On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Chapter 79: Seventy-One

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“You know, you overreacted a bit there, big bro.” My sister whispered to me as we descended the steps in a big group. “It was only a date… it isn’t like I was going to be his girlfriend or anything.”

“I heard you whispering to Shaeula. He sounds like the kind of trash I shouldn’t let anywhere near you. Besides, he looks the sort to get handsy and insistent on going further than he should. I know you can look after yourself, but the thought of it… ugh…”

“Wow, you have sharp ears. I’ll have to be careful what I say around you.” She paused for a moment, gathering her words. “Seriously though, thanks big bro. I’m always happy when you get angry for my sake. You never back down when it is for me or Eri-chan. Just like back then.” Serious talk over, she smiled. “One last thing. You shouldn’t call him trash when you have Eri-chan and Shaeula hanging all over you. That’s two-timing, big bro. if Rika-san has her way, you might even be three-timing, and going on a date with Yae-san. And what about that little shrine maiden? If anything, you look the bad guy here, bro.”

Ouch, that hurts. Even though I haven’t done anything, I admit it looks really bad… still, Eri-chan is Eri-chan, and Shaeula doesn’t mean anything by it, so I think it’s fine… at least she seems to have calmed down from earlier, but I’m going to have to come up with something to tell her, as I can’t keep all this secret from her forever… oh well, baseball first…

The town was bustling, with most residents out and about, including those from the nearby villages that were also served by our towns’ school. The town sports field was near the school where I went when I was young, the series of buildings there comprising of an elementary, middle and high school, as our town and the surrounds were not populous enough to require separate facilities.

Around the field a large crowd had gathered, and already the women of the town were setting up various tables, barbeques and other necessities.

“I’m looking forward to stuffing my face after the match.” My sister said, eyeing the large coolboxes of meat that were being carried over. “But I don’t want to be eating as a loser. You will win, right big bro?”

“I’m sure he can do it.” Eri-chan said quietly. “After all, when has big brother ever let us down?”

“I can think of a few times…” my sister teased. “But when it counts… he is pretty reliable.”

“Well I don’t know if he’ll win, after all, he’s going up against Masaki-kun and Kenji-kun, two of the stars of our baseball team, but considering he can win a date with me, I bet he’ll be giving it his all, won’t he?” Yae-san winked at me, ignoring the scowl from her boyfriend.

“Well, whoever wins we should keep things friendly.” Rika-san said. “And you don’t want to go too mad on the food Ai-chan, boys won’t like you if you get fat!”

As the girls bantered, I saw my mom and father waiting by the side of the field, along with Eri-chan’s parents. Seeing me my mom waved cheerily, and my father smiled a little, still looking a bit worse for wear. I left the girls and walked over to them, Shaeula following me quietly.

“Mom, Father. Uncle Mori, Auntie.” I greeted them all. Turning to my father I couldn’t help but smile. “How are you feeling? I heard you were a bit hungover.”

My father had the grace to look embarrassed. “I must admit I have felt better.” He looked at Shaeula who was standing behind me. “I am amazed that you seem so bright this morning, Shaeula. You have such a slight frame, yet you matched me drink for drink…”

My mom elbowed him in the ribs. “Don’t be rude, darling. You shouldn’t talk about a young girl like that, you’ll embarrass her.”

My father grimaced in apology. As he did Auntie Mori looked at Shaeula with interest. “So you must be the Shaeula I have heard about. You certainly are a pretty one, I’ll admit. Still, my little girl doesn’t lose to you!” Before Shaeula could answer Auntie Mori turned to me. “It’s been too long, little Aki. You really need to keep in touch more. My little Eri misses you terribly.”

Ugh, I hate that nickname. Still, Auntie Mori has known me ever since I moved back to Japan, so I guess it is unavoidable… still, I hear Shaeula snickering behind me…

“Sorry about that. I’ve been pretty busy building up my business in the city. I’ve not had much time to get back really.”

“Still…” Uncle Mori said, looking at me with an appraising eye. “You seem to be doing well for yourself now, right? Been working out too, I see. And here’s me thinking you were going to be a beanpole forever.”

“Yes, I was very surprised when you sent my little girl that phone. She was so happy to get a gift from you, but when I asked around it was really expensive. And then I hear you’ll be taking her on holiday too…” around me everyone looked uncomfortable. “You do know…” Auntie Mori said slowly. “…. We can’t really afford to give her much money. I know she’s overjoyed about the thought of going on a trip with her beloved little Aki, but… ugh…”

“I don’t want her to feel bad because she can’t afford anything.” Uncle broke in. “It might be better if…”

“I feel that you all worry too much-much.” Shaeula spoke up. “Such trifles are of no moment to Akio, he will ensure she has no such concerns. Akio will not do anything to make Eri or his sister unhappy.”

“Ugh, you are kind as well as beautiful.” Auntie sighed. “Still, you have to understand her feelings. Taking charity can hurt a girl. We know it well.” She sighed yet again, face down, her husband wrapping a reassuring arm around her shoulder. “After all, we have been in the care of the Oshiro’s for a long time now. When times are hard, they’ve always been there for us, despite having little to spare themselves… I wanted to name my little girl Emi, after my friend, as a kind of repayment, but she wouldn’t have it…”

“Friends don’t need repaying, they are friends after all.” my mom broke in. “Besides, Emi and Emily… it’d just be confusing. I think Eri is a gorgeous name anyway…”

“Yeah, I can manage.” I agreed. “I’ve known Eri ever since she was a baby, we are childhood friends after all. I want her to experience fun things, and now I’m making decent money… besides, my sis would be delighted to have her along…”

“Yes, you are childhood friends. Practically part of the family.” Auntie agreed. “In fact, when are you going to take my little Eri as your bride? I’ve always felt you were my son anyway, and I know Emily thinks the same about my little girl. Childhood friends should always be together. After all, we did…” she smiled at her husband. Turning to Shaeula she smiled. “Sorry girl, but my little girl will not lose to you.”

Shaeula made a dismissive gesture. “Eri has nothing to fear from me. I shall support her in her pursuit of Akio. However, she will miss her chance if she does not gather her courage soon-soon.”

“Oh, I don’t know about that.” My mom laughed. “After all, they’ll be away from our sight for a whole weekend next week, right?”

My father was disapproving. “Normally I would not allow it. Taking such a young girl abroad. Even if her parents approve and we’ve known her forever. I expect you to be on your best behaviour so that nothing bad happens, you understand, son?”

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“Yes, I wouldn’t entrust my little girl to just anyone. After all, she’s so cute and shy, like a little animal. Bad boys just love that…” Auntie said. Looking me in the eyes she continued. “But little Aki wouldn’t do anything to hurt her, I know that. Besides if… something… did happen, well, you’d of course take responsibility, wouldn’t you?”

Ugh, does she think I’d make a move on Eri-chan and do… that?... I’m used to getting teased a bit about Eri-chan and what she might be feeling for me, but this visit absolutely everyone is ramming it down my throat. Not even a typical Japanese novel protagonist could remain oblivious in the face of all this…

“I just want the girls to have fun. I’m working hard so I can provide for my family.” I said firmly. “Nothing bad will happen to Eri-chan, so there will be no need for any responsibility. But… and I say this only to reassure you, I’d never let Eri-chan shoulder any burdens alone. Of course I would stand at her side.”

“That’s all I wanted to hear.” Auntie said.

“I would expect no less of my master.” Shaeula approved. “A male who cannot bring happiness to a woman is no male at all-all.”

“As expected of little Aki, your friend is a good girl too.” Auntie approved. “I hope you can be friends with my little Eri too, she is very shy you know, but she’s a sweetie really.”

“I would say we are already friends, are we not-not?”

“Oh, so adorable. Why don’t you stay here with us and chat during the match, Shaeula-chan? We can watch little Aki do his thing. Since he is showing off in front of you, little Eri and his sister, he’ll have to try his hardest.”

As Shaeula agreed to remain with my parents and Eri-chan’s family during the match, my father gestured to the town baseball team, who were gathering over one side of the field, advising me it was time for me to go. His last words were advice to do my best, so I could be proud of myself. With a wry smile I said my goodbyes and raced over to the team, arriving just as they were all looking at the ’pro’ team line-ups.

Imai-san was already there, along with a couple of seniors who I remembered from school. They were studying the documents with interest. On seeing me, Imai-san waved me over. “Hey Oshiro-san, good timing. They have just sent over the order of play for the pros. Looks like your bitter rivals…” he paused to snort with laughter. “Are playing in innings four to six. I guess you’ll be up then, right?”

I glanced over toward the ‘pro’ team. There was around thirty of them, mostly kids from the high school baseball team, some graduates who were members of the team while they were at school, and a few of the adults who were best at sports. Since they had the better players, they had to set their players in advance, unlike us who could change at will during innings. It was pretty much the only way to accommodate the large number of players both teams had. In terms of batting orders, both teams also had more flexibility than was traditionally allowed.

Still, it isn’t as though this is an officially sanctioned game, so having variant rules is no big deal, but can we even really call this baseball?… ugh, I wish he wouldn’t look at me like that…

Noticing where my gaze was going, to Kenji-san who was scowling at me, Imai-san slapped me on the back. “He sure is glaring at you like you killed his parents. Seriously, what a kid. You going to show him what’s what, eh Oshiro-san?”

“Just what is going on here Imai?” one of the seniors asked, looking over to the ‘pro’ team with interest. “That kid over there is really giving us the stink-eye. And it isn’t like Oshiro here to take part in this unless he has to…” he paused. “Well, looks like you’ve been exercising. Good for you. A man should be fit. But don’t think that putting on some muscle will help you be a better player.”

True, but it isn’t just muscle I’ve added… all around me the team was listening with interest, waiting for Imai-san to speak. Relishing the spotlight, dragging it out, Imai-san gestured expansively.

“Get a load of this. Our Oshiro-san here shot down that poor boy over there when he tried to hit on his precious sister. We all know what a siscon our dear Oshiro-san is, right?”

I was annoyed at the nods and murmured agreements that greeted that statement. That’s a false charge. I’m just looking out for her, like any decent brother would.

“You do know your sister will die alone if you keep warding off every guy who approaches her. Though she does have a habit of comparing every boy she meets to you… before now I’d say that was okay, but if you get fit as well… alas poor Oshiro-chan, she’ll die a virgin.”

“Hey, I’m not finding that funny…” I complained, bringing laughter from everyone. A couple of guys were even slapping me hard on the back, though I got a brief flash of pleasure from the fact they had pained expressions afterwards.

“Anyway… for once I agree with Oshiro-san here, the kid is no good. He tried to bet a date with Oshiro-chan on their performance in the baseball game. He didn’t even really have much to offer himself for his side of the bet. What a clown.” Imai-san continued. “You should have seen Oshiro-san go off, hell it was scary, I almost pissed my pants, man. Anyway, he chewed him out and instead bet a hundred thousand yen and the losers’ pride. Tomorrow at the festival the loser has to take to the stage and humiliate themselves.”

“Shit, that’s harsh.” One commented. “You sure about this? Not to be mean, but… you kind of suck, Oshiro-san. You always had the brains, but to call you sporting, even as empty flattery… well, I can’t do it…”

“It gets better.” Imai-san chuckled. Kenji-san had turned away and was talking to Masaki-san, though every so often he shot me an angry look. “… seeing the chance to get in on a hundred thousand yen, which for a town kid is big money right, his friend Masaki-kun bet him too… and get this, he threw in a date with his girlfriend as the collateral. He thinks he can’t lose, and maybe he’s right… but even so… man, his girl was pissed. Cracks me up thinking about it.”

“Has anyone told you your personality sucks, Imai-san?” one guy teased him, and he agreed.

“Still…” another senior said. “It gives us another reason to stick it to those annoying jerks who think they are so much better than us. rivalry is the spice of life…”

“Oh hell yes.” A third cheered. “Don’t let us down, Oshiro-san. We’ll pencil you in from four to six. And when you win, be sure to romance that girlfriend good.”

More laughter broke out. This is getting bigger than I thought. Still, losing isn’t an option. Shaeula believes I can do anything…

“Of course he’ll do his best. His sister is here watching after all. you think the biggest siscon in the mountains would want to look bad in front of her?”

There was yet more laughter until the team captain came over to break it up. As we headed for our side of the field, I could see my sis and the girls had joined our families and Shaeula on the sides. Seeing me looking Shaeula gave me a little wave. Clenching my fist I smiled to myself. If you think I am who I was before then you’ll be very surprised. Kenji-san, Masaki-san, prepare to be defeated…

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