On the Day I Ascended the Throne, I Found Out That I Was the Villain

Chapter 4: 4

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For a while, several words with different prefixes floated in front of her eyes, so that she couldn't tell who said what.

But according to the saying "Ping An baby is so cute", it seems that a lot of viewers poured into the live broadcast room because of the appearance of beautiful women. Some of these viewers left after watching for a while, some stayed and continued to watch, and some said a few words.

After a few words, the two people quarreled.

Fu Ping’An didn't understand what they were arguing about, and even Fu Ping’An didn't even know that the two of them were quarreling, but "Ping’An baby is so cute" kept saying——[Stop arguing, stop arguing], [The anchor silenced them] , [...I guess you won't be banned from speaking. ]

In the end, there were more texts on the screen than the scrolls she had seen in the sheriff's study. They overlapped and overlapped like wheel prints on the soil, gradually blurring. Fu Ping’An felt that his abdominal cavity to his head was covered with something. Filled with invisible things, she was dizzy and nauseated, her face was pale, and she was sweating profusely.

Azhi finally realized something was wrong and stepped forward and said, "Your Highness, Your Highness?"

Fu Ping’An said, "Mammy..."

However, as soon as the voice fell, her eyes darkened, and she could only hear a faint sound in her ears——

 [Insufficiency of mental strength, live broadcast abort.]


Waking up again was at night, when Fu Ping’An opened her eyes; she saw the shadow of the fire swaying on the dilapidated wooden roof. A small lamp was lit in the room, and it was burning like a soy bean. Leaning on the edge of the bed, head a little bit; Fu Ping’An's brain was still at the last moment before he passed out. The first reaction at this time was - What about the system? What about live?

She didn't know what to do, so she murmured: "System?"

The strange voice sounded in her ears——[Insufficient mental strength, it is recommended to suspend the live broadcast, the anchor should take a good rest.]

Fu Ping’An froze for a while, feeling a little lost for some reason.

In fact, she really wanted to continue chatting with "Ping’An baby is so cute", and the other party would definitely tell her what happened...Although I prefer the other party to change their name.

While thinking so, there was a sudden sound of cloth rubbing in the shadows. She raised her head and saw Bo Changshi stand up from the shadows.

Fu Ping’An was startled and thought, did she hear her own mumbling just now?

She stared at Bo Changshi, but the face of the other party couldn't be seen clearly in the night. Fu Ping’An thought for a while, but didn't say a word, still just staring at the chaotic darkness. After a long time, Bo Changshi finally said: "His Royal Highness is okay. What?"

Fu Ping’An said, his voice hoarse: "Is it Bo Changshi? I'm a little thirsty."

She said this as if she didn't recognize Bo Changshi, Fu Ping’An herself didn't know why she said that, but she said that and that’s it.

Bo Changshi floated in the room like a ghost, not even the sound of footsteps, only the sound of water, she came over with a cup, and just walked to the bed, the mother woke up and said in surprise: "Little master, you wake up huh? You really scared the old slave to death. It's all because the old slave fell asleep. The little girl didn't serve you well. If you have three long and two shorts, bah, bah, bah, you are lucky, and naturally you will be fine... "

Mammy said a lot of things in a series of words, the room suddenly became noisy, and someone came in outside the room, Fu Ping’An heard Bo Changshi say: "Go to boil some water, and then bring some food in."

She said this, but he asked Fu Ping’An: "What do you want to eat, Your Highness?"

Fu Ping’An said: "Whatever."

The attendants lined up and came in, one of them carrying a washbasin, the other carrying hot porridge, and then except Azhi The other two maids knelt by the bed and took hot towels to wipe her hands and face.

Fu Ping’An remembered in a trance that she seemed to have lived such a life before the age of seven, but it was already vague in her memory, as if the days at that time were wrapped in a veil.

Instead, she has a clearer memory of the first two years. She remembers that she was sick once and slept on a slump for two days. During this period, the mammy fed her a very soft steamed bun, and she vomited after eating it. Now, Mammy sighed and fed her some hot water. She said it was uncomfortable, Mammy patted her on the back and said, "It's good to get over it, just get through it, the days of ordinary people are all over it. Yes."

At that time she was like a wild dog on the side of the country road, no one would care, but now she is surrounded by people, and everyone pays attention to her, as if she is the world's center.

Fu Ping’An looked around and found that the faces of these people were blurred, perhaps because the room was too dark.

After the maid wiped her face and hands, she fed her porridge again. When the porridge reached her mouth, Fu Ping’An remembered what he said when he said "Baby Ping An is so cute" and called "Kneel down for me presumptuously" - this person doesn't know how to be angry enough to poison you?

She hesitated for a while, then Bo Changshi said, "Alu, take a bite first, how did Ye Ting teach you, don't you know how to serve the nobles?"

The maid hurriedly took out a new spoon I tasted it myself, waited for a while, and made sure that it was not poisonous before feeding it to Fu Ping’An. After eating the hot porridge, Fu Ping’An felt that she had come back to life and her spirit was much more relaxed. She looked around and asked, "Where's Azhi?"

“If you don't see it, you will be punished." Fu Ping’An thought to himself, "Then are you still asleep?"

But this time Bo Changshi didn't punish the mammy, Fu Ping’An felt a little happy for some reason. She looked at Bo Changshi and saw that the other party was still holding the cup of water poured for her, she stretched out her hand and said: "Changshi, I… I want to drink water."

Ah Lu hurriedly went to get the water, got it in front of Fu Ping’An, moved for a while, and said cautiously, "Want to... do you want to test it?"

Fu Ping’An smiled: "This is the water that Bo Changshi poured."

She took it and took a sip. Out of the corner of the eye, she glanced at Bo Changshi, and saw Bo Changshi lowered his eyes slightly, as if he was in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking.

Fu Ping’An rubbed the wall of the cup; she couldn't help thinking, why did she say that just now?

Is she testing Bo Changshi?

Perhaps Azhi's words still reached her heart, and Bo Changshi was sent by the Queen Mother to investigate her character.

What is her character like?

Maybe it’s a little bad.

Was the crown prince of Jin abolished after being established because he did not meet the requirements of the queen mother?

If she has a bad character and is stupid, can she be the emperor? She actually didn't know what the Son of Heaven was, but everyone around her was expecting her to be the Son of Heaven. Being the Son of Heaven was obviously an amazing thing, so she wanted to do it too.

But she didn't even know what to say now, but fortunately Bo Changshi said, "Is there any discomfort in Your Highness?"

Fu Ping’An breathed a sigh of relief: "No, it's just that the carriage is too bumpy, I-I'm a little dizzy."

Chang Shi said: "This trip was made in a hurry, and I didn't bring a medical officer, but the clerk at the station found a nearby traveling doctor. He also said that you are probably not used to taking a car, but we must speed up the trip. If your Highness is still unwell tomorrow, do you want to ride a horse?"

Fu Ping’An was stunned for a moment: "I can't ride a horse."

"It's a minister who dares to ride with you."

You are reading story On the Day I Ascended the Throne, I Found Out That I Was the Villain at novel35.com

"Ah..." It was an unimaginable scene, and Fu Ping’An said vaguely, "Let's talk about it tomorrow; what time is it, now?

"Call me after you leave."

Bo Changshi seemed to want to say something, but when he saw her like this, he didn't say anything. The crowd came out again, except for the mother and the two maids. Fu Ping’An remembered that one was called Alu and the other was called Alu. My name is Aying.

Fu Ping’An asked again, "Where's Azhi?"

Alu and Aying looked at each other and didn't say a word. Mammy said, "Little master, don't mind her, she has been whipped twenty times, she will die or live, it's all on her. Its good luck, since you like her, if she gets through it, let her serve you again."

Fu Ping’An "Oh", turned over and closed her eyes, her ears recalled the memory of her mother holding her who was sick. What he said, "the days of ordinary people are all over."

She doesn't have to boil now, because she is not an ordinary person anymore.

She doesn't want to be an ordinary person anymore.

She slept for a while, and when it was getting bright, everyone dressed up and set off. After getting in the car, Fu Ping’An opened the window curtain and asked Bo Changshi, "Azhi...do she want to stay here to recover?"

Bo Changshi After a moment of silence, he asked, "Do you want her to follow?"

Fu Ping’An lowered his eyes and said after a while, "She has to raise my rabbit."


In the next few days, Fu Ping’An rode the carriage very smoothly, so naturally he didn't need to Go and ride with Bo Changshi.

After three days, the system was reopened, but after opening it, no text appeared. Fu Ping’An really didn't know what to do, so he had to ignore it. On the fifth day, Fu Ping’An saw a familiar name——

 [Ping An The baby is so cute: Has Ping’An baby started live streaming again!]

At this time, Fu Ping’An was drinking water, and when he saw it, he choked and kept coughing. A Lu and A Ying gathered around to help her pat her back and help her go smoothly. Mammy took a towel to help her wipe her face and said: "What's the matter?"

Fu Ping’An: "I... I just walked away."

She peeked at the people around her and confirmed again that no one would find this line of writing.

For some reason, she was a little happy because she saw the name "Ping An baby is so cute". Although the name still made her feel embarrassed; she has too many questions to ask.

So when she set off again, she drove everyone out of the carriage, including Mammy, and when the hoofs sounded again, Fu Ping’An asked secretly, "I fainted suddenly before, and I woke up from that, that...that ‘system’. It said that I was not mentally strong enough to live stream, what does that mean?”

[Ping An baby is so cute: Oh, it turned out to be forcibly kicked off the assembly line, or it was stopped for a few days, and those messy people left.]

 [Ping An baby is so cute: It should be because you don’t know how to read, usually The anchors who know the characters can understand the meaning just by looking at the text translated by the system. In this way, the combination of the self-recognized and the dynamic supplement of the system can fully receive the amount of barrage of that level.]

 [Ping An is really cute: But you don’t know how to read at all, and you forcibly received the text with your mental power, so you can’t hold it at that level, and it seems that your health is not very good, so it is estimated that you are malnourished.]

 [Ping An baby is really cute: In short, You need to recognize characters first.]

Fu Ping’An only understood half of what the other party said about recognizing characters, but what the other party said about recognizing characters was deeply embedded in her heart, she felt ashamed inexplicably, this was something she had never seen before Experienced.

If she could, she wanted to learn writing immediately.

She whispered, "Can you teach me?”

 [Ping An baby is so cute: Little Ping An, I can't teach you, our text may even be different, you can understand it, but the system can automatically translate it.]

Fu Ping’An nodded thoughtfully, and suddenly thought of something, and said, "I started the live broadcast a long time ago, why didn't you come a few days ago?"

[Ping’An baby is so cute: There are some things in reality for a few days. ]

Fu Ping’An caught the key word: "In reality?"

[Ping’An baby is so cute: Oh, so you don't even know this, you and I are not in the same world, I'm watching your live broadcast... The live broadcast is just its like, watching a play? Have you seen the play? ]

Fu Ping’An nodded: "I have seen it."

During the festival last year, a stage was set up in a nearby village. Fu Ping’An secretly climbed up a tree to see it’s story.

She pondered: "You look at me, so I'm an actor?"

 [Ping’An baby is so cute: it's a bit like but not exactly, but generally there won't be live broadcasts by someone who is completely ignorant like you, it's all in advance signed.]

Fu Ping’An pouted: "I don't understand."

 [Ping’An baby is so cute: Oops, so cute, I haven't seen you for a few days, you are cute again.]

Fu Ping’An blushed and said, "But you really haven't shown up for many days."

 [Ping’An baby is so cute: Hee hee, what, do you miss me?]

Fu Ping’An's face turned even redder, and she raised her eyes to look at the words in the void. She had absolutely no idea who the other party was, what she looked like, or what kind of voice she would make, but for some reason, she already felt close.

In contrast, reality is more like a vague dream, and she still doesn't know what kind of situation she is going to face.

She was embarrassed to speak, so she just nodded slightly.

The text did not appear for a while, and Fu Ping’An had a worried look on his face: "Are you leaving again?" As soon as he finished speaking, a huge colorful strip of color suddenly opened in front of her. She was startled, ducked back, and hit the back of her head. On the wall of the car, there was a "dong" sound.

 ["Ping An baby is so cute" sent you a happy fireworks.]

Fu Ping’An didn't read the words clearly. She was hit so hard that she was black and dizzy. The car stopped, the door curtain was opened, and someone in the backlight looked at her and said, "What's wrong with you?"

Fu Ping’An covering the back of his head, he saw Azhi's pale face, kneeling on the cab and looking at her.


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