On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Chapter 222: One Hundred And Seventy-Three

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After we had fun planning out our expansion, which took longer than it should have, I decided to seek out Ulfuric. Even though time ran faster here, I didn’t have too much to waste today, being as Kana-chan was having her friends over later. And I have an important meeting.

I found Ulfuric at the centre of the shrine, as he was in charge of the defence and directing the ether scavenging teams while I and Shaeula were absent. Grulgor had complained bitterly about that, thinking he should be in charge, as he had been with us far longer, but… yeah, who in their right mind would put him in command? When it comes to battle, sure, he’s a beast, but in terms of leadership… no way.

As I approached, I also saw Haru-san, hovering in the shadows of the shrine, still looking disconsolate and downhearted. On seeing me looking at her, she turned away, chewing on her lip nervously. Still, while I understood her fear of men, she had asked me a difficult favour, as had colleagues of her father, so… might as well bite the bullet and get it over with. There was something I wanted to talk to her about as well, so now is as good a time as any.

“Haru-san, do you mind if we talk?” I asked and she froze, looking around uncertainly, before she finally nodded.

“All right.” she muttered.

“You may as well rest easy-easy.” Shaeula sighed. “Akio will not-not harm you. In fact, he may be able to help you take back much of what you have lost.”

At that Haru-san shook her head. “It’s too late. I’m dead. Stuck in this strange afterlife, all alone. I miss… I just want to go home. I want to see daddy again…” spectral, silvery tears poured down her transparent face, shimmering into mist before hitting the floor.

“I wanted to talk about that.” I said, gesturing to the inside of the shrine. She looked fearful at the thought of being alone with us, but this was best discussed in private, so after some gentle cajoling, she finally drifted into the main shrine building. Once inside I offered her a seat, and she sank into it, quite a strange sight as I could see the marble below through her transparent flesh and clothing.

“Haru-san… about your request to tell your father you still exist…” I began, and at my words she bowed her head, sullen.

“I know, you’ve said you can’t do it. I don’t blame you… it’s… impossible, I get it…” more tears, which moved my heart as I had shared her gruesome end under her empathic light. “It’s..  just… he must be suffering so… I’m all he had…”

“Yes, you weren’t alone in telling me that.” I agreed. “I met the Prime Minister, and we ended up discussing it.” Not that it went well at all… remembering how angry he got when I made mention of resources I forced myself not to grimace. “Now, unbelievable as it is, they know about things that should be impossible, including that you died, but still persist.”

At my words, she looked up, shocked. Seeing that, I revealed a further surprise. “You know Kiku, the one who turned you into this, she was able to walk the Earth, right? Shaeula can too. So… I don’t think it is impossible for you to be able to as well. It wouldn’t be living exactly, but… you could spend time with your father, take up your job again if you wanted, live a reasonably normal life…”

“I could do that?” Haru-san asked, hope warring with fear and wariness. “But… what would… why…” she stammered, unable to articulate her thoughts. Beside me, Shaeula clicked her tongue in annoyance.

“Akio is nothing like the fiend who tormented you.” She scowled. “Though to use a precious limited gift like a blessing from a Throne of Heroes… you will-will of course have to compensate him. And do not-not think what you are considering…” she continued, further annoyed at Haru-san’s plain distrust of my motives. “…my Akio does not-not seek the company of unwilling females. He has many worthy ones eager to offer themselves, myself included.”

Haru-san flinched at her strong tone, but managed to nod. “So, what… what do you want? If I could go home, I‘d be so happy…”

“First I have to clarify it wouldn’t be immediately. It takes time to gather ether and build Thrones. And to be honest, I have other candidates who could help me a lot more if they were chosen. But…” You have one thing going that they don’t have. “Tell me, when you gained your power, what happened, and what were you told?” Just based on her light, she must be a Candidate too. No wonder Kiku made sure to bring her back.

“I… I don’t like to remember. I thought I was going mad.” She sighed, a long, bitter sound. “But I wasn’t, unless this is all a dream, and I’m sedated in some asylum somewhere. If that’s the case… I’d like my dream to take me back to daddy and the life I once knew. Though at least here… I can’t hear so many voices. Yours, hers. I don’t hear them. Sometimes when I go out, the voices of those animal people, I hear them, but… only a few.”

I exchanged a knowing look with Shaeula, and her eyes blazed amber, peering at Haru-san. “Indeed, as I suspected. You have a great-great talent. Though it looks to me as if it was not-not earned fairly, but forced upon you. Your chakra network is decently strong, but strangely deformed.” Clicking her tongue once more she continued to examine it. “Your third eye chakra is constantly drawing in aether from those-those weaker than you. I suspect that the voices you hear are pulled along with the aether, for aether is of the mind-mind. You simply do not-not have the strength to draw from our much more powerful networks, thus-thus you hear nothing.”

For a long moment Haru-san considered that, before her face fell. “Then even if I could go home, I’d still… still be in hell. At least here I am alone with my own thoughts…” spectral tears welled up again and I felt bad for her. Beside me, Shaeula nodded, understanding what I was thinking.

“Nonsense.” Shaeula disagreed. “You have an ability, and abilities can-can be trained. I can assist you to adjust your malformed network and control your talents. I believe you should-should be able to use it at will.” Turning back to me Shaeula continued. “I shall-shall remain here for a while. But first, ask your questions.”

“Relax. Shaeula is extremely talented. If she says she can help you, she can.” As Shaeula blushed at my praise, Haru-san wiped at her transparent tears. She nodded, unsure, but her eyes met mine, and I saw a brief spark of light within. Hopefully she can shake off her malaise. I know she’s suffered, but… I have a responsibility too, to myself and the people I support. If she’s not going to be of help, I can’t use a Throne slot on her…

“So, this being that gave you power in a dream, do you remember them?” I asked, and she shook her head.

“No, I thought it was just a silly dream.” She said, shivering as Shaeula was trickling a little aether into her ghostly body. “I don’t even remember the name, I can’t remember if it was even Japanese. I’m not really very pious.” She admitted, and I understood, as other than the bare minimum, I never used to go to shrines or temples much either.

“Oh, well if you do remember, please let me know. Do you remember any other details, like how to build your Territory?”

She shook her head once more. “I didn’t pay attention, and the time afterwards… I’ve not been well, I was on medication that messed with my head too. Sorry.”

As she looked so downcast I felt a little bad. Still, information was important. Perhaps I should have pumped that bastard Kondou for information, but… fuck, I hate him so much, I don’t want to ever see him again. Besides, I have other options… “Don’t worry about it. So… can you see your own status? How strong you are?”

“Status? I don’t get it…” she answered. I tried to talk her through all the ways she might be able to access her status screen, but nothing worked, which in itself was interesting. It could mean that status and self-examination are my special abilities, the standard isekai appraisal cheat, but… sadly Haru-san isn’t really a good way to confirm it. Of course later today, I have another, better chance.

After that, I gathered up a lot of information that only Haru-san and her father would know, to hopefully convince him that the impossible story I was going to tell him was true. Leaving Shaeula behind to start adjusting Haru-san’s chakras, I moved on to training with Ulfuric. An hour later I was lying on the ground, staring up at the sky, my body covered in bruises, Ether Healing gradually treating the many cuts and abrasions I had suffered.

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“Your movements were stiff today.” Ulfuric rumbled, droplets of silver sweat glittering on his black and white fur. He was leaning on the hilt of his greatsword, looking down at me. “Your mind is clouded. A true warrior keeps a clear mind at all times.”

“I get it, I do.” I nodded, exhausted. “Still, you are certainly strong, Master Ulfuric. Even though I feel I’m faster than you, my attacks never seem to reach you.”

“Of course not. Relying on pure speed and power will never trump skill. Of course, without speed and strength, one can never be truly strong. But a warrior with experience, training and talent can defeat a far stronger, faster opponent.”

“Oh well… that’s why I’m training.” I hauled myself to my feet, just as Shaeula returned, Haru-san following behind her. On seeing me looking like I had been run through the wringer, Shaeula snickered.

“So, Master Ulfuric, how is Akio progressing? I see you have not-not gone easy on him again.”

“Training is only of value if it pushes one’s limits.” Ulfuric declared grandly. “Today was not his finest work, he seemed distracted, but even so, piling up training will gradually increase one’s power.” He fixed Shaeula with a stern gaze. “In fact, princess, you should learn self-defence as well. Your skills with the elements have become significantly more impressive, but being able to fight in close combat may save your life one day if an assassin strikes.”

Shaeula looked away awkwardly, her eyes swimming, before she conceded with a sigh. “Very well-well. I am seeking strength, after all. When we have more time, I shall-shall seek your instruction.”

With that concluded, Ulfuric turned his attention back to me. “Your skills with the spear are passable, and with your speed, it suits your style. However, you need a longer shaft, spears are meant to keep your enemies at a distance. In addition, as for swords… a greatsword is not suited for you.”

Damn, and I wanted to be a badass, swinging a massive hunk of metal like Guts from Berserk. But, I get the feeling he is right. Slashing around with heavy swords in training wasn’t a problem in terms of strength, but while I was tall for a Japanese man, I wasn’t massive, and the momentum of the heavy blade kept throwing me off balance, forcing me to compensate constantly.

Seeing I understood, Ulfuric nodded gravely. “Still, there are times spears are useless, in close quarters or limited space. So swords are still necessary. You have good speed, strength and awareness so shorter blades suit you. I believe something along the lines of these…” he produced a pair of curved swords, similar to a katana, but with heavier, thicker blades. “Normally wielding two swords at once is undesirable, as it reduces power and divides one’s attention. However, I believe you have the ability to learn this.”

Duel wielding huh? I guess that’s as badass as a single heavier sword. It’d be harder to learn, but if I could become fully ambidextrous, that would help in lots of ways…

Continuing on, as Shaeula snickered behind me, Ulfuric gave his final verdict. “Close combat, like for the princess, is another must, as well as short blades such as daggers. A skill with archery is also desirable, but considering the weapons of the mortal world you brought, I suspect you may wish to learn those instead, making the bow obsolete. I shall speak to Bjarki and he shall forge you some suitable weapons for training and combat.”

The bow obsolete, huh? Aiko would cry hearing that, and Tsumura-san too, most likely. She seemed very passionate about her family skills. But, huh, weapons for me? I’m curious to see what a professional can come up with…

“Oh well. Thank you again for your instruction.” I bowed to Ulfuric, and Shaeula echoed my thanks. He waved away my praise, and I advised him of the remaining time before our Territory would become secure again, as well as suggesting we take this time to bring in as much ether as possible so that we could hit the ground running. Ulfuric agreed to make the preparations, while, since time was wasting, I headed for my last port of call.

Behind the shrine where earth energies were plentiful, I once more tried to master the earth element. It was easier than before, the increased affinity to earth I had gained through healing the dust element damage to the trolls making a noticeable difference, but it was still impossible for me to balance the push and pull of earth.

When I learned fire, all I had to worry about was flame consuming wind, which was tough enough. Now, the earth is opposite to air, while it tries to drink in the fire… at the same time, adding a third element into the mix reignites the war between flame and wind, even if that is merely a shadow of the former clash.

My chakra network burned with effort, and once more I was forced to admit defeat, Ether Healing restoring the damage I caused to my subtle body. As I stood, Shaeula handed me a cloth to wipe my sweat.

“You are getting closer.” She observed, having watched as usual, trying to prepare for the inevitable effort she would make to learn it, though when she approached earth energies she shuddered uncomfortably, her original origins as a Fae of wind perhaps making her fear earth more than she should. “You have nearly balanced earth and wind-wind, a task I would have deemed impossible. But the flame still throws off the alignment.”

“Yeah, and it hurts like hell when it burns through my network.” I admitted. “Still, I am going to get it sooner or later. Oh well, onto the last task.”

The Rhyming Tree in the graveyard was still producing darkness energy, and I attempted to master that once more. Unlike earth element, darkness clashed with nothing, yet even so, I felt very far away from mastery. I still didn’t understand what darkness was, what it represented. “Seriously, Eri has a talent for this? I wish she’d tell me how…” I muttered, and Shaeula snorted.

“It is talent, so I doubt she would even know how. You should ask-ask the Unseelie. She has an aptitude.”

“Yeah, but her mind seems to work in a strange way, I doubt I’d understand it. Oh well, no luck again today. I think I’ve hit a wall on this, and we don’t have a lot of time.”

“Indeed.” Shaeula nodded. Turning to Haru-san, who had started following her around, she reassured her. “Worry not-not. I shall return and continue my efforts. Trust in Akio and agree to be useful to him, and he shall wash away your pain.”

Uh, sure, I can help her, but… I’m not a kami or a god, Shaeula. I can’t erase the past.

“The past is cruel. But the future… it can-can still be magnificent.” Shaeula promised her, and I stopped what I was about to say, applauding the sentiment. I do want to help her and her father find peace. So if she agrees to help me…

With those thoughts in mind I returned to the Material, cursing as my aching, bruised body protested. Damn, I wonder if I have time for a hot bath to soak my tired muscles…

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