On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Chapter 55: Side Three – Izumi Kana

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“I think those guys are checking us out.” Her friend said suddenly, going a little red. The other girl with them, a decently pretty girl with her brown hair cut boyishly short turned to look, watching the group of older guys across the street.

“I think you are right, Mio.” The second girl agreed. “They are definitely looking at us. They are probably checking out Kana though, rather than us.”

God, what a pain. Kana smiled sweetly at her two friends, ignoring the group of men across the street. “Come on now, don’t be like that Asami. You and Mio are plenty cute. I’m sure any guys would be happy to hit on you. But I think we can do better than them. We should just ignore them.”

Uhh, gross. If I was going to let some older men try and pick me up, I’d expect them to be rich businessmen, not some poor college students or the like. Besides, they are all pretty average. They should know they don’t have a chance with me.

Showing none of those thoughts on her face Kana led her two friends away, chattering about what they planned to do with the rest of their dwindling summer break. A couple of the guys looked like they would come over, but Kana shot them a dirty look, her eyes hard, and they turned away.

Know your place. I mean, come on. I am by far the most attractive girl in my school. Hell, I’m probably the most attractive girl in this whole suburb. She didn’t think she was being prideful either, just stating facts. Ever since she was a kid she had been praised for her beauty, just like that of a traditional Japanese maiden, with her long black hair, perfectly balanced features and slender body. Though not too slender. Damn, do I need to go shopping again? I keep growing…

Kana in casual clothing

“So, do you want to do karaoke or something?” Mio was asking, snapping Kana out of her thoughts.

“I’m sorry I can’t.” she apologised. “I have to work at the shrine tonight. There’s a big meeting coming up in a few weeks, and my father and grandfather need help to get everything ready for our visit.”

“Oh, that’s kind of cool and unusual. Are you going somewhere?” her other friend Asami asked.

I bet you aren’t really interested. I know I’m not. God I hate having to do this shrine maiden stuff. I’m always told we have a great lineage going back a thousand years, but why couldn’t we be one with money as well? Again, showing none of her inner thoughts on her face with practised skill, Kana spoke.

“Yeah, we have to go to Kyoto. Apparently it’s a really big deal for shrines, pretty much everyone across Honshu has been invited. You should see my father and grandfather panic. Still, I’m just an apprentice so I don’t have to go.” No, I’m stuck looking after the shrine with a few other unlucky girls. Way to ruin what remains of my damn holiday. I wish I was rich, then I could leave all this crap behind.

“That’s a shame.” Her first friend Mio commiserated. “I hear there is a lot to see in Kyoto. I didn’t get to go on our school trip because of a family matter, so I missed out…”

“I didn’t go either.” Kana commiserated. Why would I want to see more damn shrines, no matter how grand? The whole shrine and God thing is total crap. Okay sure, so we come from a long lineage which has mystical powers, but they aren’t worth a damn. So our ancestor managed to fend off a roving gang of bandits by calling down a lightning strike on them, but considering that took all the spiritual energy he had gathered for well over a decade, it’s hardly worth it. If I wanted to kill someone I could just buy a damn gun!

Mio and Asami (who had been on the Kyoto trip) were chatting about what she had seen, causing Kana to grind her teeth. And as for my father, so proud that he can conjure a flame that is only good for lighting a cigarette after meditating for hours. Get a lighter you damn moron. Her own gift was suitably meagre too. When she was a young girl she had dreamed of being special, a magical girl or a hero, but being smart, unlike those idiots who spent all their free time meditating, she had quickly realised her gifts were useless.

So I can tell if things are abnormal, and sometimes get a hint of what other people are thinking. Big wow. Anyone with half a mind can learn to understand others, and the only abnormal things I’ve ever seen have been my idiot family and a few other shrine maidens and priests. Although… there was one time when she was very young she had seen a very pretty sight, a rainbow presence that had illuminated the centre of the shrine. Of course, right after that my head was splitting, so it was probably just a migraine.

Rubbing her temples she interjected into the conversation her friends were having. “Anyway, I really have to go. I’ve had a lot of fun hanging out today, but if I don’t help out with the preparations my father is going to be mad at me. I don’t want another lecture.”

“Aww, that’s a shame.” Mio said. “But yeah, we wouldn’t want to get you in trouble. Say hi to your folks for us. Maybe we’ll come and visit your shrine again soon. You look so beautiful in the traditional outfit.”

Please don’t. It makes me cringe to think of you looking around our ramshackle dump. “That sounds nice, we are really busy right now but I’ll let you know when I’m free. I’ll text you two later, okay?”

As her two friends left, discussing what they were going to do that evening, Kana set off for the train station, her face cold. Sometimes I think I’m the only sane person in this world. Since there was no-one she knew around she let out a long sigh. “Damn, my life is awful. I put such effort into being the perfect girl. My grades are excellent, I’m always looking beautiful, I do well at sports, I’m kind to everyone I meet, I have cute friends… so why am I stuck out here in the suburbs having no fun and no money?”

Trudging towards the station in a foul mood she spotted a couple walking along, chatting happily, and barely choked down a curse. Damn pervert. Looks like he’s on a date with a younger girl. She can’t be any older than me, but he has to be in his mid-twenties. Even I have to admit she’s pretty though. She has a good vibe going, that summer dress looks fresh on her. The guy… at least he looks like he works out or something, but his fashion sense is awful. I guess he must have money if she is hanging around with him. He was carrying a brand new suitcase. Lucky. A new suitcase probably means they are going on holiday somewhere. I wonder if it’s abroad. I’d love to go to Hawaii or somewhere else exotic…

Chewing on her lip with envy Kana watched them head towards a series of café’s and bars at the side of the road. Unable to take her annoyance any further she was about to turn away when a jolt of pain flared through her head, as though something hot was just jabbed into her eyes. She blinked away tears and then suddenly stopped, eyes going wide in shock.

What in the world? Her eyes were filled with bright rainbows. The man was leaking a brilliant light, energy radiating from his back like wings of white and green, a shimmering energy constantly being absorbed into him. And the girl beside him… it’s just like that time when I was a child… her whole body was suddenly composed of rainbows, green energy surrounding her like an aura, similar wings of green and white extending from her back too. She rubbed at her eyes and looked again, but it was no different, their abnormalities clearly visible to her heightened senses. This… this is huge. When she looked at her grandfather, who was the strongest spiritualist at her shrine, all she could see were the occasional sparkling flecks of light around him. This was the difference between the stars and the sun!

I should… her thoughts racing she called out despite herself.  “Hey Big Bro, wait up, wait up!”

For a second the man paused, but then he carried on walking, talking to his female companion.

Grr, ignore me will you? Picking up the pace she hurried after them, cursing that she was wearing heels. “I said wait, big bro! Wait a minute, don’t run off!” she shouted, her voice as girly as she could make it.

At that the man stopped again, turning to her. When he did so she waved, tilting her head innocently. “Hey big bro, I asked you to wait, why didn’t you stop?” she pouted. Let’s see if you can ignore me now.

“Do you know this girl, Akio?” the young girl asked. Now that she was getting a good look at her Kana had to admit she was a real top-tier in terms of looks. She’s almost as pretty as me. No wonder this creep picked her up. Still, that doesn’t matter right now…

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“No, I don’t. When would I get to know any schoolgirls? You know how busy I am, right?”

“Well, you do know Ichika, do you not? She cannot be that much older than this girl here-here?”

Why are you ignoring me? It’s pissing me off. Do you think I want to talk to you?

“Hey, I don’t know big bro at all, but there’s something I really need to talk to him about super urgently. Is that all right?” she fluttered her eyelashes and asked in the cutest way possible. Bleh, I make myself sick sometimes. Leaning over to give a hint of cleavage through the fashionable t-shirt she was wearing she looked at him, eyes moist. “It won’t take long big bro, how about we grab a parfait in that café over there? I’m sure your gorgeous girlfriend would love it too!” If I flatter and charm him enough he’ll bite, the pervert. All men love cute schoolgirls.

“I do want to eat something nice Akio. We have been working hard all day-day. I want something sweet to eat and some alcohol.”

This guy is seriously a predator. Giving a girl like that alcohol. I’d better be careful… but the abnormality around them is showing no signs of vanishing. This can’t be a headache coming. Everything else around looks just fine, like normal.

“I know a great place. Come on, come on!” she took the hand of the girl, not wanting to touch his, and led them to a rather cute café she frequented with her friends. Luckily there was no-one she knew there, so she led them to a corner table. I’d die if someone I knew saw me with him. Maybe I could pass him off as a cousin or something. Damn, I forgot, my purse is pretty light.

“Oh I’m sorry big bro, I forgot I don’t have much money on me. Could you please get me a parfait? I don’t need a big one?” she crossed her slender jeans-clad legs in front of him, showing off.

“I want this one and that one. Since they do not have alcohol I will have one of those as well-well.” The young girl pointed to a brightly coloured drink. “Get the girl something, compared to our expenses today it is nothing, is it not-not?”

The man held back a sigh and nodded. “All right then, you can order whatever you want.”

Whatever eh? Don’t mind if I do. “I’ll have the deluxe jumbo seasonal parfait with the extra side treats and toppings then. Oh, and I’ll have the same drink as your girlfriend, that one is really good! Thanks big bro.”

The man agreed and the waitress took their orders. What I ordered was nearly two thousand yen. Nice. Still, that isn’t why I am here. Time to ease into it gently…

“So, did you take your girlfriend out shopping today? That suitcase looks brand new. Are you taking her on holiday? That’s so lucky big bro!”

The man looked a bit confused by her boisterous attitude but he answered anyway. “Yeah, we were doing some shopping for clothes. We have a business trip planned so needed to pick up a few things.”

Business trip? “Oh cool, can I take a look…. Oh, I don’t know either of your names. Mine is Izumi Kana, but you can call me Kana-chan, big bro!”

“Uhh, go right ahead.” The man said, passing her the suitcase. “My name is Oshiro Akio, and this is Shaeula. She’s only half-Japanese so she doesn’t do honorifics. As for me…”

“I’ll keep calling you big bro, that suits you best!” she jumped in. Unzipping the case she was greeted by the sight of a huge pile of clothing and underwear, all of which looked pretty expensive. “Wow, you really know how to treat your girlfriend! I’m jealous.” I’m certainly jealous of how much you are spending on her. I need someone to treat me like that…

“Yes, Akio knows how to treat me right, as the princess I am-am.” The girl, Shaeula said. Now that I look at her, she has the most gorgeous hair and eyes. Still, a princess? How old is she, twelve? I’ve half a mind to tip off the police… “Still, I fail to see why you called out to Akio. I believe you should explain yourself.”

Now, how to phrase this… “Well… you know. I saw big bro walking along the street and he just seemed so interesting I knew I had to talk to him. You are pretty interesting yourself Shaeula-chan.”

Shaeula-chan and Akio-san looked at each other, their expressions strained. Akio-san turned back to Kana, looking rather nervous. “I’m not quite sure what you mean. I know Shaeula stands out a lot, but I’m just an average guy. I’m flattered by the attention, but I…”

Bleh, he thinks I’m hitting on him. Men are such pigs. “No, no big bro, you misunderstand. My family runs a shrine you see, and I’ve always been sensitive to people’s auras. And your auras are quite magnificent. I wanted to have a talk with you about them, but it’s kind of embarrassing bringing it up.”

Kana looked downwards, just the hint of a blush on her cheeks. Perfect. No man can resist this look.

Akio-san and Shaeula-chan shared another look. Way to be annoying. Shaeula-chan turned back to Kana, and suddenly the abnormalities around Shaeula were flushed with amber and gold, the white lights dyed, her eyes glowing like miniature suns. Suddenly feeling uncomfortable, Kana squirmed. What is going on here, I feel as though she is looking deep inside me. I don’t like that at all…

Nodding once Shaeula-chan smiled, though her eyes were a little scary. “You do indeed have good eyes, do you not Kana? Akio, I believe we need to have a longer discussion with this girl. Get us more drinks and snacks. This may take a while-while.”

Swallowing nervously Kana cursed inside her head. Damn, what have I got myself into here? I thought I could score some points with my father and grandfather if I brought them news of such abnormalities, especially with the big meeting coming up and the rumours that are flying about. Who knew I would end up so cornered? Still, I’m committed now. I can always rely on my charm to get what I want, especially with men…

Putting on her best charming smile Kana spoke brightly once more. “Oh in that case order the crepe selection plate. It’s pretty good to share with cute girls like us.” I need to ingratiate myself. An abnormality like this… I don’t want to be hit by lightning… not before I’ve enjoyed all life has to offer. “So, what did you want to ask me?”

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