On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Chapter 265: Side Sixty-Four – Fukumoto Hinata

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“… so not all of the older shrines remain what we would consider true.” Their young lecturer was saying, their usual teacher behind her, nodding along, interested, though she doubtless had little idea of the importance of these lectures, merely taking the special classes as another whim of the powers behind the school, the Three Grandfathers.

Kudou Shiori. Apparently the granddaughter of a major shrine and faction leader in Kyoto. “Many old families were lost during the long centuries. The Warring States Era was particularly bad, and the Great War also claimed many shrine families. So not every old shrine is necessarily one that respects the old ways.” She continued. “In addition, some shrines were destroyed in their entirety, so if the family that worshipped the kami survived this, they would move to a newly-built shrine and continue their worship.”

This is quite interesting. I have made sure to speak to Kana, Ren and those twins, as well as Kana’s father, Izumi-san, over the last few days. I think I have a picture of how the Shrines work and the influence they hold. Still, I’m not satisfied… Hinata continued to pay attention, as she was a noble, and all noble girls were taught to be attentive and proper at all times. It was hard to suppress a grin though. I have a lot on my mind, it can’t be helped! After all, her grandfather was running about with new energy and zest for life, throwing himself into research. He’s really taken a liking to Akio. I’m happy!

Hinata too, had been busy. Her training at the shrine was hard, and she still hadn’t truly grasped the techniques, unlike Kana, who had been walking around with a very smug smile on her face the last few days. But more fulfilling were her ideas on how to earn the things Akio needed most of all right now. Money, influence and connections. He needs them all, and enough that Fujiwara-sama and Ichijou-sama can’t exploit him one-sidedly.

Still, there was one person who wasn’t paying attention to the lecture Kudou-sensei was delivering nervously, which was quite unlike her. Her cousin Sakura had been glancing at her all morning, seemingly desperate to say something, and Hinata knew what it would be about. The announcement went out to the Fifty-Eight and the Three-Hundred last night, after the three Grandfathers gave their consent. All marriages of the nobility had to be approved by them. It was largely a formality, especially for the Three-Hundred, but there had been occasions when families had called off proposed pairings at their advice. Though I doubt I would have consented to that, had they stood in my way. No, this is my stand against the nobility, my time to show them disregarding me, my family, is foolish!

As the special class wound its way to the end, Kudou-sensei looked relieved. It must have been tough for her, having to teach a class of noble girls the same age as her, so Hinata sympathised with her. Still, when their usual teacher asked if there were any questions, Hinata showed no mercy and put her hand up. Sorry, but I need third-party confirmation of the information I‘ve gathered.

“Yes, Hiroto-san?” the teacher asked, and Kudou-sensei looked nervous, awaiting the question.

“I was wondering something, if I may ask? You touched briefly on factions within the shrines.” Hinata began. “I was wondering, just as an example, which faction would Hikawa-Kawagoe shrine be in?”

Relieved that the question was easy, Kudou-sensei smiled. “An interesting question. As befits a shrine that worships Susanoo-no-Mikoto and his family, it is Susanoo faction, with quite the significant influence.” She then went on to detail some other Susanoo faction shrines, including the faction-leading shrine of Kiyomizu-dera in Kyoto.

So, Ren and the twins were right. Their shrine is influential, and worse, Akio is providing them a lot of aid, with only some nebulous promises of the same in return. I understand they have obligations to their faction, the nobility is no different, but I need to find a way to bind them more strongly to Akio and his cause.

She listened carefully as Kudou-sensei went over the leadership of the three factions. “… and Amaterasu faction has technically the most influential shrine of all, the Grand Shrine at Ise, which is always led by a daughter of the Imperial family, but just like the nobility and the shrines don’t interfere with each other, Ise Grand Shrine also remains separate from factional disputes.”

“Thank you.” Hinata said as the explanation finished. “That was very helpful, Kudou-sensei.”

“No, Thank you.” She said in relief, only to pause as Hinata continued, asking another question.

“Though I don’t quite understand. Everyone here knows why we are taking these special classes, right?” Hinata looked around, and her classmates nodded, even Sakura, though she looked troubled. “In that case, just like the nobility has come together, the shrines should too. Infighting right now makes no sense. After all…” Hinata puffed out her chest proudly. “… if we don’t seize control of the new order, we’ll be left behind.”

“Well, uh… ah…” Kudou-sensei stammered, unsure of how to answer.

“Hinata! Don’t criticise our teacher!” Sakura stood suddenly. “She has kindly come to teach us, and you may not be aware of the circumstances of faith. Even my father and grandfather keep their distance from the shrines and temples, grandfather would speak to Takakura-sama if he needed to intercede in any religious matters.”

“I see. My apologies. I was just a little frustrated.” Hinata shrugged off her cousins’ criticism with a polite laugh. “After all, I am starting to see more of matters of faith, such as Hikawa-Kawagoe, and I must admit to being rather confused at their lack of urgency. After all, matters of divinity should be their purview, no?”

“True, but…” Kudou-sensei began, only for the ringing bell to indicate it was lunchtime. Relieved, Kudou-sensei ended the class, practically darting out of the classroom. As that happened, Sakura rose, coming over to her table, expression complicated.

“Hinata, you really shouldn’t upset our volunteer teacher like that.” She chided. “Fujiwara-sama himself requested her to help educate us, so we should be thankful.”

A perfect student as ever I see. “Look, I’m not trying to be mean to her.” She struggled to hold in a sigh, as talking to her cousin was always fraught for her. “I have serious questions I want answers to. I’ve been able to get information from various shrines, but getting another perspective is vital. Matters are too important to me to make a misstep.”

“I see. Well, just try and be kinder.” Sakura said after mulling that over. “So, I heard. Your engagement, I mean. The rumours it was coming, but are you happy? I know you wanted to marry into higher nobility.” She left it unsaid that such was never going to happen.

You can’t help but worry for me, even if I disappoint you? Such a complicated feeling. “Don’t worry.” Hinata smiled brightly. “I know that originally the plan was to offer engagement to Akio so that he is tied to the nobility. But after spending some time with him I decided it was actually what I wanted, for other reasons than noble pride or raising my status. I intend to stand at his side as he reaches the top of this world. And you know what, cousin Sakura?” Hinata couldn’t help but grin, all her earlier feelings of excitement coming back, plans whirling around her head. “I’ve never been happier. Sometimes I surprise myself! Everything happened so fast, but as we discussed in our new theology class, the world has changed. I’m staking everything on Akio. And it won’t be just me. There’s something about him, that attracts people to him, people who want to see the world he sees at the end of this journey.” Her smile turned impish. “Motoko-san too, she’s become mesmerised by the world he represents. She’s still hesitating, but I imagine now I’ve been announced as his fiancée, she’ll make her move. By the way, Sakura…”

“Yes?” she asked, trying to understand Hinata’s enthusiasm.

“It’s a shame, isn’t it? You would have been the perfect bride to tie him firmly into the nobility, and his growing influence could have shored up Takatsukasa house. I had suspected Fujiwara-sama intended that, but… well, too late.” Sorry Sakura. I have no intention of giving him to you. Besides, the more I learn, the more I realise he has more worth than simply propping up Takatsukasa house.

“I… no. No such plans were ever made, I assure you!” Sakura blushed, and for a moment Hinata felt sorry for her. “I’m a daughter of Takatsukasa, I’ll be marrying into a suitably noble house.” She protested.

“Sure you will.” Hinata agreed. “Just like my mother did, right?” Before Sakura could answer that, Hinata shook her head. “Come on, we should go to lunch. Our bodyguards will be worrying.” And with that, she left the classroom, Sakura following behind, her expression downcast…




“So, how was your theology class?” Kazumi asked her, and Hinata shrugged, taking the plate of food her bodyguard had brought her.

“Interesting, but also disappointing. The shrines seem united at first glance, but they are even more fractured than the nobility. I see we are going to have to take a firm hand with them to get them to fall in line behind Akio.”

Kazumi smiled fondly, and Hinata cocked her head. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

“I’m just surprised.” Kazumi replied. “You seem really into this. Into him. I mean, I guess I get it. You don’t have much exposure to men, none of you noble girls do, so the first good one you were exposed to was bound to capture your locked-away heart. Even so, you are taking it further than I expected you would.”

“Do you not approve?” Hinata asked, but her bodyguard simply shook her head as they headed for an open table. She could feel the eyes of everyone on her and hear whispers around her. It makes sense. Everyone will know I’m engaged now, marriages are the biggest concern and topic of conversation for all of us noble daughters.

“I wouldn’t say that.” Kazumi disagreed. “I’ve been observing him and those around him, wary. He seems a genuinely good guy, as far as I can tell. I think he’d try to make you happy, definitely. Maybe it’s even a better match than you could have hoped for. I just worry. His world is definitely a dangerous… huh.” Kazumi stopped suddenly, and Hinata nearly ran into her.

“My apologies for such an impertinent intrusion.” The girl who had appeared in front of them suddenly said, her deep red scarf somehow blowing behind her, despite there being no breeze indoors. She was wearing the school uniform, but the lower part of her face was covered with a mask, and her dark eyes were observant, taking in everything around her. “But I must pass on an invitation from my great mistress. Here.” She bowed gracefully, though her footwork was exquisite, always ready to move at any point. Her hands held a delicate white envelope, with fine handwriting, close to calligraphy, reading “Fukumoto Hinata and Oshiro Moonstone Akio.”.

Koga Michiru, a ninja?

That’s one of the ninja sisters, right? Fujiwara Miyu-sama’s bodyguard, right? I think her name was Koga Michiru, right? She looked to the table nearby, where Miyu-sama was sitting elegantly. She was older than Hinata, but somehow seemed younger, probably as she was delicate and had a timid personality, very surprising for a daughter of the Fujiwara house, and quite unlike her younger sister Honoka-sama.

Kazumi took the envelope and after a quick check, handed it to Hinata, who slid it open.

“My mistress hopes you can attend with your new fiancé. She is quite curious about many things.” Michiru declared grandly, before darting back to her table, dropping in beside Miyu-sama, who, her invite having been delivered, looked away.

The contents was an invitation to a small social gathering at Miyu-sama’s house next weekend. That’s… shocking. Miyu-sama doesn’t socialise with anyone but her bodyguard. I hear when she does her traditional dance performances she manages to say a few words to the other dancers, but even so… Hinata couldn’t work out why Miyu-sama would reach out to her, but one thing was for certain. There’s no refusing. Not from a daughter of Fujiwara-sama. My only worry is… “Kazumi, it’s been a few days. Do you think Akio and Shaeula are okay? I know they are doing something dangerous.”

Before Kazumi could answer, she noticed Mayumi waving her over, her bodyguard in her customary male version of the school unform beside her as ever. So, am I actually going to get to eat any lunch? Hinata sighed inside, her feelings still very raw and complex towards Mayumi, the girl she admired more than any other noble, yet the one who didn’t respect her. No, there’s no point being down about it. After all, I will win in the end.

“Come, Kazumi.” Hinata said boldly, striding over confidently, setting down her plate and taking a seat. Kazumi followed, sitting next to her. “Mayumi-sama.” Hinata said, still keeping up appearances, though in her head she was just Mayumi now.

“Hinata. I see you look more composed.” Mayumi smiled warmly. “After our last… disagreement… I had the feeling you were avoiding me. I was disappointed, as without you, who will tell me what they really think?” She took a delicate mouthful of the spaghetti dish in front of her. Hinata took that moment to take a bite of her own quiche. Swallowing hastily, she dabbed at her lips. Typical Mayumi. Queen of the school. She cut me down like I was nothing, and it was merely a disagreement. Oh well, it hurt me at the time, and I shamed myself in front of everyone. But I do have my pride.

“Yes, I let myself show you a shameful side of me. I apologise.” Hinata said placidly.

“I understand, think nothing of it. Noble poise seldom comes naturally to those not born to it.” Mayumi said, and Hinata felt blood in her mouth as she bit down her annoyance. Even so, Mayumi continued. “I expect your engagement was on your mind as well? My grandfather received the missive last night. It’s a bold move, but it does have some merits, I suppose.” She continued to eat her spaghetti with small, delicate movements.

“Some merits, you say?” Hinata felt the urge to burst into tears again, as Mayumi made her feelings plain on her choices, but at the taste of iron in her mouth she held firm, remembering her grandfather, healed and dancing a jig without his stick, father and mother happily discussing her engagement, Akio smiling at her warmly… I shouldn’t get angry at her. Really. It’s hard but it isn’t entirely her fault. She doesn’t know any better. None of the noble daughters do. Even Motoko-san, who is the most grounded of them all, only believes in her family arts. Besides, I do still like her, and I want her to finally respect me, to be a friend in truth. She’s a beautiful force of nature, changing her would ruin what makes her special.  “I’d say I couldn’t be happier. There’s more to nobility than what we are taught. Besides, Akio is quite the catch.” She boasted. “Fukumoto house will take its place amongst the Fifty-Eight in truth, and Oshiro house will top them all!” she declared, much to the amusement of Mayumi.

“I see. Well, it’s good to have hope. But pedigree, history, prestige… these will not be overturned. In a few generations, maybe, but…”

“Pardon for my interruption, Mayumi-sama, but every house, even Fujiwara, Ichijou and Takatsukasa, they started somewhere. And not every daughter and son of even the grandest houses married well, no?”

“Well yes.” Mayumi conceded.

“So, you’ve been taking the theology classes, right? No, I expect you even have private tutors too.”

“Right. The oldest Takakura sister from their branch family has been talking me through it. And grandfather gives me reports on these chosen of the kami. It’s very interesting, but they’ll never exceed the nobility. We are the ones that preserve the soul of Japan. Besides, your fiancé isn’t the only one. Ichijou house has unearthed a couple ourselves, and there are others. I’m sure he’s adequate, Hinata, don’t glare at me like that.”

You are reading story On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor at novel35.com

Am I glaring? Really? Hinata smoothed her features. “Well, forgive me if I proclaim the fiancé I chose as the best of them. But why take my word for it? We’ll show everyone by our actions. Maybe I’ll introduce you, so you can see what you are missing.”

“I think not. I do not entertain men around our age. It’s improper for an Ichijou daughter. Speaking of… it was unusual for Miyu-san to reach out. You aren’t thinking of abandoning me and going under her umbrella are you? I’d miss our conversations, and I don’t think a timid girl like Miyu-san would suit you.. Who else can I talk to about business and fashion? Speaking of, the stocks I invested in have shown decent gains as usual. How is your portfolio doing, I remember you planned to invest in…”

Mayumi has no shame at all. I don’t even think she can be ashamed or sorry. After all, the world bends to her, it always has. But bring on your foils to Akio, your chosen. As Hinata answered Mayumi earnestly, honestly enjoying talking about business as usual, she finished her quiche, glad she actually got to have some lunch. With my support, Akio will show you and all the nobles just who is fit to inherit the mantle of this new world… after all, as he said to me, we make our own way!




“This really is a pain. Are you making any progress, Hinata?” Her brother Hiroto asked her, frowning. Though at least he showed up almost all this week. and it seems I wronged him. Her mother had told her that Hiroto hadn’t been playing around the day he was absent, but advising them on the best way to win over Akio. I’m grateful for that. I guess even my brother could see I was attracted to him. I tried to deny it to myself, but in the end I’m glad I admitted it. I’m eager to get started on our plan for total domination of Tokyo!

“Sadly I’m still struggling. But I hear it took Aiko weeks to master this too.” No point using honorifics for her now, she’ll be my sister-in-law, and is a rather entertaining one at that. “We can’t all be lucky like her.” Hinata gestured to Kana, who was leading the session, as annoyingly smug as she had been all week. As if saying that summoned her, Kana came over, smiling.

“How is it going? I know it isn’t easy. Even I’m only just there.” She tossed her head, chest shaking in her red and white hakama, and Hinata sourly noted the impressive size. I mean mine isn’t small by any means, but for a Japanese girl Kana is huge. I wonder what Akio likes? Shaeula is petite, but Eri is quite large surprisingly, though she often hides it in baggy cardigans and jumpers.

“I feel some small prickling, but nothing intense.” Hinata answered, willing to put aside her pride if she could get help. After all, from what she gathered, growing this ability wouldn’t just empower her, but allow her to access the strange land Akio went to. His descriptions are decent enough, but if I could see it, I’d know how we could exploit it. “It’s a shame. I do so want to be of help to Akio as soon as possible.”

“I’ve noticed that recently.” Kana said, having made up her mind about something, seemingly. “You’ve been calling him Akio for a few days now. and your tone…”

“Well it’s only natural. After all he is my fiancé, you know.” She said smugly, and for a minute Kana froze, face flushed, before she answered, her voice strangled.

“You too? Well shit.” She swore, unusual for her. “That’s three now. He’s definitely going to end up in Hell, or Yomi, or wherever cheaters end up. I didn’t see that coming.” She crossed her arms under her ample chest, thinking.

“I’d say she’s jealous, sis.” Hiroto said, not being subtle about eyeing Kana’s ample assets. Hinata elbowed him in the ribs, bringing a noise of protest from him. Though I don’t disagree. Still, in a way I’m jealous of her.

“Don’t mind my brother. When he talks to a pretty girl his IQ seems to drop two-dozen points. But, yes, well… it wasn’t exactly how I saw my engagement going, even a few weeks ago, but I don’t regret anything. Besides, Akio needs us all, I think. Shaeula fights beside him and has knowledge of the world he found himself in. Eri is his anchor to his past and his conscience, the childhood friend he swore to protect. And I… well, I’ll manage his affairs, prevent him making dumb mistakes dealing with those in power, as well as making him as much money as he needs!”

Men of power always attract women. It can’t be helped. Mayumi’s grandfather and father were the same. But I’ll not let worthless, bad women drag him down or steal time from those of us who matter. On that Eri and I agree. Managing Shaeula is key to that, I think… as for the others… She looked over at the meditating Motoko-san and Natsumi. They were making quicker progress, probably because their family arts had mediation techniques. It was frustrating, but she was ahead of them in being engaged at least. Motoko-san finally decided to speak to her father and grandfather. She remembered their earlier conversation, and Motoko-san, no Motoko now, had gathered her resolve. I’ve paved the path for you, so if you can’t win him over now, it isn’t meant to be. Motoko would offer support from nobility and access to the military through her father and grandfather. Besides, she would make an ideal noble wife. Natsumi was a bit of a throw-in, but she was pretty, eager to fight and would never wish to leave Motoko, so it couldn’t be helped. But what of the girl in front of her?

“So, be honest with me. You like Akio too, right?” Hinata asked, and Kana flushed.

“Sure I like Akio. He saved me from a fate worse than death, even if it was mostly his fault I ended up in that situation in the first place. He’s brought prosperity to my shrine and family, and even helped me appreciate gifts I’ve long thought worthless. And he’s the first man to…” she trailed off, bright crimson, before shaking her head, long black hair dancing. “Enough of that! It doesn’t matter whether or not I like him, does it? Besides, I don’t have anything to offer.”

“I wouldn’t say that, but it’s hardly like I want more rivals. You have the gift of seeing the mystical, and also reading emotions and thoughts, right?”

“The seeing I can control now.” Kana admitted. Behind them several of the girls and Kana’s father, who was the oldest one there training, had all stopped to listen in. “It’s even easier since Akio says he made the foundation of my chakra network perfect. In fact, I can collect energy so much easier than before. I think I’m almost at the stage of being able to enter the other world, but he told us to not try that until he got back. Where the hell is he?” she pouted. “As for the thoughts and feelings, it's rare, but it happens more frequently now.”

“That’s quite a gift. In business that gift would allow me to dominate, make profit without fail. And why did you get your network perfected? I’m his fiancée, I should have been his first pick.”

“Now who’s jealous?” Kana smirked. “It hurt a bit and still feels uncomfortable, but yeah… when he comes back everyone should get the Chirurgery, as he calls it.” Kana raised her voice, and Ren winced, remembering his own suffering.

“Fine. That reminds me…” This is a good time. The announcement to my engagement is official, and I may not have known Akio long, but one thing I’m sure of is that he won’t disgrace me by backing out now, so I can start acting as his wife, looking after his interests. “Can everyone gather around please? I have an announcement to make.”

“Really, Hinata?” Hiroto said, and she elbowed him again.

As everyone gathered around them, she straightened up, standing as proud as she could in the red and white shrine clothing she wore during the training. When everyone was giving her their full attention she smiled, acting her most regal. “There may be some rumours going around, but yes, it’s true. I have been lucky enough to be accepted as Akio’s third wife. Now, sure, there may be some legal complications, but that is for us to worry about.”

“My congratulations. To be accepted by Akio-sama is a great thing.” Marika said politely, and Hinata smiled at her charming manners that were fit for a much older girl. Keomi offered loud congratulations too, as did Kana’s friends. Some, like the plain, shy girl who always said little, looked confused, but Hinata paid her little mind.

“Yes, and I intend to be a supportive wife, one who Akio can be proud of, that looks after his interests. To that end…” she took a deep breath. This is important. It’s the first step to stop information leaks and head off potential backstabbing. I hate that the shrines here are offering him such lukewarm support when he is giving them so much! “… I need to reiterate just what an opportunity Akio is offering everyone here. Some of you had little choice in the matter…” she looked at the Kikuchi girl from a technically hostile shrine, from what she could gather from the theology classes, as well as the shy girl who Shaeula had dragged in. “… but if you sincerely wish to leave, I’ll make it happen. I don’t want unwilling allies. Just know, if you are out, you bury everything in your hearts about what you know and what happened here. if you betray us, I’ll destroy you!” She warned. At that a muted buzz went around the room.

“As for those of you who remain, especially our friends from the shrines…” she declared. “… I understand you have your obligations. My family is noble so we too have our share of those. But do not think you can deny Akio fair compensation for what he is giving you. I want you to tell your parents, your shrines, to support him to the full extent you can. And if you do, I promise to make sure everyone is suitably rewarded. There will be those who come seeking to damage us, offering you wealth, power, whatever you want, if only you’d betray us...” she warned. “Just remember… when that happens, you come to Akio or me! If it’s wealth, we have more, power, well, who can offer more than this?” She spread her arms. “Cross us at your peril! I don’t want Akio’s heart wounded by betrayal.”

“That’s… surprisingly kind of you.” Kana said, impressed despite herself. “Scary too.” And several others agreed, though Kazumi, who had again been watching over her, clicked her tongue threateningly at some of the young men who seemed rather taken with her noble countenance as she declared her intent.

“Well, I’m a noble daughter, raised to support her husband.” She said, before smiling, a surprisingly beautiful grin that once more stole the hearts of the boys present and also a couple of the girls. “Besides, I’ve found what I want to do, who I want to love. Something I never thought would be mine. You too, right, Motoko, Natsumi?” At that, the two flushed, looking away.

“I find your sentiments admirable.” Kana’s father said. “Shirohebizumi shrine will fully support his cause. I believe with the results shown here, we can convince the entire faction to back Akio-san. Right, Ren-san?”

“I guess. My father does have to offer his aid to Kiyomizu-dera, as is proper. Though we intend to push Akio-san and his merits. At the very least, we expect him to have a greatly influential voice.”

“See that you do.” Hinata declared. “Now, I’ve said all I need to. Everyone should get back to training. Sorry Kana.” She smiled at her. “Now if only Akio was back. I’m a bit worried, and I received an invitation for next weekend he simply can’t miss.”

“Well, about that…” Kana said, leaning in close, and Hinata listened, surprised…




“So, this doll can communicate with Akio?” Hinata asked, fascinated. Behind her, Kana had brought her friends and several other girls, including Keomi and Marika. “How does that work? And needless to say, nobody talks about this, right?” she reiterated her previous warnings. Information leaks will no longer be tolerated!

Kana giggled. “Azuki, are you there?” She asked, and moments later the doll moved, eyes shining ruby red. Joints creaked and it stood, stretching, wiping dust from its dress.

“Amazing!” Keomi gasped, and several other girls echoed her.

“It’s just too cute, I want one!” the girl, Mio said, and her friend Asami echoed her. Even the shy girl, Hisano, was entranced by her.

“You called me for this? Ugh, annoying!” The doll complained. “Master told me I was only for emergencies.”

“Sorry Azuki.” Kana apologised. “But it’s been a few days here, and Akio told me he and Shaeula were going into battle. We just… well, his fiancée here was worried! Put her mind at rest!” Kana passed the blame to Hinata.

Well played. Still it’s true I worry, as I don’t know what they are going through in that world I can’t yet see. “I admit to being concerned. Do you know how they fare?”

Azuki sighed. “They stopped their battles to steal a tree. It was quite strange. Still, they returned safely with it, and were well just a short while ago. Even that annoying Hyacinth is fine.”

“A tree?” Keomi asked the question they were all wondering. “Sounds fun, but why?”

“I happened to be there.” Azuki gave off a long sigh. “Master said… That Rhyming Tree is Rank 5Rank 5! Do you know how much of our ether the Rank 3 Tree we already have provides?  I’m not letting the chance of that massive amount of constant ether generation slip from our grasp! and then they did bring back the tree. So don’t worry. Master is fine.”

Ether? That’s the resource he needs over there. And why he wanted grandfather to see if he could find a location meeting his criteria, so… that tree sounds like it gives a lot… her lips quirked up into a smile, and her face heated up. Then she was laughing, tears running down her cheeks as she doubled over.

“What’s up?” Kana asked, and Hinata could barely contain her mirth and excitement.

“It’s just too perfect!” she chortled. “Akio… he’s just like me, greedy for everything he can grab! Always looking for maximum gain. I was sure before, but… he stopped a war to steal a tree for profit! Just wait until I tell grandfather!”

Yeah, this was a good day. I’ve started to seal potential leaks of information, made it clear Akio expects their full support for his kindness, and I’ve learned that he won’t hesitate to go for the prize he wants. I wonder if he’ll praise me when he comes back? Besides, I can’t wait to show him off to Miyu-sama. I wonder who else will be there…? It took quite a while until her tears of laughter finally stopped…

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