from it, but even so, he’s stronger than me, and only a bit slower…

As we exchanged a series of feints, I weighed up my chances. He was much larger than me, though despite that our reach was about the same, as I was using a long spear. Still, he was definitely more used to real one-on-one combat, as evidenced by the fact he was evading all my attacks and managing to counter me. My armour took a glancing blow from the tip of his sword, bruising me, and as I made to retreat he leapt, powerful muscles driving him forwards.

Well shit. Maybe I’m too predictable… I threw myself to the ground, hitting it hard and rolling clear. The ground cracked where the gnoll stomped at me, and as I staggered to my feet I took another glancing strike, rattling my ribs and robbing me of breath.

The gnoll was grinning at me, confident. “Grr, you talked big, little intruder. I shall have your woman ye… argh!”

“Shut the fuck up, trash!” I spat coldly. Over our exchanges of blows two things had happened. The first was that my heart and lunar chakras had regenerated a little wind energy, and secondly I had worked out the one advantage I had. Greater cunning. Sure, I want to test myself, to improve my combat skills, but mostly I want, no NEED to win.

The gnoll staggered back, one eye a bloody ruin, his throat leaking blood, as he had rushed into the thin string of wind I had cast out in an attempt to decapitate him. Still, he had animal instincts and quick reactions, which had saved him. I pressed my advantage, surging forwards, spear jabbing out repeatedly, scoring several light hits. As I started to focus entirely on the battle ahead of me, the sounds of slaughter around us as Shaeula rampaged began to fade away, muted, and all I could see was the opponent I was engaging, the now one-eyed gnoll raging as he swung his mighty sword.

The blade of my spear still had wind within it that I had put in earlier, just enough to offset the weakness of the bluesteel and give it a sharp cutting and piercing head. The gnoll rushed me once more, leveraging his now furious strength. This time he swung from overhead, forcing me to slip aside, straight into a leg strike again… or so he thought.

I don’t fall for the same trick every time… his leg met my spear, and it sheared into his calf, severing several key muscles. The bastard howled and I returned a smirk. “The only thing you shall have of mine is the end of my spear, dog.” As I leapt forwards to push my advantage I managed to get several hits in, but he dodged and weaved, somehow keeping upright on his mangled leg through force of will. Still, he’s slowing. And… my nascent combat instincts were sparking. As I dodged his next swing, I realised that his strength had dropped too, as he couldn’t anchor himself solidly. The next blow I turned aside, still feeling the heavy impact on my arms, but I was able to push through it, using the momentum to turn me into position to strike, just like some of the Chinese martial arts I had studied. My spear struck, and it sank right into one of his elbows, shattering bone.

At that the beast let out a great cry, calling to his allies. A trio of gnolls rushed me with their own spears, but I quickly slew the first with my own thrust, slipping past theirs, which was so slow in comparison. I kicked aside the spear of the second, as the gnoll I had been fighting before had done to me, and one more thrust felled my enemy. The third… well the third was decapitated, but not through my efforts, a pinwheel flying past, the vibrating wire slicing through flesh, cartilage and bone with equal ease, like the finest of bonesaws.

“Sorry, where were we?” I slid forwards instead of back or to the side as the gnoll tried to blindside me, swinging his blade one-handed. I couldn’t use my spear so close, but in a brawl…. I leapt, slamming my head into his chin, transmitting the impact through his jaw and into his brain. As bone cracked he stumbled, and I dropped low, my spear rising. It punched into his neck, through the broken bone and up into the skull. Wind discharged from the bluesteel, and the gnoll simply… exploded.

As the now headless gnoll fell, a cry of despair went up from some of the survivors, and a large portion of the others became disorganised, merely rushing at Shaeula and I heedless of strategy or tactics. Wiping the gore from my face, I smiled balefully at the oncoming enemies. Perfect. More training…

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