On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Chapter 97: Eighty-Five

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Wednesday dawned and I woke up early, having a lot to do in preparation for our trip tomorrow. After a hasty breakfast with Shaeula we set off for the city proper. First on the agenda was to pick up Shaeula’s passport and a few other documents. We then had to grab a few final bits and pieces, and as Shaeula was often reminding me, replace that dress of hers she liked that was ruined bandaging me up.

On our train ride back to our nearest metro station, Shaeula was grinning at her passport, constantly flicking through it. I wasn’t sure what was so entertaining about boring documents like that, but since she seemed to be having fun I let her be, trying to ignore all the gazes from the surrounding commuters. Well, we do stand out. Shaeula was definitely eye-catching, and since my Charm had increased a lot I had noticed more and more people looking at me. It’s honestly a bit disconcerting, but it can’t be helped…

Getting off at our local station we dropped the various items we had bought back at my apartment, before setting off for the most important task of the day, at Shirohebizumi shrine. As we were about to leave a door opened a bit away from us, and a rather dishevelled Karen-chan peeked out. On seeing us her expression brightened a little.

“Back from your trip home then?” she asked, her voice hoarse. Wow, she doesn’t sound well.

“We are indeed. I found Akio’s hometown rather fascinating. And of course the festival was especially entertaining for me-me. But that aside…” she gazed at Karen-chan with concern. “Are you well-well? You seem down…”

Karen-chan smiled, though it looked forced to me. Opening up the door she stepped outside. She was wearing sweats and an old t-shirt, and her face was devoid of make-up, which was not like a working woman such as Karen-chan, who liked to take care of herself. “Thanks for your concern, but I’ll be all right. I’ve just… not been so well recently. It’ll pass, it always does.” She sighed.

“Well, if you need anything, let me know. Although saying that, from tomorrow we will be away again until early next week.”

“You are always so busy nowadays. Must be nice to enjoy your work.” She looked down, before plastering another smile on her face. “When you get back we should go out again. Your treat of course, Akio-kun.”

“Yeah sure, that’s fine.” I agreed. “You just take care of yourself and don’t push too hard, okay?”

Shaeula echoed my sentiments, advising Karen-chan to rest, and as she closed her door, retreating to her apartment, I wondered just what was up. First she skipped work to go to the city with us, now she’s not well. I hope she’s all right… Sadly I couldn’t solve the problems of everyone I knew, so putting that aside I made a resolution to treat her to a decent meal out and some drinks when we returned to cheer her up.

“All right then, off to Shirohebizumi shrine. Once we’ve done our business there, we can do our last efforts in our Territory and we are ready for the off!”




As we ascended to the shrine I noticed that it was looking far more… well, tidy… than normal. All the torii had now been freshly painted, the steps had been scrubbed until they gleamed, and fresh lanterns and other adornments were everywhere. There were also a fair few shrine maidens working, using traditional bamboo brushes and other tools, including a few I recognised from the meeting before.

As I crested the top to the shrine-building-proper, a young-looking Shrine maiden came racing over, pale with breathlessness. She gave me a rather cute grin and a little bow, before looking at me with her big eyes. “Hey Akio-kun, hey Shaeula. What brings you to the shrine today?” she said brightly.

Akio-kun, hmm. She’s pretty forward for a younger girl, but then Keomi-chan is kind of an airhead from what I’ve seen and heard… I don’t suppose it matters.

“Oh, I was hoping to have a word with Izumi-san, the head of the shrine. Is he about?” as I asked her, I could feel a strange gaze on me, it was causing my back around my lunar chakra to prickle strangely. Shaeula too must have felt something as she was looking around, her eyes glowing amber in the sun.

“Oh, you mean honoured grandfather? Sure, he’s in.” Keomi-chan answered. “Though he’s meeting with someone real important at the moment. I don’t think he’ll mind if it’s you who interrupts though.”

“No, I can wait. I’ve got time spare today. So, is Kana-chan not around today?”

“Oh, no, she’s out with her friends.” Keomi-chan giggled then lowered her voice, leaning in close to whisper conspiratorially to me. “I think honoured grandfather has been really hard on her recently. He’s pushing her to train her gifts. Whoa…” Keomi-chan caught the hem of her outfit and tumbled forwards, nearly knocking us both off balance, only being kept up by me grabbing her arm. She flushed red, and I released her.

“Oh, sorry about that. Everyone says I’m pretty clumsy.” She apologised, but I waved it away.

“Oh, by the way…” she continued, looking up at us hopefully. “Did you bring us any more cake? That was really good last time.”

“I’m afraid not.” I answered, amused to see her looking so suddenly downcast. She’s like a little kitten, she shows what she is thinking by her body-language instantly. It’s pretty adorable… Withdrawing some money from my wallet I handed it over. “Why don’t you take a couple of your friends and go get some? I probably should take a gift if I’m meeting Izumi-san anyway.”

“Wow, thanks Akio-kun, you are super nice. Girls, come on!” she hurried off, and I thought about just how my life had changed. A month ago I wouldn’t be dreaming of situations like this… like this… hang on, I’ve just been giving money to schoolgirls again. Am I coming across as some kind of deviant?

Deciding that since my motives weren’t improper it was okay, I settled down to wait on one of the benches around the shrine. Some of the maidens came over to talk to Shaeula, who was soon enjoying herself gossiping with the girls about food and fashion. Still, the prickling around my lunar chakra was not diminishing, if anything it was growing stronger, a feeling of being watched annoyingly uncomfortable. Closing my eyes I focussed, channelling a little aether until I could vaguely sense the direction of the gaze. In surprise I opened my eyes, looking over at an ornately painted folding screen that was blocking off one edge of the courtyard, depicting an image of a family of kami. Is that Susanoo-no-Mikoto and his wife Kushinada-Hime? Along with their son and her grandparents? Maybe I should have studied more in those classes in school. Still, the expensive-looking screen (which was not there last time I was here) was not the issue. I could see eyes peering at me through the folds, their gazes intent.

“So, you mind coming out from hiding?” I asked politely. “I can feel three sets of gazes from behind the screen, so don’t be shy.”

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For a moment there was nothing, before three young children came out from behind the screen. There was a pair of twins, middle-school girls by the looks of it, in a sailor-suit type uniform, though the colours were wine red and white, which was a bit unusual. They were accompanied by an older boy, who was wearing a set of garments similar to what the shrine priest would wear. The girls’ brother, maybe? There’s a resemblance, he is quite the handsome one. Bet he breaks plenty of hearts at school.

Twin schoolgirls

“Don’t be shy, what can I do for you?” I asked them. The two twins were holding hands, gazing at me intently, while the boy was more confident, striding over.

“So, you are the guy huh?” the boy asked. “Father wasn’t going to come until my sisters told him we should.” He looked me up and down, then shrugged. Damn, he even looks attractive doing that. “At least you seem to take care of yourself. But soliciting such… well, poor shrines. I don’t think your judgement is sound.”

Wow, rude much? I aped my sis in my thoughts. Before I could answer the twins spoke up.

“Ren-sama, please do not be rude.” One said quietly, followed by the other. “Please forgive our brother. He’s just concerned we might be being fooled.”

Ren-sama? That cracks me up. If Aiko ever called me Akio-sama in that tone I think I’d die laughing. Still, being fooled? I’ve never met these people, and I have no idea what is going on here…

“What is all the commotion over here?” Shaeula returned, casting her eyes on the kids. “Are they showing you disrespect, master? If so, should I chastise them suitably-suitably?”

“Hey, you are a pretty one. You must be the spiritual being. Want to hang out?” Ren-san asked, eyes wide at her appearance.

“No Ren-sama…” the girls hissed together, flushing with shame. There was a long pause before Shaeula burst out laughing.

“You are a funny male, little boy-boy. No, I shall remain by Akio’s side for now. I have little time nor inclination for this hanging out, as you call it-it.”

As Ren-san looked annoyed, opening his mouth to speak, Shaeula raised one of her small white hands to stop him. Her eyes glowed and she made a strange sound. “However, you seem to be gifted, are you not?” she asked him. “A gift… of light? Interesting.” Her gaze passed to the twins. “You as well. Though I can not-not discern your talents, you have a small spark of the divine it seems.”

The two girls nodded warily, and Ren-san spoke up. “Yes, you can recognise my brilliance. I have one of the strongest talents in all the shrines of Tokyo.” He puffed up with pride. “Your eyes must be special indeed.”

Shaeula flipped a hand and suddenly a gust of wind blew, forcing the boy back a step, the skirts of the girls fluttering wildly. Yep, white. I looked away but not before catching a glimpse of something I probably shouldn’t have.

“Such arrogance. Talent is nothing-nothing without discipline. The world extends far beyond the walls of your little shrines.”

Ren-san’s face twisted into one of annoyance, the twins shying away. I was about to step in when Izumi Masaji-san, Kana-chan’s grandfather and head of the shrine, appeared with a devilishly handsome man in his mid-thirties, who was likely the father of the children we were arguing with. All around us the shrine maidens who had stopped to watch our argument went back to work with a vengeance, trying to avoid attention.

annoyed Ren

“That is quite enough of that. I fear you are being rude to Akio-sama and Shaeula-sama.” Masaji-san said. Ignoring Shaeula who was annoyed by the honorifics, I turned to them and bowed in apology.

“I’m sorry, we got a little carried away. Though there is no harm done, I assure you. We were just getting acquainted is all.”

“I’m sure.” The newcomer laughed. “Knowing my boy, I doubt he was being humble. Anyway, a pleasure to meet you, I’m Hikawa Hiroto, head of the Hikawa Kawagoe shrine. This is my son Ren and my daughters Chiaki and Chiasa.” Ren-san scowled at me as he gave greetings, while Chiaki-san and Chiasa-san both bowed politely, while still holding hands.

Hikawa Kawagoe? That’s a big shrine indeed, with a really old history… what are such big fish doing in our small pond?

“It’s a pleasure to meet you all.” I returned the greetings. “I am Oshiro Moonstone Akio. Please ignore my stupid middle name, I’m a half, you see. And this is Shaeula. My… compatriot and friend.”

Shaeula likewise smiled back politely.

“So, I see, I see. Looks like my lovely daughters were right on the money as always. It’s a blessing to have talented children, is it not?” Hikawa-san said happily. “Isn’t this a treat? I think it must be fate that we have this second chance.”

Second chance? Now I’m lost…

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