On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Chapter 224: Side Fifty-Four – Izumi Kana

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As everyone entered big bro’s house, Mio-chan spoke up. “Well, now I’m sure of it, Kana-chan. That guy is totally into you. No question about it. I’m torn…”

“I know just what you mean.” Asami-chan agreed as everyone was removing their shoes and pulling on guest slippers that Kana had purchased with some of the money big bro had given her.

I ended up with a decent amount of change too. He hasn’t asked for it back. I don’t intend to be sly, but… it isn’t like he needs the money, and I could sure use it…

“Yeah, I mean, he’s hot, and he seems nice, the way he talked to Takagi-san, noticing she wasn’t comfortable with the group. Rich too, I guess. but… there’s the big problem, isn’t there?” she finished.

“Yeah, or rather two big problems.” Mio-chan agreed.

Ugh, I knew this would happen. I hate being teased. I only agreed to this whole day so I could show off and cement my position in class. “Seriously, Bi… Akio-kun isn’t interested in me. He’s doing business with my family shrine, that’s it. Nothing else is going on.”

“You can call him big bro if you want.” One girl piped up, laughing. “You did earlier, after all.”

“I want to call him big bro too!” Keomi-chan jumped in, with her usual boisterousness. “He’s really nice, he buys me and my friends cake every time we see him!”

As Marika-chan also added her praise for Akio-kun, Kana tried desperately to change the subject. “Sure, he’s decent enough, I guess, but like I said, he has no interest in me. Now, why don’t we go and have sone fun… oh, Shaeula, there you are!” she finished, as she stepped out of the bedroom, wearing a very pretty yukata. It wasn’t the normal orange one with the strange weasel-pattern she almost always wore, but a white one with orange and golden blossom patterning, which set off her pale skin and amber hair and eyes perfectly. She must have changed while big bro was showing the girls around the grounds… I bet he brought that for her. It looks really expensive…

“Oh my god, she’s so gorgeous!” Noguchi-san exclaimed and Kana-chan sympathised. I get that. She’s a hard girl to compare yourself to. Since the girls that weren’t her friends had gone to the main shrine rather than this outbuilding, they hadn’t seen Shaeula yet, as big bro had picked them up himself. As the other girls echoed Noguchi-san’s sentiments, Shaeula spoke up, amused.

“I see-see. You feel that Akio has designs upon Kana, do you?” she snorted. “I fear that Akio is not-not one to seek out females. Instead, those that feel themselves worthy should strive to make him accept them.”

“Look, I told you, I’m not…” Kana began again, but the other girls had raced over to Shaeula, leaving her with Marika-chan and Keomi-chan. Oh, and Kikuchi-san, strangely enough.

“So we didn’t ask before… oh, nice yukata by the way.” Mio-chan said. “But… seriously. You are dating that guy, right? No messing around?”

“Dating? No-no.” Shaeula shook her head, flourishing her hand, upon which sparkled her engagement ring. “We are to be married soon enough.”

Several girls were excited, but Takagi-san looked unconvinced. “So, what about his childhood friend. Eri-san, he said.”

“Of course, they shall be married as well-well.” Shaeula declared confidently. “I have great respect for Eri and her love for Akio. In my lands, a strong male or alluring female may have as many partners as they wish. I see no issue with this.”

“Wait, are you a Muslim, or a Mormon then? You do look foreign.” Noguchi-san asked, and Shaeula shook her head.

“No-no, I am not such a being.” Shaeula denied.

“Even so, there are laws in this country.” Takagi-san continued, seeming to be very worked up about it. “There’s no law against having multiple girlfriends, even if it’s really scummy, but you can’t get married! Besides, don’t you feel sorry for his childhood friend? Does she even know about this?”

I didn’t know Takagi-san could get so heated up. She was always a mousy, shy girl that kept to herself. Maybe I should have paid more attention to my other classmates…

“Of course she knows. Eri saw my love for Akio and together we-we asked him to accept us both. It was quite romantic. As for laws… just what is a law? Are all-all your laws the same as they have always been?”

“No, but…”

“If it is required, Akio shall find a way-way, even if he must change these laws of yours.” Shaeula declared grandly. “Anyway, enough of this. You are here for fun, are you not-not?”

“That’s right!” Kana interrupted gratefully, turning down the heated atmosphere. “Enough quizzing Shaeula. If you want to ask her about Akio-kun you can do it when we are playing around. Come on Kikuchi-san, this way.” She reached out her hand and grabbed Kikuchi-san, pulling the surprised girl behind her, followed by Keomi-chan and Marika-chan.




Kana sighed as her friends were rummaging around in Shaeula’s room, being rather rude. Seriously, I know Shaeula is surprisingly easy-going, but I wouldn’t let people look in drawers and cupboards in my room!

“Wow… there’s a lot of clothes in here, but half of them are yukata. You must really like Japanese clothing, Shaeula!” Mio-chan called out, Shaeula snorting in response.

“I’m more interested in these.” Asami-chan had one draw open and was admiring the lingerie within. “Some of these are pretty sexy. Did you buy them to wear for Akio-kun?”

Ugh, why are you calling him Akio-kun? You barely know him. Is it just to make fun of me? As Kana pouted, surprisingly enough it was Kikuchi-san who tried to console her. Keomi-chan was stuffing her face with cake in the living room, and Marika-chan was watching her, being a good girl as always.

“No-no, Akio bought them for me, though I have not had the opportunity to display them for him.” Shaeula spoke to Asami-chan without embarrassment.. “Perhaps at the weekend. It is Eri’s birthday, so we are visiting his hometown. No doubt-doubt there will be ample time for love.”

Damn, she’s so bold as always. My face feels hot. But at least Asami-chan got more than she bargained for!

Indeed, Asami-chan shut the drawer with an audible slam and backed away, flushed. “Wow, you don’t look any older than us, but you are so adult.”

“Well, I am-am a mature female.” Shaeula puffed out her modest chest proudly. “In any case, I need-need to have a talk with Kana for a moment. Keomi and this Maiko too.”

“Me?” Kikuchi-san asked, looking very nervous.

Kikuchi-san looking nervous

“I do not-not bite.” Shaeula reassured her. “But I assume you are aware of why Akio wished to speak to your father, are you not-not?”

Kikuchi-san nodded, still wary. “I… I know. I know he saved my father. Even so…”

“Saved, what?” Mio-chan, who was still in the room asked.

We shouldn’t be talking about this in front of people who aren’t involved. Frowning meaningfully against Shaeula, who didn’t look particularly apologetic, Kana tried to smooth things over. “Don’t worry about it. Anyway, why not go hang out with the others for a bit? We won’t be long, right Shaeula?”

“Indeed. We shall use Akio’s room.”

Keomi-chan came storming in, all the sugar from sweets and drinks making her hyperactive. “So, what’s up? I was losing, so I don’t mind taking a break…”

Oh Keomi-chan… when will you act your age? “Shaeula wants to talk to us. It’s probably about… that.”

“Oh yeah.” Keomi-chan nodded, her pigtails bouncing. “I never did thank big bro for letting me join in. My bad.”

So now you are calling him big bro? Oh well, it’s not really any of my business, is it? Still, Kana was feeling a little annoyed. “Just come on. You too, Kikuchi-san.” As I ushered them all towards big bro’s bedroom, I had a sudden thought. Oh god, I hope they weren’t doing anything funny in there last night. No… no way. They wouldn’t… or at least they’d have cleaned up. Damn, why am I thinking about this. And it makes me really mad… damn Mori-san, I remember what she told me that time we met…

“You… look pretty angry all of a sudden.” Kikuchi-san said with a little whimper, and Kana realised she was grinding her teeth, fists clenched.

“Oh, sorry, sorry.” She apologised. “I was just remembering something really unpleasant.” Clean up their lewd messes? Damn, Mori-san thinks she’s so important. If I wanted to seduce big bro, I’d do better than her. If of course. I totally don’t. I want a guy who can dedicate his all to me. I deserve it. Still, it would be awesome to see the look on Mori-san’s face. I bet she’d cry…

“Now you look even scarier…” Kikuchi-san whispered, her voice unheard.

As we passed the main living room, Mio-chan, Asami-chan and the other girls were playing various video games or chatting while watching tv, all the while snacking away on the delicious treats that had been laid out. Marika-chan was talking earnestly with one of the snobby stuck-up girls in class, who Kana didn’t think would come, and seemed to be getting on quite well with her. I guess it is pretty hard to dislike an earnest, cute girl like Marika-chan.

Still, as we crossed the threshold, Takagi-san saw us taking Kikuchi-san to another room and stood up, following us out. As she did so, Mio-chan and Asami-chan also excused themselves, and on seeing the door was open to the bedroom, let themselves in. What nosy girls. Well, if there are… leftovers… in there, they only have themselves to blame! Though judging by the giggles and exclamations coming from them, it was likely safe.

“Sorry, but we are busy.” Kana said firmly. “It’s a private matter. We won’t be too long.”

“I’m sorry too, but I don’t trust you alone with her.” She said bluntly. “I came here to make sure you wouldn’t bully her, and I mean to do that if nothing else. Your… your fiancée was right.” she said to Shaeula. “I need to start believing in myself more.”

“Well, you can’t! This is…” Kana began, but Shaeula held up a hand, silencing her. It almost seemed like her eyes were glowing, they were so intense. No, wait, they are glowing. Still, she isn’t human, but the closest think I’ve seen to a kami, so it only makes sense she can do things like that…

“I applaud your resolve.” Shaeula smiled enticingly, which sent a chill down Kana’s spine. “However, should-should you choose to listen to our conversation… well, there is no-no going back!” she declared.

“All the more reason for me to be there! It sounds serious!” Takagi-san insisted.

“Very well. Just know this-this. I demand your word that you will breathe nothing of what we discuss without permission from Akio, Kana or myself. Should you break your word… there shall-shall be consequences you are ill-prepared to face.”

Both Takagi-san and Kikuchi-san were frightened, but Takagi-san gritted her teeth and nodded. “Fine. You don’t need to scare me. It can’t be anything that major.”

You are reading story On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor at novel35.com

Shaeula, what the hell are you thinking? Takagi-san has nothing to do with shrines, she’s just a normal girl… does big bro know about this? I bet he doesn’t…

“Oh my god, Kana-chan, you need to see this.” Mio-chan giggled, popping her head out the door. “Your big bro is a total nerd, an otaku for sure.”

“Yeah, totally. What a turn-off… or so I’d like to say.” Asami-chan seemed almost annoyed. “Guys like that aren’t supposed to have girlfriends, let alone two hot ones. There’s a photograph here of him with Shaeula and that other girl, they look so close.”

What a stupid thing to worry about. A guy’s hobbies don’t matter, so long as they have money, and keep in shape, and look handsome, and… crap, aren’t I just describing big bro? Entering the room, she did see bookcases full of manga, anime and figurines, most of which were cute girls in various states of undress. Yeah, it wasn’t cool, but again, being an otaku was only a stigma because they were usually lame virgin shut-ins who were out-of-shape and hated the outside world. If you call a rich man with fiancées like Shaeula and Mori-san a loser, just who the hell would be a winner? Damn, I’m even more annoyed now…

“Look at these stupid figures…” Mio-chan began, before Kana pushed her towards the door, followed by Asami-chan, who was also grinning, this time at the large bed, imagining what it was used for.

“Look, go and play with the others. We won’t be long.” Kana sighed.

“Fine. Fine. I can’t wait to rib your big bro about this though.” Asami-chan smirked as the two of them were pushed out. Shaeula pulled shut the door, and immediately sat down on the bed as if she owned the place.

“So then. Maiko. I expect you know-know why you are here?” she asked, and Kikuchi-san nodded slowly.

“Just what is going …” Takagi-san began, but Shaeula interrupted her.

“Your name was Hisano, am I correct? Well, you chose this, so be silent and do not-not interrupt.” At her amber stare Takagi-san quietened down, feeling intimidated. “As I was saying…” Shaeula continued.

“I do. My father, the priest of Hisuikomushi shrine… he nearly died. I know that. If my brother didn’t have money I would have starved while father was in his coma. All I knew was that before he fell ill, he told me that he had been visited by a god. Not the kami of our shrine, but another. He was blessed, apparently. It was hard to believe, but our shrine is an old one, so we know the ancient mysteries, even if I don’t have much talent myself.” She looked down, forlorn. “I honestly thought I would be an orphan. It was so awful, watching father waste away, day by day, in that hospital bed, our little funds dwindling away as if following him…”

“Oh no, that must have been hard.” Keomi-chan sympathised with her, giving her a hug, which surprised Kikuchi-san. Listening to the story, Takagi-san seemed rather confused, which was understandable. It still shocks me sometimes. My gift. Our history. Big bro and Shaeula. All of it.

“It was…” she cried, leaking tears. “But then one day father woke up. He hurried us out of the shrine, claiming we were in danger, that an evil man who lived near us had trapped him in another world, used him as a slave. It all seemed impossible, but…” she wiped at her reddened eyes with a handkerchief Keomi-chan handed her. “… father had been ill a long time since mother died, he wasn’t strong. Yet one day, before he fell into a coma, he changed. His weakness vanished, and he was stronger and faster than ever before. So if that could be true… we took what little money we had left and fled. My brother went back to university, he would be safe there, while we stayed in a rented room on the outskirts of Tokyo. We were lost… until I got your text.” She looked at Kana, who smiled reassuringly.

“Other worlds, strange powers… what nonsense is this? Are… am I the victim, and you’ve set it up to bully me?” Takagi-san asked suddenly, even looking at Kikuchi-san warily.

“Oh, do be quiet.” Shaeula intoned, and suddenly the room was flooded by wind, sealing her mouth. As everyone’s hair and clothing fluttered in the sudden storm, Shaeula spoke up. “It is too-too late to back out now. You volunteered yourself by entering this room. Now listen quietly until the end-end.” Turning back to Kikuchi-san, she spoke kindly, her expression soft.

“I believe it has been hard for you-you, Maiko. Still, of the enemies that oppressed your father… Kiku is dead, slain-slain by my hand, and as for her master… Akio has sent him to this place you call prison, where he awaits his-his inevitable end.”

Seriously, hearing them talk about battle and killing… it scares me. But… I saw big bro fighting the yakuza for us. He isn’t scary, he only uses his power to help people. Those he cares for, he said. Cares for… not noticing her hot face, Kana listened as Shaeula described to Kikuchi-san that Akio wanted to train men and women to use spiritual powers, making an alliance of the shrines to protect the world.

It sounds far-fetched, but also kind of thrilling. I hate hard work, and the initial pain sucked, but… if I’m a beautiful shrine maiden with real powers, one of his chosen warriors, living in luxury like Shaeula…

“Father makes all the decisions to do with shrine matters. I’m just… I’m useless. I don’t have any talent.” Kikuchi-san sniffled, after the tale was done. “I’m not brave and I’m not strong. I’d only be useless to you.”

“Nonsense.” Shaeula denied. “Any gemstone can-can be polished, with enough effort. Besides, it is all to do with factions. Similar to the Seelie Court, the shrines here-here have many deep currents. Having you would be valuable.”

“The Seelie Court?” Kikuchi-san asked, and Shaeula shook her head.

“Later. For now… Kana and Marika have had their networks opened. With training they shall-shall grow strong. The building Akio is having constructed shall be a school for this.” She looked at Keomi-san. “I have called you here to open your network. Fear not-not, for there is little danger, and only some modest pain-pain.”

“Pain?” Keomi-chan paled, but I patted her back reassuringly.

“Don’t worry, I’ve been through it. It isn’t so bad, I promise.” Kana said.

“There is but-but one decision you must make. I can prepare the pathways for your lunar chakra, yet there is some risk of harm. Without it, your strength will be much-much decreased, but I shall not-not force anyone.”

“Didn’t you say there was a way to deal with the danger in an emergency? Though big bro did seem a bit worried when I mentioned it…” Kana observed. “… just what is this emergency measure?”

Shaeula grinned. “It is not-not something you would fear, Kana. Indeed, you may well enjoy it. But, putting that aside, Eri mastered it, and Aiko is risking it. So choose, Keomi.”

“Marika-chan and I trusted in Shaeula. But again, it’s up to you.” Kana said, not wanting to pressure her cousin.

“All right, I’ll… I’ll go for it.” Keomi-chan nodded fiercely, and Shaeula clapped gleefully.

“Lie down here on the bed, and I shall-shall begin.”

Watching this makes me wince. I remember when she did this to me… of course now I can control my gift somewhat, so… maybe it’s a fair trade.

Shaeula’s eyes glowed brilliantly as she moved her hands over Keomi-chan.

“Looking at it from the outside, it’s pretty lewd.” She remarked despite herself. Keomi-chan didn’t find that funny, as she was letting out whimpers and gasps of pain, biting at her lip. After a little while, her cries stopped though, and she looked at Shaeula, who was not done, puzzled.

“I believe I have learned one of Akio’s techniques. I have-have watched him work his Ether Healing a number of times. It is very-very compatible with my Aetheric Chirurgery. When Akio hears he shall praise me and perhaps even…” she grinned lasciviously, and everyone in the room blushed at her raw allure.

“Just… just hurry up, all right?” Kana insisted. For a moment there I felt completely overpowered as a woman. No, I don’t lose to anyone!

Soon, Keomi-chan was sitting down, exhausted, while Kikuchi-chan was on the bed, eyes watering. Shaeula worked whatever magic she was doing, and then she was done. Patting Kikuchi-san on the shoulder, she smiled brightly. “Now-now you are one of us. Fear not, Akio shall take your father under his protection, and Hisuikomushi shrine shall prosper, as does-does this shrine.”

Kikuchi-san nodded, gingerly sliding away from her. Takagi-san, who was struggling against the orders not to speak was glaring at everyone spitefully, the eyes under her bangs cold. Shaeula, ignoring the stares with her usual unruffled poise, finally allowed her to speak.

“Just what… how did you… what is going on?” she spat, anger overriding her usual timidity.

“I did warm you, did I not-not?” Shaeula said, approaching her and staring deep into her eyes. “Still, you believed you knew better than I, no? Still, be not-not afraid. You are in fact fortunate to have been chosen. I am in great-great need of those who are not of shrine bloodlines to test my skills upon.”

I see. So she wasn’t just grabbing girls… speaking of, I wonder how father will react to her touch when she works on him? Eww, gross. “Weren’t Mori-san and Akio’s sister normal?”

“Well, Eri is a bit of a special case. But yes-yes, Aiko has no talents whatsoever, but she works-works hard. Still, we have some noble recruits indeed, and I have been exhorted to be careful. Some practise will not-not hurt.”

“So I’m just some toy for you to…” Takagi-san protested, only for Shaeula to push a finger to her lips, shushing her again.

“Hardly. Akio cared enough to offer you wisdom, so I would not-not treat you carelessly. You chose this, and it is an opportunity. You may not-not understand now, but in time you will look back on that choice and rejoice. Now, let us begin…”




“That hurt…” Takagi-san said, hunched on the bed, knees drawn up to her chest.

“Your network was not-not partially developed, like the shrine maidens. It is only-only natural I would have to work harder. Be thankful my skills have increased.”

“I still… still don’t get any of this. How did you stop me speaking? How are you doing this? Who are you?” Takagi-san asked, her mind in a daze.

I know just how you feel. The first time I saw Shaeula and big bro, their abnormalities blazing like the sun, my world changed…

Shaeula stood regally. “Who am I? That-that is simple.” Shaeula grinned, striding towards the closed door to the bedroom. “I am Shaeula Tu Shae Dannan, princess of the Fae, loyal second wife of Akio, he-he who will rule this world and keep it safe from all evils.” Wrenching open the door suddenly, the listening Mio-chan and Asami-san tumbled in, only to be grabbed by Shaeula, the smaller girl holding both of them up effortlessly, one in each hand. Wind blew and the door slammed shut without anyone touching it. “And here we have two more volunteers to join our cause, do we not-not? I am tired and low on aether, but I can-can manage.”

“Wait, it isn’t what you are thinking… we weren’t eavesdropping!” Mio-chan tried to deny it, and Asami-chan supported her. “Yeah, we… we were just coming to get you as we are running out of sweets. Yeah, that’s it!”

“Really? For the last-last half an hour?” Shaeula scoffed, tossing them bodily to the bed, where they bounced helplessly. “Too-too bad. There is no escape now.”

“Kana-chan… err, help us?” Mio-chan asked, and Asami-chan tried to persuade her too.

“Sorry, well, what you were talking about seemed so weird… we couldn’t help but be interested. But… Shaeula is scaring us… come on Kana-chan, help us, aren’t we friends, best friends?”

“Sorry, I can’t help you now. But on the bright side, at least I’ll have company during my training.”

As her friends cried out, Shaeula starting to force open and reconstruct their non-existent chakra networks, Kana-chan burst out laughing, until her sides hurt. Ignoring how everyone else was looking at her, she laughed and laughed until tears were rolling down her cheeks. Oh my god, you stupid idiots. You are in Shaeula’s hands now, big bro’s too. Still, keeping secrets from my best friends sucked. At least we can commiserate with each other now… and who knows. Maybe the world big bro and Shaeula sees will be worth us seeing too…

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