On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Chapter 254: Side Sixty-Two – Fukumoto Hinata

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“So, the angles can be calculated by…” the female teacher was explaining, quickly drawing up the equations on the whiteboard at the head of the room. Hinata made notes, but her heart wasn’t in it, as she had other concerns. It never really bothered me that I couldn’t have my phone during class, as per the school rules, but now that I have things I need to talk about… She frowned, remembering the conversation she had with Akio-kun that morning. Having spoken to commoner girls in his hometown, they are very different, especially at school.

Apparently they were allowed mobile phones on them at all times, and while they weren’t able to use them in classes, the two blonde girls, Yae-san and Rika-san, they admitted to idling on them during class and not paying attention. Her frown turned into a small grin as she remembered Motoko-san being shocked that they would break the rules that way. A typical noble response. After all, the rules, our family, noble pride and traditions… all are to be obeyed without question. Hinata considered herself the most worldly-wise and normal of the nobility, though normal carried the sort of negative connotations she didn’t appreciate. Of course, up until recently I wasn’t considered a true noble, but now… Unbeknownst to her, her facial expression changed again, her shocking display of animation unnatural and drawing attention. The teacher fumbled over her words for a second, before remembering her training, and resuming the lesson as if she had seen nothing.

And that’s another thing! The teachers in their school weren’t just women and older, married men, but they had young men too. It made sense, in a way, since girls and boys were taught together, even so… Yeah, a lot of the girls here only know their brothers and fathers as the only men in their lives. It’s stupid and unfair. My brother gets to have all the fun he wants, but us…

As she glanced around, nobody was paying her any attention, all staying impeccably focused on the lesson, their noble poise perfect. All except for one girl, anyway. She was eyeing Hinata with a disapproving expression on her face, and when she noticed her, Hinata also struggled to contain her emotions.

Sakura. Her cousin, daughter of the Takatsukasa house and thus one of the four most important girls at school, was watching her, her delicate features and refined bearing at odds with the way her hands were gripping her pencil, knuckles white with effort. On seeing that, Hinata looked away, focusing on her lesson as best she could. There’s no point getting upset about it. Sakura is… well, Sakura. Sakura was always lecturing her about the ‘proper way to comport herself as a member of the Takatsukasa bloodline’ and that she should be ‘less brash and excitable, always elegant and quiet’. Which is a joke. How is it that I’m expected to behave as a member of nobility, as a relative of grandfather Itsuki, yet I am constantly being told by everyone that I’m not a member of the nobility, and that mother can’t be considered a true Takatsukasa ‘after marrying outside the nobility’. It simply isn’t fair!

A part of her knew that Sakura wasn’t to blame, that her cousin genuinely meant to help her with her constant chastisements, and that Sakura had problems of her own, considering the dire state of Takatsukasa finances, only the support from the other great houses and charity from the nobility keeping their estates intact, but even so… Considering without the money my father and grandfather give to them every year, they would have had to sell priceless ancestral lands and heritage… it just isn’t fair. After all, Sakura was loved and respected by everyone simply for being Takatsukasa Sakura, while she was looked down on and considered lesser, despite her bloodline being the same.

I hate unfairness. After all, my grandfather built Nichibotsu out of nothing, yet his value is denied just because our family doesn’t have a hundred years of legacy…

Once more she wished she had her phone. Akio-kun had agreed to her request, to help her grandfather. And sure, she did want her grandfather to recover. He wasn’t as young as he was, and that old injury was a source of pain to him, though he tried to hide it. But most of all… Father and mother care about rejoining the nobility, recovering mothers’ status as a Takatsukasa, but grandfather, he just wants us to be happy and successful. As the teacher put up another equation, Hinata remembered the message Akio had sent her. Marriage meeting, huh? So, is it on his mind?

It was on her mind too. Father and mother were very happy since Fujiwara-sama had decreed that the Fukumoto house was now the Fifty-Eighth house of true nobility, no longer one of the Three-Hundred. Still, that just makes them hungry to go even further, and to that end…

Fortunately at that moment the bell for lunch rang, so Hinata was able to sigh in relief, looking down, her face hot. What… what do I actually want? Before, all I expected was a marriage to one of the lower sons of the Fifty-Seven, or if very lucky, a marriage to a second or third son of one of the upper nobility. And then… Well, one just had to look at poor Motoko-san. She was looked up to by some of the girls from the Three-Hundred, for having her own dream and desperately trying to stick to it, as well as still managing to retain the poise, charm and behaviours expected of her. I want the praise, the respect, to be treated fairly. But that isn’t all I want. Grandfather built up a colossal company from nothing… I want to be the one who builds up something new from this new paradigm. When people look back in fifty, a hundred years, I want them to say ‘Oh yes, the founder of that company, Fukumoto Hinata, she did it with her own hands and wits…’

She didn’t notice Sakura, who looked as if she wished to speak to her, and she left the classroom, heading for the dining hall, where girls from every year and class would be gathering. Untapped lands, healing of injuries and diseases, longevity… how much more can this strange world Akio-kun has started to conquer offer? There’s so much I want to ask, so many questions I want answers to. But… how can I persuade him to give me what I want? The training is great, and I admit it’s a large concession, but to allow me to go further, to know more, that asks for a lot of trust.

She remembered the brilliant, mischievous smile of Shaeula, and the thorny defensiveness of Eri-san, yet when talk turned to Akio-kun, they both looked the same, full of trust and love. The sister too. That painted a very clear picture. If they asked for anything, he’d give it to them without hesitating a second…




“Hinata-sama, are you well? You look a little flushed.” Kazumi observed, approaching her as soon as she entered the dining hall. Despite there being well over a hundred girls within, ranging from elementary schoolers right through to the final year of high school, there was none of the energy and loud conversation that the commoner girls had told her about. No, everyone was in small, quiet groups, mostly within bands of status, the Three-Hundred sticking together, while upper nobility had daughters of vassals with them, but few others.

So stupid. History and tradition is important, I get that. But as the world changes, we have to change with it. I think Fujiwara-sama and Ichijou-sama realise this. Akio-kun surely won’t be the only key to this new world, I hear that the Military has some people too, or so Motoko-san says, and I wouldn’t put it past some of the Three-Hundred to hide their own. There are the shrines too, but… could any be as good as Akio-kun is? After all, he has Shaeula, he’s helping us train… he controls a chunk of Tokyo in this Boundary…

As Kazumi repeated her question, Hinata snapped out of her reverie. “Yes, sorry Kazumi, just thinking. I have a lot of my mind.”

Glancing around for an open table, she quickly saw the usual demarcations. The Fujiwara girls were alone with their bodyguards. There was Honoka-sama and Miyu-sama, both sitting alone, just with their bodyguards. As always, seeing the sisters who guarded the two Fujiwara daughters made her smile. Rumours are they are from an old ninja family. A load of nonsense, I would have thought, but now… perhaps there is more truth to it than I thought. In any case, they were considered the strongest bodyguards in school, though both Sakura and Mayumi-sama would disagree, extolling the virtues of their own guards.

Speaking of, Mayumi-sama was sitting at the centre table, as gorgeous and bright as ever, her bodyguard beside her as always. I’ve never met Mayumi-sama alone, even when I visit her house, her bodyguard is always there. Still, everyone kept their distance, as Mayumi-sama was queen of the school. Only three other girls matched her, but Sakura and Honoka-sama were younger, and Sakura had other issues, and while Miyu-sama was the same age and of equal lineage, she was… too meek.

“Anyway, I think I want to talk to Mayumi-sama. Follow me.” As she began to cross the cafeteria to the table, not even stopping to get food from the exceptional buffet the school put on each day, she was hailed by Motoko-san, followed as always by Natsumi.

“Ah, Hinata-san. Good afternoon.”

We exchanged greetings, and it seemed Motoko-san wished to talk. Hinata hesitated, torn between heading over to Mayumi-sama as planned, when a third person interfered. Sakura, trailed by her own bodyguard, had come to talk to her.

“Sakura-sama.” Motoko-san said as a greetimg, and Natsumi bowed politely to her and her bodyguard, who was trailing along behind her, constantly alert for danger. Seriously, the bodyguards need to relax. Nothing is going to happen here at school…

“Motoko-san.” Sakura replied politely. “Can you excuse me for a minute, I wish to have a talk with my cousin.”

Before Motoko-san could agree, Hinata shook her head in denial. “No, I’m sorry Sakura, but I need to talk to Motoko-san and then I plan to spend lunch with Mayumi-sama. So whatever it is can wait.” She said loudly. I’m not in the mood for a lecture today. I want to keep my feelings of excitement and promise.

At her flat denial, which was not something a noble should have been able to get away with, facing Sakura, a buzz went around the room. The girls who were daughters from the Three-Hundred looked away, while the nobility showed interest, usually paired with disapproving looks. Except for Mayumi-sama of course, who laughed loudly, as if she didn’t have a care in the world. Though she still looks gorgeous doing that.

Sakura’s bodyguard made to intervene, but Sakura held her back with an upraised arm. Before she could ask again, Mayumi-sama’s bodyguard came over, dressed in a sharp male version of the school unform, which made her stand out from everyone else like a blade amidst flowers. Although the ninja sisters are equally eye-catching…

“My apologies. Hinata, Motoko-sama, Sakura-sama, Mayumi-sama asks you to join her, she has something she would like to discuss.”

“Well fine. If that’s all right with you, Motoko-san?” she asked, pointedly ignoring her cousin, though Hinata felt a little bad doing it. Maybe spending a little time with commoner girls has given me a fresh perspective. Sakura can be really annoying, but she does care for me in her own way, as much as the bounds of nobility will allow. But… The idea that perhaps Akio-kun could be engaged to Sakura flickered through her head. It made sense from a certain standpoint. The other higher nobility would look down on her massively if that happened, just as they did for Hinata’s mother, but she had a younger brother to inherit Takatsukasa house, and if, no, not if, but when Akio-kun made a name for himself, earned wealth and power and offered wonders that only he could provide, then his support would bolster Takatsukasa house, freeing them from the shackles of their decline since the war.

It's a good plan… from the standpoint of upholding the nobility. But, no, I don’t like it! Not only would Sakura suffer like her mother had, although likely for far less time, as she was sure with the right advice, Akio-kun would soon build up enough power to make even the nobility hold their tongues, but she also didn’t like the idea for reasons she couldn’t fully understand. No way, Sakura isn’t right for Akio-kun anyway. She’s too trapped in the noble world. She won’t be able to train and support him like Motoko-san could, or me. Besides… Eri-san will never allow it. Somehow that thought made her smile.

“It is fine.” Motoko-san agreed. “If that is acceptable to you, Sakura-sama? I believe you have likely been told about Akio-sensei and the work we are undertaking, considering you are a daughter of Takatsukasa?”

Sakura nodded, looking like she wanted to sigh but was too refined to lower herself. Approaching the table, they all sat down.

“Why don’t you grab these girls some food?” Mayumi-sama gave a gorgeous smile, but it was clearly a dismissal. “With my guard here, nothing will happen.”


The other bodyguards waited for permission, but at the nods of their charges, Kazumi and the others left. “Right then.” Mayumi-sama said. “I wanted to have a talk with you, Hinata, Motoko-san. Since you are here, Sakura-sama, you can listen in.”

Sakura nodded, oppressed by the force of personality Mayumi-sama exuded. She’s confident, knowing there is no girl more noble than her in Japan, and few equals. “So, you’ve been too busy to see me lately, Hinata. I’m so sad.” She took a sip of her tea from a porcelain cup. “But my grandfather tells me you’ve been doing all sorts of things.” Her gaze went to the small group of out-of-place girls who were at one far table. There were three dark-haired and pretty girls of various ages who looked like sisters, as well as a girl in shrine maiden garb, making her stand out, “I’ve attended some of these special classes. Rather boring. But apparently yours are more… fun?”

“Hardly fun.” Hinata snorted, earning another askance look from Sakura, who deplored her display of bad manners, especially in front of Mayumi-sama. “Motoko-san likely enjoys it more than I do, since there are some similarities to martial arts. Still, what lies at the end… now that is beyond belief, Mayumi-sama. You’ll be amazed, I’m sure!”

“Oh, do tell.” She leaned forwards, eyes sparkling with curiosity. “Grandfather is very reticent about the details.”

“I don’t think so.” Hinata refused proudly. “I have ideas, grand ideas, and I don’t want anyone beating me to them!”

“You’d refuse me, huh?” Mayumi-sama mused. “I suppose it is true then, that the engagement will be going ahead.”

“Engagement?” Sakura said, looking down and seeming mournful.

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“I… I plan to speak to my grandfather and father soon.” Motoko-san was hesitant, but it seemed the right time for her to speak. “I think I’ve found my path. A world where I can put my skills to use, pass them on, and even improve them. It helps that Akio-sensei is very kind. I think that love could bloom, if I worked on it, though doing my duty and preserving my arts are reward enough.”

Sakura looked like she wanted to say something, but was torn. Mayumi-sama put down her cup and looked at Motoko-san, considering her response. “I see. Well, I know your marriage talks up to now have come to nothing. If you’d just give up your weapons, you’d even be a decent match for one of my brothers. But…” she looked at Motoko-san, her dark eyes serious. “… you’ll suffer for that choice. Even ignoring the fact I hear this Akio has multiple wives already, the others of the Fifty-Seven will always look down on you. You’ll go from a beloved heir of Tsumura to a fallen noble. You’ll lose much to keep what you wanted.”

“There are fifty-eight families now! He’ll be the fifty-ninth!” Hinata protested, only to get a look from Mayumi-sama, one full of disappointment and pity.

“In name, certainly.” She conceded. “Grandfather, Fujiwara-sama, they both agreed, and the lesser houses will of course obey. But even by decree, everyone knows the Fukumoto house is too new, too raw, too… mercantile… to be truly noble. You only staggered into this by luck, by finding this Akio. And he is a commoner through-and-through. Grandfather has thoroughly investigated him.”

“Maybe so!” Hinata declared, feeling her eyes getting hot at the rebuke Mayumi-sama delivered to her. “But his fiancée, Shaeula, she’s a genuine princess! That’s true nobility, right?” she felt the need to defend him, and her own choices.

“Maybe so. But she isn’t a princess of Japan, is she? Do we care here about foreign girls?” Mayumi-sama shook her head. “And just like your father, even if you marry well…” she paused to smile at Sakura. “… that doesn’t change your bloodline or heritage.”

Is that what you really think, Mayumi-sama? If that is true then how can I ever win your respect? If all that mattered was the age and legacy of her family, the one thing she couldn’t change, then wasn’t she stuck, forever an outsider? Biting on her lip, she was about to speak when Mayumi-sama spoke up, not seeing to realise what Hinata was thinking about.

“So, will you be accepting the marriage talks too, Hinata? It’s not a bad deal from your perspective. I know your parents have been trying to pursue a match with the higher nobility, but to be honest, none will take you unless it’s as a concubine or maybe a wife for a third son out of the line of succession. At least here you’ll bring a lot to the table. I believe the commoner needs money, does he not? This princess can’t be rich, it seems. I hear the other girl is a poor commoner. You might be behind this princess and Motoko-san, but at least you can be in second place. For a while, anyway.” She looked at Sakura then.

“I… well, yes…” she managed to stammer, very unlike the usual composed and perfect Sakura, who was the very model of elegance, that all the younger girls looked up to. She’s only harsh with me… But, I’m shocked. Mayumi-sama, do you think so little of me?

“I still think it’s too soon for bringing this Akio into the heights of the nobility. After all, he doesn’t understand the magnitude of what we uphold. Though for Sakura there are a few advantages. Being in charge of this new phenomenon would give Takatsukasa house a focus to replace all they’ve lost, and if it does prove profitable in the end, well, we can stop supporting them financially. Your family will be happy about that, Hinata.” Mayumi-sama said something thoughtlessly, just causing the heavy lead weight in Hinata’s chest and throat to grow.

“No, if you do marry him, Sakura, you’ll have to give up your status. Whatever the benefits your family sees, you’ll gain none of it. I feel sorry for you. My grandfather would never make that choice. Fujiwara-sama has two granddaughters, so could spare one, but he loves them greatly and wouldn’t see them shamed. No, you are the only choice for this.” She turned away from the downcast Sakura, back to Hinata. “At least if you pave the way for her, Hinata, you can spare your cousin some risk. After all, he might not be a good man, or a fool, or the power could change him.”

“Actually, I believe he is quite a fine gentleman.” Motoko-san defended him. “Natsumi and I have no complaints. We do not know him well, but from those around him, we only hear good things. He would never mistreat those he considers family.”

“I see. Well, I trust your senses.” Mayumi-sama allowed. “But it makes more sense to allow Hinata to test the waters. She’s got less to lose.”

Something inside Hinata burst. Her eyes welled up, and she left a burning in her chest. “Mayumi-sama, why is it only me you don’t seem to care about? I… I thought I was your friend!” Towards the end it was close to a wail, and she could feel the hot gazes of the many girls at other tables around them, subtly mocking her. Motoko-san reached out a reassuring hand to her under the table, which she appreciated, and even Sakura looked like she wanted to speak up.

“My friend?” Mayumi-sama was puzzled, looking embarrassed. “Of course I am, Hinata. You are very entertaining and a lot of fun. After all, who else dares to approach me and speak their mind? I enjoy spending time with you, hearing your strange view on things. But does that change anything? You are just one of the Three-Hundred, no matter your mothers’ blood. Now, please stop making a scene, you are embarrassing us and making a spectacle of yourself.”

I see. I’m… I’m not a true friend. Maybe I can never be true friends with Mayumi-sama, as there’s a wall between us that can’t be broken. Our pasts. She barely ever speaks to Sakura or Motoko-san, but she’s spared them more consideration than me, her so-called friend. She remembered her brief stay in Nishimorioka, meeting other commoner girls, Shaeula, Eri-san. Also the people at the training school. Shaeula was proud of her nobility, yet kind and funny, and didn’t look down on us. She said… she said she used to be too proud, and it led her to end up alone and desperate, only Akio-kun reaching out a hand to her. Eri-san, she loves him so much, and Shaeula too. So she doesn’t want others to come between them. I understand that, but I think she’s going to lose that battle. No matter what Mayumi-sama says, Akio-kun has too much value to be tied down…

“So I’m just a clown, a jester?” She sobbed, hating herself for displaying her weakness, when she swore she was going to be finally acknowledged as an equal. But that can never be, not through normal means. Only if I achieve something so earthshattering that it overturns the very nobility itself, will I truly be able to be friends with Mayumi-sama, the girl I’ve admired for so long.

“Oh, Hinata, calm down. I get hat you are sad, but this… Sakura began, but she interrupted her, rubbing at hr soaked face.

“I get it. I’m just entertainment. I respect you so much Mayumi-sama, you are everything I want to be, but you… you are just the old Shaeula, proud and alone, not understanding the true joys of friendships and love. Well, you just wait and watch. I’ll build something so incredible you’ll be looking up to me!” She took a deep beath, stinging her throat. “Motoko-san, Akio-kun, he… no, that isn’t right.” she amended herself. “Akio, he treats everyone the same. Be it princess or shrine maiden, commoner or noble. So if we end up taking the same path, I’ll not back down just because you are from a better family.”

“I understand. We are all students under the same teacher, after all. I expect no less. Though it will be a hard path, making Akio-sensei accept. Eri-san is not so against it as she thinks, but Akio-sensei has deep loyalty.”

“I don’t get this.” Mayumi-sama said, genuinely puzzled, trying her best to ignore the tears, as the display of emotion actually confused her, as it was not noble. “You both barely know this man. I understand arranged engagements, I too will have mine soon, no doubt. But you seem to have a lot of faith in him for a commoner you have barely met.”

“I do.” Hinata said, surprising herself. And it helps that he is very handsome, just my type. When I first saw him, I was amazed such a handsome man existed. Those eyes. Full of steel yet kind. “Sakura.” She spoke to her troublesome cousin, who she could never decide whether she resented or liked, one that was always criticising her, but from a place of familial affection, despite the yawning gaps in their status, that frustrated Hinata to no end through its massive unfairness. “I don’t know what grandfather Itsuki has planned, but if it should be that they decide you should marry, be sure to decide for yourself. If you don’t want to, don’t do it!” she declared, surprising herself. “For all the good nobility does, it is horrible for us noble girls. Yes, us. I’m a noble too!” she declared proudly, the effect spoiled by her red face and runny nose. “Akio is a kind man, he’d not mistreat you, and I’m sure you could come to like him. But he’s not nobility. No, he’ll be something more. Don’t assume that if you married him, your life would be like it is now. No, it’d be more confusing, terrifying and most of all interesting. We’ve been shut in our birdcages too long. Motoko-san, why don’t we break out of the cage and do what we want for a change? If we work together, we can bring down Eri-san’s guard, and I’m confident…” she smiled through her tears. “…no man can resist me and what I’m going to offer. I have so many ideas and I don’t even know much about everything yet. Tonight I’m going to make him tell me everything.”

“You need to get a hold of yourself.” Mayumi-sama warned. “Nobles comport themselves with…”

“Sorry, Mayumi-sama!” She cut her off, and from the look of shock on Mayumi-sama’s face, it might have been the first time anyone ever did. “You keep telling me I’m your friend, but not a true noble, so forgive me this undignified display of emotion. I challenge you, Mayumi-sama! I’ll create something new that supports the nobility, yet changes it to be better, more fit for us! You want to be entertained, well, let your friend entertain you to the bitter end!” turning to Kazumi, who was waiting with the other bodyguards, her expression concerned, she stood, forcing a smile.

“Come Kazumi! We must leave, I have much to do!”

And before Mayumi-sama or Sakura could answer her, she was off, her food untouched…




“Sorry Kazumi.” Hinata muttered, as she sat down in the nurses office that she had borrowed. “I got too worked up. I just thought that Mayumi-sama thought of me more than a toy. I hate this. Why can’t we be judged on our own merits? Grandfather is far more a man than many nobles who squander their wealth and ruin what they were given by their ancestors, even more so than the Takatsukasas. But no more.” She had decided.

“No, I’m going to grasp this chance. If the world as it is can’t give me what I want, then I’ll change it so it can! And the first step to that is winning over Akio. You’ll help me with that, Kazumi, right?”

“Are you sure?” Kazumi asked, looking troubled. “There are lots of other ways. Marriage is a big step, especially since he already has women.”

“So why do you dislike him so much?” Hinata asked, generally curious. “You’ve always been wary of him, more so that other men.”

“Isn’t it obvious? Other men have never entered your eyes. If he was an ordinary man, perhaps I’d give you my blessing, but as I said before, you’ll be one woman among many. Is that happiness?”

“Really?” Hinata smiled. “I sometimes forget that unlike most bodyguards, you don’t come from a noble background. I would rather have him to myself, true, but from birth we are accustomed to our fathers and brothers having concubines as a natural thing, to maintain the bloodlines. The thing is…” she tried to ignore the rumbling in her stomach, wishing she had managed to eat before her imperious exit. “… Shaeula, Mori-chan… Motoko-san too I guess. Even Sakura. I can match them, no, I’ll surpass them!” she was excited now, channelling the pain she was feeling into strength. “When Akio learns what I can do, what ideas I have, he’ll be begging for me to marry him! And with my support, we can form a true noble house, not one of the Fifty-Eight, that they can look down on, call fake, but one equal to any, even Ichijou or Fujiwara house! And then…” her expression changed, showing a yearning need for approval. “Mayumi-sama and I can be friends in truth, equals.”

“I look forward to that.” Kazumi said. “Seriously, if you tell me now you want this, not being forced into it by your family, then I’ll support you. I observed everyone closely in Nishimorioka. Shaeula likes you and would welcome you. But Mori-san, she’s the stumbling block. If you can win her over, then he will not refuse you. After all, you are very cute and clever, and what you bring to the table in terms of financial support is huge.”

“Less of that. I may bring money from my family, but it’s what I can do with it that matters. So, Kazumi, thanks.” she said, embarrassed. “I hope you see me as a friend too.”

There was an awkward silence. “You don’t?” her face fell.

“I do.” Kazumi admitted after a while. “But, you realise you treat me like Mayumi-sama sees you? You are kind to me, but you don’t really see me as an equal. Even you can’t step out of the noble mindset. I’m a bodyguard to you first.”

“Really?” Hinata was crestfallen, but after the hard discussion she had just had, she took a good look deep inside her feelings. “You’re right. I feel a bit ashamed. In my efforts to be respected, looked at as an equal, I’ve fell prey to what I hated. Well, no more.” she made up her mind. “Today Fukumoto Hinata is reborn! I apologise Kazumi, from how on, you are my friend, really! So as my friend, I ask you… help me!” she bowed, the first time she had ever displayed deference to her. “I want it all, honour, power, respect… and love. I thought I could only choose some, that I would have to make sacrifices, but maybe I really can have it all.”

And then they clasped hands, sealing the pact to work together, to try and break the foolish, closed-in world of the nobility from within, and rebuild it back better than ever before, the bad removed, and the good polished to a mirror sheen…

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