On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Chapter 257: One Hundred And Ninety-Eight

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Well, the nails are already starting to bite. To be honest I was a bit at a loss as the situation unfolded, and I couldn’t help feeling that I hadn’t exactly made a mistake, but that something had still gone very wrong and I couldn’t quite see how.

Hinata had finished her subtext-heavy and rather aggressive phone call with Eri, and her attention turned back to how she could help me. She was sitting close to me, our bodies almost touching, though her face was flushed, and Shaeula was on my other side. We sat at the antique table, champagne flowing, even Hinata drinking some, as we planned out how she could help us, her grandfather offering many useful suggestions, and mother-in-law... no, wait, it’s still Fukumoto-san or Kokoro-san, else I feel like I’ve given in already and this is inevitable. Although… it feels pretty inevitable. From what I remembered, Tyr had offered his hand to the wolf Fenrir to persuade him he wasn’t being tricked, and had lost it, though his sacrifice ultimately saved many. Seems like I’ve had to offer my heart instead, or maybe another body part. I just hope this doesn’t lead to it getting cut off too…

With that crude thought in my mind, I had turned my attention back to the proposals, Kokoro-san offering insight into the most powerful families of the nobility and how they might respond to our actions, and how we could make inroads. It isn’t like I thought of my gain when I accepted Hinata, I just got caught up in the moment, and seeing a girl who I knew, and reminded me at least a little of Eri, seeming so downhearted and depressed, knowing I could reach out a hand and help her smile again… damn, I’m such a fucking pushover. I thought I was toughening up!

On seeing my troubled face, Hinata had smiled consolingly at me, and at her happy expression my traitorous mind immediately started back-pedalling, happy feelings of relief that she had stopped crying rising within me. Damn it, if this was a battle against another Astral Emperor-candidate or the Wild Hunt, I’d stand there without fear, kicking ass. How is it that a girl younger than me and her family managed to persuade me when I’d already declined repeatedly? Are the tears of a pretty girl so deadly a weapon that even a Barghest would envy? It was at that moment I resolved to turn my rage on the Myconids who had seized the Spring of Clear reflections and take all my angst and self-loathing out on them. Their fate was sealed, being the foes who happened to be next on my agenda.

“What’s on your mind, Akio?” she asked, blushing a little at calling me by name again. At that her grandfather chuckled heartily, and even Onoue-san smiled, happy for her mistress. No, now she’s softened her stance towards me, maybe it should be Kazumi-san?

“Oh, well…” I trailed off, uncertain. Shaeula could read me well, so knew of my internal torment, smirking unsympathetically, but then, she had got what she wanted, so no wonder she was happy. Yeah, the nails in that bed definitely hurt. “I don’t want to put a damper on the mood, after all…” I swallowed. “… we did just get engaged. Though trust me, I’m in no hurry to rush forward with the wedding! I have a lot to do, and Hinata will want to finish school, and, well, never mind. It’s just I’m disappointed in myself. Don’t take this the wrong way, Hinata, you’re a nice girl, any man would be happy to marry you, I’m sure, and those nobles who won’t because of your status are clearly idiots not worth your time, but… I was resolved not to accept any more fiancées, and yet, here we are. I worry it’ll happen again and again. I’m feeling pathetic.”

“You sound pathetic too-too.” Shaeula whacked me on the head, not hard, but enough to show her displeasure. “I have told you, a male… no, not just a male.” She amended, thinking. “Any ruler, any male or female worth the following, they seize what they want-want. If it happens again, so be it.”

“Well, I’ll confess to being slightly offended.” Hinata pouted, but she only leaned closer, our shoulders brushing gently. “But I understand that is because you don’t love me yet. Before, I would have been happy with a loveless arranged union, if I was respected and I could prove myself. After all, that’s the way of the nobility.” She said bitterly. “It’s all Mayumi has to look forward to, and she doesn’t even understand what she is losing out on. Sakura too, that poor idiot. But I do. Now I want you to love me, and I want to love you! I’m a greedy girl, I want it all, everything under the sky I can grasp, no, everything under every sky we can grasp together.” Her smile was blinding, and it reminded me of the smile of Eri when I accepted her confession under the sun, or Shaeula, when Eri and her finally pressured me into accepting her love as well, as shitty as that made me feel. Yet at the time I was relieved too, that I was able to stop hurting Shaeula. I’d noticed her feelings, hell, she told me them often enough, but I pretended to play dumb, be indecisive… oh, I get it. The smile. Understanding dawned on me, though before I could fully articulate it to myself, Hinata continued.

“If it happens again, it happens. But!” she insisted, scowling at Shaeula, though she was still pretty, even doing that. “We need to make sure no unsuitable women enter his sights. He is too weak to women, definitely! I can’t say much about it, as my family and I took full advantage, but we, as his wives, need to make sure they have a good personality, and no problematic backgrounds.”

“I quite-quite agree.” Shaeula nodded. “As first wife, Eri should be dealing with such-such matters. I will support her of course, and would welcome your assistance. Motoko and Natsumi seem to be suitable, and…”

Nope, not listening to this. Really, I just want to see everyone around me smiling. Especially the girls. Ever since the dog attacked Eri and Aiko, I’ve always been scared of their tears. It was the same with Shiro. I couldn’t help but want to help her, seeing the shadow of sadness under her rotten personality. Though before I was only offering surface-level help, too scared of any intimacy. But now… now my heart has been opened up by Eri and Shaeula, letting people, girls, truly in, I can’t stop at just that. Yeah, if Tyr offered his hand freely, I guess I offer my heart. Wow, as my sister would say, that’s majorly lame. Not heroic at all.

Having finished their discussion, and me shaking my head at some of the names Shaeula had put forward, I decided to change the subject. “So, anyway, we can definitely expand in this direction, like you asked. I need to own the land though before ether density increases, which is going to be a problem…”

“No, there’ll be no problem. We’ll put it jointly in your and Hinata’s name.” her grandfather declared. “Since you are going to be married, right? You may complain, but if you couldn’t bear to break Hinata’s heart before, surely now when she is growing ever fonder of you, you’ll stick by her?”

“Of course, but if she ever decides she likes someone… ouch!” I wasn’t the only one who cried out. Hinata was rubbing at her fingers where she tried to pinch me, but only ended up hurting herself as I was too tough. Shaeula though, had whacked me hard, my head ringing.

“Foolish Akio. I hate-hate when you do that! It looks down-down on females too much, and yourself also! Hinata has decided, the wisest decision she has ever made, so do not-not insult her resolve!”

“That’s right!” she pouted, tears in her eyes as she shook her sore hand. I grabbed it then, and she let out a little noise, reddening, but all I was doing was channelling in aether to heal her. As the pain diminished, she brightened momentarily, before remembering she was mad. “Even if I was to ignore the fact I’d be a laughing stock and unmarriageable, bringing shame to Fukumoto house, if our engagement fell through, I told you! I want your love! I want Eri and Shaeula to approve of me as worthy to join you in the most exciting, important change the world has ever seen. Saying you’ll let me go hurts my pride! Don’t!”

As Shaeula approved her strong words I released her hand. “I get it. Sorry. To be honest, I’m still not that confident with women. I may have Eri and Shaeula, but it’s all happened so damn fast. I still haven’t been able to shake my doormat tendencies, it seems. Look.” I was serious now. “I still feel a bit sore I let you all talk me into this, but it’s my fault for not being able to ignore a girl who is suffering that only I can help. If you had other options in your marriage that could make you happy, well, I’d probably have been able to hold firm.” It was easy refusing Yae-san, I could have done that even if I wasn’t dating Eri at the time, she’s a normal girl looking for happiness, and I hope she finds it, but any good man can give her that… but it seems that I am the only real choice for Hinata that works. It doesn’t make me feel less shitty and less of a betrayer, but…

Shaeula hit me again. As I yelped, I met her eyes, and she grinned humourlessly. “Enough with the guilt. You have always-always made me happy, as you promised. Hinata is fun, she will help you, and Eri is not-not as opposed as you think. But… if it will set your mind at ease, I shall do it.” she pulled out her orange phone and called Eri.

“What now?” Eri answered, a bit peevishly. “I think we said everything that needed to be said. I’ll accept it, but I won’t lose!”

“Eri, Akio is wallowing in guilt and self-loathing, it is most-most annoying. I wish to help him, and you. So…” she took a deep breath. “You will not-not have to lose any of your time with Akio in the future. Hinata’s share, Motoko’s share… I shall give up my time. So long as Akio has some left for me I shall endure.” She sighed. “So, Akio. Put aside your sorrow. I shall not-not let Eri be disadvantaged.”

There was a grim silence from Eri, and then her voice echoed loudly, shrill and pissed off. “You’ll do what? No you won’t!” she declared. “I’m his first love, I’m his first kiss, I’m his first… woman! I don’t need your charity! I hate it, but ever since you came into our lives and I found out about this other reality, I knew this was coming! You think I’m not good enough for Akio to want to spend time with?”

“No-no, that was not-not my intention…” Shaeula said hurriedly.

“Well it sure sounds like it!” Eri snapped. “Akio, I know you can hear me! Yes, I’m frustrated, yes, I’m angry, yes I’m upset, but...” she took a deep breath. “… I accept this. If it’s what I have to endure to be with you, then I’ll endure it. Besides… I’m pissed off sure, but even now, talking, knowing you are listening, I’m still happy I get to do that. Compared to the empty void my life has been when you left Nishimorioka, even this anger is fun and fresh, it makes me feel alive.”

Damn, I’m tearing up. My girls, my girls are strong. Probably stronger than me, mentally, despite all my stats and gains.

“So no more crap, Shaeula. I’m the Dark Temptress, remember.” The way she said it, I could hear her blush. “I have to find what I want to do in life, and I want to do whatever lets me spend the most time with Akio! And right now that means learning to fight. So I will. And I’ll fight all of you too! So be warned, Hinata! I’ll not deny you your share, but I get mine first!”

“I accept your challenge, Eri!” Hinata declared back proudly, before Kokoro-san winked at me and plucked the phone out of a very surprised Shaeula’s hand.

“Oh hello, you must be Eri. I am Kokoro, Hinata’s mother. I was just thinking, that as a daughter of a most distinguished noble, who has been brought up expecting to manage other concubines and mistresses, as well as manage my husband and his secret … excursions…” At that, Minato-san stammered out some lame excuses to his daughter, about needing to show a good front to the nobility by acting in the same manner and a how a second woman was a status symbol every noble needs.

“Since I have experience, and will be part of your family, I’d be happy to advise you. else you won’t be able to keep my daughter in line.”

“Mother!” Hinata said, shocked, while Kazumi-san grinned and Fukumoto-san pounded his knee, guffawing.

“Well, isn’t this delightful. It’s been a long time I’ve seen everyone so energetic and happy. Look, grandson-in-law.” He said to me, deadly serious. “I get you feel like you should have held your ground. Maybe a strong man would have. But… isn’t this better? Look at the joy in the room. Even this Eri girl said it. She’s angry, but even in the anger, there’s happiness because she’s sharing it with you! So be proud, be bold, grab everything you can, and never lose that kindness, that willingness to sacrifice when it comes to making others happy. So long as it doesn’t put your own or their happiness at risk. I don’t need a martyr as a grandson! But if you think having our Hinata love you is a burden or a sacrifice, I’m not sure you’re going to make it in this cruel world. We just browbeat you into accepting the jackpot!”

“Oh, grandfather!” Hinata was embarrassed, hiding her face, but she looked overjoyed, and that did warm my traitorous chest.

“Anyway. Minato, don’t think we didn’t know about your dalliances. At least you had the good sense not to have any illegitimate children. You have to watch that.” He told me seriously. “Nothing causes worse trouble than that. Anyway, back to business. We know what land to secure, but how can we help you over there? We don’t know a lot about it, but it seems vitally important.”

I had been thinking on this myself, and had one idea, but it seemed impossible to achieve. Maybe not now though. “Okay, well, I do have one possibility. I need an area which has a lot of visitors, but few staff permanently there. Ideally, the visitors should stay for a few hours, and not come back for days or weeks. If I can gain ownership of such a place, I could set up a Material To Boundary Connection and drain a little aether and ether from them without causing any long-term effects to their health. A little ether from a vast number of people would soon mount up. Is there anywhere that could fit the bill?”

“Hmm, let me think…” Fukumoto-san mused, understanding my needs.

“Oh, and Hinata, that idea about healing foreign millionaires, it would be easy enough, I think, but we can’t let information leak out abroad any further, so it’s probably unwise, hey, why are you looking at me like that?” Her flat gaze gave me shivers, and for a moment I felt she really was my wife, and an annoyed one at that!

“Of course I know that, Akio!” she sniffed. “I’m not a fool, I’m an asset! If anything, I need to keep a firm hand on you three idiots. That time you approached us at that restaurant was risky, and offered a slim chance of gain, with a massive downside of risk. Well, your slim chance came up, and you won me…” she said proudly. “… but I’ll be coaching you both on how to manage confidential information. Look, it’ll work, we do it like this…”

As she outlined a pretty damn decent plan, I looked around me. Shaeula was happy, Eri was listening intently on the phone to an animated Kokoro-san, Minato-san was helping his father think of a suitable place for me to purchase, Kazumi-san was smiling… Shit, even I am starting to feel this isn’t so bad. Soft touch, pushover… fuck, yeah I totally am. But when it brings happiness to other good people, when nobody else can, and… my gaze softened as I looked at Hinata, resplendent in her kimono. It isn’t like I’m losing out, am I? Though now I have more to protect… I do have to shake this need to please people, especially girls who remind me of Eri and my sis, but for now… done is done. I’ll make the best of it, and together, we’ll change the nobility so girls like Hinata and Motoko-san no longer have to suffer. Then they won’t all need to come to me! Damn, I’m starting to get how Tyr feels, being relied upon too much!




“So what did you want to talk to me about this late?” Kana said, in the top-floor suite at the training school that was reserved for me. She was in her pyjamas, though she had put a dressing-gown over the top to make the short journey from the shrine.

“Well, I’m going to be away for a while, Shaeula too. Days at minimum, it might even stretch to weeks. It’s a big campaign.”

“I see.” She said softly. “It’s dangerous, right?”

“Well, yeah.” I agreed. “Although don’t worry. I’ve thought this through. The Fae think it’s impossible to win back this lost land, but I have advantages they don’t. I think that I can turn it from a Danger Rank S mission down to a D or E.”

“Danger Rank S?” Kana tilted her head, puzzled.

“Never mind. Otaku joke.” I grinned. “Anyway, I’m leaving you and Hinata in charge. You have the best chakra network now, and can see abnormalities. Train that gift and you might even evolve an Eye power like me or Shaeula. Hinata can deal with noble-related issues, and if you need money, Karen-chan has you covered.”

“Right, you can trust me. Hinata though, hmm?” she noticed my lack of honorifics, but I glossed over it, using what I had brought her here to see to distract her. I pointed to the large doll, Azuki.

“In case something goes terribly wrong that Hinata and Karen-chan can’t solve, come here and you can get in contact with us. Shaeula and I will rush back as best we can, though as there is quite a time differential and we might be in a warzone, it might take us a while.”

“Sure, it would be good not to be out of contact, but how can a doll help us with… by the kami, that doll is moving!” Kana leapt back in shock as Azuki turned her head, joints creaking.

“Oh, hello master.” She greeted me. “The princess told me to come here.”

“The doll is talking too!” Kana pointed. “No, wait, I know Shaeula, this shouldn’t scare or shock me! Whoa, that’s incredible!” With her newly-increased Resilience, Kana overcame the shock quickly. Kneeling down, she looked at Azuki, face delighted. “This is so cute! I want one!” she picked up Azuki and hugged her.

“Hey, put me down, I’m not a doll, I’m a Zashiki-Warashi! I’m Azuki!”

As Azuki struggled, I continued, amused. “Azuki can function here by possessing the doll, so long as there’s ether, and the density is highest here. So if you need to get in touch with us, Azuki can travel back to the Boundary and get someone to fetch us.”

“Right, I get it. So, well, can I show Marika-chan and my friends this?” Kana asked, grinning. “They’ll find her super cute, just like I do! It’ll help their motivation too!”

“Fine.” I sighed. “So long as they keep it secret. I trust Marika-san, but your friends…”

You are reading story On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor at novel35.com

“Nah, they are good girls, they’ll be fine. If not I’ll take responsibility!” Kana promised.

“Great, well in that case, I’m off to war. Wish me luck!”

“I’ll wait for your return, just like a wife seeing off her soldier husband!” she teased me, and at the term wife I remembered Hinata. Luckily I managed to show none of that on my face, merely waving farewell and heading to another room to enter the Boundary…




On my return to the Boundary I was greeted with Ixitt, and surprisingly, a stern, concerned-looking Ulfuric.

“He wants to talk to you.” Ixitt smiled, lashing his tail. “He’s worried about the planned reclamation and the safety of you and the princess. Please set his mind at rest. Speaking of the princess…” Ixitt’s smile turned gleeful. “She is getting ready as we speak, to demonstrate the equipment. Such ingenious ideas. I had never thought of using our materials that way, and the use of powdered bluesteel… it is the act of a brilliant mind! Oh how I long to walk the mortal realm like the princess does…” as Ixitt went off into paroxysms of joy regarding the armour and devices I had him make, I motioned for Ulfuric to speak.

“So, are you sure about this?” he asked. “The very air of the forest around the Spring is death. Seeds on the wind, and these smaller spores, as Ixitt tells me you call them. How can you survive such? Even if you have protective equipment, you will have to battle many foes. Damage is inevitable, and then… death.”

“Yeah, I can truly see why the Fae consider the forest unconquerable. But I don’t believe so. I need to run a few tests first, but assuming Ixitt got everything I need up and running, we don’t have to fear the spores and seeds, just combat, and let’s be honest. With Grulgor, Shaeula and me all fighting, I pity the fools who try and stop us. Still, I plan to dedicate significant time to this, we’ll wear them down, make gains, push slowly… until the Spring is ours once more. As for gear damage, we have ways around that too. Feel free to come and watch.”

“I trust your faith is not misplaced.” He put a heavy paw on my shoulder, and even with my high stats the pressure was intense, though I resisted, meeting his eyes calmly. At that he rumbled his approval.

“Putting myself at risk is one thing. Shaeula is quite another. Trust me.” I declared boldly.

With that done, we reached Ixitt’s laboratory. A dozen kobolds were standing there, though they were from the Spawning Spire. Experiments on living beings is beyond what I can countenance, even if Kin Restoration would bring them back. Luckily the kobolds, while not having an aversion to the Degraded Kobolds like Shaeula does, they also don’t think they are real kobolds, which they pretty much aren’t. So I can use these up… stings my conscience a bit, but to safeguard Shaeula and the others, I can do it!

Grulgor was also there, restlessly pacing, as well as Hyacinth, who when she saw me rushed over eagerly like an excitable puppy, trying to foist some of her fruit juice on me, which I accepted, taking a cool drink.

“She should be out in a minute.” Ixitt grinned. He pointed out some large barrels. “The barrier sealant you asked for. The recipe is quite different I imagine, but the effect is what you need. I have the other supplies prepared too, but they have already been moved to the mansion.”

“Great, and the rest?”

“Inside. Waiting. Now, allow the princess to shock you with her new appearance!” Ixitt shouted, and that was her cue to step out of the changing facilities that had been erected. I couldn’t help but whistle at the sight. Yeah, that’s a whole new fetish I didn’t know I had. Still, looking good!

She was wearing a gasmask, eye-covering goggles with high angle of view, a black hood that could cover her exposed skin, and a skin-tight rubber-esque suit, with a single zip down the front. The zip itself was glimmering wetly, as it had been coated in the sealant to prevent any spores entering.

Shaeula in Bio-war gear

“So, what do you think?” Shaeula spun around, and I grinned.

“Yeah, okay that’s hot. Remind me to get you one in the Material too.”

“Oh, you!” Shaeula grinned, the small hints of skin I could see under her mask, which were also glimmering with cream, turned pink.

“You think you can fight in it?” I asked, and she nodded.

“It is very-very tight, and I expect it would be rather uncomfortable, but the wind energy circulating through is quite-quite cooling.”

“Great, so that works too. I guess Bjarki helped with the bluesteel wiring?”

“I did tooo!” Hyacinth went fishing for praise. “I sewed the undershirts! Anything for master!”

“Good job!” I patted her head, causing her to mewl with joy. At the amused snort of Shaeula, I turned back to Ixitt. “What about the vacuum?”

“Bjarki should be putting the finishing touches to it now.” Ixitt lashed his tail more rapidly, eager to see it in action. “The glass flask was harder to make than I expected, it being so large, but we managed. It will need constant elemental wind to function, but…” looking at Shaeula and I he grinned. “… with the two of you, we should have no shortage.”

Yeah, especially since my heart and lunar chakras both ranked up, I’m flush with it, and we can finally pull reserves from the Elemental Silos in the Territory again. Assuming the tests go well, I know we can do this!

“Grul wants to know when we fight! Grul hears promise of destroying many foes!” Grulgor complained.

“Fine. Ixitt, you help Grulgor gear up, then do yourself. Shaeula, help Hyacinth. I’ll go see master Bjarki and then I’ll also get ready.”

“Come with me, foolish servant.” Shaeula dragged Hyacinth away, while Ixitt ushered Grulgor inside. It was then I entered the workshop of the Dvergr for the first time, amazed at how tidy it was. There were forges, sure, giving off intense heat, and crucibles of steaming, molten dwarven iron and steel. There were also anvils and other tools, but they were all neatly placed, as were the racks of weapons and armour, including five sets of very distinct chainmail armours with extremely fine rings, in various sizes from petite to colossal, which were obviously for our party.

“So, it’n be the slavedriver that had me’n Ixitt working all hours t’finish all these items. I be needing a break.” The Dvergr turned, wiping sweat from his brow.

“Sorry about that. But I’m keen to get cracking. After this you’ll be free to do what you want for a while. I love what you’ve done with the place, by the way. Very tidy!”

“There be nae winning me around with yer fancy compliments. Just take a look. It’n be what you wanted, right?” Bjarki pulled down a strange device. It looked like a long pipe with a series of fine mesh grates over the entrance, which led to a half-metre across flask with a complicated two-way valve I was amazed they were able to make, based on my shallow description. My Eye flared amber, and I grinned as I read the description.

“Yeah, it’s damn perfect. With this and Hyacinth… well, I’m even more confident we can win now. Thanks again.” I offered the dwarf my hand for a shake, only to find he had placed a pair of blades there. I looked puzzled, and he only shrugged.

“I could nae send the consort of t’princess out t’battle without his swords, could I?” he looked a bit embarrassed, and I pegged him as tsundere as well. Seriously, male tsundere aren’t popular, never mind bearded dwarf ones. That’s too niche a market.

“Whoa…” I gasped in shock as my eyes read the item details.

The Twin Fangs Of Rending – Item Class: [Noble], Item Type: [Rule]

A matched pair of dwarven-steel blades, made by the renowned Dvergr craftsman Bjarki, by melting down the previous blades, one broken and tainted by the spatial element, the other angry and undefeated. As the swords were reforged from the metal, the spatial element was strengthened at the expense of sublimating the bluesteel into the dwarven alloy. The ability to store and use elements was lost, but instead the blade draws in ether from the surroundings and aether from the user, enabling the blades to bypass most defences by slicing the intervening space.

“This’n be a happy stroke of fortune. The blades, they’n wanted, nay, needed t’be made. They hunger to prove themselves. They’n rank among the best swords I ever made.” He paused then. “So y’better not let the princess come t’harm. Else Ulfuric, he’n will strangle you t’death! Swing t’Fangs and crush your enemies!”

“You have my word. So long as I and these blades remain unbroken, no harm will come to Shaeula. Thanks. I love them. And I’ll do them justice.” I guess the ability to use some power from multiple elements like the bluesteel can is a Foundation, while a single strong element like spatial is a Rule? Makes sense, I guess. It does sound more powerful.

As the dwarf waved me off, still embarrassed, I belted on the swords and grabbed the chainmail, hauling them out, only to be greeted by a wonderful and terrible sight. Shaeula and Hyacinth were looking alluring and gorgeous in the tight armour, but the hulk that was Grulgor… Gods, where did my sister say she put that brain bleach? I think I need some now…

“All right.” I grinned. “Chainmail goes on over the top to protect the under-armour which blocks the enemy biological terrorism.” At my turn of phrase only Shaeula seemed to get it. Ixitt looked as if he had some idea and was excited by it. “Grulgor, you carry the barrels. Hyacinth, take this.” I passed her the vacuum. “I’m going to gear myself up, then… the Spring of Clear Reflections it is. In the name of the Seelie Court and Princess Shaeula Tu Shae Dannan, we are reclaiming it!”




“Well, here we are.” Like everyone else, I was now wearing a comfortable sewn underlayer of thin cloth, with fine bluesteel wires sewn within that we could charge with wind to keep cool, and do other things in an emergency. Above that was the skin-tight rubber-style suit, and over that a heavy layer of protective chainmail. As the weakest of us physically, Ixitt and Hyacinth had lighter chainmail, but as they were backline support it was fine. I had also greased up with the slimy barrier fluid on the zips and my face and neck, as while the hood, gasmask and goggles covered everything, there was no point taking chances.

Ahead of us stretched the Fae Stone boundary, and the grasslands that separated us from the pestilent forest. My Eyes confirmed that the Myconid Death Spores were still blowing everywhere, so our preparation was not in vain.

“All right. Time for the first test.” We waited by the Fae Stones. “In you go.” I said, and the first kobold shuffled out across the boundary and reached the edge of the fungal forest. It paused for a moment, but did not encounter any resistance.

“No Territory barrier I see. That’s a good thing.” I noted.

“I suspect the vile creature that dwells at the heart of the Spring wishes foolhardy intruders to attempt an invasion.” Shaeula posited, her eyes shining as she watched the mindless Degraded Kobold advance. “After all-all, these plant creatures must need… fertiliser.” She spat, as the Kobold suddenly erupted with growths, vines, mushrooms and other tendrils of plant matter bursting out of it as it died soundlessly, scattering away to ether, leaving behind a husk.

“It seems so.” I agreed. “All right then… number two, you are a go!” at my words the next Degraded Kobold shuffled out, ready for our second probing test…

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