On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Chapter 271: Two Hundred And Ten

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“I’m going to have to dishevel you a bit more, I’m afraid.” I said, pulling at her clothes, leaving the maid outfit mostly unbuttoned. It wasn’t as much of a shame to her as it would have been for a human maid, but when I started messing with her fur and hair again she squirmed and snapped at me. I’m not doing this because I want to. But we need to make this convincing. “Look, just bear with me, I have an idea.” Scooping out some of the tainted barrier cream from the sabotaged barrel, I eyed it. Yeah, this will do perfectly. Damn Shaeula’s never going to let me hear the end of this, I can see her joking about it even now.

“Smear some of this on your face and … well, on your thighs.” Seriously, I can’t believe I’m saying this. This is sexual harassment at an extreme level. Seeing my gaze, she looked at the slimy liquid, then back at me. Tears formed in her eyes, but she quickly dug a hand into the barrel, before rubbing it in her hair, around her mouth, across her belly that was exposed by the unbuttoned uniform, and along her thighs. It was accompanied by her making some very upset noises, which I supposed only helped our ruse if anyone was listening. When we were done, I tugged at my own clothing, making it look like I had hastily dressed, and explained she was to play along with my acting and I’d get her to Shaeula where we could plan our next move.

Pulling open the door I dragged Velna out behind me, only to find three maids waiting. On seeing the state Velna was in they looked horrified, and I put on my most malicious grin. “Oh, there you girls are. I’ve had such a good time with Velna here that I was going to have another go outside, but she’s starting to get tired, so I was thinking one or two of you could help out.” I stared at them suggestively, though I was really using the opportunity to observe them with my Mystic Eye. Again, they all check out as they should. Strange. “Where’s Risha? Since she’s usually together with Velna I thought a threesome would really get me excited.”

The maids, especially Saeca, who I had my suspicions over as one of the most likely traitors, along with Risha and the maid that was responsible for the escalating amount of sauce on the dinners, all looked horrified, but Saeca also looked nervous in a different way, as though she was hiding something. “I’m sorry, Risha had to go-go out and deliver a report to prince Shaeraggo. Don’t worry, we have not broken our word to the princess, we have not-not told him she is here, but we are ordered to make regular reports.”

“I see.” Yeah, pretty sure that’s another lie, and not the best one at that. Hyacinth already checked around the Ring Gates for activity, not that they know she has the ability to do so, and she knows we won’t check with Shaeraggo, obviously, so as a lie it isn’t terrible I suppose. “In that case, do send her over to me when she returns. I’ll probably have finished with Velna here by then. Come on, I’d like to do you out under the moon, it’ll be fun!” And with that I dragged her outside, the other maids scattering. I made sure to paw and grope at her to keep up the façade until we were out of sight, though I avoided any areas that were too intimate. When we were away from the mansion she finally collapsed, legs going out from under her.

“Ugh… I am ruined. I can never show my face-face again.” She whimpered, hastily wiping the mess from her body as best she could and rebuttoning her outfit. I took pity on her and used aether to remove the cream, and she looked up at me, surprised.

“It’s obvious I didn’t do it because I wanted to. At least for now we threw off their suspicions, even if I look like a right bastard. Still, we can set the maids straight, if they turn out to be innocent. Now come on. We need to speak to Shaeula and plot our next move.”




Hyacinth was taking a break, lying on her back and staring up at the sky, frustrated. Several prisoners Shaeula had caught were once more tied to the Fae Stones, and Shaeula was glaring at them as they struggled, mushrooms and toadstools spouting all over them, but doing little harm. Ixitt was inspecting the contents of the vacuum and moving it into various clear glass vials. On seeing me he brightened, only to see Velna behind me, who was still teary-eyed and looking at me nervously.

“Oho, what have we here?” He grinned, tail swishing. “That maid seems rather conscious of you. The princess might not be happy if you have indulged yourself.”

“Yeah, very funny. I had to get her out without alerting the maids we were suspicious of them, so I had to tank my reputation.” As I spoke, Hyacinth and Shaeula both noticed me. Hyacinth jumped up, rushing towards me, arms open wide, only to stop as she saw Velna, hissing. “Why is the bad maid with yooou? Hyacinth is much better, I will dooo anything you need, master! I have been wooorking hard, even if they still won’t die! But soon, I prooomise! All the Myconids will rooot away!” Yeah, she can say such frightening things so easily. I know she means well though…

“Enough.” Shaeula rapped her on the head, and she clutched at it, pouting. “You are doing good-good work, and Akio will praise you. Later. I suspect your investigations have borne fruit?” She then eyed Velna. “You do indeed look as if-if Akio has been toying with you. I can not-not say I mind, but I am sure there is more to it than that, knowing him? He is rather shy when it comes-comes to voicing his desires.”

“He… well, we had-had to pretend he was defiling me, princess, to throw off suspicion. The mansion is… it is full of liars, princess.” She bit at her lip, more tears scattering. “Risha and another maid are gone without explanation, and I fear-fear the worst. Besides…” she looked at me then, and I relayed the grim situation.

“Our gear was sabotaged. All of it, even yours, Shaeula.” I shook my head sadly. “That stuff Ixitt whipped up for me worked a treat, and it showed that a maid had been in our store-room. The butler would have bigger hands, I think.” As I explained the damage, Shaeula’s face flushed with anger, her eyes glittering with rage.

“To think my maids-maids would betray me! Unthinkable.” She snarled, causing Velna to hide behind me, which was a strange reaction. “I had thought they were merely as stupid and naïve as I, and as overbearing as my siblings. Instead, I find them plotting-plotting against me?”

“Not-not me, princess!” Velna curtsied so low she was touching the ground, though the effect was spoiled as she was still using me as a bulwark for Shaeula’s rage. “I have always cared for you-you! I find it hard to believe the others would do-do so either, but the evidence, the lies…”

“It sounds to me like the sauce is a preparation to accustom you to tastes so strong they could mask poison or drugs.” Ixitt observed thoughtfully. “Crude, and it would be far easier to slip in while you were sleeping and strike then. It seems very roundabout.”

Shaeula flushed from a different emotion then, and I scratched at my cheek, embarrassed. “Yeah well, to be honest neither Shaeula nor I need much sleep with our stats anymore, so… let’s just say we had other things to enjoy.”

“Hyacinth was always listening toooooo!” she declared unhelpfully, squirming fitfully, hands on her red cheeks. “Master and mistress seemed sooo happy inside, I was mooost jealous! I did see useless servants several times, but I thought little ooof them.”

“So, it seems we were saved by our appetites and a pervert.” I observed, Ixitt chortling heartily at the irony. “Though I’m not even sure they could have killed us in our sleep if they tried. You aren’t very strong, are you, Velna?” I asked, and she shook her head sadly.

“I still do not-not see what they have to gain.” Shaeula frowned. “My stupid brother was trusting them greatly with our secrets, so the prestige and rewards should have been-been most adequate.”

“I think there’s a lot more to it.” I relayed the information about the spatial remains, the ash and the blood, as well as the missing Risha and Klena, and the lies about the Warning Bell.

“This is troubling indeed.” Shaeula agreed. “The evidence points to Duke Formor, and indeed he has tried-tried to kill me before, and he and Duke Vulpatrius hate my father with great-great passion. But Duke Formor is loyal to the King and Queen, and the Seelie Court. I can not-not believe he would consort with the Wild Hunt and allow them through our borders. There must-must be more we are not seeing.” She turned then to Velna. “I thank you for coming to Akio with this. There is hope for you yet! But this situation is volatile. We could-could perhaps solve this problem by sending away all the maids and the butler, but if they are involved in some foul-foul skulduggery, we need to know how deep it goes. I owe it to my father and siblings.” Her gaze hardened. “To that end, I must ask you a question, Velna. If you are truly-truly loyal to me, if you see me as your princess, submit to my befuddling winds so I may be certain what you speak is the truth. And then I shall-shall forgive you for your mistakes, as I made them too-too, and you can truly take your place serving me and my chosen husband.”

Yeah, using the winds is one way to help resolve this mess. As I thought that, Velna nodded, face resolute. “I still can’t believe anyone would betray-betray you, princess, but… it looks bad.” She then turned back to me. “Master, please look after the princess no-no matter what happens. I fear she will be hurt by whatever truths you unearth.”

“Sure thing.” I said, instinctively reaching out to rub her head. She was surprised for a moment, letting out a squeal, before holding firm. Oops. Instinct again. Plus I’ve already been touching her, even if only for a cover story… Shaeula was looking at me wryly, while Hyacinth was jealous as always. Ignoring them I removed my hand, speaking in a kind tone. “Shaeula is more important to me than my life. I’ll never let her come to harm. I hope that one day you’ll accept me as her husband.”

Velna nodded slowly. “If-if you can prove to me that the princess will be happy and respected under-under your care, I shall no longer resent you.” She grimaced, steeling herself. “Now, princess. I have naught to hide!”

“Very well.” Jade and emerald energies swirled and the wind blew, soaking into Velna, who made no effort to resist, her eyes wide. “Now-now, tell me all about this conspiracy you know-know, and tell me, have you ever worked against me?” Shaeula demanded.

“No, never!” Velna declared, wide eyes going slightly vacant. “I have only ever done what I thought was in your best interests, though master has-has convinced me I was mistaken, that we chose the wrong path. I fear that Risha and the others may have tricked me into supporting their schemes, though I do not know-know why.”

Velna confirmed all we had discussed earlier, unable to resist Shaeula’s commands, and after a while she dismissed the winds, leaving Velna dazed and exhausted.

“So, what is our plan to resolve this mess-mess?” Shaeula asked, and as I had been considering it, I explained my thoughts.

“Well, Velna is clean, so I want her back in our Territory. We need to let Ulfuric know there could be problems and bring some forces over to surround the mansion. I know he can be trusted. We won’t leave our Territory undefended, but we can definitely spare Ulfuric and some elites. We’ll call back Grulgor from his patrols too. Though it is a worry his Oaths to us and Duke Formor might clash. If so, well we have Ulfuric ready to aid us.”

“Very well-well, I approve.” Shaeula agreed. With that we took Velna to the Ring Gate…




“A grim tale indeed. I did think it strange when you changed so, princess, but nobility becoming rebellious and overproud is hardly unheard of.” Ulfuric rumbled angrily, upon hearing our tale. His hard gaze fell upon Velna, who cowered, but his tone turned gentler. “At least you learned the error of your ways. It is never too late to make amends.” He shrugged, massive, muscled shoulders twisting under his golden armour. “I trust the troops I command here, I doubt there are traitors amongst us, and it does not seem to be Duke Formor’s way, but once the issue is resolved I shall be thorough in my investigations. We cannot let such infighting stand without condemnation while the Seelie Court languishes more every moon.”

“Probably wise.” I agreed. He was looking at me, his eyes keen, so I asked what was up, and he grinned.

“I see you have finally consolidated the skills I have taught you. Good. Good. However, do not grow arrogant. The hard path begins now. Once the muscles are trained and the basic techniques are fully mastered, only then does the true martial path begin.”

After leaving me with those words and slapping me reassuringly on the shoulder, Ulfuric left to gather the troops. Time was flowing faster in the lower Astral, so we needed to be quick.

“You shall remain here-here.” Shaeula advised Velna, who looked worried, but nodded.

“Please, princess, master. If you can-can, protect those like me who did not know we were being misled, and give us the chance to serve you truly, to make-make amends!”

“We shall do our best.” Shaeula promised. “And now-now for the other matter that has cropped up. We have too-too much to handle all at once. This is most frustrating.”

No kidding. On our return to the Territory, Azuki had been waiting. She was going to head to the mansion, but our return was well-timed, so instead she was ready to deliver her message now. The doll-like Zashiki-Warashi seemed more relaxed since Hyacinth was absent, so kicked her little legs as she sat on a chair near us, sipping some juice.

“All right then, what’s the message?” I asked.

“There are several. But most importantly, a woman came to the shrine looking for you, princess. She was… let me see, ah yes, Konoe Ichika! Apparently what you gave her wasn’t enough, and she is in danger? She’s staying at the shrine for now, but that Hinata girl wants to know what she should do while you are absent.”

“Those villainous scum.” Shaeula spat, enraged. “is Ichika well? If they have hurt her I shall render them down to dust-dust!”

“Calm down.” I pulled Shaeula close, stroking her hair and mollifying her. She’s always so protective of those she counts as friends, especially now, when her closest childhood companions, her maids, might have betrayed her. “I am with you, we’ll help her! So, is Konoe-san all right?”

“I believe so. Upset and shaken up, Hinata says, but unhurt.”

“Great. In that case…” I nodded to Shaeula. “We have to deal with the maid situation, that can’t wait, but as soon as we are done, we can spare a day back in the Material to crush those scammers and bitches who tried to force her into such vile work so thoroughly they’ll never get to do it again. Azuki, tell Hinata and Kana this. I have a number in my phone for a Detective Kato.”

Azuki nodded, still not quite grasping phones, but knowing they would know.

“Anyway, he owes me quite the favour, and he should be happy to deal with such a blight on Tokyo. Get them to give it to Karen-chan and get her to brief him on this situation, and when we are ready to strike, he can clean up the mess and take the credit.”

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“Understood. There were some other matters. First, Hinata… your fiancée, right? Another one…” Azuki scoffed, and I nodded, embarrassed. I’m starting to get used to the idea. I guess I’m doomed.

Azuki continued, passing on her messages that she and her grandfather had managed to secure several promising locations. None of them fitted all my criteria, which admittedly were hard to match, but even so they had done really well. “Great, you can tell her I’m very pleased, and when my current messes are sorted out I’ll liaise with her about them.”

“She’ll be happy to hear that.” Azuki snorted, finishing her juice and hopping to her feet. “I get the feeling she was desperate for your praise, poor girl.”

“Praise from Akio is worth much. I do not-not blame her for wanting his approval.” Shaeula smiled, though I could still see the shadows of worry on her face.

“It’ll be all right. We can deal with everything together.” I reassured her, and after handling a few more details, we returned to the mansion, setting Ixitt and Hyacinth to their tasks, before heading to the mansion to resolve the mess and put the looming Foresight to rest…




“Just why-why are we all gathered here?” Saeca asked, and the maid that had dropped the dinner nodded beside her. “And where is Velna?” We were in the dining hall, Shaeula and I sitting on some chairs, Grulgor looming menacingly behind us.

There’s seven of them. That isn’t right. Risha and Klena are here, and my Eye says they are who they say they are. Risha might be, but I’m pretty certain Klena was the one that was dragged off and who the blood was from. Also, the butler is missing…

At her tone, Shaeula raised one eyebrow, annoyed. “Is that-that any way to speak to your master? Disappointing. You learn slowly, it seems.”

“My apologies princess.” Saeca curtsied in apology, and I held in a smile. Excellent. We need to delay them until Ixitt and Hyacinth conclude their investigation. Also we need to gather what information we can.

“No, it’s a fair question.” I said, mollifying Shaeula, taking my time caressing her hair and face. “Velna is resting. I quite wore her out. It was an enjoyable time though.” I leered, and several of the maids looked sick, especially those that had seen the state we had faked as I pulled her outside, all covered in goop. “You know, I think after this meeting is over, I might just pick a couple more of you to fool around with. I’m getting the taste for maids now. Risha, how do you fancy having a threesome with Velna? It’ll be good practice for when we are back in our own Territory.” I put on my most repulsive grin. For a brief moment she stared at me with malice glittering in her eyes, before realising she was supposed to look scared, and suddenly started to sniffle nervously. If my perception wasn’t so good, I might not have noticed, it was so fleeting.

“Klena too.” Shaeula blew her words with wind silently into my ear, as she was observing their reactions to my cruel play. “She was always one of the most timid of my maids, her reaction is abnormal, but my Eyes show nothing. They appear to be who they claim to be. I do not-not understand it.”

Me neither. Still, the mystery goes deeper, I’m sure. “Don’t cry, you should be honoured to be chosen by the husband of your princess. Anyway, I asked everyone to be here, so where is the butler? Isn’t he supposed to be overseeing this whole mansion? This is dereliction of duty, and we are most displeased…” I continued an embarrassing rant, channelling the sort of classic despotic magistrate that was common in old Japanese dramas. I’m certainly being lewd enough to be one… and I managed to waste several more minutes, before the maid that had been in charge of our food answered.

“The head butler has to report regularly to prince Shaeraggo. I expect he will return soon.”

Oh really? That’s a lie. Wasn’t I told earlier that was where Risha went? That makes no sense, though maybe you don’t know Saeca told me that. When I voiced that out loud idly, Saeca quickly interjected. “Oh, it was about the Warning Bells. They seem to be acting up, so it is a matter of urgency to get them fixed. It is the duty of all border estates to have working Bells.”

“But were they not-not working the other day, at your word?” Shaeula asked. “Most curious, most curious indeed.”

“Yes, but… well, Velna didn’t hear them, right? There were definitely problems.”

“It wasn’t just her, right. You didn’t either, did you?” I asked, making sure to look in the direction of, but not at Klena, instead eyeing a confused maid next to her. For a long moment there was a strained silence, before Klena’s tail twitched. “Oh, me? Yes I forgot. Sorry, I had a lot on my mind.”

Bullshit. My Eyes were registering everyone as maids and weaselkin, but it did manage to detect a small trickle of energy striking Klena on her tail. Even more suspicious.

“So, if there is nothing else, master, princess, we have a lot of work to do.” Risha curtsied, but I noticed the movements being slightly off. “We have to prepare dinner as well, so if you must choose someone to sate your lusts, it should be those of us who have lesser duties.”

There was protest in the eyes of the indicated three maids, but they hesitated to go against her directly, and I made a grand show of considering it, stalling until the doors to the dining room burst open, Ixitt and Hyacinth entering. On seeing me, Hyacinth broke out into a bright grin, before turning her vicious gaze on the maids, most of which quailed before her. No, all of them did, but two were a beat slower…

“Dinner will have to wait, I fear.” Ixitt grinned, bringing out a bright yellow vial, which my Eye identified as Nigawarai venom – the poison from a powerful Yokai of this species is incredibly bitter, and can only be masked by similarly overpowering sweetness. While lesser Nigawarai venom only causes intense pain and suffering, and actually has some minor beneficial properties if used properly, this potent brew will lead to significant damage to both the Material and Astral subtle bodies of the victim at the least, and potentially even death.

“Would you happen to know what this is?” Ixitt continued, eyeing all the maids. As they all shook their heads, Hyacinth stepped forwards, glaring at the one who had been spoiling our dinners with intensely sweet yellow sauces.

“I think you dooo? Why else wooould you ruin the meals sooo? Confess, or I shall wring you tooo death! Cook the meals, make the beds, clean the hooouse. Not poooison the master and mistress! That is Unseelie wooork! Hyacinth hates it!” Her hands were shaking, and I could see the pain within her as she fought against her new boggart tendencies. “It was hidden in yooour room too!”

“You went in my room?” the maid declared angrily, before stopping herself. “You put it there, didn’t you, vile Unseelie! I knew you couldn’t be-be trusted!” she turned to Shaeula, curtsying frenziedly. “Don’t listen to these liars. We’ve served you ever since you were a young child, I would never do such a thing, I just thought you’d enjoy sweeter food since you had been away from the Seelie Court-Court so long…”

“Yeah, there’s only one problem with that.” I said, shaking my head. “I know it wasn’t Hyacinth. Besides, that’s a Yokai venom, not a Fae one. Where the hell did it come from? This smacks of conspiracy. Care to tell me where the real Risha and Klena are? Oh, the butler too, I guess.”

“Real? Princess, your consort is-is quite crazy. I have no idea what he is talking about.” Saeca shook her head frantically. “We are being set up-up by this ratkin and the Unseelie! They can’t be trusted!”

“Yes, I have no idea what you are talking about.” Risha denied my accusation. “If this is some sort of game so that you can have your way with us, I don’t approve. Please, princess, rein in your errant consort!”

“Rein him in, when he is so-so clearly right? I know you believe me a fool-fool, my dear maids, but you are sorely mistaken. I have grown indeed, away from your gaze.”

“Let’s see. You react a beat too slow each time I say something threatening. The other five react appropriately. You also don’t have the usual speech quirks, no doubled words. Most importantly, I’m pretty certain Klena at least was taken to Duke Formor via spatial means.” At that, Grulgor jolted, finally looking interested. “Shaeula, if you would.”

“Blow, my winds. You will answer us honestly. Have you betrayed your Oaths?” And with that she unleashed a green gale, filling the room with energy, slamming it into the maids.

“I betrayed no Oaths.” Saeca grated, compelled to answer. “For I swore to Duke Vulpa…” Another maid covered her mouth, stopping further words, but even as she did so, horrified, she began to confess her own sins. “I was paid well to encourage your arrogance, making sure…” she bit down so hard her mouth was filled with blood, trying to stop her words, but she began again, and other maids chimed in again, saying how they were either Oathsworn before their service began, or they had been recruited.

All except Risha and Klena I see. Either they are innocent, or more likely…

“I expected this. How could I not-not?” Shaeula said sadly, as I hugged her close, reassuringly. “But to hear from their own mouths I was either never truly loved-loved, or that I was betrayed for mere baubles and trinkets, it does-does pain me. If I did not-not have you now, Akio, I fear I might weep!”

“I have never betrayed you, princess!” Klena said loudly, and beside her, Risha agreed. “Your consort is a fool to distrust us. I state as well that I have not betrayed you!”

“Yeah, well, I’d believe you more if you didn’t phrase that so precisely. Very Fae-like, but I’m not sure you even are.” I sneered. “It’s not a betrayal if you never were her maids or allies, right? Try telling us you mean her no harm or ill-will.”

They exchanged glances, ignoring the befuddled maids, before Risha sighed. “Well shit. I thought this would be easier. The little princess has grown, sure, but her and her consort should have been easy prey. We shouldn’t even have been needed. Come on sis, we might as well do this.” Her tone changed completely, becoming masculine and harsh. Then she changed, into a massive golden cat, with deep green eyes and a ferocious energy radiating from it.

“Fine. Brother, you are such a pain. I only tagged along as I could get something nice, nya.” She too became a giant cat, though leaner and silver in colour, with azure eyes. She then breathed in, drinking in the energies of the befuddling winds. “Oh cool, I’m stealing this for now.” the cat giggled, before transforming into a humanoid figure with cat ears and tail, naked barring some silvery fur covering her chest and groin. The maids immediately stopped spilling their guts, the winds dispelled.

A cat-girl? What the hell? Beside her the other cat changed into a similarly-naked male, his golden tail lashing, his other tail barely covered by his golden fur that wreathed his legs and lower body. Fuck, I’m glad that didn’t scar Shaeula’s eyes. Damn, cat-girls I can get behind, but cat-boys? No way!

“My winds have been usurped.” Shaeula whispered, shocked. “They do not answer me.”

“Of course they don’t. My sister is the archetype of the thieving cat.” He grinned unpleasantly, flexing his ample muscles as if ready to attack. “I greet you, daughter of one I hate so very much. When we were offered the opportunity to strike you down, I leapt that the chance. My sister too, though she has different wants.”

The cat-girl licked her lips lasciviously, dancing with jade energies. “Yes, I heard tell you have some wonderful skills indeed. Skills to kill you for. I’d rather steal them though!”

“You know my mother? Who are you and how did you get here? You are not Seelie, Unseelie or even the Wild Hunt! What does Duke Formor and Duke Vulpatrius have to do with this?”

“Questions. So tiresome. I will give you my name at least before you die. I am Kinneka, Bakaneko and proud member of the Night Parade of A Hundred Demons, the Hyakki Yagyō, the Ninetieth. My sister is Ginneka, the one who steals.”

“Charmed.” Ginneka purred, eyeing me. “You’re a handsome one, pretty boy, nya. I don’t mind taking a tumble with you and draining you dry before I kill you. I haven’t had a man in weeks, nya.”

“I draw the line at scum like you!” Shaeula snapped, clutching me close. “My Akio will only have the finest-finest of females, not gutter-trash whores.”

“So brutal, nya!” she meowed, unconcerned, playing with the long silver claws that sprouted from her fingers. “But why do you care? You’ll be dead soon, anyway. Why not let your man have some fun before he dies, as a last happy memory before Yomi, nya?”

“So, I don’t get why everyone is so intent on killing Shaeula? Makes no sense to me. But I know one thing.” As anger built within me, I readied my swords. “It’ll be over my dead body!”

“Excellent.” Kinneka grinned savagely, his massive golden fangs gleaming as sharp as my own blades. “This wouldn’t be any fun if you didn’t fight back!”

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