On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Chapter 208: One Hundred And Sixty-Six

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“What the hell is that? Why do we have someone chained in a box as part of our loot?” I asked, stepping back, wierded out by the intense gaze that peered out from the crack between the lid and the casket.

Shaeula shrugged, frowning. “I do not-not know. Risha, Velna, do you know anything regarding this?”

The two maids looked puzzled, clearly having no idea. As they apologised to their mistress, I thought about it. “Well, I’m pretty certain your brother isn’t going to do anything that might put you at risk. The man’s a total siscon. There must be some reason for this…” as I spoke the box was rocked by several more loud impacts, and a voice, hoarse and dry, as if not used to speaking, started croaking out some quiet words.

“Is… is there anyone out there? Anyone? Please, let me out… let me out. I’ll be gooooooooood, I won’t do it any moooooooooore!”

Yeah, that’s not creepy at all! As I thought that the thing inside the box started sobbing bitterly. Ugh, now I feel sorry for it. The cries were filled with pain and loneliness, tugging at my heartstrings. I turned to Shaeula, who was also looking doubtful. “So, should we … open up the box?”

“I suppose we must.” She said, looking at the chains uncomfortably. “Ugh, they reek of iron. The Fae do not-not care for the metal, it is like a poison to us, though…” she frowned thoughtfully. “… since I received a Material form, I find it has little-little effect on me.”

“I see.” As we decided the thing within the box continued to bang at the lid, struggling. “All right, calm down. We are going to get you out, so just wait, okay?”

“Many thanks, I’ll be goooooooooood, I promise! I’ll make everything tidy, shiny and clean! I’ll make your meals and warm your beds, and I won’t break things any moooooooooore!”

That’s a… strangely specific set of skills… my gaze went back to the maids, who were looking perturbed. “So… your brother did say you needed servants. You think… this is one?” What servant needs to be shipped chained up in a box and alternates between manic shouting and sad, bitter tears?

“… I think we should prepare, just in case. Brother Shaeraggo, you fool-fool, just what are you thinking?”

Ulfuric was helping the dwarf, and other troops were around our Territory defending it, as well as taking the opportunity to expand our reach. Still, there were some weaselkin around, who quickly gathered, as well as Haru-san, who hovered in the air above us, still unsure of her place here.

“Here we go then…” I summoned a thin blade of wind and started sawing away at the chains, but they repelled my force, the vibrating blade only faintly scratching the metal. “Damn, these chains are tough… still, I bet I can repurpose them for crafting. Let me try this…” adding flame the fire blazed yellow, the edges a hot white, reminiscent of some sort of oxygen cutter. Indeed, using aether as well to create pure oxygen the flame quickly grew in intensity, so bright it hurt my eyes.

“Just what’s he doing-doing, Risha?”

“I don’t know, Velna. I don’t think mortals can work such magics, can they-they?” the maids seemed surprised at my talents, and I couldn’t help but grin at their shock. If you think I’m just some slimy mortal who has ensnared and enamoured your princess, you are only half right. I do still feel pretty slimy… with a final hissing of hot metal the first chain sprang off, the edges whipping about.

“That is quite-quite the impressive technique.” Shaeula observed with her eyes. “I see-see. You are creating that gas that fuels fire, Oxygen, I believe. I can use aether and wind to do the same… Hmm…”

“Yeah, it’s not battlefield-ready yet, it takes me a while and too much concentration to get going, but on something like this…” the second chain released in a spray of molten iron. “… it’s pretty damn effective. Hey, stop that! I’m removing the chains, just be patient!” the sobbing had turned into frankly worrying chuckling, and the lid of the box crept up, strands of untidy hair cascading out of the gap, a dark black with vivid green and purple highlights.

“Sorry, sorry. I’ll be goooooooooood, just… let me out, let me out! It’s been soooooooooo long since I saw the sky… the house will be dirty, the beds filthy, the bath will need a scrubbing, ooooooooooh my!”

Yeah, definitely a servant. But I have to be honest, even those two maids that clearly hate me are looking a better bet right now. Damn you Shaeraggo, is this some sort of clever harassment to get back at me, since you can’t harm me directly? The third and fourth chains popped off, only leaving a couple more, and now the heavy, iron-reinforced lid could lift off a bit higher. An arm snaked its way out, making me jump, the flame I commanded scorching the lid of the box, cutting a groove in it. Woah, that was dangerous. The arm was thin and pale, with a small hand sporting painted green nails. It scrabbled about, trying to grasp something.

“I am starting to feel this is a bad-bad idea.” Shaeula retrieved her pinwheels, eyeing the flailing arm warily.

“We are definitely made for each other, as I feel exactly the same…” I joked, though the feeling of unease wasn’t a jest. Still, the remaining chains were severed, and the searching arm shoved the heavy lid off, where it fell to the ground with a crash. The being within sat up, silvery eyes staring at the sky, tears streaking down pale, youthful cheeks.

Whoa, it’s a girl… in human terms she looked like a high-schooler, youthful yet with hints of maturity. Her skin was shockingly pale, as if she had not seen light for ages, and her long hair was the aforementioned black with vivid highlights. She was wearing clothes, but they were little more than rags, barely covering her average-sized chest and slender thighs. Still, it was her eyes that drew me, a vivid silver.

“I’m oooooooooout at last! So long in the casket, so loooooooooong!” she marvelled at her freedom. “This time, I’ll be good, I won’t be bad, I’ll guard hearth and hoooooooooome!”

The weaselkin forces gathered around the area seemed unsure of what to do, and I was at a loss as well, this scene not what I expected.

“Are… are you a brownie?” Shaeula asked, uncertain, her pinwheels spinning up behind her, poised.

At her voice, the crying girl turned, face twisting into a smile, though the expression looked… off… somehow. “Yes, yes, that… yes! I was a brownie! Sweep the floors, cook the meals, warm the beds if asked, tend the garden, fix the roooooooooof! All soooooooooo fun!” she cackled and cried, laughter and tears intermixing eerily. Looking at Shaeula she curtsied, her rags revealing her pale, emaciated flesh. “Are you the mistress of the hoooooooooome?”

Shaeula shook her head warily. “No-no, Akio here is the master, I am merely but his wife.”

“I see, oh I see. Newlyweds… how… how… upsetting.” The brownie changed expression instantly, her face going blank. “Wife to warm the bed, cooooooooook the dinner, run the bath. No more need for me, throw me away.”

“Wait, I think you need to…” I paused, seeing her eyes. What? The silver is darkening, turning black…

“I won’t goooooooooo back in the box!” the brownie howled, a wave of darkness cloaking her, forming a dress of inky shadows.

“She’s no brownie!” Shaeula cried, her weaselkin drawing weapons and surrounding her. “Fool brother of mine, what nightmare have you sent us? She has fallen, she-she is a boggart now, a wicked spirit that corrupts and curses a home! Unseelie!”

“Brownie, bogart, woooooooooords!” the girl spat. “I’m me, I tend to the home, only to be betrayed, exiled, then put in the box.” She howled, her voice filled with intense rage, and pain. “No-one cares about me! I’m all aloooooooooone! Well then, you should all suffer like I doooooooooo!”

It's hard, seeing something that looks like a girl… no, just like Shaeula, she is a girl… suffer so. There must be a reason Shaeraggo sent her to us… maybe he wants us to help her? “Wait, calm down. We can talk this out. What’s your name? I’m Akio, it’s nice to meet you!”

The darkness around her wavered, and she turned her eyes on me, silver dyeing the black a little. “Akioooooooooo? A good name!” the brownie, or boggart, or whatever the hell she was declared. “My name… name, what was it? It’s… been soooooooooo loooooooooong since anyone cared to talk to me. Snatch the children, sour the milk, scatter the ashes, burn the plants, noooooooooo, noooooooooo, that isn’t right.” she clutched at her head and suddenly the ground exploded, vines ripping free from the soil all around her, dozens of them waving like thorny tentacles.

“Nature element!” Shaeula gasped, surprised! “Be careful Akio, such power is dangerous, few but the King and a few rare Fae command such-such might!”

“I doooooooooon’t remember my name!” the tortured Fae screamed, her voice raw with dark emotion. Turning her rapidly darkening gaze on Shaeula, she grinned balefully. “If I kill the wife, then Akio will need his brownie again. Warm the bed, hold him tight, raise the children. Murder the pets. Booooooooooil them alive!”

A boggart girl

Shit, it’s like she’s got a split personality. Still, she’s been trapped for a long time, it seems…

“Die!” she howled, and her vines shot towards Shaeula, dozens of thick, thorny tentacles seeking to ensnare her.

I don’t think so! No tentacle play with my girls! I’m not some loser like ecchi protagonists where their women get constantly molested… ignoring the little sting that I had quite the collection of that manga and anime back in the house, I lashed out with blades of wind, slicing plant vines apart. Shaeula also attacked them, her pinwheels slashing through. Even as they fell though more were sprouting, and a vicious ball of darkness was thrown Shaeula’s way, devouring the light.

“Disappear! Let me be happy again!” the Fae alternated between giggles and sobs.

“Darkness too!” Shaeula cried, unleashing the full might of her wind against it while her new maids fled screaming. The orb halted, before starting to push through. I leapt into the breach, snatching up Shaeula, and the explosion of boiling darkness gouged a crater in the already ruined top of the hill.

“Shit, that was close.” I muttered as shreds of our clothing fluttered down around us. Shaeula quickly resummoned her yukata, but I was left topless, my body ringed with strange burns. Oh well, more to practice my healing on later… I put the best face on it I could, observing the desperate attempts of our weaselkin to breach the massive wriggling walls of vines. The brownie wasn’t trying to attack them, merely keeping them at bay, her eyes were following us.

“Stay still, stay still, stay STILL!” she gibbered. “I can’t wring you to rags if you moooooooooove!” her vines grew even thicker, resembling beanstalks from a children’s tale. Still, her breath was coming heavier, and her frail body was trembling. “Wash the clothes, spill the blood, wash the clothes again… ugh. No, I want…”

“Pitiful…” Shaeula muttered sadly. “She is far-far gone. It would be a mercy putting her to her rest.”

I still had the dagger of light, not having returned it to Shaeula yet. Clutching it tight in my hand I made my decision. Even as the girl shook and spat, alternating between lucidity and madness, I gathered my resolve. Wait, what’s that…

“First Weal, Dark Brilliant Blossoms…” the boggart, for she was using Weal and Woe, so she must have been, cried. Suddenly, bell-like flowers of a brilliant shining blue sprouted all over the vines, a mystical sight that was enough to take one’s breath away.

“Be careful.” Shaeula warmed, her pinwheels forming a whirling barrier around us. “Remember the Raven Knight…”

How could I forget. The Jaws of the Questing Beast was almost the end of me…

“First Woe…” she spat, her expression unreadable now, the dark pools of her eyes unfathomable. “… Roooooooooots of sorrow!” at her cry the ground erupted, this time gnarled roots seeking for us, though I noticed they were also winding up her own legs, digging into the pallid flesh, scattering dark blood. She gasped and moaned in pain, even as her bell-flower plants began to launch bolts of blue darkness at us.

“Finish this.” Shaeula advised. “Whatever brother was trying to achieve, he has-has blundered. I shall demand compensation when next we see-see the fool!”

Her pinwheels, wind and flame flashed in all directions. Using the small footholds of air she displayed against Ulfuric, she cleared the grasping roots, slashing through the vines, azure flower petals falling like snow around us. The battle surrounding us receded as I concentrated, the desperate sounds of the weaselkin trying to breach the thorny walls fading into the background, until it was just Shaeula, me and the nameless Fae, who was gnashing her teeth and shedding bitter tears.

You are reading story On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor at novel35.com

Fine. I can do this. Sorry.

Racing through the deep blue rain, I lashed out with the dagger, indigo light flashing through bolts of darkness and vines alike. Roots ripped free to drag me down, but I unleashed flames, and around me they burned, turning to ash as they approached the expanding circle of bright fire I conjured. Pushing aether into my body I used everything I knew to strengthen my muscles, bones and even my blood. Pain blossomed within, and I realised I had done myself some noticeable damage, but my movement exploded violently, at a speed my thoughts could barely keep up with.

You have gained a skill, Crude Body Enhancement Rank 1. This skill uses aether and relevant elemental essences to explosively increase the performance of your body. Your knowledge of the workings of both your Material and Astral bodies is currently imperfect, and you lack access to sufficient elements, so using it causes significant damage. [Class: ???]

No wonder I feel like I’ve been run over by a truck. I’ve been researching this in my free time since nearly the first week of this, but… I never had the confidence to try it. I came close against Shaeraggo, and would have used it had the Foehn not been enough, even if it killed me, but… damn this skill is scary!

“I… see.” The Fae said as I approached her at an amazing velocity, her last defences slashed apart by dazzling light, falling around us in chunks, their iron-hard vines worthless against my boosted might and the devastating light of the dagger. “… at least I goooooooooot to see the sky before the end…” tears were rolling down her cheeks like rain, and I found my own cheeks wet too, as I reached out to seize her arm, the black shadows of her conjured robe burning my hand as I pushed through. Her arm… it’s so slender, frail under my grasp.

Seeing the shining dagger in my other hand, the darkness robe she wore scattered into motes of blue light, leaving her in rags. Around us the vines collapsed, the weaselkin rushing towards us through the dying vegetation. “Doooooooooo it. End my sorrow. Anything is better than going back in a casket, alone forever. Never being able to do what I long for. A hearth, a home to tend.” Her silver eyes squeezed shut, and she waited.

Ugh, I was ready to kill her, I would have done it, but now… the helpless, miserable, hopeless girl in front of me, I couldn’t see her as an enemy. Sure, she had tried to kill Shaeula, but even with her talents, Shaeula was simply too strong now after her levelling spree. No-one was dead, so… is there no other way? Shaeraggo surely didn’t expect it to end like this, did he?

“If I give you three Boons, will you give me three Oaths?” I asked, and twin gasps came from both Shaeula, who had approached behind me, and the girl, her silver eyes shooting open.

“I… I…” she muttered. “I can’t remember my name. I can’t swear…”

“Unseelie are still Fae, so the oaths should still have an effect, but they-the are treacherous and dark, you can not-not expect them to truly hold her down…” Shaeula worried.

“Yes, but your brother must have wanted us to deal with her somehow. The stupid bastard should have said something though…” I complained, determined to punch him in the face when next we met.

“If you can’t remember your name… then how about… Hyacinth? After all, the beautiful flowers that grew on your vines looked just like bluebells…”

“Hyacinth?” she mused. “Hyacinth? Yes, yes, I looooooooove it. I am Hyacinth!”

“In that case, if you will swear to tend to my home properly, look after my property and Territory and do not damage or destroy it, and pledge to not harm any of my allies, then in return I can offer you a home to live in, a place to work as much as you like, and I’ll always treat you fairly.”

“If this is truly-truly what you want…” Shaeula muttered, unsure. “Trusting an Unseelie, it strikes me as foolish indeed.

“Isn’t this how we met?” I asked her, as Hyacinth struggled to express her emotions. “I could have been a fool to trust you then, but look at us now?”

“It is not-not the same, but… I shall trust in you as always. But be warned, wretched Unseelie, no, Hyacinth. Betray Akio’s trust and I shall bury you!”

We need to hurry this up, as my body needs healing fast. I’ve done myself quite the injury with that new skill…

“The mistress of the house is quite foooooooooorceful indeed!” Hyacinth giggled. “Should you need respite from your wifely duties I shall be moooooooooore than happy to warm master’s bed. None have wanted me before…” she began to clutch herself with her arms, shifting bashfully, her pure white skin taking on a darker tinge. “… but it is a joy to serve whatever way oooooooooone can!”

Uhh, no, I don’t think I’ll be needing that sort of service.

“Your loyalty would have to be without question before I would ever-ever let you be intimate with Akio.” Shaeula scoffed. “As of now I trust you not-not. Besides, I am but the second wife, Eri is who-who you would have to convince, and I envy you not-not that task.”

No, don’t agree with her! Oh, forget it, it won’t happen anyway…

“I see. Another mistress!” Hyacinth giggled. “Master Akioooooooooo is a man of great status, I see. Hyacinth never wants to goooooooooo back in the dark again!”

She paused, then spoke quickly, her strange, elongated O’s absent, her voice deadly serious. “I give Oath to make master’s home a place of wonder, where he will always feel happy, and his enemies shall feed the Dark Brilliant Blossoms. I shall respect the mistresses, and take on their duties when asked…” she giggled. “…any duties, any at all. I shall serve in any way master requires, and I shall not harm your servants, I shall make sure they work hard and never disappoint you, dispensing chastisement to the lazy as required.” More giggles and laughter. “Lastly, I shall wake the sleeping one I sense, and discipline her to serve also. Master is a man of means, and while I am jealous and would wish to serve alone, I am still very weak from my long… long stay in the casket.”

That was her being weak? Seriously? Uhh, anyway, that pretty much covers what I asked her to swear, but… the content is a bit different. I’m getting a bad feeling about this. And what ‘sleeping one’?

Shaeula looked away grumpily at her oaths, saying nothing, and before I could air my concerns I got another pair of messages, the silver letters welcome.

Your Class, Fae-Souled has increased from level 20 to level 22.

Your Foresight, Charm and Fortune have increased.

Turning to Shaeula I told her that my class had levelled, and she frowned, thinking. “I see. In that case, while I am still-still cautious, I feel she at least means to keep her Oaths. Still, we are no fools-fools. I shall have her watched constantly.”

“Yeah, I don’t mind taking precautions. Now, I think I need to lie down… I’m pretty hurt. Damn, that skill is ruinous…”

“What skill-skill?” Shaeula asked as she gave me a lap-pillow. Closing my eyes I began to circulate aether, finding areas where my Astral and Material bodies had suffered damage.

Hyacinth looked at us enviously. “Mistress, I should offer my ooown head for such… nooo, I promised to wake up that lazy ooone.” Racing off towards the back buildings I watched her go, confused.

Well her speech quirk has lessened a bit it seems. Odd, I’ll never quite get used to those. Now where is she going? Well, it’s away from any important Buildings, so I suppose it doesn’t matter…

I spent a while healing myself while explaining about the experimental and apparently crude Body Enhancement skill. Shaeula found it fascinating, of course, and was eager to try it herself, but I forbade her until I had ironed out the kinks, not wanting her to damage her body. It was then that Hyacinth came barrelling back towards us, clutching something that was small and screaming, holding it within a tangle of vines.

She pulled to a stop in front of us, expression bright, obviously seeking praise. “I have woooke up the slacker, master Akio. Say the wooord and I shall put her to work.”

“No, not more… darkness and tentacles! I thought I was finally free to sleep in peace under… the sky!”

“I get that, I dooo! I toooo was stuck in the dark, longing for the light. But…” she paused, shaking the bundle, and I could finally see what it was, a small head with ruby-red eyes poking out of the thorns. It’s the doll we rescued from Takakura antiques. “… enough sleeping. You smell like me, you dooo, though a bit different. So time to get to wooork for our master!”

“Hey, Hyacinth, I said not to hurt any of my allies.” I warned, but she shook her head, denying my words. “I am merely disciplining an unruly servant. I did pledge tooo make them wooork, did I nooot?”

She’s got me there. I knew those Oaths were off a bit…

“Fine, fine, put me down! I’m sorry! I’ll work!” the doll cried, and with a satisfied smirk Hyacinth dropped her. As the doll stood, looking very much like a small child with long dark hair and a pretty lace dress, it bowed. “I am Azuki, a Zashiki-Warashi. Long, long ago the house I was a guest in, I brought fortune to, was swallowed…” she paused to swallow nervously herself, reminiscing. “… by the darkness of that vile creature. I never thought I would escape, but you saved me. So I thank you.”

“Dooon’t just thank them. Pledge to serve them, ungrateful little spirit!” Hyacinth smirked.

“I will, I will. I always meant to!” Azuki protested, a touch insincerely, I thought. “I just… yeah, I just needed to regain my past strength before I can bring fortune to the home! Yes, that’s it! You can’t blame me! I was suffering for so long…”

Wow, she’s surprisingly talkative when pushed.

“Master Akio and mistress…” Hyacinth railed off, realising she hadn’t been told.

“Shaeula Tu Shae Dannan, princess of the Seelie.”

“Oh, I see. Mistress is a princess! As expected of master Akiooo!” Hyacinth praised. “Master and mistress Shaeula, doooo you accept this humble servant? If sooo, I shall put her to work. This place is terrible!” with her words she thrust a hand into the ground and elemental Nature (or Wood) surged, the barren, scorched hellscape left from the many battles the place had hosted suddenly sprouting pretty grasses, greenery covering the bare soil.

Well, that is damn impressive. I see why Shaeraggo sent her our way now. She’ll be an asset, but being Unseelie, I guess the Fae have a lot of trouble using her…

“Fine. Just… go easy on her, okay?”

“Thanks for your kindness!” Azuki praised, close to tears, and Hyacinth started dragging her off, muttering about refurbishing our dilapidated buildings. Closing my eyes once more I snuggled into Shaeula’s lap, revelling in the feeling of her toying with my hair as I fixed my battered body. Another tough day. Damn, do these troubles ever end…?

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