On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Chapter 73: Side Eight – Oshiro Sapphire Aiko

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“I win again-again. I fear games of chance against me will only lead you to despair.” Shaeula crowed as she won another hand of cards. Wow, no kidding. Her luck is off the charts. She always ends up with great hands.

Eri-chan had recovered from earlier, though her eyes were still red from crying. She looked better though, I thought, as though getting her true feelings off her chest had lifted a burden from her. Though of course she still needs to tell my big bro, which is a higher hurdle. She seemed to have formed a truce with Shaeula too, probably because Shaeula seemed genuinely concerned about her, despite being a rival. But… can you imagine my brother marrying both Eri-chan and Shaeula? I know that in some foreign countries polygamy is legal, but this is Japan… but then, I’d have two of the most beautiful sisters-in-law in the world… wow I’m so confused.

I took another swig of beer that I had persuaded Shaeula to give me, savouring the taste. It was kinda weird at first, a bit bitter, but it’s growing on me… I let out a giggle.

“Your father is going to be really mad if he finds out you’ve been drinking…” Eri-chan warned, but I waved it off with another giggle.

“He won’t know unless we tell him, will he?” I followed Shaeula’s gaze to where my bow was resting. “Oh, you’ve seen it, eh? That’s my kyudo Yumi. It cost a small fortune, I remember my big bro donating six months of his allowance towards paying for it, though that was a drop in the ocean. Still, it was the thought that counted, right? I remember having to go a year with only old clothes and stuff to make up for the cost…” Wow, the memories…

“I think Aiko-chan shines the most when doing archery, or playing volleyball. She has to be doing sports. She’s always been super athletic. When she pulls back on that huge bow, the look on her face before she shoots the arrow is beautiful.” Eri-chan was telling Shaeula seriously, embarrassing me.

“Oh come on, please stop. I just got all the physical talents in the family, my big bro got all the brains. And you are smart as hell too. Really I’m nothing special. Although…” you know what, that reminds me… “Seriously, has my brother been working out, Shaeula? He’s… weirdly ripped. And is it me, or does he look way better than before? Even his face seems a little different. I mean, it’s… it’s him, just better, you get it?” I hope someone gets it, because I kinda do, yet I don’t… it’s like a feeling when I look at him…

“I know what you mean.” Eri-chan replied. “I was thinking it was just me. He’s definitely been doing some exercise, but it isn’t just that. When I saw him at the train station, my heart skipped a beat, my chest felt hot and… awawa… what am I saying?” Eri-chan hid her face again as she realised what she had been saying. Still, I was happy. Looks like the honesty is sticking.

“So there you have it. He’s like… more charming now? Do you know what I mean, Shaeula?”

She turned back from admiring my Yumi. “Of course I understand it, for I have seen his growth first-hand. He trains his body every day, and he practices his spear arts without pause-pause. It is only natural you should see him as more charming, as a man should be strong and resolute-resolute.”

“Spear arts? He’s taking up combat sports now? Damn, big bro is stealing all of my charm points. If I’m not the sporty one I’ll have nothing left! It’s too late for me to try and go the studious route now. Wow, I’m screwed!” I’m joking, but… I do feel a little conflicted. Ever since big bro protected us from that dog, I’ve never wanted to feel weak and helpless again. So I worked on my body and got stronger… but to find big bro is doing the same…

“Don’t be like that Aiko-chan.” Eri-chan commiserated with me. “You are hardly a dummy, your grades are average in class. Besides, you speak perfect English, that’s something hard, right?”

“Well, that’s only because mom and dad both speak it at home a lot, and as a half it’d be stupid not to. Besides, you speak English really well too, don’t you? At least we’ll be fine in Las Vegas, which is nice. Anyway, we are getting off-topic again. I’ve heard something I can’t ignore. You say you’ve seen his growth first-hand, Shaeula? Just where…? You also said you were in his care before. Did you mean in a work sense, or…”

“Akio of course looks after me, like the princess I am.” Shaeula said proudly. “His house is rather small and cramped, but we hope to rectify that soon-soon.”

“Hey, hold on… you’re living with my brother? Like together? Alone? In that tiny apartment?” It was shock piled on shock. Eri-chan had shut down again, her eyes spinning. If Eri-chan hadn’t faced her feelings earlier, I think this might have finished her off.

“Yes, alone. I fail to see the issue with that-that? It is the duty of a master to provide for his servant. I eat good food and drink fine alcohol. There is nothing to concern yourself with-with.”

Wow, I think there is! “So you live alone with my brother, and you get drunk together? And you are sure you aren’t dating? This is the room for honesty, remember!”

“I assure you, I have not raised the subject to Akio as of yet-yet, for I fear it is still too soon. Your brother can be somewhat dense when it comes to understanding the feelings of fair maidens, can he not-not? So we stand at the same place Eri-Eri. Hold to your courage, lest you regret your silence evermore.”

“But, but… what about bathing, or when you need to change clothes…” I continued, flabbergasted.

“I’m so…” Eri-chan whispered. “I’m so jealous. I wish I lived with Akio. Why am I too young?”

Wow, the honesty is just spilling out now.

“Take heart.” Shaeula said, putting down my bow. “Being young is surely a blessing for you, as Akio seems very fond of younger girls. There is Ichika, Kana, Keomi…” as she began to rattle off names Eri-chan’s expression grew darker and more stormy. Wow, I’m not mad… it’s just… my reality is crashing down. Big bro got hot, and now he’s got all these girls? This can’t be right… wow…

“I can see I’ll have to set my brother back on the right track. It’s all right Eri-chan, together we can discipline big bro moonstone so he doesn’t cheat on you again… err, or on you Shaeula. Wow, I’m kinda stuck in between here, I don’t know who to root for… maybe harem is the way… oh wow, what am I saying?”

“Worry not, they are but acquaintances of his, though like every male, he does rather enjoy the attention of pretty female companions. In any case, Aiko, Eri, master would not wish to do anything that would make you sad-sad. He is indeed rather overprotective, much like my siblings.”

“I’m still fine, I’m still fine, I’m still fine…” Eri-chan was muttering to herself, a little unnervingly. Oh god, if she goes yandere for my brother what will happen? I don’t even want to think about it.

“Hey, you’ve got siblings?” I asked Shaeula, interested.

“Indeed, though they are only half-siblings, from my father’s other wives and concubines. I have three older brothers and an older sister. One of my brothers is quite the archer, like you.”

Makes sense that Shaeula isn’t bothered by polygamy then, but if her mother is Japanese I wonder how she feels… ugh…

Shaeula continued. “As for being overprotective, I did suggest that your archery skills could be put to good use for us, but master worries so-so. After meeting you I feel certain I was correct, that you should be trained for your own benefit-benefit. Perhaps you have talents that could be useful too, Eri.”

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I don’t get it. What does archery have to do with IT work? Eri-chan I get, as she’s top of our class, so she’d pick it up no problem. Wow, I’m so confused.

Finishing off a beer I opened another can, taking a swig. I was starting to feel pleasantly warm and fuzzy now, taking the edge off my confusion. Surprisingly enough Eri suddenly snatched one of the unopened cans and began to drink it, gagging a little on the taste.

“Oho, that is the spirit. Fine alcohol is one of life’s true pleasures-pleasures.” Shaeula enthused. “I am grateful to Akio, for he has shown me many things I never thought I would see, and taught me much about this world-world. I realise now I was too proud, and foolish in my distaste for others.” She looked at us both, her amber eyes seeming to glow mesmerizingly. Wow, she’s just so beautiful, almost like a fairy…

“I believe Akio still has many places yet to take me and dreams to reveal. I believe you two should come with us, to see the world that lies at the end of it all-all.” With that she finished her own drink and opened the last can. “But enough of this weighty topic. We should enjoy ourselves more, should we not-not?”

“I think we should. You agree right, Eri-chan?” as Eri also nodded her shy agreement we raised our cans and clinked them together. “Cheers. To honesty and love!” I said loudly, bringing snorted laughter from the others as they echoed my toast…




We had long finished the drinks and snacks we had, and had played hard at various games and now the hour was late. I had promised to show Shaeula some archery assuming we could sneak onto the school grounds to the kyudo range. She had expressed interest in seeing where my big bro studied as a kid as well. Eri-chan was looking pretty out of it, the beer she had drunk for the first time making her sleepy, and she was lying on her futon curled up like an adorable animal, occasionally murmuring things under her breath that she would be mortified for us to hear.

“… Akio… would like you like… dinner… or a bath.. or…”

“Oh god, I know what dream she is having. Wow, she’s a little pervert. Guess the beer brings it out in her.” I laughed quietly, so as not to wake her. Looking at Shaeula, who was watching Eri-chan fondly, I smiled. “You know, thanks. I mean it.”

Shaeula raised one eyebrow. “I am sure I do not know just what I have done to deserve your thanks-thanks.”

“Oh I think you do. Thanks for not being cruel to Eri-chan. Seriously, she’s my best friend in all the world, and I love her. But she isn’t brave and isn’t strong. She’s loved my brother for as long as she can remember, so you showing up, so close to him… it could have crushed her. But you were so kind…”

“Nonsense. I merely spoke what was on my mind, this honesty you demanded.” Shaeula snorted. “Akio and I… are not like that yet. So I have no right to stop her. Besides…”

“I know, I know. You seem weirdly okay with sharing. Even so, you’ve given her the push she needed. I’ll make sure she doesn’t slip back and regret it. You know… I think I like you too. My big bro is such a lucky dog. When will someone come to sweep me off my feet?”

“I suspect you would have little trouble finding a decent male-male.” Shaeula approved. “But until then, why not let your brother spoil you? I do believe he is what this country calls a… siscon, is he not?”

Wow, oh my… that came from nowhere, and now I’m all embarrassed again. It must be the beer why I’m feeling hot, right? I was about to retort when there was a soft knock on the door and my brother’s voice called out softly. “Shaeula, you awake in there?”

He didn’t hear any of the conversation we just had did he? I hope not or I’ll die… “What time do you call this? It’s so late…” I replied grumpily.

“Oh, sorry. My business ran longer than expected. I was wondering if Shaeula was still up?”

Getting up I opened the door to let him in. He came inside looking apologetic, smiling as he saw the sleeping Eri-chan. “Guess she got all tuckered out by the girl talk?” he said.

“She sure did.” I agreed, not mentioning the can of beer. She’ll be mortified to hear my big bro saw her sleeping in such an undignified fashion. Oh well, her own fault. “So, what do you need Shaeula for?”

“I just want to borrow her for a bit to discuss something about work. It shouldn’t take too long.”

“Oh, at this hour? Can’t it wait?” I protested. “it is work-related right, you aren’t going to be doing anything… lewd… with Shaeula are you?”

“Oh come on sis, you know me better than that. Besides, I told you, she isn’t my girlfriend, she isn’t into me, we are work colleagues. Can you cut me some slack?”

Yep, he may have got hot and fit, and have girls flocking around him, but he’s still the same old dense brother I’ve always known. That makes me feel good, somehow…

“Fine. You can borrow Shaeula. But don’t keep her up too long all right? We have a busy day tomorrow. And no lewd activities, all right?” I teased.

“All right, all right.” He sighed as Shaeula snickered at our banter. As she left with my brother I turned to Eri-chan, who was sleeping peacefully and spoke quietly, as my own eyes began to close, the beer catching up with me. “Goodnight Eri-cha…n, goodnight… Shaeul…a, goodnight, big… br…”

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