On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Chapter 241: Side Fifty-Eight – Oshiro Sapphire Aiko

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“Whoa, who are those girls, Mori-senpai?” a younger boy from our school asked, excited, as he saw the girls from the nobility, who were looking around the packed café with a mixture of trepidation and innocent curiosity. The café was rammed full, tables set outside also crowded with a mixture of students from high and middle school (and even a few from elementary, who had no doubt come along with their older siblings) as well as a few recent graduates from Nishimorioka school.

Seriously, I can tell Eri has no idea who this kouhai, our junior, even is! Well, I don’t know his name, but I think he does soccer? I’m sure I’ve seen him at our athletics meets too. Still, she’s grown. At least she’s pretending to care who he is, though if he keeps looking at her and the other girls like that… the young man was blushing disgustingly as he looked at Eri, and he was not alone in that. It was almost like Eri was a different person after she returned from the Boundary. Wow, if I was a boy, I’d probably try to fight my brother for her. Ugh, she’s a Temptress indeed, now!

Other boys were also asking questions, including a few from our class, who were also struggling with Eri’s transformation. It was perhaps safer for them to be interested in the new girls.

“Well, these are some friends of Akio, all the way from Tokyo.” Eri said, a touch troubled. The party had spilled well out of control, originally it was just going to be for our class and a few of my friends from the volleyball and kyudo clubs, but since Nishimorioka was poor and boring, at the first sign of some entertainment it had escalated rapidly. “They are a bit shy, so don’t hassle them, all right?”

“If Ri-Ri says they are shy, then they must be shy indeed!” Yae-san giggled, popping her head out of the café. “I can’t believe you left us to handle all the setup alone! You owe us big-time!” As she took a second look at Eri, she paused. Inspecting her more closely, enough to make Eri fidget in embarrassment, Yae-san called to Rika-san, who also came out. “It is just me or has little Ri-Ri changed over the last couple of hours? She seems… different somehow.”

“Yes, I think you are right.” Rika-san agreed. “She looks… satisfied. Happy. Very suspicious if you ask me! Just what have you got up to while you were away with Akio-kun?”

“I didn’t get up to anything!” Eri protested, her charming expression spreading a ripple through the crowd. “Anyway, these girls are my guests, so be respectful!”

“I see. Yeah, that denial was unconvincing.” Yae-san shook her head. “So, Aki not coming? Damn, that’s half the reason I’m here.”

Wow, rude much? “I recall we told you to stop calling my bro by a nickname, you aren’t that close!” at my words, Eri nodded firmly. “And he’s meeting Eri’s parents to talk about some stuff. He said he’d try and get here later.” If they don’t kill him first. Wow, I feel sorry for my bro right now. Dad is going to try and skin him alive…

“I see.” A man said. I didn’t really recognise him, but he looked a lot like one of the girls in front of us. Seeing my inquisitive gaze, the guy smiled wryly. “Hi there. I’m Chihaya Kosuke. Yae is my little sister. I appreciate you hanging out with her. Now if only you could improve her grades at school too, that’d be awesome!”

“Bro, shut the hell up!” Yae-san blushed. “Don’t mind my big brother, he’s an idiot, not cool like Aki. I’m so jealous of you, Ai!”

Seriously, stop with the nicknames! Wow, annoying. Before I could respond, Chihaya-san spoke up. “So, you are this Akio-kun’s sister then? Interesting. You are pretty damn cute I guess. Your friend too.” He looked at Eri, a smile on his face. “Still, it must be tough putting up with my sister, all she’s been banging on about over the last few weeks is Aki this, Aki that. Feel free to clout her to shut her up if she gets annoying.” He joked.

“Seriously, shut the hell up bro! I’m not kidding!” Yae-san groaned. “Ignore him please, Eri, but… well, you have to admit Aki is pretty damn cool! I mean, he flew in by helicopter and brought these girls with him, and that’s just today!”

Praising my bro was a sure way to get Eri onside, especially after earlier. Oh hell, I can’t believe I actually watched that. Still, it had put Eri in a really great mood, even if she did cry over her class name. Seriously, why does Eri get all the cool powers? I’m feeling seriously jealous.

“Well, I’m glad that you recognise how cool Akio is, but we’ve talked about this, Yae-san. Akio shot you down, you’ve had your chance. Move on. You could get back with your ex-boyfriend if you are lonely. Or maybe try that other one, the shitty garbage that tried to make a move on Aiko and was completely destroyed by Akio. I forget his name, but you know it, right?”

“That’s so mean.” Yae-san pouted, to laughter around. “But I know, I know. Still, it doesn’t make him any less cool, does it?”

“Well, don’t take it personally.” I tried to console her, feeling a tiny bit bad for her. “If you are competing against Eri and Shaeula, no way you are going to win, so don’t feel too bad.”

“Uh, Eri I get, but why Shaeula?” Yae-san asked, puzzled, glancing over to where Shaeula was, surrounded by a gaggle of girls and a few boys, stuffing her face with sweet treats. “… wait, no? Eri… is Akio cheating on you? Surely he wouldn’t… but then, they do seem very close…”

“I… of course not! Akio and I are getting married.” Eri said unconvincingly, so since it was my stupid error I went to throw her a lifeline, only for Motoko-san to do so first.

“I see. I would hear more of how Akio-sensei vanquished this pest. Please do tell me!” as she radiated her noble charm, Natsumi-san nodding along beside her, naturally Yae-san and Rika-san were swept up by their pace.

“Well, you see, it all started when Kenji-kun asked out Ai over there. You might not know it, but Aki is a well-known siscon, and when he heard this he was mad as hell. So then Kenji-kun decided to make a bet, and…

Seriously, I wish the ground would open up and swallow me! It’s bad enough everyone in town knows about the bet and the baseball game, but now some noble girls from Tokyo too…




“… and he ended up in the hospital, stupid little bastard.” Chihiya-san smirked. “Still, I guess he did manage to save his sister and childhood friend, so well done to him, I guess.”

Wow, the girls are just eating stories about my bro up. Seriously, I’m getting a very bad feeling that at least three of them are totally interested in him. When did he get to be such a chick magnet? And the fourth… she cast a sidelong glance at Kasumi-san, who was sitting beside Hinata-san, glaring at any boys that tried to talk to her. …I’m not sure if she’s interested like the others, but she’s definitely conscious of my bro. And… she likes the story, anyway. Guess it makes sense for a bodyguard to be moved by tales of protecting others…

“Very impressive. I would expect nothing less from Akio-sensei!” Motoko-san said with sparkling eyes. “To fend off such a brute at a young age… how very moving.”

“I know, I know!” Natsumi-san agreed. If Motoko-san is very elegant, Natsumi-san is more excitable. That’s not to say she doesn’t have class, but… she’s a girl I think I can get along with. “I would do the same for you, Motoko-san, have no fear! But… it’d be nice if I had someone who would protect me like that. Such scars are honourable indeed.”

“This is embarrassing.” Eri was saying, her face pink. She had been listening, although fending off the constant stream of guests she had little or no interaction with previously, and in a lot of cases didn’t even know who they were, was starting to take its toll on her. Especially the boys. Dark Temptress indeed. Still, even I can tell Eri suddenly looks more pretty, if such a thing is possible. Her skin is flawless now, and she gives off a subtle scent… ugh, I’m so jealous over her class. I mean, I don’t want to be a Temptress, but can’t I get an archer class or something?

“Well, sure, it was the moment I knew that Akio was the only one for me…” Eri continued, everyone around hanging on her words, the girls smiling warmly, most of the boys with bitter jealously. “… even so, I hated to see it. He was so hurt. I thought he was going to die… I’m so pathetic. I just passed out after bawling my eyes out.” She scrunched up her fists, and suddenly Motoko-san was standing, patting her on the shoulder gently.

“Well, that is quite understandable, is it not? You were a young child, unused to combat. When I was younger, I used to cry often when I was bruised and battered in training.” She reminisced. “As long as you learn from it and grow stronger, there is no shame in it.”

“That’s right.” Yae-san agreed, punching her brother. “Seriously, why’d you have to tell that story? I know Aki is cool and all, but it’s a bit of a trauma to little Ri-Ri and Ai, isn’t it?”

“I’ve got to be honest, I really hate dogs. Eri too. My bro breaks out in a cold sweat when he sees one now, but he tries to hide it, to look like a cool big brother, and I guess a cool fiancée now too?”

“At least it wasn’t a bear.” Eri said, putting on a brave and charming face, causing all the boys to sigh, and some of the girls too. At that sight Shaeula giggled and mouthed something at Eri, who flushed and glared back, further embarrassed. Yeah, this totally isn’t going to get tiresome quickly… “The huge dog was bad enough, but if it was a mountain  bear, I think Akio would have died. Us too.”

“Seriously, the dog couldn’t have been that big.” One of the younger kouhai, who I thought was from the baseball club, said sourly. “If so, there’s no way that weedy nerd Oshiro-san could have fought it off. You were just little girls, it probably looked scarier than it was.”

“Seriously? What do you know, moron?” Eri flared up suddenly. “The dog was huge, with teeth like razors. If you’d been there instead you’d have pissed your pants and left us to die, I know! Don’t try and play down other people’s heroics when you have none of your own. How did you do during baseball this year, huh? Are your eyes as shitty as your brain? Didn’t you see Akio pulverise you all? If you are going to talk shit, you can just get the hell out of my party!”

Wow, that’s seriously a tirade. Guess he touched a nerve. Still… yeah, the little idiot does know nothing. That dog was a damn monster, not a cute house pet. The altercation was drawing attention, so I decided to step in, but before I could, help came from an unusual source. “Seriously, calm down, idiot.” Masaki-san said, slapping him on the back of the head. As the kid teared up, rubbing at his skull, he glared back at Masaki-san, who held his gaze firmly. “I get it, I know you are pissed off about what happened to your brother, but I was there, he brought it on himself. I was pretty stupid too and it cost me as well, but I know I was at fault.” He turned to Yae-san then. “Hey, Yae. How’ve you been?”

“Not too bad.” Yae-san said, a touch uncomfortable. “I thought I’d seen that boy before. So he’s Kenji-kun’s brother then?”

“I am, and you lot had him humiliated! All he wanted was to ask you out.” He glared at me, and I found myself taking a step back in surprise. “I don’t see why. You aren’t anything special!” he declared, and even though I knew it was just his sour grapes, I felt really annoyed. Shit, everyone is fawning over Eri, and I’m the only one that gets trash-talked. Ugh, my day sucks…

Hearing Hinata-san observe that “Commoner gatherings are very energetic…” brought a few laughs from the surrounding watchers. I was about to hit back when I was again beaten to the punch, Shaeula standing up and strolling over. The kid looked at her, blushing, and I realised she was probably more his type. Damn, another loss for me today… still, I know I’m cute… I just have a different, more mature look going on!

“If it is not-not the annoying yapping of a beaten dog.” Shaeula scoffed. “Your brother tried to face Akio on his own-own advantageous terms, and was soundly destroyed. Be a male and accept this. It is not-not becoming for a male to whine so over their own choices.”

“He’s right.” Chihaya-san and Masaki-san echoed. “Sorry man. Just go over there and enjoy the party, or go home. It’s pretty crappy making a scene when Mori-san is the one paying for everything.”

“Fine. I’ll go! One day my brother will have his revenge, you’ll see!” and with that he raced off, leaving the party behind.

Well, that was an interesting interlude. “So, where were we?” I said, trying to gloss over the uncomfortable atmosphere. “Oh yeah, talking about the dog, right? Seriously, it was a big bastard. Teeth like knives.”

“Still, if that was ever to happen again…” Eri clenched her fists until her knuckles were white. “I’d fight it with Akio. I’m going to get strong enough to stand by his side, and keep him from harm!”

“I approve!” Shaeula clapped. “Though you still have far-far to go if you wish to stand with us, Eri.”

“Seems like there’s definitely something going on there.” Chihaya-san observed, talking to his sister.

“Tell me about it.” Yae-san agreed. “It’s not like I’m totally jealous or anything.”

“Aww, poor Yae.” Rika-san giggled. “Oh well, plenty more fish in the sea.”

“That’s right.” Masaki-san said. He then nodded to Eri. “By the way, thanks for the party. It breaks up the boredom around here nicely. Kenji-kun … he’s probably sitting at home cursing everyone who came, but… yeah, he brought it on himself. Sorry again, Mori-san, Aiko-chan.” He then stepped up to Yae-san, who looked like she was hoping to avoid this.

“Yae, I don’t suppose you’ve reconsidered? I still like you… and I know what I did wrong. We could try again, right?”

“Popular as ever, sis.” Chihaya-san smiled, and she punched him again.

“Sorry.” She said after a long while. “I think you are an okay guy, and we had some fun. But… I’ve moved on. I’m looking for someone older, more mature, more exciting. I’m done dating around my own age.”

“They do say women mature faster than men.” Rika-san agreed. “Little Ri-Ri seems pretty mature nowadays. I’d say she’s been up to some fun earlier, right?” as Eri blushed and stammered an unconvincing denial, Rika-san turned to Masaki-san. "Sorry, Yae’s done some growing up. Would you believe she’s talking about moving to Tokyo when she graduates and getting a job? I certainly don’t.”

“Really? You kept that quiet…” Chihaya-san said, and as she tried to explain herself, I decided to ignore all of that and picked up my drink, a melon ice-cream float, and took a long, sweet sip. Well, at least things haven’t been boring so far…




Popular idol music was playing from the café speakers, and some boys and girls had paired off to dance in the street. I guess you can only get away with this sort of thing in a small town like this, where there’s hardly any foot traffic.

“I love this group. All the girls are so hot and mature.” Yae-san said. Her brother had left with some of the older graduates, heading to the pub for a few beers and more adult socialisation.

“I hear they are playing Christmas Eve in Tokyo at some shrine or other. Apparently one of the idols is a shrine maiden there. That’s hot, I bet she looks gorgeous in traditional attire.” Rika-san added. “Speaking of, how’s little Marika-chan? Is she okay in Tokyo?”

“She is indeed.” Shaeula declared. Somehow she had managed to find some beer and was drinking alcohol. “Akio is of course looking after her, and she is settling in quite-quite well, making new friends.” She grinned maliciously then, and I had a bad feeling. Eri must have picked up on it too, as she tried to stop her speaking, but as usual Shaeula did her own thing. “Indeed, Akio is surrounded by many-many beautiful shrine maidens constantly. Kana is particularly pretty.”

“I see. Pretty shrine maidens, beautiful noble girls…” Masaki-san said, with a wry chuckle. He had stayed with them, sitting at their table. He had tried to approach Hinata-san out of curiosity about her school uniform, and I smiled as I remembered the way Kazumi-san had blocked his passage, declaring that “Hinata-sama cannot be seen talking to strange boys.”

“I can see why I’m outclassed.” Masaki-san shrugged, taking a bite of his dessert. “Still, unlike Kenji-kun, I’m not a sore loser. I got beat, I’ll suck it up.”

“I’m curious about something.” Hinata-san said, drawing everyone’s attention. “I understand that Eri-san is very much in love with Akio-kun, and has been for the longest time. It’s nice.” She sighed, perhaps thinking of her own prospects. “But up until recently, it looked as if they were not going to be married, right?”

Yeah that’s right, but you’ve skipped over going out, dating. Wow, nobles take this stuff seriously I guess. That just makes me more worried. Still… they did all seem nice girls. They’d probably make great sisters-in-law. But no way I can tell Eri that after last time. I feel shitty enough as a friend over Shaeula. But… results are all that matter, I guess? They both seem happy now, and my bro grins that disgusting self-satisfied lovestruck smile when he looks at the two of them and isn’t concentrating. It’s really vexing, for some reason…

“Yeah, when Aki moved away, it was like what little life she had went right out of little Ri-Ri.” Yae-san shrugged. “She was hardly outgoing before that, but… it was like we had a ghost in the classroom. Ai was the only one she ever talked to.”

“Yep, poor foolish Ri-Ri, too shy to even confess to her love. I’m shocked she managed it at the festival, watching that was a real rush, though… a little bittersweet for us, eh, Yae?”

“Right.” Yae agreed. “I’m glad I watched that rather than the idiot Kenji-kun. So what’s your question … Fukumoto-san?”

“Well, afterwards you simply must tell me about this festival, it seems interesting.”

Motoko-san and Natsumi-san agreed, looking very interested. Hinata-san continued. “So, I must admit, you are extremely pretty, Eri-san.”

“Thanks.” Eri muttered, looking down shyly. Still bad with compliments that aren’t from big bro I see.

“So, it seems commoners are far more free to look around for partners than us. Ours are chosen entirely by our families, we have little say.”

“Indeed.” Motoko-san chimed in. “I find it hard to fathom this. It does… seem rather nice though. As long as you remember the honour of your family, of course. An unsuitable match or spending time with a man before your engagement would be scandalous. Still, if I could choose my own partner…”

“I don’t think that an ordinary person worries about things that much.” Hinata-san observed. “Still, my point is, did no-one try and secure a match with Eri-san? She’s pretty enough that my brother was interested.”

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”Of course they did.” Eri said, troubled, casting me a look.

“Yeah, a few. Not too many though, luckily. Those that were too pushy, well I could handle scaring them off. If Eri was interested, I’d have stepped aside of course, but we all know she only had eyes for my bro.”

“Yeah, this is a small town.” Masaki-san said, giving a perspective from the boys’ side. “And everyone talks. If any guys tried to be too forceful, or worse, tried to… well, there are girls here, so I’ll say no more…” at that the noble girls looked confused, but I got it, my expression twisting sourly. To be honest it was something I always worried about. If some boy took things too far in an attempt to get with Eri, and hurt her… or… well, likely worse… It would have ended very badly, for everyone. I’d have never forgiven myself, Eri would have been broken, my bro… well, he’d probably have killed the guy, or died trying anyway. And afterwards… my bro was always a soft-hearted idiot. I’m glad to see he has toughened up, I can stop worrying about him now. If Eri was… coerced… I didn’t even want to think the word, it made me feel sick. … it would have ruined my bro, even if he never ended up dating her. After all, he’d blame himself. If he felt he didn’t do enough with the dog incident, then this would surely kill him.

“If anyone did try too hard, well, while there are a few bad apples about, there are in every town, right, the majority of the townsfolk wouldn’t have stood for it. The boy in question and his family would be ostracised. And anyone that thought it might be worth it… well, she had her guard, right?” he winked.

“Yeah, I’m just glad it never came to anything serious. To be honest, I was more worried Eri would be bullied by other girls in town. I’d have had to take harsh steps if that happened.”

“Bullying?” Hinata-san shook her head. “Commoner schools really are a different world. We have no such issue. Although…”

“Although?” I asked, curious.

“Well, the higher-ranking nobles barely deign to acknowledge us lower students, to say nothing of other attendants and bodyguards. Even with those of similar ranks, family standing and relationships make things very awkward.”

“Yeah well, every school has their cliques, I guess.” Yae-san commiserated. “I agree though, little Ri-Ri is the sort of girl other girls usually hate, the tragic lonely flower, so weak and pining for love. A bit of bullying makes the rest of us feel better. Throw shoes in the trash, rip up a textbook, that sort of thing.”

“If you’d have done that, my bro would have ended you.” I warned, and Shaeula snickered nastily.

“Indeed. He is very-very protective of Eri, as it should be.”

“Whoa, whoa, don’t tell him I said this!” she was flustered, and we all laughed. “Seriously, we never did anything, right? Because like I told you before, Ri-Ri was genuine, right? She wasn’t doing it for sympathy or to attract boys, she genuinely loved Aki and was worthless without him.” She grinned to take the sting off the insults. Eri still protested, but no-one was convinced. “So us girls, we just felt sorry for her. I’m pretty happy for you now, Ri-Ri. Jealous too, but happy. I wonder where Aki is right now anyway? Shouldn’t he be here?”

Good point. I checked my phone, to see a message from him. ‘Hi sis. It doesn’t look like I’ll make the party, it’s… challenging… explaining everything to our parents. It’s… well, going pretty badly. Just… have fun, and can you girls look after our guests? I’ll talk to you all later…’

“Looks like bro is getting hammered by our parents, Eri.” I said, before realising I’d made a mistake again. Everyone was looking really curious, so I waved it away. “But why worry about that? We are having fun here, aren’t we?”

“Sure am.” A girl said, my junior in the kyudo club, as it happens. She had been enjoying the free sweets and dancing, but had now come and sat at one of the nearby tables, listening in. “But all this makes me wonder… why haven’t you gone out with anyone, Aiko-senpai? I’ve always thought you were very pretty, and you are friendly and outgoing. I’m sure you are the type of girl boys really like.”

“Kenji-kun sure did.” Masaki-san said wryly.

“I do not-not see any great mystery.” Shaeula scoffed, and was about to say something stupid, before Eri shut her down.

“Shae-u-la!” she intoned firmly, a cheery yet somehow menacing smile on her face. “This is a serious conversation, no need for your bad jokes.”

“Very well. I shall remain silent.” She said, chastened.

“Wow, little Ri-Ri laying down the law there! But I’m curious too.” Yae-san giggled. “Rika and I are extremely popular. Ri-Ri was desirable, but uninterested and off-limits. That just leaves you, Ai. You are definitely up there in the list of girls the boys all want as a girlfriend.”

“Seriously. We all know you are a major brocon, and you probably felt you had to look after Ri-Ri. But your bro has stepped up and all is well. Your duty is over. Right little Ri-Ri?” Rika-san followed up.

“Yes, but… boys can be unpleasant and scary.” Eri said, and I was once more very proud of her, she had been extremely sociable today, despite her dislike of other people. “I don’t blame Aiko. And if she doesn’t want to date, that’s fine!” Eri declared, shocking me. “I’ll look after her, and Akio will make sure she never wants for anything!”

“Wow, well, you heard her.” I had to grin, chagrined and embarrassed. “But seriously. Thanks, I guess?”

“You’d still be missing out. Dating is pretty nice.” Masaki-san said seriously. “I miss it.”

“Nice try.” Yae-san smirked, and he ignored her, continuing.

“So, seriously. You’ve never considered it? I find that hard to believe.”

Wow, this is an uncomfortable topic. But… I guess it’s relevant. My bro and Eri are adults now, and getting married. My other new friend Shaeula… her too. And me? What do I want out of life? I’ve always got my bro and my friends, but as for romance… have I ever thought about it that much? “Well, maybe I did spend too much time worrying over Eri to think about it. And I’ve also wanted to continue with kyudo and volleyball. I do love sport. I didn’t really have any time for boys. I have to study too, I’m not exactly super-smart like Eri or big bro, I’m just average.”

“I feel very close to you right now.” Motoko-san said, and Natsumi-san agreed too. “All we want from our fiancées is someone who will support us as we continue with the Tsumura family arts. But girls are not supposed to fight or train. It is remarkably unfair.”

“Well, it isn’t that serious for me. I think normal boyfriends might not care if their girl does sport.” I pondered. “But… wow, yeah. I guess I do need to think about my future.”

“So, considering dating now then?” Masaki-san asked, and I shot back “Why, you interested?”

“I could be.” he grinned, sending a sidelong glance at Yae-san, who merely gave him the thumbs-down, showing she thought he had no chance with me. Which is… sadly true. Ugh, not my type.

“Sorry.” I let him down gently with a smile, though I did think he was largely joking. “I have to agree with Yae-san on this one. I need a guy who is older and mature, and as cool as my big bro. Otherwise I feel like I’ll lose to Eri and Shaeula, and my pride can’t take that.”

“See, she’s got the brocon bad.” Yae-san sniggered, and everyone laughed, even the noble girls, who barely knew me. “But seriously, I get it. Aki is a tough act to follow. He never used to be so cool, but now… especially for you. If being saved from the dog captured Ri-Ri’s heart, you were there too. Guess it has an impact.”

“It’s not like that…” I protested weakly, but a bigger problem cropped up.

“So, are you dating someone wonderful then, Shaeula?” my junior asked, having picked up on my verbal slip-up.

“Of course.” Shaeula puffed out her chest pridefully. “I am engaged to the best-best of males.” She showed off her ring, which I realised she hadn’t taken off, despite coming to Nishimorioka. Damn, that’s a blunder.

“Really? Well, congratulations, I guess.” Yae-san said, looking at her dubiously. “I guess a girl as cute as you was bound to be sought after. But I thought you had a thing for Aki. I’m seldom wrong on romance…”

“Well, I can not-not lie, I…” Shaeula began, before Eri broke in. Thank god, I’m sweating here!

“Enough of that for now. The romance talk has been fun and all, but the party is winding down, we should dance and have some more fun before it’s all done. Right?

Nice save! “Yeah, we need to show our guests how us commoners party too, right?”




“Wow, I’m beat.” I sat down, desperately sucking at a sweet drink to restore my energy. Beside me, Eri nodded.

“Yes, I’ve seldom talked to so many people at one time.” She looked even more worn out than I did. Still, I think Eri managed to make some friends today, or at least more acquaintances. I guess they are right. I really don’t need to watch out for Eri anymore. Though I still will of course, she’s my best friend… Thinking about it, Eri was lucky enough to be able to level up, so with her stats, if any pushy guy disregarded the risk and tried to make a move on her, she could likely snap his bones with a few well-placed punches. Chuckling at that thought, I continued to sip my drink, watching as the last few guests were finishing up.

“Quite the party indeed. It certainly had its moments. This will go down in town folklore along with this years’ baseball game I bet. The party where regretful guys got shot down one after another. Though a few smart ones managed okay it seems…”

“Yeah, I was all right, as everyone knows I’m engaged, but Shaeula and the noble girls… even Rika-san and Yae-san got a lot of attention.”

“Well, it was certainly refreshing, but… I think I prefer noble parties. Although, there was that creepy pervert that was eyeing me at the last one. I hear he ended up in prison for terrible crimes though. Thankfully we’ll never have to see him again.” Hinata-san shuddered.

“Don’t worry, Hinata-sama!” Kazumi-san declared. “I’ll keep anyone dangerous away from you!”

“I wouldn’t consider the boys here dangerous.” I sighed. Kazumi-san had been ruthless in keeping the interested boys away from her master, and had roughly handled a couple. Luckily they were too embarrassed about getting their asses kicked by a girl to put up much of a fuss. What was funny was when a couple of boys were interested in her though. Still, she shot them down nonetheless.

Natsumi-san had been gentler but no less rigorous in keeping Motoko-san free from admirers, though as she was so elegant, fewer boys dared to approach her anyway. Shaeula had crushed the hearts of the boys by simply saying she was engaged, and at least she wasn’t saying to who, only smiling knowingly.

Rika-san and Yae-and handled things more professionally, not humiliating the boys, as one would expect with their experience, but... ugh, to think I had to decline some as well. I guess it proves I’m desirable though.

“Yes, the town will remember this as the great birthday party massacre henceforth!” Rika-san laughed. “Still, great party Ri-Ri. Must have cost a packet too. You going to be okay?”

“Akio looks after me. I can afford it.” she said defensively. “Besides, I got a discount, it isn’t often the café can make good money so the rates were fair. Anyway, I have to go say thanks to everyone for coming, and thank the café owner for her help.”

“I shall accompany you!” Shaeula said, and Eri got up to express her gratitude. Watching her, I felt warm inside.

“I get it. I do.” Yae-san said suddenly, and Rika-san nodded. Even my junior in the kyudo club, as well as a couple of girls from the volleyball team, who had been listening to us as they ate and drank, agreed.

“Yeah, it’s good to see Ri-Ri making an effort. She’s getting married and moving to Tokyo next summer, right? She’ll need to learn how to deal with people. Besides, it’d be nice to see her more popular, recognised as someone other than the shy, gloomy girl.”

“Yeah, that’s the idea.” I agreed. “And I think she had fun, at least a bit. Though she’s really looking forward to tomorrow, where she gets to spend the whole day with my bro!”

“I bet she is!” Rika-san smirked.

As we joked and made small-talk, Eri and Shaeula finished seeing off the revellers. Most had gone home, but a few had gone elsewhere. “All right then. We have to take the girls back home with us, so Rika-san, Yae-san, girls. I’ll see you all another day.”

“What do you mean?” Rika-san shook her head. “We still have so much to talk about. Like who Shaeula is engaged to, and what relationship these girls have with Akio-kun. Besides, the night is yet young!”

“That’s right!” Yae-san grinned. “It’s got to be a sleepover, a girls’ night in!”

“Yeah, sounds like fun. Can we get in on that too?” one of the volleyball girls said, the one who had asked about my brother when she saw Yae-san’s and Rika-san’s gifts from Las Vegas. My kouhai from the kyudo club nodded too. “I would like to talk with Tsumura-san some more. That is a bow you are carrying there, isn’t it?”

“It is, a treasure of my family. I do not practice kyudo, but my family arts are based on similar principles, though they are meant for combat, not sport or enlightenment.”

“So cool! I want to call you big sister.” The junior gushed, flushed.

“What is the harm?” Shaeula asked, returning, Eri in tow. “It seems like Akio is rather indisposed right now-now, so we may as well spend some time talking, female to female.”

“Yeah but…” There’s so many topics I don’t want to talk about, and no doubt my parents are going to come exploding in when they get back if bro has told them about Shaeula… ugh, my head hurts just thinking about it.

“My house is really cramped, and it would be rude to our guests…” I tried to dissuade them, but Hinata-san betrayed my expectations.

“It would be fun to spend some time talking to ordinary girls in a common setting. Without men around Kazumi will be more relaxed as well. Don’t you think, Motoko-san?”

“Indeed. I would enjoy getting another perspective on kyudo. And you two, you do some sort of sport, do you not? At school we only have athletics and tennis. I do not know this volleyball.”

“Seriously? Well, that’s just crazy, I thought every school had a volleyball team.” My teammate said. “In that case Aiko-chan, you have to let us stay over. We need to convince her of the glory of volleyball! Just let me ring my folks and let them know I’m staying out tonight.”

Eri looked a bit troubled, but she tilted her head, letting me know the decision was mine. Well, fine… Bro is staying over at the Mori’s tonight, so at least we can pack them into his room when it’s time to sleep. And having some distractions other than these noble girls and their oppressively refined manners might make life easier for me. Damn you bro, this is all your fault! Don’t bring your new squeezes home and dump them on me!

Thinking some very uncharitable thoughts, I sighed. “Fine. Shaeula, Eri, can you go and get some supplies? We’ll need some futons and blankets from your house too, Eri.”

“Yay, sexy sleepover time!“ Yae-san grinned. “I wonder what your bro will think when he comes back to a house full of beautiful girls?”

“Sorry to disappoint, but tonight he…” I continued to bicker good-naturedly with everyone, as we finished up our food and drink, seeing off the last of the guests…

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