On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Chapter 173: One Hundred And Forty

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Selensha was sweating as she conjured the water element required to recast the Moonlight Mist Realm. Under the orange flickers that dyed everything around like a mortal sunset, I and Shaeraggo exchanged some final words.

“So, just what is all this about? Your anger seems wildly disproportionate to the situation. Shaeula had told me that you were always doting on her and treating her like a child, coddling her, but even so, this seems too far.”

“Just what would you know of anything, wretch? And why should I tell-tell you? Once I have ground you into the dust, your existence will cease to hold any meaning for her. Assuming you survive.” His glare was cold.

“Well, if you are so confident, then what harm does it to humour me? I know you Fae don’t think the same way we… mortals… do, but having spent a decent amount of time with Shaeula, I can say we have more in common than not. So, why the overreaction? You seemed enraged when you saw her.”

“To see my precious little sister sullied by a mortal, essences mixed… Your wife…” his face twisted at the word. “… she said you were a brother too. Tell me, if your sister was-was placed in danger, sent away to a hostile land where we could not reach her… oh how many long nights we suffered, wondering if she-she was well, or whether she had suffered injury or worse… only to find that when you finally managed to sneak out to see her, she had been… taken… by some lowborn scum, quite beneath her station… well mortal, could you have kept the anger that boiled within you leashed? Or like me, would you have wished to destroy the object of your ire, the beast that laid his hands upon your adorable little sister?”

“I guess I can see your point, a little.” I conceded with a sigh. “But damn, you really do take being a siscon to unheard of levels. Seriously, my sister is free to date whoever she wants. Sure, I’ll check the guy out, and if I think he’s no good, well, I’ll be sure to tell her. But when it comes down to it, I can’t run her life for her, only help out where I can. And if she makes a bad decision… well, I’ll do what I can to prevent her, but it’s her life. I’ll be there in the end to pick up the pieces for her. I’ll probably kill the bastard afterwards though…” I finished, earning a snort of amusement in return.

“I can ill-afford to be as lenient as you-you.” Shaeraggo continued, as the ritual came to a climax. “Our sister already has much slander and derision cast at her due to her bloodline. It is foolish, as her mother’s pedigree is noble, just not of the Seelie. If it was found that she dallied with mortals as-as well… her position truly would be cruel and untenable. I have no choice but to remove you from her life and hide her. The very fact Duke Formor sent his trolls here is proof-proof that her life is in danger! When I return, I shall call him out…”

“See, this is what I don’t get. Instead of starting a war and taking her by force, why didn’t we just talk it out? Maybe I don’t get the ways of the Fae, but forcing my sister to fight, to suffer such hurts… even if it was for her own good, I don’t know if I could do it. I’d always look for another way.” It was the reason I was still struggling with allowing Eri and Aiko to train with aether. In my heart, I wanted to keep them safe and protect them. Shaeula too, to be honest. But… I think there was a line in a story I read, I think it was a Chinese one… ‘the only sin in the Apocalypse is being weak…’ I want them to be able to protect themselves and each other, even should something happen to me, or I’m not there… “Besides, Shaeula isn’t the weak girl you remembered, is she? She’s grown strong.”

“I was surprised.” Shaeraggo admitted. “To see that she has transcended her being, and-and is now a Fae of Wind and Flame… and that she has a new… or no, perhaps two new powerful winds… as her brother that does make me proud, as was the way she defeated Ulfuric, though in a battle to the death she would not be so fortunate. Still, my little sister has always been proud and stubborn. She will not easily change her mind unless forced to-to.”

“That’s bullshit. Okay, when I met her she was quite the character, insisting on her nobility every chance she got, and haughty with it. But she’s matured. We’ve been through a lot together. I would say I now know her better than you, so…”

“Silence, mortal. I have humoured you long enough. Besides, the ritual is complete.”

“You both need to swear to the spirits of the mist.” The tired Selensha muttered, sagging on her staff, the butt ground into the earth all that was keeping her upright.

“I swear this is my will.” Shaeraggo said, and I echoed him. As I did so some of the orange water energy entered me, drawn to my lunar node, and as the mist enveloped me, I had a sudden thought. Using Self-Examination I tried to track down the sorcery itself, and the effect it was having on me.

Moonlight Mist Blessing – This ???????? water elemental spirits ???????? ???????????? natural water elemental energy, but also ??????? ????????????? ???????????????????? lunar chakra, allowing ?????? ??????????? ??????? ????????? ???????????.

Oh come on, don’t be so bloody useless! All I’ve been getting recently is endless question marks. This is NOT how appraisal is supposed to work it’s supposed to be a damn cheat skill. I focused my aether and will, trying to understand, to push through the lack of knowledge. My right wrist was cramping, no… burning… with some sort of pain. And then, my concentration peaking…

Your Skill, Self-Examination has advanced from Rank 5 to Rank 6, passing the first bottleneck. You now have a greater ability to analyse information regarding yourself to a known multiversal standard. [Class: ???]

Bottleneck? Class? That was all new stuff, and it would be fascinating to check all my details again, but now wasn’t the time. Shaeraggo was clearly getting impatient, so I would have to make do with quickly checking the blessing again…

Moonlight Mist Blessing – This ritual of water elemental spirits draws upon both natural water elemental energy, but also ??????? which, when powered by consent of all parties, links their lunar chakras, allowing ?????? and restoration of severe wounds. However, ????????? ???????????. [Class: ???]

Yeah, wow, that’s so much better. Still plenty of details missing, but if I can get that much more…

“Are you having second thoughts, mortal?” Shaeraggo snarled. “I grow impatient to defeat you and take back-back my darling little sister.”

“Oh, sorry. Yeah, I’m ready now. I was just momentarily distracted. Do continue.”

At my words Selensha raised her staff, causing the now familiar cascade of orange energies and mist. “Begin the third and final Trial of Three. May the King and Queen grant the winner the grace of victory without regrets, and may the loser find peace in their choices!” With her task done, she staggered out of the battlefield, to slump down wearily beside Shaeula and Eri.

Before we could start our battle. Shaeula tried one last time to reach her brother. “Brother Shaeraggo, please. I know that once a Trial of Three is agreed it can not-not be overturned, but… the three prices you have to pay are meagre, are they not-not? If you forfeit, Akio and I can swear to return the treasures and followers, and we can discuss this. I have grown stronger thanks to Akio and my new experiences, and if you would just give him a chance then…”

“Enough!” he snarled. “You were alone, in a land surrounded by enemies, without even your maids or servants to care for you-you. Beset on all sides by foul scum such as Duke Formor’s dogs, it is no wonder your heart shattered and you fell prey to the wiles of this slimy human incubus. But have no fear, I will save you, even if I must treat you harshly. It wounded me more than you, to see you hurt-hurt, but I shall harden my heart and do what needs to be done. Even should you resent me and pretend we are siblings no longer, I know in time you will forget these mortals and come around. Please sister, do not force me-me to chastise you further. Remember your royal pride, your duties… now watch, as I remove this obstacle to your rehabilitation!”

“But brother… listen to me!” Shaeula raged, but a wind blew, carrying her voice away.

“Enough of those distractions. Are you ready, mortal?”

“You know, when we talked just before the start of this Trial, I can’t say I agreed with you, but I could see where you were coming from, even a little. But hearing you shout down your sisters’ heartfelt pleas… nah, screw that. I can see that I’m going to have to beat respect for your sister into you. So yeah, I’m ready. So damn ready!” He’s just a domestic abuser. Parroting the old crap ‘why did you make me hit you?’ as if it is some hardship. Still, kin is very important to Shaeula, so my only answer is reforming him. Just another reason to win here, not that I needed one! “In fact, there’s another matter I need to settle. I still need to thank you for trying to hurt Eri. I’ll be sure that you remember the lesson.”

“Bah.” Shaeraggo scoffed, readying his bow as I hefted my spear. “She attacked me, so who can complain if she reaps the-the reward of her insolence? Besides, you intervened did you not?”

“Eri has always been a kind girl. I don’t think she could bear to see you treat Shaeula like that. I’ll be having words with her later though.” At my criticism Eri looked abashed, though she was happy that I was angry for her. “I’m afraid she isn’t strong enough to be settling grudges. I however… for Eri, for Shaeula… I‘m going to make you yield!”

“Talk is cheap, mortal usurper. Let us begin!”

“Fine by me!” I immediately channelled aether, racing forwards. Shaeraggo calmly called upon arrows of swirling wind, releasing them rapidly at me, one after another with long-practised skill. I hurled wind energy at the first arrows, deflecting them a little, but the impact was heavier than I expected, the arrows boring through my defences, forcing me to use my spear to block. The impacts rocked me, throwing me off balance, and the scattered shards of wind energy sliced across my exposed flesh, drawing silvery blood from my face. Shit, why are his attacks so strong?

More arrows were raining on me. Shaeraggo was grinning, clearly not putting out his full effort. I desperately fended off the incoming attacks, one slamming into my armour, the impact rocking me. My initial strategy of closing in had failed, so I was being forced to switch to my next plan ahead of schedule…

Releasing a little fire energy I used my knowledge of physics to do something I doubted he would expect or understand. In addition, I started attacking back with my own ostentatious blades of wind, emerald streaks flashing towards him. Shaeraggo’s own wind effortlessly shattered my attacks, but his arrows flying towards me were now sliding past me, blowing craters into the ground.

“Huh?” Shaeraggo seemed a little confused, though he was still confident as he clearly held the advantage. Still, as his attacks continued to miss me by inches, I could see a trace of frustration creeping in. Carefully holding down the green light of the wind, I made my counterattack. Shaeraggo swatted aside my visible attacks while firing at me, only to suddenly leap backwards, a faint scattering of blood misting the air.

Damn, I thought that’d do more damage. He mitigated it at the very last second…

Shaeraggo paused to wipe away the blood that dripped from his face. “Tricky mortal, I could not see your attack. But to-to fool this Shaeraggo, you would need to be far stronger. Even if I cannot see it, I can still feel the movements of the wind. Still, I now realise you have some bite to you. Feel privileged, for I shall now crush you!”

Shaeraggo’s eyes blazed a deep emerald, shining powerfully. Shaeula called out a warning to me then, sounding panicked. “Be careful Akio! My brother has Mystic Eyes of Wind Reading, when he uses them his power grows-grows greatly!”

“My little sister is correct.” He sneered. “And before my eyes, your clever tricks will not protect you-you. I can see the movement of the wind around you. It is affecting my sight somehow, making you seem where you are not.”

“I see, so a heat haze. A type of refraction.” Shaeula exclaimed, suddenly understanding, as she was studying these things when she had the chance back in the Material, striving to grow stronger.

“Well, I don’t like giving away all my tricks…” I started, but was then thrown backwards, tasting iron in my mouth, the breath driven from me as my armour cracked under the impact of a swiftly fired arrow.

“My eyes see all wind.”  Shaeraggo scoffed. “Your petty tricks are clearly visible to me-me! Now die-die!” another arrow, larger and more threatening than before, was forming on his bow. As he unleashed it, the very air around him shaking, Eri and Shaeula let out cries of despair.

Don’t worry, I’m not done yet. I can’t use too much fire energy, I need it for later, but… his arrow diverted, citrine flames greedily licking at it, disrupting its balance. It exploded behind me and I raced forwards once more, pushing my body to its limit, only to see Shaeraggo summoning multiple arrows, these topped with snarling weasel-heads. Hey, that’s Shaeula’s trick…

“Do try and survive this.” Shaeraggo scoffed. “My beloved wife has cast such a magnificent ward, it would be a shame if you-you were to die despite that…”

“Brother Shaeraggo, no!” Shaeula called out, frantic, but he ignored her, merely smiling darkly.

Arrows streaked out towards me one after another. They seemed to contain less power than the previous ones, but I was quickly panicked, my mind racing for a solution, my body crying out as my armour was shredded and wounds quickly piled up on me. The arrows of wind were like serpents, living beings who when dodged or deflected would swing back at me from other angles until they struck, discharging their force. Which again is causing me far greater injury than the invested elemental energy should be capable of…

More and more of the weasel-arrows were flying my way, and I had been driven back, far away from Shaeraggo, who was bombarding me with impunity. Mind racing, I was struggling to think of a counter, when Shaeula surged forwards, breaking free from the grip Eri had on her arm. She approached the edge of the Moonlight Mist Realm, tears in her eyes, before calling out to her brother.

You are reading story On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor at novel35.com

“Stop this brother, please! I do not-not want to see you hurt my Akio so! And if he dies… I shall die too. I can not-not break the price, but when I am at your cage of a mansion, I shall-shall end myself, I swear it!”

“I shall never allow that. You are wroth, little sister, but in time your pain-pain will fade. Until then, your maids will keep you company.” Shaeraggo returned, still keeping up his barrage at me, eyes reading my movements by the ripple of air around me. I stumbled as more impacts rocked me, spear spilling from my grasp as one arm broke. I know the barrier should fix a lot of these injuries when the battle is done but fuck this hurts… the broken edges of bone are grinding… uh, damn I feel sick from the pain…

“You can not-not watch me all the time, my brother! Reconsider your actions, or else I shall…”

“No, you won’t.” I interrupted, interspersed with grunts as I was battered by waves of the seeking arrows. “Shaeula, don’t ever talk about killing yourself. Whatever happens here… don’t forget we chose this ourselves, making the best…” I spat blood as another arrow slammed into me. My armour which I had so painstakingly repaired again and again was little more than shreds once more. “… of what choices we had. I don’t intend to die, I still intend to win but… always remember, where there is life there’s hope. And I would never want to see you dead.”

“Akio is right.” Eri agreed, having caught up with Shaeula again, pulling her into a comforting hug. “Akio won’t die, I wont allow it. But… wouldn’t it be too sad for you to be dead too? Just… believe, all right. I know he must have a hidden plan!”

I do have one… but I really hoped I wouldn’t have to use it. And even surviving to get an opportunity is going to be tough…

Shaeraggo momentarily paused his barrage to look at me strangely. “You speak true, mortal. It would be a tragedy should my little sister foolishly squander her life over a wretch like you-you.”

“Well damn…” I spat, blood trickling down my chin. “For a moment I thought you were being decent, but couldn’t resist the dig, eh? Come on then, I’m growing tired of this.” I picked up my fallen spear with my one good arm. Though good is a bit of an overstatement, everything hurts.

“Yes-yes, it is time to put this Trial to rest. Fear not, little sister, all this will soon be over!” he started launching arrows at me again, but this time I was prepared. I have to draw on my batteries, which is a blow, but as long as I can get one opening…

The arrows were whistling towards me, puppeteered on the breeze by Shaeraggo’s great skills. This time instead of dodging though, I drew on flame energies and started devouring the arrows. It would take too much to completely destroy them, but I hadn’t just been taking injuries like a punching bag without recourse. It was the weasel-heads that gave the arrows the ability to seek me, so by burning them a little with flame the arrows would go off-target, missing me entirely.

Shaeraggo scowled as his arrows started to disintegrate, veering wildly away, ploughing up the ground beside me. Cascades of green and yellow sparks were raining down around me. It was quite pretty, not that I had time to pay attention. Using this opportunity to close in to Shaeraggo, I narrowed the distance, getting ever closer, though the closer I got the harder it was to destroy his arrows in time, so I was taking further wounds.

Shaeula could barely watch, but Eri was still cheering me on. Beside them Selensha and Ulfuric looked pensive, while Ixitt seemed to be having a grand time observing the clash of our attacks, laughing in his hacking way and making notes.

“You look rather defeated.” Shaeraggo taunted. “You may be destroying my arrows, but you cannot surely hold-hold on much longer. Whereas I am unharmed. I am magnanimous, in deference to my little sister and her misguided affection for you, I can give you leave to forfeit. Or if not… I shall finish this, and you will-will not survive.”

He's more rattled that he lets on. His mannerisms were reminiscent of Shaeula’s, and by the twitching around his eyes I could see he was unsettled. And why not? Sure he has the upper hand, but with his pride the fact a mortal like me is making him work for the victory should be intolerable… it isn’t merely about winning for him, so just like Shaeula had a slim chance against Ulfuric due to his orders, I have this one window to exploit… all or nothing…

“Oh? I can do this all day…” I said, quoting a famous superhero. Shaeraggo, who didn’t get the reference, responded with annoyance.

“So be it then-then. I have allowed your insolence to continue for too long. Winds, heed me, devour this fool who thinks he can claim my sister as a prize!” the deep green aura of his eyes spread around him, turning into a whistling array of emerald and jade.

“Brother, no, you can not-not do this!” Shaeula started to protest, and Selensha also spoke.

“Are you sure, my love? My Mist Realm will not be able to…”

Their words were drowned out by the howling gale as the swirling green essence formed into a giant weasel-head, several metres across, maw big enough to swallow me whole. Shit, that looks dangerous. It’ll take more than a little fire to consume that…

Still, it was my one chance. I turned to look at Eri and Shaeula, and Eri nodded, seeing my resolve. As she did so Shaeula suddenly started to shout over the tumult, her words shocking me to the core. “Brother, no, we forf…” before she could finish Eri clamped a hand over her mouth, silencing the words. Instinctively Shaeula bit her, and Eri cried out before swallowing the pain. Shaeula was trying to wrestle free, causing Eri some injury, but Eri was resolute, ignoring the blood dripping from her bitten hand, whispering soothing words in Shaeula’s ears.

Good job Eri. And Shaeula can’t use all her strength or she’d really hurt you… you’ve bought me enough time for one last reckless gamble.

“How unfortunate for you-you.” Shaeraggo scoffed, his bow straining under the massive gale-arrow that was ready to annihilate me. “Your wife has cost you your life, silencing my little sister. It is not too-too late for you to concede. You would have a small victory to console yourself with, knowing I was unable to destroy you as I wished.”

“What victory would there be in losing Shaeula? No, I’m not beaten yet.” I drew on my wind and flame energy, a radiance of yellow and green surrounding me. “Even if Shaeula was to end up in hell, I’d follow her down to stamp out the flames.”

“Words, words, words.” Shaeraggo scoffed. “Now die-die!” he loosed the arrow and the massive gust whipped towards me, tearing up all in its path. Shaeula finally struggled free and cried out in sorrow and fear, and even Eri, cradling her torn hand, was white with terror.

Sorry about this. I hate making you worry, but… “This is the time to give everything I’ve got! Foehn, blaze forth and consume, body and soul!”

Foehn, fed by much of my wind energy, erupted outwards like a tidal wave. It slammed into the oncoming attack, exploding into a cloud of devouring droplets of brilliant yellow. The massive wind arrow started breaking apart, the blaze rapidly feasting on it, converting the wind to more spreading flames. The battlefield was showered in cascading napalm, setting the very ground alight. I did say I’d follow Shaeula to hell if necessary, but I’m pretty much creating hell here instead… oh god, it hurts so bad, it makes my previous injuries feel like nothing…

Akio unleashing Foehn to seek victory

“What is this?” Shaeraggo was shocked as his prized attack burst apart under the devouring fires, but he was a consummate hunter, so readied more arrows, launching them through the maelstrom, even as he scuttled backwards. Still, the arrows were quickly scattered by the roiling cloud of flames, their energy not able to overcome their poor affinity with fire.

“Did you commit suicide… wait… what under the moon…?” Shaeraggo panicked as something outside of his expectations occurred. A shadow crashed through the roaring fires, trailing clinging flames. For a moment he was motionless, and in that one brief moment of hesitation another explosion of flame rang out, and the blazing figure was hurled forwards, latching onto him, arm wreathed in flame clinging around his neck. “I’ve got you.” I moaned, gasps of pain escaping my scorched throat.

Shaeraggo let out a yelp of pain, fiery droplets of Foehn leaking off me and onto him, the smell of scorched fur and flesh sickening. “You are insane! Get-get off me!” Shaeraggo threw aside his bow and started striking me, but every time he struck me more Foehn spread to his fists and arms. The blows were powerful, rocking my consciousness, but I was determined to hold on, and just like Shaeula managed to fend off the musical debuffs by pain, I was able to maintain my consciousness despite the savage beating by focusing on the torment searing me… I prepared for this to limit the damage, but even so…

“Insane?” I croaked, winding my legs around him as well, clinging like a limpet as behind us the windstorm finally collapsed, showering more flames everywhere. The air was full of smoke and the scent of char, and the onlookers were watching in horror. Eri was crying, Shaeula had fallen to her knees, forlorn, and Selensha was frantically reinforcing the Moonlight Mist Barrier with what little strength she had remaining.

“No, I’m not insane. I’m merely… prepared to…” it was hard to get out the words, but I needed to say them. “… do anything, if it is for Shaeula, for Eri, for my family and … my dreams. Can you… say the same?”

My armour had entirely burned away, and Shaeraggo’s was quickly igniting. He flailed at the fires, trying to scatter them, but that was a mistake. The more he struggled the more the Foehn burned. “I think you… might want to surrender…” I advised. “You’ve already… seen how far I… will go.”

“You fool-fool. Surely you will succumb to the fires before I do-do…”

“You asked for this then…” fires dripped from my burning hair, running down my face. Winding back my neck, I then slammed forwards, my fiery forehead slamming into his nose. Shaeraggo squealed, and I slammed him once more. “This one’s… for Eri, don’t point an arrow… at her, jackass!”

My head slammed into Shaeraggo again and again, staggering him. Selensha, seeing us wreathed in flames cried out in terror. “Don’t kill him! That flame is dangerous, I’m not sure the barrier can mitigate it! If you don’t stop, you’ll both die!”

“I’m not. Going to. Kill him.” I punctuated each couple of words with another headbutt, flames scattering. “He’s. Shaeula’s. Brother. But he. Needs to learn. How to be. A decent one.” After another half-dozen headbutts my own skull felt as if it was fractured, it was like slamming concrete, but Shaeraggo was in an equally bad state, numerous greedy fires burning him.

“I hope. You feel. Regret at…” I continued.

“I… I yield!” Shaeraggo croaked desperately, flames even burning his eyelids as he desperately tried to protect his mystic eyes. “I surrender, you mad-mad abomination!”

Cries of relief came from the watchers, and the crying Selensha waved her staff. Mist with an orange glow descended, and I desperately released the last of my wind energies, destroying the vacuums I had created around my body to shield me from the worst of the Foehn, hurling it away like burning meteorites. Releasing Shaeraggo I collapsed to the ground, staring up at the spectacle, orange mists meeting the slowly vanishing citrine flames of the Foehn as the Mist Barrier started dismissing it.

Fuck, I hurt so bad. Even with the amelioration of my injuries I was still banged up and burnt. Tears welled up in my eyes finally, and I wasn’t sure whether it was from the pain, or relief that I’d won, and our dreams were safe for now. Shaeula and Eri was racing over, dodging between the remaining flames of Foehn, and as they approached a silvery sheen that wasn’t tears appeared in my vision…

Your Class, Fae-Souled has increased from level 17 to level 19.

Your Foresight has significantly increased.


Spoils of war, eh? Still, seeing the looks of mixed joy and concern on the faces of Shaeula and Eri, I felt that was a greater reward…

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