On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Chapter 299: Two Hundred And Twenty-Nine – Reworked Version

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“That… is monumentally dumb. I can’t believe you were even considering going along with that, bro. Wow, for someone with stats so high, you can be a blockhead.” My sis criticised me, and I couldn’t help but agree.

“Yeah, I know. But I didn’t, all right?”

“Yeah, I guess not. Anyway, you, Miyu-san.” My sis shouted, and Miyu was surprised she had been addressed. While I was telling my sis the gist of the story, she had looked mortified and angry, but towards the end she seemed more pensive, thoughtful. I guess hearing everything laid out by a third party helps one see the flaws in their arguments.

“Yes?” she answered despite her annoyance at the rude, shouty way my sis was addressing her, perhaps her good breeding in action.

“Hey, you are cute! Don’t go falling for my bro though, I’ve got enough sisters-in-law. Wow, no, never mind, that doesn’t matter. Seriously though, I don’t get it. My bro is standing right there, and you haven’t just said the magic words.”

Magic words?

“Well, let me tell you something. I wish a goddess had chosen me. Wow, I’d have settled for a damn devil, if nothing else was available, or even some sort of slime monster, just so long as I could share the burden with my bro. Speaking of…” her expression on the screen brightened. “Great news bro! I did it! I mastered fire element!”

“Really?” I said, surprised yet proud. “That’s amazing. I knew you could do it!”

“Damn right! I only get a pittance of levels compared to the others, so I need to get stronger somehow. The study materials your secretary sent me really helped bro, so thanks. There was… uh… one problem though.” Her eyes were swimming, and I knew something was up. “I guess it’s relevant to Miyu-san here though.”

“Come on sis, spit it out. What did you do?”

“Well… so I wanted to be damn sure I could learn fire, right? And I thought it’d be helpful when I take the plunge for light too, so it made totally logical sense at the time, and…”

“Enough stalling, out with it.” I was frowning. “What did you do?”

She pulled a pose, sticking out her tongue and knocking her head with her free hand, which had been hidden from view. It was then I noticed. Hinata too, as she gasped in shock.

“Aiko, your hand and wrist…” You stupid, stupid girl! What the hell have you done?

“Well, I figured if I really wanted to know fire, I had to get burned, right?” She shrugged, and I could feel my anger boiling. An ugly burn scar was running from the back of her hand down her wrist and up to her forearm, the skin shiny and crimson. “It definitely worked, I learned it much easier than Eri, so don’t go mad, bro! Though she did manage to learn it afterwards…” She finished quietly, causing my already boiling anger to start erupting.

“What the fuck have you done, stupid Aiko! Your poor arm! What if it leaves a scar, or affects your archery? It must have hurt so…”

“Yeah it hurt. But not as much as not being able to stand with you.” she said, cutting me dead. “Miyu-san, these are the lengths people like me will go to, merely to get a fraction of what you were given and so despise. Face reality. You’re lucky.” She snorted bitterly. “When my arm burned I realised my bro was suffering wounds like these all the time. Shaeula told me when he faced her brother, he set himself on fire to win, for her. When I remembered that, I didn’t hesitate. Maybe I’m an idiot… no, in fact, compared to bro and Eri I’m pretty sure I am one.” She smiled then. “But I’m an idiot that loves Eri, Shaeula, my big bro… and I’m never going to let them fight alone. You don’t have to either, Miyu-san. All it takes are the magic words.”

“You don’t love me, Aiko? I’m hurt.” Hinata laughed, though her eyes were sad, looking at the nasty scar.

“Well, I don’t know you that well. But… well, you love my bro, so I guess I respect that. And you are thinking of me and my family so… well, I’m happy to have you as a sister-in-law, bad friend though that makes me!”

“Excuse me.” Koga-san said diffidently, speaking for the first time since the phone call started. I turned the phone to her, still seething, but at least willing to let Aiko explain before I took a train back to Nishimorioka, and Aiko squealed, excited.

“Wow? That’s a ninja right? Is that cosplay? Wow, so cool!”

“It is not a costume. I am a ninja!” She declared huffily, before returning to her prior thoughts. “That does not matter now. That burn… I do not understand entirely, but you suffered it to grow stronger, correct?”

“That’s right. Here.” Aiko grinned, and a small wisp of flame appeared above her palm, flickering like a candle in the wind. “I’m a firebender!” she giggled. “Maybe I could have done it a different way, like Eri did. But I’m a girl who thinks with her body, not her mind, unlike her. And it worked. Results are what matter, right?”

I’m thinking you need a damn spanking like I gave Koga-san. I told you to stay safe and not to be reckless! I can’t believe Eri allowed her to do this…

“Do you not worry about being scarred? Your marriage prospects will be hurt by such an injury.” Koga-san continued.

“Eh, I’m still young. Not really thinking about hooking up any time soon. Besides, if there was a guy I liked, and a scar put him off, well I guess he wouldn’t be worthy of me. Besides, I know the magic words. Want to see how they work, Miyu-san?”

“But, even so, a girl should not…” Koga-san insisted, and my sister sighed.

“I’m a sister before I’m a girl. Not just that, a sister-in-law too. Eri wants to stand with my bro, Shaeula already does. I want to be with them all. Not sitting at home, worrying if they’ll be all right. This last week has been hell. I hope you haven’t been back long bro, or Eri and I will have to kill you if you forget to text us to let us know you are okay. You were doing some scary stuff, right?”

Damn, I did forget, as there was all the impurities, and then having to see Miyu… no, they’re just excuses. I had time to text them instead of messing around in the bath. Even so, it won’t stop me being pissed off Aiko did something so stupid!

“We came here as soon as he woke up. Shaeula still hasn’t returned, but is fine.” Hinata covered for me, smiling at a confused Miyu. “Sorry, we should have messaged you, but he was trying to help Miyu here, so can you forgive him?”

“Yeah. I’m just glad he’s safe. Now, Miyu-san. Listen well. If you are hurting, or sad, or don’t see a way out, don’t do anything stupid. Never give up what you’ve been fortunate enough to receive without a fight! Just do this.” Her gaze on the screen turned to me then, and she smiled so sweetly I was surprised, her sapphire eyes earnest. “Hey, big bro. I’ve been a bit of a little sis sapphire…” she giggled, using her own  mockery of me against herself. “… and I burned my hand. It kind of hurts like a bitch, bro. Can you fix it for me? I’d be happy if you would.”

I sighed then, a long exhalation, trying to get all of my anger out. That’s right. She’s an idiot, but not stupid. She knows about Ether Healing. A burn like that, Shaeula or I could fix it easily enough, and if she’s gained eight levels, the boosts to her Fortitude should have reduced the damage and hastened her healing anyway… “I’m still mad, but there’s no way I can leave you hurt like that. By the way, what did father and mom say?”

My sis winced. “Dad… he chewed me out, but when I told him why I did it, and that you’d fix it, he came around. Mom knew straight away that you’d heal it, so she wasn’t too mad. Hey, Miyu-san, your grandfather can’t be any worse than my dad. He’s scary when he’s furious!”

“I’ll get to Nishimorioka as soon as I can.” I promised. “I don’t care whether it matters to you or not whether you have scars. I hate the thought of you being hurt. Don’t do shit like this again. Promise me!”

“No way bro. I can’t make that promise. If I have to, I have to.” She shook her head. “Miyu-san, if you want the impossible, you have to be prepared to pay for it, but if you want the impossible, there’s nobody better to ask than my bro.”

“There’s no need to go to Nishimorioka. I’ll push up the schedule.” Hinata promised, and Aiko nodded.

“Thanks. I appreciate it! Damn, my bro keeps finding nice girls. I guess it’s karma for being a loser all those years. So anyway, Miyu-san. All you have to do is open your heart and say the magic words to my bro. I’m sad, I’m hurting, please help me! It’s easy. Though I suppose a gloomy, defeated girl like you might find that hard. It looks to me you enjoy being a martyr.”

“What do you know about me, you common…” Miyu snapped, fire in her eyes.

“Wow, I don’t know shit about you, stupid.” She cursed. “Only what I’ve seen and heard, which doesn’t impress me. But I don’t need to know anything about you, do I? I know everything about my big bro. And I know he wants to help you, the gods only know why, as I’ve talked to you for all of five minutes and I’m all for telling my bro to cut his losses and forget he ever knew you!” As Miyu gaped, open-mouthed at sheer rudeness that she had never experienced, my sis turned to me. “But you won’t, will you bro? Can you do it, if she asks?”

Can I? Well… if we consider the issues one at a time…

“He can. And if he can’t, well, we can fill in what he’s lacking, right Aiko?” Hinata said, and she smiled, her annoyance fading.

“Yeah, we sure can. He doesn’t like hitting girls, so feel free to slug her for me!”

“He hit me…” Koga-san whispered, rubbing at her bottom. Still, she was not interfering in the abuse Miyu was receiving, so perhaps she realised what was going on.

“I do not understand why you are being so rude to me! I am the one suffering here!” Miyu shouted, all her usual noble restraint shattered, her raw emotions out now for all to see. “I am all alone, surrounded by people who only care about my family. I’m not Miyu, I am only Fujiwara Miyu! I am proud to be a noble, but even so, I want people to look at me, to respect my choices!”

“Alone? Hardly. What about your ninja friend there? Or my bro and Hinata, who are listening to your whiny bullshit? Aren’t they looking at you?” My sis continued. “It seems to me, your problem is too much pride. I suppose I get it. if you are anything like Hinata and the others, then you don’t know much about anything outside of your narrow world. A bunch of princesses. Of course you aren’t free! Nobody in life is! Not unless you have power. Power you are so eager to toss aside, just because you are scared. Damn bro, I can see why you called me. You aren’t going to get through to a girl like this!”

“Again, how dare you…”

“Oh shut up, princess! It’s a simple choice. You can keep your pride, wallow in misery and lose everything, and I’ll make damn sure my bro won’t help you, if I ask Eri and Shaeula, they’ll stop him.”

“I’ll agree as well.” Hinata said, looking at Miyu sadly. “Miyu, I think you are scared, aren’t you? I get that. But you can’t seriously ask Akio to risk everything for your convenience, when you offer so little in return. When Aiko here is willing to go so far to obtain power like yours… when all of us at the training school, noble, commoner, shrine maiden alike are struggling. And yes, sometimes I’m worried, afraid of what it could all mean, but… I’m not alone. And you don’t have to be either.”

“Well said.” Aiko approved. “My bro will keep us all safe, and we’ll keep my bro safe. It’s like, just wow, girl. Surely you know what the best thing to do is.” She flexed her burned arm in front of the camera.

I was suddenly surprised as Koga-san spoke up. “Miyu-sama. I do not wish to see you harmed. I understand them. These girls are worthy of my respect, as they wish to stand by the side of their lord. As I wish to stand by your side, mistress.” She turned to me then. “Could… could it be possible for me to stand by her side, in this dangerous place? After all, your training school…”

“That’s easy enough.” I agreed, and Hinata snorted.

“Only for you and Shaeula. Nobody else. So, what will you offer as payment?” Hinata asked.

Everything.” She knelt in seiza, head pressed against the floor. “But… could you save Miyu-sama from her suffering? Your sister is a brave girl, and she believes you could. Am I wrong?”

“I don’t know. But I do know this. Miyu needs to want it herself. And she needs to pay for it. If she really wants to step out of the cage she is in, then she needs to unlock the door herself.”

“But can I really…” she began, uncertainly. “To go against grandfather, to shame my family…”

“Why do you have to do that?” I shook my heard irritably. “I told you. Tell me what you want. It’s okay if you think it’s impossible. We can then decide how to get that. And what price you’ll have to pay.”

“Damn, she’s hard work. Definitely don’t fall for this one, bro, she’d be a real pain for a sister-in-law!”

“I told you, it isn’t like that.”

“Yeah, yeah, whatever you say. So, like I said, I don’t know you, but I know my bro. And I know there’s no-one you can trust more. So spill. Let’s hear it. What do you want, no bullshit.”

“Fine then.” Miyu actually started crying, all the tension of having been given strange powers, her fears for the future, her isolation, all springing free. “I want grandfather to approve of me like he does Honoka. I want to be her equal, no, better than her! I want to uphold the honour and pride of my house! I don’t want to get married to someone I don’t know, I want Michiru to stay with me forever, I want to become the greatest traditional dancer I can be. I want to play piano when I’m happy, when I’m sad. I want to be friends with the other girls at school, yet still be the elegant, refined daughter of Fujiwara they look up to. I want… I want the fear of Ame-no-Uzume to disappear. You see, it’s impossible!”

“Wow, slow learner.” My sis chided. “Go on then, Miyu-san. Just use the magic words.”

She looked at my sister on the screen, and heedless of the tears that had ruined her beautiful make-up, she smiled a little. “Oshiro-san… no, Akio-sama…” she bowed, the movement precise and delicate, even in such a restrictive kimono. “… please help me. I implore you! I am so tired of bearing these burdens.”

“Fine then. And the compensation?” I asked, making sure she was serious. “And then…”

Before I could finish my sentence, Miyu was on the floor beside Koga-san, also in seiza. “Anything you desire that I can give you, though I have little of worth I am afraid.”

“Well, it looks like she’s finally honest. You can handle it from here, right bro? I’m going to tell Eri you’re safe. It went well, I’m guessing?”

“It sure did. Massive gains all around.” I reassured her. “Though don’t forget you are in serious trouble for that stunt with your arm. I’m serious. Be prepared for a lecture that will crush your spirit!”

“Fine. Since I know you care, bro!” She stuck out her tongue at me. “Later.” And with that she ended the call. I pocketed my phone, before looking down on the two girls on the floor.

“So, what’s the plan?” Hinata asked me. “That’s quite the wish-list.”

“It is, isn’t it? But…” I looked down at the two girls, kneeling before me. “… now my sis has hyped me up so much, how can I fail?”

“Yes, you do love your sister so. Anyway, how long as you two going to kneel there? Akio hates that sort of thing. Motoko and Natsumi did that to him, and he still feels the trauma.” Hinata giggled. “Raise your heads and do make us some fresh tea, Michiru. We have a lot to discuss and little time to do it…”




“Removing my clothes?” Michiru-san declared. It seems strange to call her Koga-san now we are going to be working together to protect Miyu. “I knew you wished to get your dirty hands on my maidenly body! Still…” she adopted a tragic mien. “I did promise you could do with me as you wished, for compensation. I ask that you please spare Miyu-sama’s purity and content yourself with… ouch!” She flinched as I whacked her on the head.

“At this point I can’t be sure whether you are joking or are seriously convinced all men are after your body.” Hinata sighed. “You really are too wary of men, even more than our school teaches us.”

“Of course.” She puffed out her chest proudly, striking a pose. “My father has shown my sister and I many videos of the cruel ways girls will be treated when captured, so that we never let our guards down and endanger our mistresses! Though sadly, I cannot in good conscience resist you now, after all, I gave my word…”

“Your father is a criminal, showing young girls porn.” I declared, irritated. “I’ve half a mind to report him to the police.”

At that Miyu laughed, a pleasing sound, the first I had heard from her. Her mood had changed, after she finally bared her heart and accepted our genuine aid, and she looked refreshed, radiant. “Koga-san is certainly unique. Grandfather trusts him well though, and he is often used to deal with problems that skirt the law, where Fujiwara Security cannot intervene. Though his sense of fashion is also rather… flamboyant.”

Another highly-visible ninja, huh? Well I guess if they left the family, I shouldn’t let them ruin my impression of one of Japan’s greatest historical secrets…

“He needs to adjust your body.” Hinata said suddenly, shooting Koga-san a superior glance. “I have been through it, as has Motoko and Natsumi, as well as many others. If you want to enter this Boundary alongside Miyu-sama, then…”

“Do not call me Miyu-sama again. it… it is unpleasant.” She said suddenly, surprising Hinata. “You were rude to me, harsh with me, yes. But I now know you did it out of compassion. I was a fool. Though I still tremble…” she shuddered, thinking of what was to come.

“There’s no need to be afraid.” I said, my Eye glittering as Michiru-san shed her ninja garb, only her underwear, which was a rather cute pair of pink panties, and bizarrely enough, a chest wrap made of bandages, remaining on her pale body. “You accepted my terms, so I am duty bound to protect you and your Territory.” I gently touched Michiru-san’s belly, allowing aether to trickle in, forming pathways between her chakras. She shivered, but did not cry out in pain, keeping her poise.

“A vassal. Such a term of shame.” Michiru-san gasped, her voice high as she fought against the torment as her body was modified. “Still, better that than death, mistress, or worse, suffering great injury.”

“Yes. I’m confident I could have repaired your body, was it damaged, but … confidence isn’t a certainty. And if you died… well, I don’t even want to think about that.”

“Still, grandfather will be angry with me.” Miyu said in a small voice. “I have kept secrets.”

“You were scared,” Hinata smiled reassuringly. “I’ve been scared too, and acted rashly. Luckily, Akio was there to catch me when I fell. Now he’s caught you too. Besides, Fujiwara-sama is going to be far more angry at Akio.”

“Don’t remind me.” As my Chirurgery had broken the first bottleneck and reached Rank 6, it was easy to create a perfected network from memory, as I had done it several times. Patting Michiru-san on the shoulder, I told her she could get dressed. “Hinata, explain the exercises, please.”

She agreed, and I turned to Miyu. “Look, as my vassal, your grandfather can’t use you as he pleases. And I’m afraid I cannot allow you to be married off yet. No, you are my responsibility.” I grinned. “All you have to do is stick to that position, and I’ll take all the heat. But it isn’t without compensation. As my vassal, I’m going to work you hard. Your skills are great. Ame-no-Uzume was very generous to you. But don’t worry, you won’t be alone, and not fighting that much either. You’re what we would call a support class anyway.”

“I’m still scared. I don’t want to fight, but…”

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“I shall protect you, mistress! Even if I have to burn my flesh like Aiko-sama did!”

I see, so my sister is Aiko-sama to her now, eh? She’ll be amused by that…

“Nope.” I rapped her on the head again, and she scuttled away. “If I won’t let my sister be so dumb, I won’t let you either. Learn the normal, sensible way. The training school should be teaching that sort of advanced course anyway. Once everyone can enter the Boundary, they can start working towards wind and earth elements. I need to secure a source of water element too. “But in terms of protection, yeah, we’ll make sure you aren’t exposed. After all, I need you to dance for me until you drop, right?”

Miyu flushed, nodding. “The Dance of the Returning Dawn. I… I will do as you ask.”

As soon as she accepted being my vassal, my Eye could see her skills far more clearly, and she has some truly outstanding ones.

Dance of the Returning Dawn. This skill will radiate out a shining golden light of Dawn while the wielder dances. Allies touched by the Dawn will find their chakra networks will work at increased efficiency which continuously strengthens while the dance lasts. All allies that the Dawn touches will be blessed with increasing strength while the dance lasts. Enemies touched by the Dawn will take continuously increasing light element damage while the dance lasts. The efficiently of Territory construction touched by the Dawn will continually increase while the dance lasts.

Dance of the Departing Dusk. This skill will radiate out a shroud of deep blue Dusk while the wielder dances. Enemies touched by the Dusk will find their abilities suppressed, this suppression continuously strengthens while the dance lasts. All allies touched by the Dusk will find their resistance to elemental damage continuously increasing while the dance lasts. Enemies touched by the Dusk will take continuously increasing darkness element damage while the dance lasts. Enemy Territory touched by the Dusk will be slightly suppressed, this effect continually increasing while the dance lasts.

“I admit, I would wish to see your brave dance shining, Miyu-sama! Surely Akio-sama is right, you were chosen by the goddess because you are worthy!”

“I do not feel worthy, only frightened.” She admitted.

“Well, I’m frightened too.” I declared, and everyone looked at me quizzically. “Well, I’m about to call your grandfather’s secretary and tell him what I’ve done…”

“Oh. Right.” Hinata grinned. “I should be going then…”

“No way. We are all in this together.” I laughed, grabbing her by the arm. “Sure, I’ll take the brunt of his fury, but I’ll need you to console me afterwards since Shaeula is busy!”

She flushed at that, and Miyu let out a little giggle, surprising us. “You two are indeed very close. If all arranged marriages were like that, perhaps I wouldn’t fear so.”

“Well, time to put that on hold, anyway.” I took a deep breath, pulling out my phone. “Here goes!”




“Well, I must say this is rather… unexpected.” Fujiwara-san declared, his two towering bodyguards beside him glaring at me, causing the girls to shrink back, even his granddaughter. I could see Ueno-san and a dozen of his most imposing Fujiwara Security Service recruits, all carrying firearms, which I was sure was illegal, hiding in the shadows of this massive and stately reception room. Not that I couldn’t easily handle them now. Really, there’s not too much to worry about for myself. It’s to keep my friends and family safe I have to negotiate here.

“Yeah, I found it so too.” I agreed politely. “We thought we were going to a gathering of girls from her school. To think she would turn out to be a Candidate. A small world indeed.”

He turned his stern gaze towards his granddaughter, who flinched. Even so, she met his gaze, despite her pale face.

“So, why did my own granddaughter not tell me about this? We have been searching for those who can aid us desperately, and now I find my own granddaughter is one? Kira and Itsuki will surely laugh at this old man, who cannot even control his own granddaughter.”

“See, it’s that which is the problem.” I said, taking a step forwards. The two guards moved instinctively, but I merely shot them a withering glare, and at the sheer pressure from me, they faltered. “Don’t be foolish. I have no interest or desire to hurt Fujiwara-san. He’s an ally of mine and has been helpful indeed. Besides, Miyu is my vassal now, so why would I wish to upset her by hurting her grandfather? No, I intend to cherish and protect her, nurture her gifts. Though since she is sworn to me, I fear she’s unable to use her powers without my consent.” That’s largely a lie, though she is restricted in some respects. Still, I need to establish some boundaries. “Also, I think it best if all this talk of Miyu’s marriage is put aside for the foreseeable future. Your granddaughter is one of the most important people in the country now, and her value is significant. Any prior marriage commitment… well, I think it foolish.”

There was a long, aching silence. Fujiwara-san considered me, steely eyes unblinking, before letting out a dignified sigh and turning to his granddaughter. “Miyu. Is this what you wish? As your grandfather I do want to accommodate your wishes as much as I am able, but we have responsibility to go with privilege, and we have a duty to preserve the nobility, and the best of Japan. Marriage and providing heirs is one aspect of that, a role only a woman can do.”

“I… I have a role I can do.” Miyu said, talking about what we had discussed in the car over to the Fujiwara main estate. “I can be the representative of the nobles in this new world. With me as a spokesperson, it will give a lot of credence and weight to our words.”

“Can you do it? You are not bold, like Honoka. I have always felt a quiet marriage, out of the spotlight, would suit you best…”

“Well, who are we to question the gods?” That’s crap, I question them all the time, but in this case, I think the goddess was right. Though if she’d have been more understanding, like Ortlinde was, this mess could have been avoided. “Your daughter was chosen. I know what a burden that is. But I also know this. There is nobody better to protect and nurture her talents than us.”

“I agree.” Hinata said. “The training school is showing results, Akio is stronger than ever, and my grandfather rather likes him, and has no intentions of being stingy with financial support. Motoko and Natsumi are happy too. Besides…”

“Yes. There’s more.” I grinned. “Some relatives of Shaeula need new documents. There’s no way I can let my vassal struggle alone. I have to provide support. There was one name you might be interested in. Though we’ll have to change it a bit. How about… Suzuki Harumi?”

At that, Fujiwara-san reacted, his eyes going wide. “You mean, she has returned to life? It could seriously be done?”

“Life? Well, kind of. She’s still a ghost, though just like Shaeula can, she now has a perfectly fine physical body and can live a normal life. She could get married, maybe even start a family. But most importantly, she can see her father again.”

“Incredible. I must be present for that. The prime minister too.” He declared, thinking. “You do constantly surprise me. And it seems those around you do too.” He smiled then, looking at Hinata. “You’ve changed, girl. I’ve always kept an eye on you, since you are Itsuki’s granddaughter, but you were always too concerned with what you could never obtain. Now you seem much happier.”

She grabbed my arm proudly. “Of course. I’ve obtained what I want, and I’ll get everything else too. After all, I know the magic words.”

Laughter echoed around the room, and I was shocked to see it was Miyu and Michiru-san, both laughing furiously, tears streaming down their faces. The sniffles turned into sobs for Miyu, and she rubbed at her face. Fujiwara-san made to come down and comfort her, but I shook my head, mouthing at him to let her cry it out.

When she was finally done, she bowed, apologising for her unseemly display. “I am ashamed you saw me lose my composure, grandfather. But it has been… a rough few months. I was always terrified, not knowing what to do. I asked Akio here to remove my curse, no matter the risk. But instead he persuaded me to stand strong. Well, him and his sister, anyway.” She smiled, her face still damp. “I’m frightened, I admit it. I don’t think I am cut out for battle, for saving the world. But… I’ll do what I can. So long as Akio keeps his promise to protect and support me. I’ll dance for him, bringing the Dawn. After all, I did pledge to him.”

Akio, I see, I see.” Fujiwara-san pursed his lips, before fixing me with a steely glare. “Removing this curse? Can it be removed?” He asked, cutting to the heart of matters I wished to avoid.

Yes, I think it possible. Not easy, but possible. I can’t believe I was going to try it first on Miyu, the huge increase in stats I received recently must have short-circuited my brain. But there is… one way… to test it. I didn’t want to do it. It was arguably an act of evil, despite everything. But was it more evil to do nothing, and potentially risk some future tragedy I could avoid with knowledge and experience? I wasn’t sure. I can be as intelligent as my stats can make me, but issues of morality are far from black and white. “I think Suzuki-san should confront Kondou Kazuo again, before his execution. It might give her some closure, seeing his end. I’ll bring Shaeula too, so there’ll be no issues.” I said cryptically, and his eyes widened as he took my meaning.

“I see. Yes. Since he co-operated, he is merely waiting for his execution. Perhaps that would be a good thing. After all, he should do some good in death to make up for his sins in life.”

“Right. So anyway. Miyu here has very good skills. I’ll make sure she is trained to maximise them, as well as making sure she is safe. In exchange, I’ll be using her as I see fit.”

“I see. And you are fine with this, granddaughter?” he asked.

She nodded. “I’m still worried, but I’ll do my best, that I can be a granddaughter you are proud of, that supports the nobility, that upholds Fujiwara house. Though I am afraid I cannot bear an heir right now, or get married, for… for the goddess Ame-no-Uzume has chosen me for greater things.” She smiled. “I must dance, right?” she smiled at me brilliantly.

“Yeah, as much as you want, hell, probably more than you want, I’ll have you working that body until you can’t even stand up!” I smiled. “And speaking of… you need to establish your Territory. I was thinking, perhaps if you moved in with your Grandfather? This area is home to many of the most prestigious noble estates. It strikes me as an ideal spot…”




“No problems at all. Not that scary, see?” I said, as the remaining giant centipedes evaporated into ether. I had shown off a bit when we entered the Boundary, emerging into the mirrored form of the Fujiwara estate, which was infested with spiders, centipedes, rats and bats. Bursts of water, wind and my trusty spear had dealt with them all easily enough though. I’d have to be asleep to let small-fry like these bother me now. “Seriously though, this place is nice. I suppose because it is so old, it easily reflects the Material. The ether density here is pretty good too.”

“I’m still frightened though!” she muttered, clinging to my back, looking around warily. “I knew I couldn’t do this!”

“You can get used to anything in time. Seriously, don’t worry, I’m here, even if a dragon attacks I’ll fend it off. I wouldn’t let my precious vassal get hurt, would I? After all, your grandfather would kill me!” I declared. “Come on, let’s go to the garden and set up your Territory there. The position and ether density looks superior.”

She nodded, and as we exited the building we were greeted by the aurora-streaked skies of the Boundary, shining down onto the wide, open garden, which was full of strange trees and bushes, mirroring the ancient trees from the Muromachi period. A small flock of bird-creatures saw us and flew our way, but wind blades effortlessly shredded them. “Take a look. It’s beautiful, isn’t it? You can’t see sights like this just anywhere.”

“Yes, it is eerily beautiful.” Miyu-san nodded, looking around with widened eyes, taking it in honestly for the first time. “Strange, to see the Fujiwara estate in such a light. I suspect you must have seen many strange and terrifying sights during your struggles. How did you get so strong, so brave?”

“Strong, yeah. That’s easy. I just kept fighting and struggling, and I had a lot of luck too. I met the right allies, took some chances, and it just sort of happened. As for brave? Nah, no way. I’m still a coward at heart. But what worries me more than the danger is being unable to protect those I care about. That’s why I need power, and I advised you over and over not to give up your blessing. That way is filled with regret.”

“So, am I one that you care about?” She asked, surprising me.

“Of course, you’re my precious vassal right?”

“I find the way you keep calling me your vassal rather suspicious.” She smiled delicately, still looking around the garden, clinging to my back. “Does it please you so much to have authority over me?”

“Well, you did say you’d pay me anything right?” I shot back, amused.

“I did, but must you be so forward? Michiru likes it, because now she sees you as her master, thanks to her ninja creed. If you keep repeating that, I shall begin to think you only helped me to get your claws into me.”

Well, I didn’t help for free, sure. Especially now I know what skills you have. “Well, I suppose it must be annoying to a young lady such as yourself, being a vassal to a commoner like me. Yeah, well, I’ll try to be respectful, all right?”

“I think you do not understand my issue, but that does not matter, I suppose. At school tomorrow I shall also carry out your wishes, and make sure that Motoko-san, Hinata and Natsumi are seen to have my favour. It might stimulate Honoka, but seeing as I have moved in with grandfather as well, now, I suppose that was inevitable. I do not do well with other daughters of nobility, but I will try my best.”

“Michiru-san will help as well.” I patted her head to thank her, and she squirmed, looking down. “So anyway, you know how to set up your Territory, right? Here seems good.”

She looked up at me. “Well, Ame-no-Uzume wished me to plant the Sakaki tree and dance, protecting the area from harm. But she said I would not be able to do so without destroying the vile creatures that dwelt here, gathering their essence to form the tree.”

“Trees huh. Seems we share a bit of similarity.” Now that my Territory is Rank 3, the silver Anchor is definitely looking more tree-like, and I did get the Mystic Eye of the Tree of Knowledge skill too. I guess it makes sense, a lot of myths have sacred trees, as do the Fae, with their Rhyming trees… “Anyway, just let me finish off all the enemies around here so you can claim this place.” Water element surged, and a cascade of piercing water droplets showered down around the entire garden, easily crushing all of the weak foes that made this domain their home. “Draw in the remaining ether. You’ll need it.”

Miyu-san nodded, eyes wide at the instant devastation. “So, is that the skill your kami granted you? Is Okami-no-kami of the rain your patron deity? It seems more useful than dancing.”

“No way. All I got was a lecture, a little tutorial, which don’t get me wrong, was helpful, as the aftercare a lot of the gods seem to give out to people like you is pretty shit, and apparently a seed from the fruit of a World Tree. Information cheats basically. My kami isn’t even Japanese.” I grinned, remembering my first day in the Boundary. As I recited my tale I pulled out some red and orange Etherites I kept for emergencies, handing them to the surprised Miyu-san. “No, first day, I had to beat down zombies and monstrous insects with whatever weapons I could scrounge up, heavy branches and old railings. It took me a while to learn how to use my first element, and that was only because my fiancée taught me. She’s a Fae, you know. Well, a Yokai too. Did you know I’m marrying a Kamaitachi? You heard us talking about her. Shaeula. You’ll like her. She’ll also be visiting sometimes as part of your protection detail.”

“Is that even possible?” she muttered, shocked.

“Not just possible, inevitable. It won’t just be humans that are a threat, otherwise why would the gods need us? No, Yokai, monsters, demons… who knows what terrors we’ll face. Which is why I’m proud of you, for finally realising your responsibilities. Although you were a pain about it.” I ruffled her hair again, and she smacked away my hand.

“Do stop that. Please! You should not touch a young lady carelessly. Michiru would rage. Or perhaps you are hoping I will get used to your touch so you can manhandle me as you please? Well, I suppose I did…” she looked down.

“No way. Sorry, force of habit. I’ve looked after my sister and Eri, another one of my girls, for so long it’s just something I do without thinking. I’ll be careful. Anyway, are you ready?”

“I am. I have made my resolve!” She swallowed, eyes wide with nerves. “So, what must I do with these?”

“Concentrate on absorbing them. That should give you enough to plant your tree.”

She nodded, and after a few moments the red Etherites shattered, silvery ether pulled into her. Then the orange ones broke, and she pulled in over a thousand ether in one go. My Eye glittered under the dark sky, and I could see a rainbow aura around her body. Concentrating, my Eye at Rank 2 significantly keener than before, and also incomparable to when I relied on Examination skills, I watched her closely, as the ether circulated to her throat and forehead, where it was absorbed by the strange leaves that were merged with her. If nothing else, seeing this is definitely beneficial to my own understanding of how all this works. I glanced down at my own right wrist, where the bangle of silver seeds Ortlinde had bestowed on me dwelt, and though I could barely see it, if I concentrated until my Eye burned and my head ached, I could observe a thin strand winking in and out of existence, connecting me to my far-off Territory. A bit like the silver cord, but translucent, less tangible. I hope less vulnerable, too.

She began to dance, a similar one to the one I saw in her condo, yet somehow more majestic. Golden light seemed to be radiating from her, and as it illuminated the rooftop, ether began to shape a tiny bud, brilliant lights glowing prismatically around it. So, this is the Returning Dawn, huh? I definitely feel aether surging within me, and it sems to be interacting with the Anchor. The Anchor is attracting aether too, though mostly it is the ‘red’ type I have started to notice since I gained my Spiritually Pure Body.

I watched her dance for a while, her body graceful, silvery droplets of sweat flying from her. The strengthening of aether within me was slowly increasing, by the merest trickle, but even so, her skills had great potential. The Anchor sprouted, growing, using the excessive ether the Etherites had provided, and soon the Territory formed, and I was able to check the status of it. Miyu sagged down, exhausted, yet with a brilliant smile on her face.

“That dance… I felt divinity touching me. A curse? Perhaps. But… a blessing too.” Her pink face looked at me. “So, how was it? Did this vassal please you?” Her smile was mischievous.

“You sure did, but…” I tossed her another Etherite, this time a shining blue one, my precious cargo. Turns out we found another couple of blue ones in the forest around the Spring when we were doing our final round of looting. So if I save one for Suzuki-san, I can still spare this one.

She caught it, and I grinned. “I did say I would work your body to the bone. Just consider me a ruthless dance instructor. Crush that, suck in the aether and get dancing. The aim is to grow your Anchor to Rank 2. If it’s like mine, at ten thousand, with forty thousand rush-build costs, we can get a Rank 2 up and running and still have spare change. Besides a hundred thousand is small change to me now…

As a nimbus of shining ether scattered, Miyu began to dance again, and I observed her and the Anchor with my golden Eye, learning many interesting things…




“Please let me rest.” She slumped down, exhausted, chest heaving. “I have danced until my feet are raw and my body is aching.”

“Yeah well, you did good.” I gestured to the small forest that occupied her new Territory. “It’s a shame you are starting so far behind the curve compared to others such as me, but I’ll twink the hell out of you and Suzuki-san. Long-term that works for all of us.”

At each corner of the expansive garden lurked a strange tree, a single crystal fruit hanging from the branches. Her buildings are rather pretty. Trees and glass fruits. They were Defensive Emplacements, and since she had a defensive barrier and was concentrating on keeping her Territory compact for now, that should be safe enough. I hope, anyway. Thinking about how I would remove Candidacy from someone has given me quite the set of worries. I need to see Kondou Kazuo, confirm some things…

In addition there were six long, slender white trees topped with bunches of glittering diamond berries, Ether Spires to draw in ether, two of which were wreathed in glowing light, as they began to upgrade. There was also a single small bush with glass leaves, that was somehow her Silo.

“All you need to do now is when these two are done, upgrade your Silo and another Ether Spire, then work on the other three Spires. Then go for upgrading the Defensive Emplacements. Damn, I need a Rank 4 Territory before I can reach this place. That’s not happening any time soon.”

“Do not worry. I am too afraid to be reckless. Though I have to admit… watching you defeat such creatures was very impressive and reassuring. I am glad I do not have to do this alone.”

“Yeah. Michiru-san might not be much help to start with, but at least she can keep you company. And I’ll have someone on rotation to assist you, at least for now, until you find your feet. I may well also call you over to my Territory to dance for me.” I grinned wickedly, imagining the potential time savings. Every little helps, after all!

“I look forward to it.” she said stoutly, but I could see her feet were aching.


But at least now we have a more sensible foundation going forwards, and I'll still get the needed plot-related bumph in a few chapters, just in a different way. Anyway, hope this worked out better, because if I have to rewrite all this again I'll probably start crying lol.

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