On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Chapter 205: One Hundred And Sixty-Three

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“So, I’ve only been working for you a week, and I’m already doing overtime. I’m so disappointed, Akio-kun.” Karen-chan took the sting out of her words with a wry smile, but I did still feel a little guilty.

“Well, I did say that occasional rush jobs would come up, and this one is a real emergency.” I apologised. “Still, I think you’ll be satisfied with the bonus you are getting after this.”

Beside me Shaeula snickered nastily, knowing just what my plan was. “Indeed. I believe you will be more-more than happy to spend your evening with us. Besides, the alcohol and food shall be paid for by Akio!”

“I’m curious just what we’ll be doing. It’s been a wild ride so far, what with arson attacks in the night. I’m not sure how you can top that. I’ll be honest, I’m a little unnerved, but at least my new job isn’t ever dull!”

“Don’t worry.” I reassured her as we entered the rather nice Law Firm that we had arranged to meet at, the one that the lawyer from Midas Gold, Nomura-san, had put us in touch with. “I don’t anticipate any more mob violence. I value the safety of my employees.”

“Get a load of this smooth talker.” Karen-chan whispered theatrically to Shaeula. “He values my safety. I’m touched! Never has a boss said that to me before.”

“Yeah, laugh at me if you want.” I sighed. “Anyway… as for what we are doing, I guess the best way to describe it would be totally legal and above-board extortion.” At the front desk I spoke to the receptionist, and was quickly directed to a conference room.

“Legal extortion? That’s an oxymoron.” Karen-chan protested. “And I know I’m your secretary, but am I really needed for that?”

“Well, I can assure you it’s all entirely within the law. Besides, you told me your degree was in Finance and Asset Management, right? That would be a perfect fit for this. Looks like you could be due a pay rise already, you can’t complain about promotion prospects here.”

“I’m… well, I’ve not done much work in that field for years, I’m pretty rusty.” Karen-chan admitted, but there was a gleam of interest in her eyes now.

“If it comes down to it, we can always hire more staff. Anyway, we are here.” I swung the doors open, revealing two groups of people sat around a conference table on opposite sides. I recognised Nomura-san, and was a little surprised to see him here, as he was in criminal law, but beside him was a younger woman. She was a bit plain-looking, with bobbed black hair and horn-rimmed silver glasses, but she had an air of confidence about her. I guess this might be the contract law specialist I asked for.

In contrast to the calm demeanours of those two, the other group was looking flustered. There were four people there, and one was Kondou Kazuo. On seeing us his expression twisted into one of utter hatred, which caused Karen-chan to flinch back, suddenly scared.

“It will be fine-fine.” Shaeula reassured her, patting her back gently. “A beaten dog can do nothing but bark-bark.” She turned to him, and the room was filled with a strange feeling of moving air. “Stop scowling so. You are upsetting Karen. Speak to us only when spoken to, and do not-not talk back to us.”

She’s using more befuddling winds…

As Kondou smoothed out his face, unable to retort due to the power Shaeula had over him, I could see his fists clench. He looked awful still, one eye sewn shut, and he was sitting stiffly, probably recovering from the injury I had inflicted upon him. It’s hard to care though. Just so long as he lives long enough that his victims get justice, that would satisfy me.

“Kazuo-san, you shouldn’t be here, I don’t know how you got so injured, but you need to be in hospital…” the man next to him was saying, a balding fellow who was lean and dressed well. “No business can be so important you’d risk your health for.” In front of him was a large briefcase.

Beside him, his lawyer agreed. “This is all most irregular. Calling us all out of the blue and arranging a meeting with these strangers… you would not even disclose for what. I have great respect for your firm…” Kondou’s lawyer looked over at Nomura-san and his colleague. “… but even so, you have told me nothing of what we are here for. I’ve brought all the documents, but… this is unprecedented.”

“I would love to tell you.” The female lawyer said, looking at us, a touch peevishly, peering over her glasses, reminding me a little of Ms Connors. “However, all I know is Nomura-san asked me to be here.”

The last person on Kondou’s side looked extremely out of place, a man in his sixties, wearing casual clothing. His eyes were darting around restlessly, and I worried he was going to pass out he was breathing so quickly. Behind me, Karen-chan was also looking nervous again, clearly overawed by the exalted company.

“Well, to business then. I thank you all for coming.” I sat down next to the female lawyer, while Shaeula sat across from Kondou, Karen-chan next to her. “Introductions first, as I don’t think we all know each other.” I smiled brightly, concentrating on maximising my Charm and Majesty. Karen-chan was blushing a little and Shaeula looked entranced, before shaking her head to clear her mind, but even then her cheeks looked a little pink.

“I’m Oshiro Akio. This is my partner Shaeula, and my secretary and asset specialist, Watanabe Karen.” I turned to my lawyers, and Nomura-san was first to speak.

“I’m Nomura Zenkichi, under contract with Chase Midas Gold. I met Oshiro-san earlier today in quite the strange circumstances, and agreed to bring in a specialist contract lawyer for him. As to why I’m here… I confess to being extremely curious.  I hope you can forgive my unprofessional presence, but… well, it has been quite the intriguing day, right Oshiro-san?”

I get that. There were too many strange things he witnessed at the police station. Then I made a request of him, no wonder he was curious.

“I am Ito Gina, I was requested by Nomura-san for this short-notice and out-of-hours meeting.” She was definitely feeling a bit put out, but hopefully money would soothe her mood. “I could not turn down the request of Nomura-san, nor of Chase Midas Gold, but I would have liked some notice about my role here.”

“Sorry about that. It is a sudden, unexpected issue that needs finalising to a watertight standard tonight. This matter only cropped up last night, and I’ve been… indisposed, so… yeah, my apologies, everyone will be compensated appropriately for the inconvenience.”

At my words Nomura-san looked thoughtful. He knows I was in a cell last night. Still, he won’t say anything.

After we had introduced ourselves, up next was Kondou’s group. He was looking at us hatefully, but due to Shaeula, he was forced to keep his facial expression neutral. At Shaeula’s nod, he was compelled to introduce himself.

“I am Kondou Kazuo. I own the Kondou Hotel Chain, six locations… two here in Tokyo, as well as one in Osaka, Sendai, Sapporo and Nagoya.”

“I am Kondou-san’s lawyer, Morimura Goro. This was a most unanticipated turn of events. I hope all will be made clear soon, so my client can get the medical attention he so desperately needs. I trust we are all in agreement with this?”

“I’m his accountant, Sato Naganori. I’ve brought all the requested files and documents, but… I’d like to know just what is going on. Whatever it is, it can’t be worth the risk to Kazuo-san’s health. Seeing him like this breaks my heart.”

Sato huh? No relation to the Inspector I’m guessing. Still it is a common name. And if this breaks your heart, you’ll need a hospital yourself shortly.

The last man spoke quietly, his nerves still evident. “I’m Fukuda. I’m… well, I run the staffing for the hotels.”

“Great, now that introductions are done, time to get down to business. I’m sure we all have places to be, I know I do.” I made a small joke, which got a laugh from Shaeula but silence from everyone else. “All right then… Kondou Kazuo, as discussed at our last meeting… we are here to establish compensation for your… unreasonable acts.”

“Compensation? Unreasonable acts?” Sato-san asked, puzzled but wary. I would expect nothing less from an accountant. The moment you mention money they get tense.

“Oh my, yes.” Shaeula laughed coldly. “Attempted murder, threatening to defile me, arson and more-more.”

I saw a look of understanding cross Nomura-san’s face, though everyone else but Kondou looked shocked. No, Karen-chan gets it too. I guess the mention of arson makes it too easy…

“You do know that even though professional privilege means this meeting is confidential, when certain serious crimes are involved, we are legally obliged to report it, should there be potential future risk to the safety of others…” Nomura-san warned.

“Don’t worry, our buddy Kondou is going to turn himself in and fully cooperate with the law straight after this, right?”

After a struggle, he nodded. “Yes…” he grated out.

“So, down to business. As agreed, we want all of your hotels signed over to us. You won’t need them where you are going, and I believe you don’t have a wife or children to leave them to anyway.” That information was part of what Karen-chan gathered for us when I asked her to look into ‘Kondou’ in the area. She does great work. I’m definitely upping her pay.

“This is blackmail!” Morimura-san stood angrily. “This won’t stand!”

“Blackmail? Hardly.” I shook my head, putting on a disappointed expression. Beside me Shaeula let her winds blow, fogging the minds of everyone around the table, making it easier for us to influence them.

“You agreed to compensate the victims of your crimes. Admirable.” Shaeula lied. “And to us, you pledged your hotels, did you not-not?”

“I did.” Kondou grated. “I’ll… keep my word.” Blood was tricking from his ruined eye and from his mouth. This should have alarmed those around him, but Shaeula’s winds were making these events seem ordinary. Having gained two Ranks has made it far more effective, and we aren’t really forcing them to do anything impossible, just… be a bit more pliant, and ignore a few oddities.

“In that case, we would like a watertight transfer of ownership, can you assist us with that, Ito-san? I can’t imagine there will be issues with clawbacks when Kondou is arrested, but I want to prevent any problems that might arise.”

“I can, of course. We can tie it to the business account you already have set up with Midas Gold, though there will be some expenditure involved…”

“About that. Karen-chan… how much did it cost to put right the damage at Shirohebizumi shrine, as well as the delays?”

Karen-chan, surprised at being spoken to, looked through the documents she had brought. “Around ten million. It could have been worse. Luckily the machines were only damaged, not completely written off.”

At those figures the accountant, Sato-san blanched, as he expected what was next out of my mouth. “So, Kondou will cover those losses and all the legal and administrative fees here tonight out of his own pocket. It’s the least he can do, right?”

“Yes, I’ll do… damn it. I hate this, but.. I’ll do it.” Kondou continued to struggle, but against the usurped binding of Kiku, which had even been strengthened now, there was nothing he could do. Fuck this is satisfying. Hopefully the poor girls he’s cruelly killed will find solace in the fact I’m wrecking this bastard…

Suddenly a hand went up, and Fukuda-san nervously spoke up. “So… what about me, and the other employees? Are… are we out of jobs?”

“Of course not.” I reassured him. “In fact, I’m counting on you to work with Karen-chan here to make sure everything continues to run smoothly. We’ll need to call a meeting with all the specific hotel management and accountants, but I expect no negative changes to your working conditions. If anything, you might be due a salary increase. Oh, that reminds me… I think Kondou should provide us with a month of operating funds for the hotels, so we can keep them running without needing to inject cash. Once we start getting the customer funds, everything should fall into place. If you can make sure that the accounts for each hotel are forwarded to us, we can make sure everything continues without disruption.”

“Oh… yeah, that sounds… fine.” Fukuda-san nodded, reassured. Karen-chan was shooting a glare at me though.

“Are you trying to work me to death?” she mouthed at me, and I shook my head.

“I think we might need to look into getting you some colleagues, Karen-chan. We can discuss it over drinks, anyway. So, Sato-san, can Kondou cover these expenses?”

He looked at some documents he withdrew from his briefcase, his face desolate, events here beyond his expectations. “He can. Luckily Kazuo-san has adequate savings, and the hotels are fully owned without mortgages, the land under his ownership as well. Speaking of…” he thought. “We will need to transfer land registry and deed of title…”

As everyone discussed how to proceed, Kondou literally trembling with rage as Shaeula kept suppressing him, I leaned back, amused. Just six or seven weeks ago I was living day by day on what work I could scrape by on. Now I’m owning six hotels and the land they rest on. I guess this should set my parents’ minds at ease about my future with Eri. With these hotels we’ll always have something to fall back on… of course, there were other problems with Eri (mainly Shaeula) that would not ease my parents’ minds, at all…

You are reading story On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor at novel35.com




The work on notarising documents, amending records, transferring money and other tasks continued into the night. Looking at my watch I could see it was getting on for one in the morning. We’ve been at this for hours, but at least we are nearly done…

“… so while there may be questions raised about the timing of the transfers, the relevant taxes will have been paid, and the documentation is solid. There would be no recourse for any attempt to claw back the assets due to legal troubles.” Ito-san said, sending the last of the document copies over the fax machine that their office still held. Damn, for a country of cutting-edge technology, we can be pretty archaic sometimes.

“Yes, there might be a bit of bad press depending on what… what crimes Kondou-san … confesses to.” Morimura-san sighed, still grieving over this whole mess. “… but this transfer is airtight, legally speaking. In terms of the hotels themselves, being separated from Kondou-san might be for the best, as they would otherwise be smeared by his… reputation.”

At that Fukuda-san sighed in relief. The last thing he wanted was to be embroiled in scandal at his age, and he felt for the many workers at the six sites, as well as their families. “I’ll make sure everyone is on the same page about our new owners. You won’t be let down, Oshiro-san, no, boss!”

“Good, that’s all I ask.”

“So, are we done?” Nomura-san asked. “I must say, this has satisfied my curiosity. I knew something big was happening when your lawyer was Omori-sama. I’m not sure about everything this man has done, but I guess he made a mistake messing with you, right?”

“Yeah, there’s a saying about kicking a steel plate. Funnily enough, Shaeula and I were at our most vulnerable, and you still couldn’t even carry out your nefarious plans. Well, it’s about time your guilt caught up with you.” I mocked Kondou, enjoying the way he clenched his fists, the only sign of dissent Shaeula had allowed him.

Shaeula grinned maliciously, also revelling in the fact Kondou could only grow more despondent, as he watched his assets stripped away from him, helpless to fight her control.

“Oh, speaking of… Sato-san, you have connections to the yakuza, right? I’m sure that Kondou Kazuo did not accrue all his money legally, and as his accountant, you’d know about that, right?”

At my words he started to pale, looking at the lawyers on our side of the table. Before he could deny it though, I raised a hand. “Don’t look so panicked. I’m not asking you to confess to any crimes. I’m just saying that we weren’t trying to pick any fights with organised crime, it was Kondou who wanted to threaten us. So it’d be a problem if any idiots got it in their heads to retaliate. The first attempt went very poorly, right?”

“I should say so.” Shaeula sneered. “Mere thugs are nothing against your might-might, Akio.”

“I… I have absolutely no illegal connections, for the record.” Sato-san insisted. “However, I’ll remember what you said, in a purely academic sense of course.”

“Right, right.” I looked at the figures in front of me and whistled, impressed. “I can see why Kondou thought he could join the Three Hundred.” I remembered his boasts about entering noble society. “Even after paying compensation and expenses he’s got quite the bank balance. Well, he should use all this to compensate the families of his victims. But first… I think you should take a few months’ salary from him, Sato-san, to cover working with me until this whole mess is squared away. Then Kondou will pay everyone here a modest bonus. No objections, right?” I’m not driven by greed. Taking all his money would leave a bad taste in my mouth. Best to leave adequate funds to give the families of the dead some closure. It won’t make up for their pain, I’d never say that, but it might help them feel there is some justice. Well, that and his inevitable execution, anyway…

“Of… of course not.” He spat. “I would be… happy to pay what… is deserved.”

After another quick round of transactions, we were finally done.

“Well, I don’t appreciate the overtime on short notice.” Ito-san said pointedly, pushing up her glasses with one finger to stare at us. “Still, the renumeration was decent, and… I’m curious. You mentioned victims other than yourselves. What did… what did this gentleman do?”

Kondou’s side of the room tensed, not wanting to hear it. I think Sato-san has some idea. He definitely has mob connections. We can exploit those to at least keep trouble off our backs for a while, though in the end… I’d love to purge Japan of organised crime. Damn, maybe the power is going to my head. That’s impossible for me, even now…

“I can confirm without question he kidnapped, raped and murdered at least one young woman.”

At my words Ito-san looked sick. “You… you can’t tell me something like that! Now I have to report it…”

“No need. I’m only telling you because our good lawyer friend here is going to drop Kondou Kazuo off at the nearest police station to confess. And he’s promised to be very co-operative.”

“But… that would mean the death penalty!” his lawyer shouted, anguished. “None of this makes any sense…”

“Oh it does indeed.” Shaeula let out her winds again with a sigh. “Settle down-down. He has just developed a conscience after being defeated. You should-should welcome this. You are a man who respects law, no? Let justice be done swiftly.”

Now that the mood was downcast, we finally finished up. All the documents were filed properly and the transfers complete, so it was time to hit a late-night bar. Shaeula and I had no need to be up early, and I was Karen-chan’s boss, so if I didn’t mind, she could go in as late as she wanted. Fukuda-san left first, bowing deeply and gratefully, happy he would be spared being embroiled in scandal, while Sato-san actually shook my hand, muttering quietly that he would speak to the right people and let them know this whole issue was Kondou’s fault and I would seek no further redress than what I had taken. The fact those yakuza will be in jail for years will have to satisfy me. I’m not going after their bosses unless they try something dumb as hell…

Lastly, the stone-faced Morimura-san led Kondou out. He gave us one final bitter look before leading the wounded and bleeding bastard away, to where he would quickly confess all his evils.

Finally, we said goodbye to our lawyers. Ito-san shook all our hands. “In the end, this was quite the tale. I’m not sure how much of it was true, but… a lawyer simply does what she is paid for, it is not for her to inquire too deeply. I hope we can work together again, should you have need of it.”

“Sure thing.” I agreed. Lastly, Nomura-san shook my hand as well.

“I never thought that when I got a call from Midas this morning, I’d uncover a conspiracy involving yakuza, crooked dealings and a murderer. Today has been a wild ride. Again, should you need legal representation, do call. Although with Omori-sama in your corner, I doubt you’ll have need of me…”

“You never know. I’ll bear you in mind anyway.” And with that we left the offices, heading out into the neon-lit Tokyo early morning, looking for a late-night bar to celebrate in…




“So seriously, are you trying to drive me to an early grave, Akio-kun?” Karen-chan sighed drunkenly, leaning on my shoulder. On the other side of me Shaeula was drinking strong spirits, flushed and happy. “I’m just a secretary, I’m not cut out for conspiracies and huge business deals. Besides, now you want me to look into missing persons, suspicious deaths and overall rates of death across Japan? I’m just one person…” she hiccupped noisily, before downing her drink.

“Yeah, yeah. I’m the bad guy, I get it. You know you are going to feel like crap tomorrow? I mean, no need to get up early, but even so…”

“Whose fault is that? I can’t get it out of my mind. Was that guy… did he really kidnap and kill girls?”

“He did.” Shaeula affirmed. “That trash deserves all the punishment he shall receive, so spare no-no sympathy for him, Karen.”

“I won’t… but… seriously. It’s all true then? You know… I’ve been wondering…” she reached out for another drink, as I had stocked the table high with fine booze, sparing no expense. “… just what is going on? You’ve changed, Akio-kun. You used to be a quiet neighbour, hardly any trouble but there was nothing notable about you. Now… you look like an athlete and a model, you are involved in battling yakuza and cutthroat business deals, you are in deep with old shrine families… you have Shaeula by your side… I’m a bit confused.”

“I see-see.” Shaeula giggled. “It sounds to me like you are interested in Akio, Karen. If you wish-wish, I can give you some privacy?” her grin was wicked.

“No, not… I’m not… not like that.” She stuttered, going red. “I’m just… oh, I don’t know.” She downed another mouthful of alcohol.

“I can tell you, if you want. I mean, I don’t know you all that well, we are just neighbours… well, we were anyway.” I amended. “I feel you are trustworthy, and you’ve fallen on hard times, so I decided to employ you. And yes, I know a lot of mysterious things are happening around me. But rest assured, I’ll protect you from any danger, and we can see about getting you some assistants. See, promoted on the job already, where else can you get better terms?” I joked, trying to defuse the tension.

“Protect me, huh?” she pouted, thinking, taking another gulp of strong liquor, flushed even to the tips of her ears and down her neck. “No, don’t… don’t tell me yet. I’ll keep doing the strange tasks you ask me to, for now anyway.” She suddenly broke into a grin, eyes wicked. Glancing down at Shaeula’s hand she pointed to the ring sparkling on her finger.

“I’ve been wondering, Shaeula dear. That’s a lovely ring, who gave that to you?”

“Akio did, of course. Do you think I would-would accept a ring from anyone else? I think not-not. We are engaged.”

“So Kana-san was right…” I just about caught her little whisper. Damn you Kana-chan, mischief as usual!

“I thought you were engaged to your childhood friend, Akio-kun? I have her number too remember, you promised I could message her if you were behaving badly. Maybe I should do it now…” she pulled out her phone with a smirk.

“There is no need. Eri and I, we are both in agreement to share Akio, for we are great-great friends, and both love him dearly. It was the only sensible solution.”

Karen-chan was surprised at that. “Really? It seems a bit strange to me. But I’m disappointed in you Akio-kun. To think you are so unfaithful. I’d better protect myself from your wandering eye.”

“Oh come on. I wouldn’t do that to you, especially after your last boss… but I’ll be honest, I do feel pretty shitty about it. But… I love Eri and I love Shaeula. Even so, I was going to stay faithful to Eri, until… well, let’s just say Shaeula’s brother wasn’t happy about her being here in Japan and he came to take her home. Seeing Shaeula’s tears, and her struggle to remain here, chasing her dream…” I thought back to our Trial of Three, reframing it in a way Karen-chan would understand. Yeah, that was the moment, when Shaeula fell to her knees, weeping bitterly over her defeat, fearing for us and that she would never see us again… I had to put aside my feelings of guilt and do what was right. “… Eri too, she had her heart melted. So… what could we do? To soothe my conscience, I vowed they would both have nothing in their lives but happiness from that day forwards.”

“And you have kept your word.” Shaeula agreed. “After all, do I not-not now have a share in six of these hotels?” she smirked, satisfied again at screwing over Kondou. She clinked her glass against mine and Karen-chan’s, the ice making rhythmic sounds.

“You know… that’s the first time I’ve ever heard someone make being a cheating bastard sound so romantic.” Karen-chan giggled. “Seriously though, what are you going to do about the wedding, and what will you tell your family? Your father is a hard, traditional man, right?”

“Don’t remind me. My sister knows and supports us, she’s friends with both of them, but my parents… ugh, and Eri’s family too… sometimes I think it’s even harder than being an Astral Emperor…”

“Being a what now?” Karen-chan asked, puzzled. Then she started patting me on the back. “Well, don’t worry, your loyal secretary shall put aside her disgust at your cheating ways and offer you sympathy. There, there. It’ll be all right… somehow.”

Laughter echoed at our table, and once more we clinked our glasses together. Screw it, there are troubles ahead, but for tonight, we can surely celebrate that the issue with Kondou Kazuo is finished, and we profited immensely… I’ll let my other worries wait until tomorrow…

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