On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Chapter 227: One Hundred And Seventy-Seven

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“Here master, mistress. Drinks!” Hyacinth presented us with a silver tray, upon which sat two glasses, filled with some sweet-smelling juice. I have to wonder where such things even came from? I suppose they could have been included in the treasures Shaeraggo gave us. After all, he did send maids…

Said maids, Velna and Risha, were standing behind us, watching their mistress, but they didn’t forget to take time to glare bitterly at Hyacinth and I every few moments. It was really quite uncomfortable. Indulge with those maids? No way, not even if they were gorgeous human girls. I don’t get off on being hated…

“My thanks.” Shaeula took one glass, sniffing it gingerly. Her expression brightened, and on taking a sip she grinned happily. “This tastes of home-home. These fruits, where did you get them?”

I followed suit, and the yellow liquid slipped down my throat refreshingly, a taste reminiscent of a mixture of lemon and mango filling my mouth. Yeah, this is good. A blend of sweet and sour, with a crisp tang. I’d pay money for this.

Surprised by receiving praise from Shaeula, who usually berated her, Hyacinth shrugged, her expression rapturous. “Praise from the mistress! Unusual, but welcooome indeed! I have started an orchard, the hills here are sooo bare and drab. I shall feed master my fruits, and he shall taste my forbidden fruits toooo!”

At that Shaeula only snorted in displeasure, rapidly emptying her glass. Seeing that she wasn’t scolded further, she sidled up to me, gaze imploring. “And how doooes master find my fruits? I assure yooou they are sweet and juicy!”

Ignoring the innuendo I finished my own drink. “Yes, the juice was very pleasant. Thank you, Hyacinth. Now if you’ll excuse us, we were in the middle of something.”

A momentarily pout crossed her features, but she bowed, before retreating with a last burst of her usual nonsense. When she was gone, we returned to our work, sitting across from each other, so close our legs touched. Holding out our arms we clasped palms, and began circulating our aether once more. I groped blindly, not having the advantage of Shaeula’s eyes, the skill stubbornly remaining at Rank 0. I had thought they might have reactivated when we connected our lunar chakras earlier like before, but the skill stayed stubbornly quiescent within me.

“A little to the left-left. Can you feel it there?” Shaeula spoke, guiding me verbally. “My network is inflamed, leftover earth energy causing me some-some discomfort.”

“Hmm, yes, I feel it.” I affirmed, sensing the energy through my aether. Damn, this is hard, but I can feel my skills improving. It requires deep concentration and a very delicate touch. I drew out some of the ruby energy, while the rest I flushed through her system, allowing Shaeula to exhale it, though when she did so it looked pretty grim, like she was coughing blood.

As I worked on Shaeula, following her instructions, she also returned the favour, making adjustments to my subtle body with her chirurgery, rerouting blockages and repairing the damages I had sustained from the rampaging flows. I felt I was nearing a breakthrough in my Ether Healing, and I wasn’t the only one.

“My Chirurgery and Ether Healing have both grown much-much stronger!” Shaeula crowed, delighted. At Rank 5 her Chirurgery would be much more effective, which was just what we needed before working on the nobles, and her Ether Healing had reached Rank 2 as well, offering a welcome synergy.

“That’s great!” I declared, just a touch jealous. “Sadly, I don’t think I’m getting your Aetheric Chirurgery skill.”

“Poor Akio.” She chortled, tickled by my envy. “I am sure-sure you shall master it in due time.”

As we continued to banter and work on each other, time passed quickly. I finally received a display of silver letters announcing a power-up, but it was not the skill I was expecting. Damn, I guess we have been in the Boundary for well over a day now…

A Vassal Territory has reached Rank 1. Your Class, Conqueror, has increased from level 5 to level 6.

Noticing my surprise, Shaeula asked me what had happened, so I explained.

“I see-see.” She mused. “That must be the priest then. He has kept his word.”

“He didn’t really have much choice. If he wants to be safe and also have the money to clear the debts of his shrine, thus giving his son and daughter a better life, standing with us is the best option. Hell, it’s probably the only real option he has. Still, I’m curious…” Can I use Self-Examination, Territory, on it?

Concentrating, I discovered that I could, though there wasn’t many details.

Vassal Territory: Rank 1

Constructed Buildings: None

Build Queue: Empty

Tithe Rate: 25%

Status: Active – Uncontested – Barrier 100%

“Interesting. It looks like I can see what he’s building and has built. Currently there isn’t anything queued, but hopefully he can start working on Ether Spires or his equivalent.” Checking my own queue for the Anchor, I could see we were down to a bit under six astral days remaining. It was hard not to get excited at all the new options we’d have.

The tithe rate is interesting. It’s what I asked for. I wonder how he managed to set it? There’s a lot I need to discuss with Shuta-san, but it can wait. I have other meetings this week. Most of them should be fine, but one of them… just thinking about meeting with Haru-san’s father made me feel a little sick. Putting that aside, I threw myself back into flushing the earth energy out of Shaeula, until we were both too tired to continue and returned to the Material…




“That boggart is quite the troublemaker.” Shaeula pouted, stuffing her face with some lunchtime rice balls. “If she was still-still a brownie, I would have no objections if you wished to indulge. I understand she swore Oaths to you, but even so, it is hard-hard to trust an Unseelie, even one so pitiful.”

“Yeah, not happening. Eri would be really upset, and there’s no way I’d ever hurt her that way.” I said for the third or fourth time. “Still, trust can be earned, right? Just give her a chance. I feel sorry for her.”

“You are indeed-indeed too soft-hearted. But that is one thing I do love about you.” Shaeula conceded. “So, do we have any plans for this-this day?”

“Nothing major.” Which is a welcome change. The last couple of weeks have been packed. “I probably should go see Karen-chan though, I’ve dumped way too much work on her lately.”

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“In that case, I shall catch up on my games and anime.” Shaeula stood, finishing off the last of the food. “Perhaps later I shall study more-more about the elements. Seeing you succeed has lit a fire within me.”

“Okay, there’s a lot of information on my computer that I’ve pulled. If not you can use Wikipedia and other online resources. Have fun!”

She waved me off and I headed out into the afternoon sun. It was still warm, but the days were starting to get colder. Oh yeah, it’ll be autumn at the weekend. It’s always the day before Eri’s birthday. Speaking of… what am I going to get her for a gift? I knew she’d be happy enough just seeing me, she was a good girl like that, but I wouldn’t feel right not bringing her something. Two somethings actually. She should get a present for the Material and the Boundary.

It wasn’t far to the outbuilding that we had remodelled into Karen-chan’s office, so upon arrival I let myself in, only to find Karen-chan slumped at her desk, a bottle of energy drink in hand, the famous Lipovitan D11. On seeing me, she looked up, dark circles under her eyes. “Oh, it’s you. Good afternoon.” She sighed.

“Uh, yeah, good afternoon.” I answered back cautiously. “You look… a bit tired.” I said diplomatically, only to get a rusty laugh in return.

“Yeah, and whose fault is that? Arson attacks, picking up a hotel chain, needing data on various matters. You’ve got me running ragged!”

I winced at that, unable to deny it. Yeah, my bad. “Still, you should have had time to rest. I’m not making you do overtime, right?”

“It’s hard to switch off. I’m too used to my shitty old boss… so… yeah, I ended up working some back at home. Sorry.” She sighed.

“Well, seriously, that’s no good. Get some more staff to assist you. We can afford it. Grab a couple of assistants as soon as you can. I’ll even give you a pay rise to manage them.” With that ten million dollars, we should be fine for a while, and I’m confident we can make more money too. Hell, Shaeula is probably gambling again while playing her games, and her Fortune is higher than ever.

“I’d love someone to look after the hotel side of things, and someone else to do the research.” She admitted. “Still, it isn’t easy recruiting these days. If I get anyone older they won’t respect me, and the young… well, they tend to find work like this beneath them.”

“I’m more interested in loyalty.” I emphasised. “Just like with you I’d rather you get someone who’ll be grateful to us for the work. If you are struggling I can probably see if the hotel chain can spare anyone from their HR department.” Not an option I’m keen on, considering the secrets we handle, but…

“Well, I might have an idea or two.” Karen-chan sighed once more, downing the rest of the bottle, making a face as if the taste was unpleasant. “I’d like to get someone in soon, else I’ll have to travel around Japan to the other hotels. Leave it with me.”

“All right then. By the way, did you get the bottle I left you?”

Karen-chan smiled, her gloomy expression lifting a little. “Yes, I was surprised to see it on my desk, that’s a really expensive brand. I had a few glasses, it was great.”

“Well, it was just a token of my appreciation. Keep up the good work and it won’t be the last reward…”

We passed a little time catching up before I left her to it. After all, she had a lot to do, which was totally my fault. Taking in the pleasant sun, I strolled over to the construction site, where the building was going up rapidly, modular construction being an excellent, if expensive choice. It was then my phone rang, so I raced away from the noisy building site to a quieter corner. Checking my phone I was surprised at the caller.

Hayato-san, huh? Interesting. “Hey there Hayato-san, what’s up?”

“Oh, hey there Akio-kun, long time no speak. Thanks again for doing that work for me, you really rattled it out.” Hearing his familiar voice was nostalgic. We had exchanged emails a fair bit, but… yeah, since university ended, we’ve all drifted out of touch. I should have made more of an effort to keep in contact. It was just the same as I did with my sister and Eri. Damn, I can be a moron at times. Still, at least I know where I was going wrong now. I’m busy, but I can make time for old friends.

“No problem. It came at a good time for me.” I assured him. “So, what’s the occasion? You haven’t called in ages. Not another crunch at work you need my help with?” I asked brightly.

“I wouldn’t call it a crunch but there’s always more to do. You made some decent money a while ago, but I bet you could use a bit more, right?”

“Sorry to disappoint, but I’ve got my money worries covered.” It felt good to say. Yeah, technically I’m a billionaire. “I’ve got a new gig, I’m afraid.” At that I paused though, my new resolve to reconnect pressing me to offer my support. “Still, if you really get stuck and need some work pushed out, I can do it as a favour for the basic rate.” I don’t need the money, but no way Hayato-san would let me do it for free, he’s a man who values fairness.

“Really? Well, I think we can manage. I’ve got some of the old crew helping too, so… well, anyway, that’s interesting, Akio-kun. Shiro did say that you had some news to share, big news. So I guess it’s your new job, eh? Must be a good one if Shiro was so excited. You know how she is.”

Yeah, I sure do. Still, you are misunderstanding the situation. I guess Shiro did keep it to herself. “Well, yeah, the work can be challenging, but the renumeration is sweet. I finally moved out of my crappy apartment to somewhere nicer. Anyway, so if the call wasn’t about work, what do you need?”

“Well, you skipped out last time, and Shiro was pretty pissed. Hina-chan and the rest of the gang were a bit sad too. So I was wondering, how are you fixed for this weekend? We can get together in Akihabara, just like old times. Maybe hit up Shinjuku too if everyone is still able to walk by then.”

This weekend huh? Well, I’m heading home Saturday morning, but I don’t need much sleep anymore… “I can do Friday evening, if that works?”

“Friday huh? Yeah, that shouldn’t be a problem for me or Hina-chan. Shiro is… well, Shiro is always free, right?”

Yeah, ‘me or Hina-chan’? Not keeping your secret that well. Before I might have missed the hint, but now I am wise in the way of relationships, so no fooling me! “Yeah, she’s never doing anything but annoying us or working on her game. How about the others?”

“Everyone said that any time this weekend would be fine, so there shouldn’t be a problem, but I’ll drop them a line to make sure. So, great. I’m looking forward to cutting loose with the whole gang. It’s been a while, Akio-kun.”

“That it has, Hayato-san.” I replied, feeling a little emotional.

“So, six thirty at Bar Sekirei, just like old times?”

“Sounds good to me!” I agreed. “It’ll be good to get the whole gang together again. It’s been too long.”

“Damn right.” Hayato-san agreed. “Though I never had you pegged for the sentimental type, Akio-kun!”

As we laughed and joked, our talk turned to more light-hearted matters, and I found myself having a lot of fun. Yeah, it really will be good to see my old friends again. I wonder if they’ll be shocked at how much I’ve changed?

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