On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Chapter 233: One Hundred And Eighty-Two

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“So, this is Hisuikomushi shrine?” Shaeula observed, looking rather disappointed. “This whole area is… uninspiring.” She looked around, face expressionless, which I knew was a clear sign of her displeasure. Still, I can hardly blame her. This is a … seedy portion of Tokyo, to be sure.

Even on a weekday afternoon, the area surrounding Hisuikomushi was giving off the air of debauchery and hopelessness. There were several pachinko parlours with depressed, desperate gamblers throwing away their money, with run-down pubs full of jobless patrons. Here and there a scantily dressed woman was walking the streets, touting for illegal business, and past one small izakaya pub, I was sure I could smell illegal drugs, which was rare in Japan, the policing of such substances being so stringent.

Luckily our pilfered hotel is on the edge of this mini-slum within Tokyo. Even so, I can see why it’s only a budget hotel, with mostly poor foreign guests. Still, looking at the books, Karen-chan told me apparently it still didn’t make bad money.

As I was thinking such useless thoughts I noticed that we were being eyed by some shady-looking individuals. I guess Shaeula really does stand out. I glared back at the scruffily-dressed young men, who at the ferocity of my gaze paled, looking terrified, before fleeing elsewhere. Satisfied, I turned away, only for Shaeula to lean up and kiss me on the cheek.

“My brave hero Akio.” She chortled, tickled by my defence of her. “Nobly dispatching the terrible foes that-that were ogling me so. You are aware I can handle myself, are you not-not?”

“Sure I am.” I conceded. “But you should at least let me do what I can. I am going to be your husband after all.” I barely even stammered over those words now. It had only been a bit under a fortnight, but I had accepted that it was going to happen. Damn, you can get used to any absurdity if you try, or maybe my Resilience stat helps with my ability to accept things? I don’t know… I was stubbornly clinging to hopes it wasn’t that I was a cheating bastard who just wanted two beautiful women all to myself, but deep down I knew it was a lost cause. “Well, we may as well go in.”

The shrine was in an even worse state than Shirohebizumi shrine was, so we’d have to spend some money getting it into shape. I wanted to earn as much goodwill with the shrines, and more importantly, their kami, as possible, and if all that took was money, well, we could always get more of that.

As we strolled into the shrine grounds, we quickly went through the proper religious procedure. Funny, I pretty much never do it at Shirohebizumi, but then I guess I do actually live there… I paid my respects, used the wooden ladle to cleanse my hands with water, before ringing the bell at the main shrine and giving a donation. Shaeula also tossed in a small handful of coins, but the rest of the ritual she omitted, not willing to offer prayers to a spiritual being she knew and felt was less noble than herself. In fact, it is a bit weird to be praying to a kami I’ve saved from a terrible fate. Maybe they should pray to me…? Uh, bad joke… Mentally hoping my blasphemous humour didn’t lead to divine punishment, we ignored the couple of patrons who were using the benches around the shrine to relax and headed to the priests’ quarters around the back.

After knocking a few times I called out. “Kikuchi-san… we’ve come just like I said.” I was being a bit more formal since we were at his shrine in the Material, and that just felt more natural. I had texted him when I woke up to arrange a meeting, so he should have been in. Indeed, a few moments later the door slid aside, revealing Kikuchi Shuta-san, wearing his priestly garments. On seeing us, a mixture of complicated expressions crossed his face, but he merely bowed and ushered us inside after some greetings.

“So, to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?” he asked, guarded. At his wariness Shaeula scoffed, irritated.

“Is that-that any way to speak to your saviour?” she sneered. “Akio has even given you money to pay off your debts. You could show-show a little more gratitude.”

Shuta-san was taken aback by her vehemence, but after a little thought he bowed, apologetic. “I am sorry. You are quite right. I’ve been rude to you, who have helped me and my family a great deal, and are continuing to do so.” He conceded. “I admit, the whole situation is a continuing source of stress. Still, without your help, I wouldn’t be able to pay the debts I owed, nor keep my family safe.”

“No problem.” I waved it away. “I haven’t talked much to your daughter, but Shaeula told me she was a good girl. It must be strange, all of this, but at least she’s not alone…”

We continued to make some small-talk, and after we had some tea served by Shuta-san, which was rather cheap and unappealing, which once again made me re-evaluate my current standards, as before all this I would have drank whatever was on offer at a reasonable price happily, not complain about the taste, I got down to business.

“First, I have to thank you for becoming my vassal and donating the ether as agreed. By the way, how is your construction going? Have you been able to build any Ether Spires yet?”

Shuta-san frowned, thinking. “Well, I still don’t know what these Ether Spires you talk of are, but yes, by turning my will towards growing the spiritual power, this ether, in my Territory, as you call it, I have triggered a change. A strange mass of red and yellow bricks has begun to form.”

“Great, that sounds right. Now that my Territory is at Rank 3, you are surrounded by a bubble of my lands and the powerful barrier that generates. Keep on growing your Ether Spires until you can’t any more, then upgrade your Territory and repeat. I’ll be sticking some Defensive Emplacements around your Territory for security soon, so just focus on buffing your income for now. Oh, and you might want to visit my Territory in the Boundary too, and see how we do it, see some Ether Spires for yourself.”

With that discussed, I asked a favour. I was curious to see if I could use Kin Examination on Shuta-san. He agreed after more nervous thought, and when pressed on his hesitation he still feared being subjected to abilities such as Kondou possessed. That made sense, but Shaeula scorned him for being afraid, so in the end he agreed. The result was… interesting, and not entirely expected.

At first when I trickled aether to see his details it had no effect. Shuta-san shivered a little, saying it was uncomfortable but not painful. I tried a little harder, and more aether was sucked from me. I then received some information, but it was not anything close to useful.

Kikuchi Shuta [Vassal] [Chosen by the Divine Jade Winged Scarab, Servant of ??????]

??????? ??????? ???????

When I relayed that information to Shuta-san, he nodded. “It was as I said before. I remember the beetle saying he was a Divine Scarab in service to a God. His wings were also quite magnificent, in emerald and gold, so the name fits…”

“Well, I can see you are my vassal, which is helpful, but I get nothing on your stats and skills. I don’t think I am using Kin Examination at all.” I guess he is an ally, rather than kin? There seems to be some distinction I’m not getting yet. “It’s a shame, as seeing your stats, skills and level would be pretty damn helpful to my own research, and to strengthen you going forwards. Oh well… on to our next order of business.” Also, how is it I can see who chose Shuta-san, but my Self-Examination won’t tell me who chose me?

Shuta-san explained he paid off his debts to the bank and the local yakuza. The bank was overjoyed, the yakuza… well, not so much so… but when he mentioned the financier Sato-san and my involvement, they quickly backed off. We then went on to discuss his daughter and her role in the training. After that we offered him money to refit the shrine to a semblance of respectability, repairing and repainting the rundown buildings and torii. He was shocked at my offer, but when I explained it was to honour and respect the kami, he graciously accepted, and after a quick phone call to the bank I had funds transferred. His nervous and somewhat surly attitude from before had vanished, and he was now all smiles, even if there was still an unavoidable trace of wariness buried within him.

As we left, our task for the day concluded, I turned to Shaeula. “Well, fancy stopping off somewhere nice for a drink and a bite to eat? Not around here though, the neighbourhood kind of sucks…”

At that, seeing how out of place we were here, Shaeula grinned brightly. “Indeed. I should like that. All this talking is thirsty work indeed-indeed…”




“This is nice.” I sipped on a cold glass of beer contentedly as I looked out of the window of the decent enough bar we had found a metro-stop away from Hisuikomushi. Beside me Shaeula was on her phone, texting Konoe-san, who hadn’t been in touch for a while before today. At her expression of concentration, I left her to it, waiting for her to finish.

“Is everything all right?” I asked when she was finally done, and Shaeula shook her head.

“Ichika-san seemed rather upset. Something must-must have happened but she was reluctant to tell me what it was-was. I shall get to the bottom of it, have no fear.”

I had been answering quite a few texts myself, Karen-chan had apparently recruited some new employees, which was quick work, though she said she’d discuss it more when we had time to meet. I also had several texts from the noble girls, especially Fukumoto Hinata-san, expressing a wish for further training, which I had to decline, as Shaeula and I were in Nishimorioka this weekend. Besides, we have to take time to train ourselves, as well!

As I continued to enjoy my beer, watching as Shaeula tapped away, my own phone rang. Checking the caller ID it was my sister Aiko. I answered it, but before I could even say my greetings she was off into a rapid, excited tirade.

“Hey big bro, wow, wow, get a load of this, Wowowowowowowowowow!” she began, and I had to tell her to take a breath.

“Yeah, wow, you’re right.” She managed after a moment. “Still, damn bro, your sister Is a genius! Worship me! Worship me!”

Yeah, still not getting what you are going on about. Shaeula had looked up from her texting, and raised one eyebrow quizzically. I shook my head to indicate I didn’t know what my sister was yelling about. “Uh, sure, you’re the best sister a guy could want. Now are you going to tell me what this is about, or…?”

“Sure I am. You’ll not be popular with girls if… uh, wow, that line is sealed forever now, isn’t it?”

“Aiko!” I said sternly, and she giggled.

“All right, I get it. Wow, sorry for being hyped up!” I heard her take a deep breath on the other end, before her words shocked me.

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“I’ve done it bro, I’ve managed to master Shaeula’s training!” the words she said froze me. Seriously? So fast? It’s only been a few weeks.

“Are you sure?” I had to ask, and I could feel her pouting.

“Wow, bro, such a moonstone thing to ask. I thought you were better than that now. Of course I’m sure! I even managed to enter that Boundary place you are always going on about.” Her voice lowered then. “Not that I was able to stay there for long at all. I never did get to see much more than the area around our house. Wow, it’s totally crazy, right?”

I was at a loss. Sure, I’m happy Aiko has managed it without any real trouble, but the Boundary is dangerous, especially since she doesn’t have any equipment, and I don’t think she can level up…

“I can tell what you are going to say. “ she said suddenly. “I wasn’t going to explore anyway, you’ve told me enough how dangerous it is, and if I got hurt… well, I think you’d stop me from going back, right? I don’t want that. I want to help you, and I don’t want Eri to go places I can’t. It’s lonely being the only one left out…”

“Well, as long as you understand. So, did anything happen?”

“No, I finally managed to gather enough of that energy through the exercises, but Eri said it must have only been the bare minimum, as it seemed like I was only there an hour or two, just long enough to see the sights. I’m jealous bro, keeping all that to you and your harem.”

“Don’t call them a harem, it’s disrespectful!” I chided. Besides, two isn’t a harem, you make it sound like I’ve got girls everywhere…

“I don’t think they mind, chill out bro.” she said, before her tone changed, becoming more serious. “Anyway… so I did it, but I don’t really feel much different. I think I might be a bit faster and stronger, and I looked at my maths homework a minute ago and it seemed easier, but… Eri can keep up with me on the track now, and can even match the boys in some sports. Why don’t I get a boost like that? I want to be super too!”

Yeah, that’s my sis. Easily excited, and easily discouraged. As changeable as the weather in the rainy season. “Well, Eri has been levelling up, I’m not sure you can…” at that I had a thought and checked one of my skills. Wow. Just wow. I thought so, but it works… my thoughts echoed my excited sister. Kin Bonding And Restoration now listed Aiko as Kin and it would allow her rebirth with her spiritual body if she was slain, just like Eri, Shaeula or any of her weaselkin. That’s big. Huge… damn, now I need to test it on someone else that isn’t family or a lover to see if they are added when they finally access the Boundary…

“You still there bro? Don’t leave your cute little sis hanging like this!” she protested, as I had gone quiet.

“I’m still here. Just thinking. Anyway, I’ll be in Nishimorioka Saturday afternoon, so we can take a look at your options then. Until then, just stick with the exercises and please keep out of trouble. Not that you’ll be able to gather enough to enter the Boundary for a while. It took me four days the first time…”

“Really? That sucks, Eri seems to be able to go most days. Speaking of, get this bro, it’s weird!” Aiko was animated all of a sudden. “Eri has taken to swinging around an axe at home after school! It’s weird! She does hundreds of swings every evening! I mean, she looks pretty badass doing them, and she’s got quite strong and fast, so if I was a monster I’d be damn scared, but… seriously, can you imagine it?” Aiko burst into laughter. “She seriously complains that the axe isn’t heavy enough, and the handle is too short as well… if some of the guys from school could see shy little Eri doing her best impression of a mad yandere I think some illusions would shatter.”

Axe, huh? I wonder… “Well, training is important. In fact, I think that’s probably the best way for you to get stronger. I should be able to see what skills and stats you have when I see you, and I find seeing them improve is a great motivator.”

“Wow, sounds awesome. I’ll hold you to that bro. Speaking of Saturday, we are having a big birthday party at the café. Most of the kids from our year are going, as well as some underclassmen and a few seniors that recently graduated. And Eri is paying for it all with the money you gave her. Seems a bit of a waste if you ask me, but… I think it’ll be good for her. She’s really making the effort to improve herself and be more of an adult. So, speaking of…” my sis was serious again. “Whatever presents you get her, and while you know she doesn’t care what you get, so long as she gets to see you, I imagine knowing you you’ll be generous, just make sure they are geared towards grown women, all right?”

“Sure, got it. and I appreciate the advice.” I did have a tendency to see Aiko and Eri as younger than they were, due to our childhood together, but I needed to remember in mom’s country they could pretty much be hitting the pubs and getting drunk if they wanted. That reminds me… “Congratulations anyway, you are the first of us to get to the Boundary completely under your own power, with only a little help from Shaeula. That calls for a reward.”

“Wow, thanks bro. Your new normie power struck me with a critical hit there. Just make sure you don’t upstage whatever Eri gets, okay?”

“Got it.” As we laughed and joked and talked a little about the other plans for the weekend, I considered my options for presents, both adult and functional




“So, are you sure you don’t want to sit this out until Konoe-san gets back to you?” I asked Shaeula, as we prepared to go to the Boundary once more.

She shook her head, amber hair cascading lightly. “No, she seems distressed, but she has resisted all-all my efforts to make her talk about it. She is at home for now, and has no classes tomorrow, so she should-should be fine. I trust Ichika will open up in time.”

“Right. I hope so too. Anyway, we have the Material presents for Eri now and a few gifts for everyone else. Now we just need to get her something for the Boundary…”

“You do indeed dote on Eri. I hope that when my birthday comes-comes, you will show me the same kindness.”

At that I was a little surprised. “You have a birthday too? Under what calendar?”

“Why, the mortal one of course-course. It so happens I was born on the winter solstice, under the omen of a shining rain of shooting stars. Many Fae are born on days with strong-strong connections to the seasons or spiritual events.”

“The twenty-first of December, huh? That’s not too far off. Of course we’ll celebrate then. And my sis has her birthday not too far from then too… all right, shall we go then?”

Once inside the Boundary I sparred with Ulfuric until I was battered black and blue, while Shaeula continued to empty light into the mirror. Most Fae and other spiritual beings had lousy aether control, as they were creatures of it, and thus uses it instinctively, but with all her training Shaeula was getting pretty damn good at moving and converting aether. I need to work on it more myself, else I’ll be left behind…

Once my sparring was done, I sought out Master Bjarki, and he had finished the armoured designs I had requested. They were magnificent, dwarven steel and other metals and materials worked into light yet powerful defensive garments. It was almost a shame I had to ask for another, but it wouldn’t be fair to leave my sister out, so I conjured an illusion of her for Bjarki so he could measure her sizes. Obviously I could remember everything about Eri’s body… and I only know my sister’s sizes because we were all in the hot-tub together in Vegas, and I have a near-prefect memory now. No other reason…

I myself had another task. I wanted to practise forging a new weapon, and since Aiko had mentioned axes… Well, what better time to make Eri a weapon? As Bjarki worked on the new set of armour he gave me some pointers, and in places fixed up shoddy work with his own artifice. I felt things were much easier due to my higher Ether Crafting skill, but using Dvergr Techniques was still well beyond me, but even so, I felt my handing of aether while crafting had noticeably changed.

Time passed, Shaeula going through a course of close-combat training and knifework with some female weaselkin while her aether recharged, me continuing to put the finishing touches to my birthday gift for Eri. It was then I was notified that the Build Queue Spire had completed.

Awesome! That really boosts my options.. wait, that long has passed? I thought we’d only been in the Boundary a day or so… it was true what they said, time passed more quickly when one was having fun. “Crap, we have to leave! If time is flowing like normal, if such a thing can even be said here, then we don’t have much time to get ready before we have to be in Akihabara. If I’m late I’ll get chewed out…”

Still, it would be folly to not spent a couple of minutes queuing in some more stuff, especially as I now had two queues open. Checking the ether supply, it had gone up to a very healthy 73,000. It was hard to tell what was gathered and what was earned, but at a guess I’d say we generated roughly twenty thousand ether a Material day?

Okay, then one queue can each hold an Anchor Spire. These two.

This Ether Density Spire Rank 1 increases the density of ether and aether within your Territory, allowing for increased gain. It also increases the effects of any building that affects the density of ether.

This Ether Spire Enhancement Spire Rank 1 increases the amount of ether, elemental resources, ??????? and ???????? your Ether Spires can absorb from their surroundings, and they can function a little above their maximum tolerance in areas of higher ether density.

Damn, still can’t read the extra two things that the Ether Spires can pull in, but I choose to assume they are worth having when I find out. As for the ether density… that should mean it further increases the density of ether the shrine in the Material will receive. That should help with training I think…

Twenty thousand ether disappeared as they were queued, each taking five astral days. “Okay, fifty-three thousand left. I’ll upgrade the Silos and Ether Silos to Rank 2 in one queue. That’s a little over ten thousand more and takes that queue to twenty-one days. In the other queue… Three Defensive Emplacements with Sniper upgrades, at just under seven thousand and nine days. Then another three without, at four and a half. That means each key point will then have the same defence. That queue is now at twenty days. “That seems balanced. Just over thirty thousand left in the tank for emergencies as well. Oh shit, Shaeula, we have to run! Come on!”

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