On the Night of the Nine Tails, I Punched the Tailed Beast Jade with One Punch

Chapter 377: 377: Country of Tian

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Chapter 377

"In order to complete the goal of collecting money and monopolizing the war commission in the first stage, we must convey the reputation of the Akatsuki organization and let the small countries know that there is a powerful mercenary organization in the ninja world."

"But you should pay attention to spreading your reputation, don't attract the attention of the five major countries, and at the same time don't be too strong."

"In the first stage, it is not appropriate to attract the attention of the five major countries. Those who have the identity of betrayal and forbearance should try to hide their identities."

Recalling Payne's request, Loquat Tenzo felt troublesome. Not only did he accept the commission to make money, and then kill people, why was he so troublesome?

"It's really troublesome." Loquat Shizang complained.

"I think it's quite normal. Although I don't know the world of your ninjas very well, the ninjas of the five countries are all very strong. It should be very dangerous to attract their attention." Musashi said casually.

"Of course the ninjas of the five countries are strong, and the ninjas of the small village and the five countries are not comparable, but the strength of our organization cannot be underestimated.

Unscrupulously recruiting so many S-rank rebels, I don't think the leaders of such an organization will be afraid of the so-called Five Great Powers. There may be other reasons. " Loquat Shizang speculated.

"It's possible, but it's none of our business, the big deal is to run away." Musashi said that it didn't matter, and wanted him to work hard for Akatsuki's organization? what a dream.

You can share the blessings, but if you are in trouble, let's slip away early.

"Are you really a samurai? I heard that samurai attaches great importance to loyalty." Loquat Juzo looked at Musashi suspiciously.

He heard from Musashi's words that Musashi didn't care about Akatsuki's organization, and if something went wrong, he would run away immediately.

"Of course I'm a real samurai, have you seen me use ninjutsu?" Musashi said while holding the handle of the sword.

"That's true, but, are there many warriors like you in the Kingdom of Iron?" Loquat Tozo asked curiously.

The Kingdom of Iron and the Kingdom of Ninjas have made a contract not to invade each other, so ninjas will not go to the Kingdom of Iron, and the warriors of the Kingdom of Iron will not go to the Ninja Kingdom.

Loquat Tozo is really curious about what the kingdom of samurai looks like.

However, he felt that Musashi should also be the strongest among the samurai. Otherwise, if the samurai were all so strong, the ninja would not be able to replace the samurai.

"A samurai like me..." Musashi thought for a while, not knowing how to answer.

"It's hard to say. I've been out for a long time. I haven't challenged those seniors. I don't know what the situation is."

"Our goal this time is in the northern part of the Land of Fields, which is very close to the Land of Iron. Do you want to go back to the Land of Iron and see?" asked Loquat Tenzo.

Musashi was a little moved when he heard this, but he still shook his head.

Now he is very troublesome, not only a wanted criminal of Kirikin, but also a dangerous organization like Akatsuki.

Going to the Iron Country may bring trouble to the Iron Country, so let's go back and have a look when things are over.

Anyway, in the past three years, the teacher's body should still be very tough.

Apart from his teacher, there is no one else he can care about in the Kingdom of Iron.

"You'd better lead the way quickly, let's have a good discussion after completing the task." Musashi smiled provocatively.

Loquat Shizang raised his brows, turned his head, made a few squeaks, and said, "I've been cracking your swordsmanship recently."

"Then I'll wait and see." Musashi showed a hint of war.

Immediately, the two quickened their movements and rushed towards the northern part of the country of Tian.

Tian Zhiguo is a country without a ninja village, and at the same time domestic political corruption, so Tian Zhiguo is one of the key targets of Xiao organization.

The absence of a ninja village means that the military is weak, and in the event of a war, it can only resist the invasion by hiring ninjas from other countries.

Political corruption means that the country is better off.

The two received a commission to kill Tian Zhiguo's newly appointed minister.

The person who issued the mission was the general of Tian Zhiguo.

It seems that it is because the newly appointed minister is not used to the atmosphere of Tian Zhiguo and prepares to reform, and then moves the interests of the general.

Of course, this information was not told to them by the so-called general. In fact, they should not have asked for the name of the client.

But with a convenient intelligence officer like Bai Jue, everything is not a problem.

Akatsuki not only knew the reason for the commission, but also a series of information about the client.

Therefore, Payne is going to kill the minister to complete the commission, get the bounty, and then threaten the general with this matter, so that the general can cooperate with them.

All the war commissions of Tian Zhiguo must be handed over to Akatsuki, and other commissions must also be given priority to Akatsuki.

But at the same time, Xiao Organization will also give Tian Zhiguo a discount, charging only two-thirds of the normal commission.

So Payne believes that even if this is a threat, the general will accept it calmly, because Xiao's organization is cheap and easy to use, so he will make you greedy for more money.

Payne is going to use this method to nibble on small countries step by step, and then start to attack the big countries after completing the layout.

Musashi and Loquat Juzo are the elites among the elites, and they are also the strong ones, and they quickly arrived at their destination.

The capital of the land of the land in the lower north.

It is very different from other Tanokuni towns seen along the way to Musashi, and it is much more prosperous.

Like other prosperous cities in other countries, there are also high-rise buildings, shops selling various commodities on the streets, and you can even see many special products from other countries.

"Shizang, you should have more experience in assassination than me. What should we do?"

The two searched for a street hidden in the shadows, and Musashi asked Loquat Juzo.

"If it were me, I would probably choose to investigate the other party's behavior in advance, then lurking in his only path at night, and then killing him." Loquat Tenzo said after thinking for a while.

"After all, this is a small country without a ninja village, and its domestic military strength is weak.

If it weren't for the organization's other needs, we would just break into the palace and kill the target by ourselves. "

"Then do as you say, first investigate the other party's habits, and then find an opportunity to kill." Musashi nodded.

He's just a samurai after all, and he prefers head-to-head combat.

The information provided by Jue is very complete, not only giving them a detailed map of the land of the land, but also the specific location of the minister's family.

That's the importance of intelligence.

If there is no absolute information, they may have to spend a lot of effort just to find the minister.

With the specific position of the minister, the two of them don't need to spend so much thinking, just go directly to the minister's house and wait for the rabbit.

Because the time of arrival was in the afternoon, Loquat Juzo and Musashi, who were hiding in the minister's house, quickly saw the minister who was home for dinner.

The minister is a somewhat thin middle-aged man. When he walked to the door, his expression was not very good, and there was a strong sadness on his face.

In addition to the minister himself, there are two sword-wielding warriors who follow the minister.

However, in Musashi's perception, the aura of the two samurai is not strong, similar to the ninja's chunin. Even before he met his father, he could defeat two samurai with one enemy and two.

"When they continue to mess around like this, Tian Zhiguo is at stake." The minister sighed when he thought that his gang was so corrupt that he could no longer corrupt his colleagues.

Because of his advocacy of reform, he won the support of many people and some like-minded people, and because of some interests, he became a minister.

He knew how his position as a minister came from, it was nothing more than a general, and the daimyo wanted to use him to balance the general's strength.

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But it doesn't matter to the minister, this is also the result of the plan, his goal has been achieved, and sitting in this position, he can do more.

However, the minister still underestimated the degree of corruption of those people. Because of the general's coercion and inducement, a group of people who originally supported him fell directly to the general and opposed his reforms.

Fortunately, the minister who can achieve this position is not a vegetarian, a corrupt official and a traitor, and he is even more traitor than a corrupt official!

The minister established a new department on the grounds that there were many bandits in the country and a stronger force was needed to clear the domestic atmosphere.

Therefore, although the general's rights are not less on the surface, in fact, a part of it has been divided away.

Although the final goal was still achieved, the minister felt that the situation was difficult.

This time, the general suffered a loss by relying on sufficient accuracy. Next time, the opponent's preparations will definitely be more adequate.

"Sir, that group of insects is not worth your trouble." The slightly shorter warrior guard on the right said a little indignantly.

Hearing that the samurai called those people insects, the minister smiled, and then said:

"I do hope those people are real bugs, so I can deal with them better.

It is a pity that they are very shrewd, but their shrewdness is not used in ruling the country with a knife, but in how to enjoy themselves and how to enrich their pockets. "

"Also, Takasugi, I'm sorry to trouble you about leading a team to exterminate the bandits. The bandits in the country really need to be rectified, otherwise the caravan will not dare to come to the land of the land." The minister said seriously.

"Just leave it to me." Takasugi said indifferently, his face full of confidence.

"Of course I believe in your strength." The minister smiled and patted Takasugi on the shoulder, then walked into the house.

"The warriors who are guarding outside are of average strength, and we can do it directly now." Loquat Shizang glanced at the warriors and said.

After waiting for two minutes, Loquat Tenzo found that Musashi did not respond, so he looked at Musashi, and found that Musashi was in a daze.

"Musashi." Loquat Shizo frowned slightly and called out Musashi's name directly.

Although Musashi's strength is strong, he is not a ninja, and he will be distracted in the early mission, which is a big taboo.

Loquat Juzo felt that it was necessary to teach Musashi some ninja knowledge when he went back.

"Huh?" Hearing his name, Musashi reacted and looked at Loquat Juzo.

"I said that the warriors guarding outside are of average strength. Now is a good time to do it. Do you want to do it?"

Although it is said that it is done during this period, it is basically believed that the general did it.

However, Loquat Shizang was confident that he would not leave any traces. At that time, those people had no evidence and no way to prevent them from organizing and cooperating with the general.

"Let's do it now..." Musashi's face showed a thoughtful look.

Originally he didn't care, but, if he remembered correctly.

Gao Qiao's family died at the hands of the bandits. If there was no father, maybe Gao Qiao would also die at the hands of the bandits.

Although that thing happened in the country of grass.

Exterminate the bandits, rectify the bandits in the country of Tian, ​​plus the information of Bai Jue.

Musashi felt that this minister might be unexpectedly a good person.

Then came the problem, the last thing Musashi wanted to kill were good people.

Or, in general, he wouldn't kill anyone.

Back then, he sneaked into Wuyin Village several times to find masters to fight, but none of the ninjas he defeated all the way were killed.

The reason is that Musashi felt that it was wrong for him to break into Kiriyin Village, and it would be even more wrong to kill the people of Kiriyin Village.

Breaking into Wuyin Village was just a helpless move to improve his strength.

To ask Musashi to kill a minister who did things for the people for a reason, he couldn't do it.

However, in the current situation, he can not do it himself, but there is no guarantee that Loquat Shizang will not do it, nor what the general will do next.

"Okay, let's do it now. You use the transformation technique to become a minister to confuse your eyes. I will take the minister to a place where no one will be killed." Musashi thought for a while, and then said.

"Okay." Loquat Shizang thought about it for a while, and felt it was okay, so he agreed.

The two were dispatched together, and Musashi quietly appeared behind the minister, knocking the minister unconscious.

Then Loquat Shizang quickly formed a seal and transformed into the appearance of a minister.

Relying on the super speed, Musashi easily escaped everyone, and took the minister to the more dilapidated outer city of the capital of Tian no Country.

Musashi found a hidden street, put the minister on the ground, and stimulated the minister with chakra.

The minister felt a tingling pain in his body and woke up.

Finding that he was not at home, but lying on a dark street, with an unknown person in front of him, the minister's face also showed a hint of surprise, but he quickly adjusted.

"What do you want to do?" the minister asked calmly.

Since the other party didn't kill him directly, there is still talk.

Musashi didn't talk nonsense, and told the minister about the general's assassination of him.

However, in the process, Musashi hid the existence of the Akatsuki organization, only saying that he was a ninja organization.

Because the minister seemed to be a practical person, he couldn't bear to start, but chose to tell him the truth.

"That guy is really crazy to actually do such a thing." The minister frowned for a while.

He still overestimated the general's bearing and underestimated the madness of that guy.

He is also a minister after saying that, and he is the head of the civil servants of Tian Zhiguo.

If evidence is found to assassinate him, even a general will not be a good player.

"You still find a way to remain anonymous, this time I save you, the next person may not be like me.

For your own good, you'd better disappear in the land of fields. "Musashi said.

The minister thought for a while, and finally nodded.

The general actually hired ninjas to kill him directly, obviously not wanting to fight him within the rules.

Then he simply took advantage of this opportunity to change from light to dark and hide his power in the dark.

Seeing the minister's agreement, Musashi was also relieved.

Next, just find the general.

Yesterday someone complained that Naruto was exercising at the age of two. I can only say that this is the ninja world, and that is Naruto.

Kai was six years old when he entered school. How many laps did he run at that time?

How can a real person compare

So stop worrying about this

What's more, Naruto is jogging for ten minutes.

Is this a lot?

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