On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Chapter 294: Side Seventy-Three – Selensha Pur Dannan

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“Our husband is in quite-quite the foul mood.” The brown-furred weaselkin woman declared sourly. The weaselkin maid that was serving her a glass of Faerie Wine backed away gracefully, keeping her head down so as not to attract notice. As the woman gulped at her glass, her green eyes reproachful, Selensha wished she was anywhere but here. Sister-in-Law Phaelae has a temper herself, though to be fair to her, she’s usually reasonable with me. Still, being my darling’s first wife and my senior, I always feel the need to defer to her. It’s embarrassing.

“Ever since the news came about these maids he has been unhappy. I do not understand it. Just what-what was he thinking? He will not tell me anything either, no matter how I ask.”

“Well, I hope you can forgive us, Phaelae, our mouths have been sealed by an Oath. Of course our dear husband wishes to confide in you, but such pledges are sacred.” This isn’t the first time we’ve been over this, but it’s true that darling has been enraged by the duplicity of the maids he sent to his sister. He had cheered up a bit, despite the shocks he had received, when he found his sister safe, if wilful and far from the meek yet boastful little girl he remembers. We Fae change so slowly, for time is an endless river for us, yet it was as if Shaeula was a mortal, so quickly had she matured, how mercurial she was. Of course, such good cheer had been reversed and was now a black pit of rage and bitterness, once the betrayal was known, and word had reached his father, the Prince of the Beastkin, and his older sister, Shaeranna. They had both made things worse by trying to pry information out of him, and apparently his sister had thrashed him quite soundly when he held fast and refused to break the Price. Luckily I was able to heal his wounds with my water arts. He did cut a sorry state though, ragged and bedraggled. At that she couldn’t help but smile, drawing some ire from her sister-in-law.

“It is not-not a matter to smile over.” Phaelae sniffed, taking another long draught of her strong yellow wine. “I am worried. This despair is quite unlike the cheerful Shaeraggo I know. He has always doted on his brat of a sister, not that she was particularly charming to my eyes. Her exile hit him hard, but she had it coming. Not that I expect you have much opinion about it, considering you did not know her before your recent marriage.”

“Yes, I didn’t have the pleasure of meeting her before, so I only..” She clamped shut her mouth as she was about to make a mistake. “… well, I heard rumours, as all Beastkin, and indeed most of the Fae, have. The embarrassing shame of Prince Shaetanao, the half-breed useless daughter who thinks herself equal to the Princes and Princesses, nay, the Queen and King of the Seelie! Still, I doubt it could have been as bad as the rumours made out, right? After all, darling does love her so, sister Shaeranna too, and father-in-law also dotes on her. Would they if she was such a brat?” She was very different to the rumours when I met her. Confident, and still declaring she would be as strong as any, yet not arrogant. I liked her.

“Well, our husband and his family have their flaws. I would not wish death on her, but I was not-not sorry to see her go.” Phaelae sniffed in annoyance once more, finishing her wine. The maid came back, and quickly refilled the glass. She glanced at Selensha, but she waved it away. I don’t have time for drinking right now. I’m worried about darling. He has indeed taken this hard.

“I suppose we have to cheer him up then. After all…” Shaeraggo told me she was not harmed, so he’ll recover. After all, Shaeula and that mortal, Akio, they would seemingly do anything for each other. I would feel pathetic if I was outdone by a mortal.

“But what do you suggest?” Phaelae continued, looking sour. “He has been drowning his sorrows in wine and females ever since. I have no objection if he wishes a third wife or more, so long-long as she is of the right pedigree, for he and sister-in-law Shaeranna are outliers in regard to relationships amongst the Beastkin. Still, the ill-bred Fae he consorts with in his misery… no, I will not allow it. You must-must side with me on this, Selensha. We cannot condone such foolishness!”

I’m not too concerned, I love darling, and so long as I have him and I can practice my water artistry, I am content. Still, I suppose if his other females prove troublesome, that would make our time together less pleasant… “Very well, sister Phaelae. I am of course at your disposal.”

“Good, good.” She approved, her green eyes sharpening. “So, first, we need to…” she was interrupted by a knock on the door to the stately room they were currently in, and Phaelae let out a long sigh. “See who that is-is, would you?” She said, and the maid scuttled to the door, opening it, to reveal it was a weaselkin mage, one Selensha recognised as one of the mages that had stayed in the Boundary with Shaeula as part of the Price. How odd, why is he here?

“I carry a message for Selensha Pur Dannan.” The mage said, bowing to them both.

“For Selensha?” Phaelae frowned harder, and the mage shuffled nervously, not wishing to offend such an important weaselkin, the first wife of one of the princes. “No message for me?”

“Please don’t be upset.” Selensha soothed. “It is to do with matters of Oath. I am sure you will be the first darling talks to when he is able to speak freely. I’ll take the message.” She strolled over and held out her hand, receiving the letter. Breaking the seal, which she did not recognise, the characters strange and foreign, she read it, her blue eyes going wide. This? Seriously? I thought she was merely boasting. Is this a joke? If so, I don’t understand it…

“What is it, Selensha?” Phaelae asked, curious at her extreme reaction. “More secrets no doubt, I grow so-so weary of them.”

“A secret yes, but not for long.” Selensha was stunned. “I believe the mood of our dear husband should improve dramatically, father-in-law too. Though the fallout…” she muttered, still in shock.

“What has happened? Is it something to do with that bratty girl? Is she causing more problems?”

The Trial results still bind me, but… the restrictions have been loosened, at the request of the winners. So… “Yes, though… problems? Not in the way you are thinking. I can’t say more, but I believe you will understand shortly. I must go see Shaeraggo right now! Please, wait here, and news will follow. When we are free to speak, you will be the first we tell, I promise!”

Phaelae snorted sourly. “See that I am-am. I do so hate being kept in the dark. But I would welcome an improvement in his mood, for any reason.”

“In that case, please excuse me…” and with that Selensha hurried out, accompanied by the mage, the shocking letter still in her hand…




“Darling, are you there?” Selensha rapped her knuckles on the door of Shaeraggo’s chambers. She didn’t receive a response, so she did it again, louder this time, and finally a grumpy answer came back.

“What is-is it? Can you not see I am not well? I do not need any more wine yet. Leave me alone!”

“Darling, it is I, Selensha! I bring word from… Master Ulfuric.” I can’t say from his sister, in case he has some of those ‘ill-bred Fae’ in there. It was unlikely he had invited them back to his estate, but even so, Selensha took her oaths very seriously, as did all the Fae who were elemental-wielders.

There was a series of banging and scrabbling sounds, before the door was flung open, and a bedraggled Shaeraggo was peering at her, his green eyes bleary from alcohol. “From Ulfuric? Do you mean it is regarding my sister? What-what is it? Another betrayal? Is she hurt? Has that mortal wretch… ugh, her chosen husband…” he spat the words, but still held to his Oath to show him some respect due to his loss. “… has he done anything to hurt her? If so, I shall not remain silent!”

This can’t go on. Her darling husband was in a terrible state, and she wasn’t going to stand for it any longer. I can’t leave this to Phaelae, as she doesn’t know the situation yet. So it falls to me. “Cleansing spirits of water, purge the filth!” Selensha waved one white-furred hand, and Shaeraggo let out a strangled yelp as shimmering orange energy flickered, followed by a surge of water that soaked him, drawing all the filth from his body and cleaning his fur, before it dissipated, leaving him shocked awake and tidy for the first time in days. Before he could protest, she entered his room, wrinkling her nose at the smell and mess, slamming the door behind her. Empty bottles were everywhere, and numerous bows were strewn about the place, arrows hammered into the target on one wall carelessly.

Nobody is here. Good. I’d be shamed if anyone was to see my darling like this. I understand he feels guilty, but this is just unacceptable. Conjuring a ball of light to see by, she sat down on one of the chairs amidst the mess, daintily brushing it off first. “Shaeula would be ashamed of you, seeing you like this.” She said firmly, drawing a wince of guilt and pain from her husband. “I don’t think she would blame you. I don’t know her well at all, but from the brief time I have spent with her, she seems far more reasonable than the stories say.”

“Yes, but… I put her in danger. My gift to her was-was poisoned. Father and sister Shaeranna were very angry, and…”

“Enough already. By the moon, I’m putting a stop to this! Here!” She shoved the letter into his hands, and Shaeraggo recognised the handwriting. As he read on his eyes grew wider and wider, his despair forgotten. Blood was leaking from his lip as he gnawed on it, and his hands were trembling so much the paper began to tear. “Is… this must be a joke. But it is her handwriting. Has that mortal put her up to this? No, that makes no sense, either. By the King and Queen, just what-what, how…”

“I have spoken to the mage that brought the letter. He didn’t have all the details, but he has been to the Spring of Clear Reflections since it was liberated. Apparently they carried away the remains of the Unseelie Duke that was slain by Shaeula and her husband.” And she says she has become a Fae of water too? I know she joked about learning from me when the time came, but to think she is saying it has happened. But why would she lie? The letter had asked Selensha to come and tutor Shaeula at the Spring, once matters were in hand. Matters. Such a small word for a demand that will shake the entire Seelie Court.

“I do not believe it. The Spring was impossible to retake. The forest of death surrounding it is impenetrable… but then, it was beside the mansion on this cycle of the passage of the Seelie Court. No, it is still impossible. But if it isn’t…” even as he chewed on his lip pensively, his mind was working, the political brain that all Noble Fae had starting to work, and the sight filled Selensha with pleasure, reminding her of just why she had fallen for him and accepted his marriage proposal. That mixture of kindness, bravery, stupidity, jealousy and acumen is very endearing. He was different before his sister was exiled, but perhaps he can get back that joy again…

“She wishes to return the Spring to the Seelie Court, but in exchange she would ask for guardianship of the reclaimed Territory, for it to be-be under the control of her and her… husband. She wishes vindication, to be allowed full rights in the Seelie Court, not-not only as a princess of the Beastkin, but as a new Duchess of the Spring of Clear Reflections? And lastly…” the paper finally tore under his grip. “… she wishes full acceptance of her marriage to Oshiro Moonstone Akio, and for him to be accepted as an honourary member of the Seelie Court, as is the Scotsman.”

That jealousy is cute, but it is time to let your sister go, darling. Duke Vulpatrius and others may see no issue in marrying siblings, children… but despite his lusty appetites, father-in-law has no such tastes, and his children have followed him. Imagine marrying sister-in-law Shaeranna… that thought was enough to evoke sympathy. Shaeranna was unmarried for a reason. Lots of reasons, and despite the talk of her upcoming arranged union, that was now likely to continue. “The demands, are they really all that unfair? For such a feat, they seem reasonable. Vindication is a certainty, those who pushed for her exile like Duke Vulpatrius will be feeling very foolish now. Father-in-law has been hard-pressed, but a victory like this… his wavering support will surely be shored up, and the insults we as a family have been forced to endure these last years will be blown away. As for marriage, again, there will be doubters who denigrate her for desiring a mortal, but you yourself know how strong he is. After all… you lost, darling. Apparently he slew one of the Night Parade that sought your sisters’ life as well, right? Strength silences doubt.”

“Bah, so irritating. But you are speaking the truth, my darling Selensha, no matter how unpalatable it is. A Duchess, though? And retaining oversight for the Spring? That is a very sacred site, the most precious water-related site the Seelie Court possessed, or if not the most precious, certainly an equal to the sacred lake where dwells the Lady of the Sword. Fae of water and those such as the Treekin will wish to reclaim it themselves. Father alone does not have the standing to push this through.” He was thinking clearly now, his mind seeing through the trouble ahead. “No, I am mistaken. The Treekin and the other Plantkin under their rule have a decent relationship with us, as they are largely Royalist faction too. They also hate the Myconids more than any other Unseelie or their vile allies. If my little sister has really annihilated them and reclaimed the Spring, their gratitude could be used to sway them, if she offered them the proper incentives…”

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So cool! The gloom has been blown away! I guess thinking about how to aid his sister really does do wonders for him. He’s a … what was it Akio called him, oh yes, a siscon through and through! “Yes, and the Elves are also largely Royalist. Many Way-Wardens are Elves too, and we received the reports about your guests driving back the Wild Hunt. Sister-in-law Shaeranna is popular with the Way-Wardens as well. I think we could count on their support if we asked, such a victory will only inflame their passions and lead to cries for greater military force to be gathered.” That is a concern though. The Aggressors will benefit from this too, as they seek war with our enemies, and this proves it can be done. Though… if we are prepared to give some ground to them…

With sparkling eyes of blue and green respectively, Selensha and Shaeraggo continued to discuss their plans, before Shaeraggo flew out of his room, heading for the Court of his father, Prince Shaetanao, leaving Selensha behind to grab her robes, staff and other supplies, before heading for the Ring Gate that linked this estate to the mansion Shaeraggo had left his sister…




The site where the mansion had stood was a scaffold of poles and planks, kobolds and other workers swarming all over it, the skeleton of a new mansion being rebuilt to replace the old. Selensha looked at it with curiosity and a touch of regret. If we had never brought the maids, the mansion wouldn’t have been destroyed. Still, in the end the results were fine. I’m pleased they are rebuilding though. It hurt my darling when his gift was ruined.

“There is no time for sightseeing, Selensha.” Ulfuric rumbled beside her, resplendent as always in his golden breastplate and bracers, weapons at his back. “We must reach the Spring, where the princess awaits. She is eager to see you again. I think she has taken a liking to you. That must be comfort, knowing you have the respect of your sister-in-law.”

Humour, from Master Ulfuric? Selensha was somewhat surprised by this, though on second thought, she realised that if anyone would be cheered by the avenging of one of the Three Great Defeats, it would be Ulfuric, for who did not know the tale of the fall of Salamandrastrae? It was seldom talked about amongst the Beastkin forces, but all who had served with Ulfuric against the Unseelie or the Wild Hunt knew of the quiet rage that burned inside him, the desire to reclaim the tomb of his family and nigh-on his entire race.

“Yes, I make it a point not to listen to rumours. When I met sister-in-law she was quite different to how she has been portrayed. I found her pleasant company.”

They reached the Fae Stone border, and she gasped in surprise. The forest was gone, and while there was still plenty of filth and corruption, on the lower hills especially, the crowned hill at the centre… it shone brilliantly in the moonlight, and Selensha found herself tearing up. “It’s true then?”

“Yes. I have seen the Spring myself. The princess and her consort have done a marvellous job restoring the pure waters. As a water Fae, I expect you to truly weep when you see it. As for the rumours, they were true, but the princess has changed. Been changed. Though if she lacked the will for it, Akio would not have been able to save her. No, the princess was a lonely creature, mocked and ostracised, only her family and her maids showing her any affection, and even most of that was to mask treachery. But even when she was arrogant and foolish, she still had kindness and ambition. Now that the shell she coated herself in to protect her heart from the slanders has been destroyed by love, she fears nothing except the loss of those she loves.”

“Yes, I saw that. Her tears. Really, I shouldn’t say this, but I’m glad darling lost. For her sake, and his too.” They stepped through the Fae Stones and into the barren, dead land, and Selensha had to repress a shiver of fear, half-expecting the deadly fungus to claim her as it had so many others, but as nothing happened, she let out a nervous laugh and continued speaking. “If my Shaeraggo had taken sister-in-law back to that mansion, well, even if the Night Parade had not assassinated her, she would have been unhappy, which would have wounded darling so. My Shaeraggo has a delicate heart, though people often think him brutish.”

“I know that well.” Ulfuric agreed, and they continued to talk, sharing tales of what had happened in the Boundary, the many exploits of Shaeula, Akio and his forces. The hill loomed ahead, sparkling white and silver, and as she closed in, she could feel the presence of a small amount of very potent water element, which was making her body tremble in anticipation.

“Is that… the Spring?” she muttered, and Ulfuric nodded.

“I suppose you would sense it, you are a prodigy at water arts. Still, you are too young to know the Spring. Many of the most powerful water Fae that still endure have taken in the energies of the Spring in their youth. Perhaps you will get the chance yourself, should the princess permit it.”

Permit it? “So, you think she’ll get her wish, and become custodian of the Spring? Duke Vulpatrius and the other Aggressors will not allow…”

Ulfuric raised one meaty hand, silencing her. “I would not worry about that. The princess and Akio are rather cunning. They have several trump cards and bargaining chips to use against the Dukes of the Aggressor faction. Nothing is certain, but they would be fools not to accept a mutual ceasefire, letting past grievances drop, in exchange for her reasonable demands.”

Entering into the hill that housed the shrine, Selensha felt a sense of history around her. The passageway had been cleaned, the white stone streaked with jewels was eerily beautiful, shining with reflected moonlight. Weaselkin and some ratkin and kobolds passed her by, bowing respectfully to them, and Selensha returned their greetings, becoming more and more excited. She then emerged out into the beautiful cavern that was bathed in moonlight, the shallow, ankle-deep lake glowing with pure water energy, and all she could do was gasp in wonder. The Spring! It’s gorgeous! The lake is nearly empty, but it is slowly filling with such beautiful, pristine water…

She was so entranced she didn’t notice that the cave was a bustle of activity, numerous ratkin and kobolds constructing elegant-looking structures around the lakeshore. She also missed Shaeula, sitting on a throne-like chair, a pair of maids beside her, one of them radiating a powerful presence.

“Well, if it is not-not my dear sister-in-law.” Shaeula spoke, startling her. As Selensha looked embarrassed, she found Ulfuric was laughing, great booming chortles.  “I am glad you could make it. After all, if I am-am to learn water elemental arts, I believe I should learn from someone I can-can trust, correct?” Shaeula continued, before grinning brilliantly, her expression full of good humour. “It is good to see you again. I dare say you did not-not think I would master the water element so quickly. I confess, I did not-not either. My Akio has aided me once again.”

Selensha stared at her sister-in-law, and could feel the presence of water radiating from her fiercely, along with flame, wind and traces of light element. Her power was incomparable to when they last met, such a short time ago, and she found herself awed a bit at the change.

“No need for that, sister-in-law.” Shaeula continued to smile. “Why not have a drink? Velna, take her one. Then we can get down-down to business.”

Selensha took the offered goblet from the shy weaselkin maid, recognising her as one of the maids that her darling had returned to Shaeula. One of the two that was misguided, not disloyal, from the reports, anyway. Taking a small sip, she was pleased at the flavour, before looking around, seeing what was going on. “What… what are you making here?”

“It is simple. The Spring will be a place not-not only of worship and water, but a place to relax, to enjoy luxuries, to sample the blending of mortal and Fae ideas. I anticipate that it will-will become the place for powerful Noble Fae to meet and do business, though I do not-not intend to exclude any Fae, no matter how humble.” She spread her arms wide, her grin hungry. “All-all are welcome to partake of my largess. Everyone can be used.”

Yes, you have changed. I’m definitely sending a noble aura from you now. Perhaps the betrayals and life-and-death battles have been responsible, or… “Well, that’s a nice goal. But first you would need to secure the backing of enough Noble Fae and their power-blocs to get your way.”

“Well, my father and my siblings should be working hard to that-that end. After all, they owe me, do they not-not? I confess to being largely at fault for this whole mess and my exile, but even so, they should-should be trying to worm their way back into my good graces. But before that…”

“Yes?” Selensha asked timidly, feeling a little intimidated by her sister-in-law, the slayer of an Unseelie Duke.

“I have some questions about your water element. I’m curious to see if I can improve. Besides, I would rather teach-teach Akio myself rather than you instruct him. Perhaps I can dress up as a strict-strict tutor? He would enjoy that, I am sure.”

Akio too? Has he mastered this powerful water as well? If so… my darling had better not be careless. I don’t want another Trial, he was so moody after the last defeat… “Well then, I’d be happy to instruct you, sister-in-law.” Her gaze strayed to the bubbling spring, and the faint flicker of powerful energies within.

“Call me Shaeula. And I shall call you Selensha. After all, we both have to put-put up with my idiot brother, no?” She shook her head in amusement, long amber hair dancing. “And as for the waters here… of course, should my reasonable requests be met, as I expect they shall-shall be, I would be more than happy to allow you access, to pay for your teachings.”

At that Selensha trembled. Gripping her staff tightly, her knuckles white, she licked her lips. That’s very enticing. That water… I want it, I hunger for it. If I am to reach the heights of the oldest of the water Fae, I need it! “All right then. If you could please show me what you can already do, I can advise you…”


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