On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Chapter 158: Side Thirty-One – Zhao Daiyu – Incorruptible Jade Sect

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The hall was decked out in an opulent yet terribly commonplace style, and Daiyu felt distinctly unimpressed, though she hid it well, her beautiful face an expressionless mask. Red and gold drapery was everywhere, along with flags of the Party and the Country. Gaudy statues of founding Party members and heroes were placed at strategic points, and the expensive crystal chandeliers that lit the hall were decked out in full with brightly blazing candles, and along the sides of the room were an array of tables, upon which sat opulent collections of dishes and drinks, whole roasted animals beside towers of champagne glasses and other such delights. Ready to serve, handsome waiters and beautiful waitresses were decked out in pristine uniforms, and already some of the less nervous or wary guests were talking to them, partaking of the largess.

Of course, behind them is a different display of power, one that serves as a warning to all, should they not be blind to it. She observed the burly soldiers in their perfect uniforms standing to attention, automatic rifles by their sides. There were even a couple with handheld RPG’s, which was overkill for such a task. Holding in a sneer and a sigh, Daiyu looked away, allowing herself only an imperceptible shake of her head.

Since they know there will be Cultivators here, they are taking no chances. Still, against automatic weapons even I would stand little chance, and against so many… Qi could not stop steel, not now, anyway. Perhaps in time the old arts would be revived, and new ones learnt, but until then… no, I need to show willing, while offering as little aid as I can get away with. My Honourable Patriarch demands nothing less.

Once more casting her gaze over the hall she realised she could see several Cultivators, though few of note. On meeting the gaze of one, a handsome young man, with short black hair and hazel eyes, who was wearing a suit that looked out of place on him, she smiled slightly. Not that I look any more comfortable in this gown.

Zhao Daiyu'er in her gown

The man sauntered over, though his eyes were constantly darting about, taking in the positions of every possible threat. Wise. He is a true adherent of the Path of Swords. Still, he was unable to bring one today…

“Beautiful Daiyu’er, what a pleasure to see you here.” He said, bowing to her. “I had heard rumours you had been gifted by the Dao this new opportunity. Of course, I expected no less, after all, if not you, then who?”

He was Wei Feng, a Peak-stage Qi Refiner from a sect that had associations with her own. To have reached such a stage at the tender age of twenty made him one of the prodigies to be watched. Though he is of course inferior to my talents. Still, it is heartening to see one I am not at odds with here…

“Likewise, Brother Wei. I trust your sword remains as sharp as ever?” she replied politely. “I also expected that those of us who have the favour of the Heavens and the Dao would be called.”

“My sword is not at hand, yet it is within my heart.” He said piously, forming his hand into a fan shape, mimicking a blade. “And it is sharper than ever. It will need to be too.” He remarked cautiously, seeing the crowd of people in the hall. Already there were nearly two thousand people there, ranging from nervous-looking peasants to civil servants, military men and women, and even bureaucrats.

“Yes, there is quite the attendance here. If all have been granted the blessing, then the Dao is quite profligate with its gifts.” She said, unable to keep the biting ill-humour from her voice. I hate it here, it has no elegance, not like the halls of my sect. Besides, I was nearing a breakthrough, so to have to spend my time on such pathetic matters…

Before she could speak though, the door at the back opened, and a score of people filed out. Some of them were clearly very high ranking members of the Party, while others… her eyes widened involuntarily at a couple of the faces, escaping even her rigid control.

Surely not… this is… troubling. My Honoured Patriarch must be informed, for he could not have foreseen this…

Behind the lead figure, who was wearing the formal military dress of the Party, his uniform decked with numerous medals, were two very familiar faces to her.

Chong Gui, master of the Unquenchable Sun, one of the Five Great Sects. Long-time rival to our own Incorruptible Jade. While it was hardly proper to hold… hatred… for a member of another Great Sect, in these trying times where their influence was low, she found it hard to deny she loathed the old swine. Even at age sixty he retained a muscular figure, but his long white beard and moustache that he thought gave him a patrician air only made him resemble the old pervert he was. Tales of his libido and… casual disregard for consent… were legendary amongst the Sects, and rumour had it he had sired over two hundred children, of which dozens had some degree of talent. Still, that was not what had made her eyes widen in shock.

Chong Gui

He has broken through to the Foundation realm? She could feel the Qi in him, far stronger than before. Like her Noble Father, he was stuck at the bottleneck of Peak Qi Refining, but now… He is blessed and my Honourable Patriarch is not? The Heavens are cruel… also, he was not the one that his Sect admitted to, so either they were lying, or there is another blessed within their ranks…

Behind and beside him was Xiao Xia, another leader of a Great Sect, the Emerald Lotus. She was in her forties, but had lost none of her beauty, and the green gown she wore was scandalously cut, and very out of place here.

Xiao Xia

Beside her, Wei Feng spoke in a whisper, trusting her ears to pick it up, his hand obscuring his face lest anyone read his lips. “Two of the Five stands with the Government? That bodes ill indeed.”

That it does, that it does. The situation is worse than my Noble Father thought. It might be coincidence that the Party asked for her by name, or one of the present Sect masters might have sold out their fellow Cultivators, but… there are people from all walks of life here, even peasants and farmers. Without some way of divining the blessed, this would not be possible. My Noble Father is right. I need more information and trusted allies before acting…

Even with her might, she was unlikely to come out best in a fight against two Sect Masters. Raw power could be tamed by the crafty, and she had no wish to hunt the cicada, only to be taken unawares from behind.

“So, I think we are natural allies in this situation.” Wei Feng continued, and she muttered her approval near-silently.

It was then one of the people at the front clapped their hands, the loud noise silencing conversation and drawing all eyes. As the burly Party member stepped aside, the man in uniform spoke. He was a handsome man, in his late forties maybe, still strong if starting to run a little to fat, his hair greying, but his eyes were dark and steely. His voice too was strong, used to command.

“I am Shang jiang Qin Wang lei, of the noble and righteous Chinese Communist Party. I am grateful you have all wisely heeded the call of your country, for we have need of you now more than ever. Some of you may be confused, out of your element, or even fearful of this. But know this…” he boomed. “… we shall stand beside you, as you give your all for the Party, the Nation and the Ideals of our glorious President.”

With the opening preamble done, he got to the point. “I have been elected the head of the newly formed Department for Managing of Divine Mysteries. My vice-ministers will be Chong Gui, Xiao Xia and Wu Shing.

This could not be worse. That Wu Shing looks like some sort of political official, no doubt in internal affairs or policing, but having two Sect Masters with such a position… would they really sell out our fifteen hundred long years of effort and history to the Party, just for some cheap gains?

Qin Wang lei continued. “Those others you see around me are also trusted members of my Department. I shall introduce them in due course. But first… allow me to lay down the most important rules you will all follow. I can see confusion amongst you, and those that do not understand this opportunity will be taken under our wing, and educated properly, so that you may serve this country that has nurtured us.”

Nurtured? These upstarts have… what… seventy years of history? We guided this country before it even had a name, for thousands of years, against foes undreamed of. Even when Kunlun seceded, leaving us behind in this spiritually barren land, we formed the new Five Great Sects and protected the land for fifteen hundred years… nurtured… exploited, I would wager is more apt.

“The first step is to collate information. I understand you are eager to start eating and drinking, what with the generous spread you have been honoured with…” Qin Wang lei’s joke fell flat, disappearing into the nervous silence around the room. “… but first my staff will be asking you to fill out these questionnaires. I… encourage truthfulness, for only through accurate information and honest reporting of resources can we allocate proper roles for everyone, for the greater good.”

Daiyu waited in silence as a group of men and women in military uniforms passed by, handing everyone a clipboard, to which was attached a list of questions. How will they know if we are lying? Perhaps in the same way they identified those of us in attendance? What would my Honourable Patriarch want?

The questions were unfortunately quite pertinent. Her gaze strayed to the two Sect masters who were now vice-ministers, barely able to keep the animosity from showing on her face. They were chatting with each other and the other Party members, laughing and joking. Damn traitors. Sect business should be kept far from secular matters… no doubt they were involved in the formulation of these questions.

They were asking about the throughput of spiritual energies, the area one’s spiritual influence encompassed, any notable features such as mystical trees or sources of elemental energies… The CCP could not have come up with this themselves…

Taking her pen she scribbled down her answers, not telling any lies or omitting anything of value, yet… somewhat cagey in what she revealed otherwise. Beside her, Wei Feng had the good sense to be doing likewise, but beside her, a young, handsome woman was frowning, her eyes wide with nervousness and confusion. I should leave it alone, but…

Turning to the suit-wearing woman beside her, who was probably in her early twenties, her dark hair pulled into a tight bun, pinned by silver hair sticks, she spoke gently. “Are you struggling? Perhaps I can help.”

The woman was startled by her voice, and she turned around like a scared rabbit. On seeing the speaker was a young woman, she relaxed, only to be open-mouthed at her beauty.

“Are you struggling?” Daiyu asked gently again.

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“Oh, err, thank you. Yes, I am rather stumped. All of this… it is beyond my comprehension.” She said, bowing deeply. “Oh, where are my manners. I am Jang Huifen. Here’s my card.” She passed over a business card, which Daiyu took and observed. It seems she runs an export business, and is the chairwoman. Unusual, she must have some talent.

“I am Zhao Daiyu.” She answered. “I do not have a business card, but I do have some knowledge of this matter, humble though it is. What are you struggling with, I may be able to help?”

“Everything, really. All this seems like a dream… no, it was a dream that started it. Caishen, the god of wealth and commerce was in my dreams, and I thought it was a good omen, as my business is doing well… but after that, when I close my eyes to sleep, I find myself in a strange world. It is frightening and unnatural, yet I hear the whispers of Caishen advising me… I thought I was going mad, until…” she pulled out a small coin, nervously, and with her fingers she bent it easily. “… I found I was stronger, faster, my mind works quicker, I need less and less rest…” she paused, swallowing nervously. “… perhaps I collapsed from overwork, and all this is a coma-dream before I die…”

“I am afraid not.” Daiyu shook her head. “This is all too real. You have been exposed to the world that lies beneath the surface, hidden for many long years. It seems that the blessings of the Dao are spread widely, not just to Cultivators and the wise.”

“Cultivators?” Jang Huifen said, confused. “Like… farmers… no, that doesn’t make sense…”

“I speak of Cultivating one’s own strengths and Qi, following the path of the Dao.” She replied, feeling amused that modern people were so ignorant of the past. “Perhaps you too can call yourself one, since you have received this blessing…” Will the newcomers here need to join Sects, or start their own? Can they start refining Qi like we do? So many questions, and so few answers…

She glanced over at the two Sect Masters again, barely keeping her contempt in check. Did they sell us out for the opportunity to strengthen their own Sects by inviting all these newcomers? No, surely they could not be that foolish. The Party will never allow such power to slip through their grasp, not now…

“Umm, excuse me…” the businesswoman distracted Daiyu from her thoughts. “… I still don’t understand.”

Perhaps it would be useful to take her under my wing. We need to understand how the common folk will react to sudden power and the changing of their worldview. Smiling reassuringly, Daiyu spoke gently. “Understanding will come in time. Let me help you complete your questionnaire and I will explain as we go…”




Going through the information that this new Department was requesting once more, Daiyu was both alarmed and impressed. They obviously have a thorough understanding of the Spirit realms, perhaps even better than my own… and worse, they know what questions to ask to expose our own understanding and assets there…

She was drinking wine, careful to let her Qi accelerate the functions of her liver to break down the alcohol quickly. It was a waste, but she could not afford to be drunk, not now. The taste was delightful, and beside her Jang Huifen was eating, hunched over like a small mammal trying to make themselves inconspicuous in front of predators. In contrast Wei Feng was like her, drinking with seemingly no cares, though he too would be making strides to maintain his readiness.

It was then she picked up on a weak source of Qi moving her way, only to see a young man approaching. He was wearing casual clothes, jeans and a loud shirt, but pinned to his collar was a golden badge of a stone with a tail of flame. Golden Starfall Sect. One of the Five Great Sects. But this one is weak… Early stage Qi refining, Middle stage at best…

Seeing her gaze the young man strolled over. He was nothing special to look at, plain for a Cultivator, but Daiyu was still wary. Wei Feng had also picked up on his approach, and while he was apparently unconcerned, his free hand was ready to strike.

“Peace, I want no trouble here.” The man said. “I simply felt the need to see the famous Black Jade that is Ever Beautiful. Where else would such an unworthy disciple such as me get an opportunity?”

I dislike him already… she thought sourly. Ever Beautiful Black Jade was the moniker she had been given by the elders of her own Sect, and it had spread far and wide, causing her no end of embarrassment. I am beautiful, yes. But I wish to be known for my talents, not my looks. “Well, you have seen me, disciple of the Golden Starfall. Have I satisfied you?”

At her pointed tone, Jang Huifen picked up on the suddenly strained atmosphere, and she backed away a little, making herself even smaller. Seeing this, Daiyu reined in her disapproval as best she could. Drawing attention to themselves was foolish here. “Well, you did not answer my question, are you now satisfied? I do not see the Master of your Sect, is he not here?”

“No, I fear my Noble Patriarch was not called to this gathering, much as I don’t see your father here.” The man answered flippantly, further raising her ire. “Still, yes, I am satisfied, as any man would be. One would have to be blind not to appreciate your beauty, and more importantly… your influence.

At his sudden change of track, Daiyu paused, momentarily unsure of how to proceed. Seeing this, the man’s smile broadened. “Well then, this humble disciple is Tang Bai. My skills are modest, yet my mind is sharp. It is a pleasure to meet you here, fellow Cultivators.” He nodded to Wei Feng as well. “Would that we met under better circumstances. The Party is giving us no face and little honour. This sits ill with me and my Venerable Patriarch. I expect the Masters of your Sects feel the same?”

Wei Feng nodded, and Daiyu was forced to agree. “Of course. We are not civilians, to come when called like dogs, to answer questions on our most private talents and gifts. Still, what choice do we have?”

“None, since somehow this Qin Wang lei knows who is and who is not swept up in the tides of change. Therefore I feel we need as many friends and allies as we can gather. A united front.” His gaze also strayed to the two Sect Masters who stood as vice-ministers. “I have orders from my Patriarch to find such friends in this trying time. No doubt you are carrying out some tasks of your own?”

Before Daiyu could answer, there was more loud clapping, and the Shang jiang in charge started talking once more, an array of black-suited secretarial staff behind him having analysed the answers the crowd had given.

“I am most pleased at your honesty.” Qin Wang lei said, the two traitors behind him all smiles as well. “Only through sharing a common purpose and with each citizen working as needed can we prosper, protecting ourselves from threats both home and abroad, and now even in strange, mystical lands.” He strode up and down the stage, hands clasped behind his back, radiating an aura of authority.

“Over the next few days orders will arrive for each of you. You will move your areas of influence in the Spirit realm to the designated locations, and concentrate on gathering resources as specified in your tailored plan. When resources are gathered they will be funnelled to your designated liaison. Some of you will have the opportunity to be liaisons yourselves, those whose loyalty and civic spirit meets the standard that the Party expects.”

He then went on to discuss allocation of funds for any required relocations in the Mortal realm, as well as various other matters, but what it all boiled down to was… Curse him and his Department to Diyu… may they suffer all eighteen torments!

“I see. They plan to have the pigs eat us tigers. As my Patriarch and no doubt yours suspected.” Tang Bai grimaced. “All the more reason we need to stick together.”

“I see that the Party has learned well from the ways of Cultivation.” Wei Feng sneered. “I thought that their goal was prosperity for all, but instead they are stealing from us to give to their favoured pets.”

“And if we roil over and show our bellies in submission, we could be one of their lapdogs too.” Tang Bai concurred. “Well, Golden Starfall cannot be stopped by the wishes of mortal men.”

“And our Jade never tarnishes, staying perfect for all eternity.” Daiyu made up her mind. Indeed, it is quite the malicious ploy. All our work will go to bolstering another, creating those of great influence over the Spirit realm, whilst we have to fight over the scraps remaining, like starving curs. No, this will not stand, not at all. But as of yet, we cannot oppose them. Not with the traitors, and the unseen hand who has found all of us, despite our gifts being hidden…

Seeing her fellow Cultivators waiting for an answer, she bit down a sigh and nodded. “Very well. We shall share information and work together as best we can. However, with my standing, I shall be in command. I will brook no argument on this. Someone must lead, and I am qualified. After all, if we work as with one heart, we can even move Mount Tai.”

As they agreed to her proposal, only one person was looking confused. Speaking up tentatively, as if wary of being scolded, Jang Huifen raised one hand. “Err, I don’t mind joining up with you, you all seem nice, not that I know what’s going on… but… err, what’s my area of influence?”

Daiyu bit down on a sigh. It will be interesting to have the perspective of an ordinary human, and those traitors will never expect us to consort with such, so it is worth doing, but still…

“We shall explain it to you. After this farce of a meeting is over, we shall pool our knowledge and resources. A successful working woman such as yourself will grasp the intricacies in no time.”

“Are you sure? Well, I’m grateful!” she bowed repeatedly, and once more Daiyu wondered what she was doing here. My Cultivation was soaring to new heights. Damn you all who interfere with my path to enlightenment… If she could find the one who discovered her blessing and gave her name to this Department, she could quite cheerfully wring their neck like killing chickens…

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