On the Night of the Nine Tails, I Punched the Tailed Beast Jade with One Punch

Chapter 415: 415: go back

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Chapter 415 Go Back

"The current Hokage's wife..." Huo Naoxiang's expression was a little surprised, and she took action.

If there are two of the same clan, there will be one after the past, and it will not be too boring.

Since Hokage's wife is a member of the vortex family, Konoha shouldn't have too much malice towards the vortex members, it seems that Konoha was an ally of the vortex country before.

But Honoka remembered the words of her deceased parents again.

Her parents told her to stay away from the Five Great Ninja Villages and the ninjas in the Five Great Ninja Villages, telling her that the Five Great Ninja Villages were very dangerous.

She has always listened to her parents very much. In order not to attract the attention of others, she even abandoned the surname whirlpool. She has been working in a small country on the edge of the ninja world to make a living, relying on a low-key temperament and a good sealing technique. It was also safe.

If it wasn't for Obito to come to her door, she might have been living a peaceful life in a small country.

It's not right, if she can't bring the soil, she should be dead.

Huo Naixiang suddenly remembered that when the ultimate psychic beast was rampant, her sealing technique could not be suppressed. If it hadn't brought soil, everyone in the institute would have died there, including her.

Because she can only seal, if the seal doesn't work, her combat effectiveness is very low, and she is definitely not an opponent of the ultimate psychic beast.

At this moment, she was shocked to find that the person who kidnapped him has now become her savior.

"Don't you want to go? It's okay, then I'll let Obito take you to where you want to go." Yongze said when Huo Naoxiang didn't speak.

He asked Huo Naixiang if he wanted to go to Konoha, simply because he felt that the Vortex clan had a hard time in the ninja world. If he brought back to the village, he could still have friends with Kushina and Vortex Hualing. If Huo Naixiang didn't want to go, he wouldn't either. coercion.

After hesitating for a moment, Huo Naoxiang decided to do something against her parents and said, "No, I want to go to Konoha with you."

Whether it was the ultimate psychic beast running rampant or Obito's forced kidnapping, Honoka knew the cruelty of the ninja world.

No matter how careful you are, disaster will still fall on you.

Instead of continuing to be alone, worrying about the danger of not knowing when it will come, it is better to return to Konoha with Yongze and the others. Konoha still has two people of the same clan to rely on, and Konoha is still one of the five major ninja villages, so no one should dare to break into it. Konoha goes to catch her.

In the past, her parents told her not to have relationships with the people of the Five Great Ninja Villages because she was afraid that she would be in danger. Now, she has the opportunity to go to Konoha to obtain shelter. At this time, it would be too rigid to stick to what her parents taught.

"Then I'll welcome you for Konoha first." Yongze said with a smile.

"By the way, what's your name?" Yongze asked, until now he remembered that he didn't know anyone else's name.

"Huo Naixiang." Huo Naixiang walked to Yongze's right hand and looked carefully at Obito on the left.

"Why isn't the surname whirlpool, isn't your father a member of the whirlpool family?"

Huo Naixiang shook her head and said, "My parents are both members of the vortex family, but they said that the surname of vortex would bring disaster, so I don't have a surname now."

Hearing the reason, Yongze sighed. The Maelstrom Clan, which was once not weak in the ninja world, was forced to abandon even his surname, which made him feel a little emotional for a while.

Yongze touched the top of Huo Naixiang's head with his hand. Huo Naixiang was only over one meter five. He could easily touch Huo Naixiang's head.

Huo Naixiang did not resist, the ninjas of the Vortex family were very sensitive, and she felt that Yongze had no malice towards her.

"If you want, start the surname whirlpool from today. In Konoha, you don't have to worry that your surname will bring disaster to yourself."

"Actually, I don't really care about this kind of thing. It's been so long and I'm used to it." Huo Naixiang didn't really care about this.

"Are my two siblings still surnamed Whirlpool?"

"Yeah." Yongze nodded.

Originally, according to the custom of the ninja world, if you marry, you have to follow the husband's surname, but Minato and Kakashi didn't care about this very much, so both Kushina and Hua Ling still took the surname of the whirlpool, instead of changing their surname to Hafeng Hatake.

"Then my surname is Vortex, Vortex Huo Naixiang." Huo Naixiang read it to herself and felt pretty good.

"Sir, what is your name, can you tell me, I want to invite you to dinner after returning to Konoha." Huo Naoxiang asked.

She is not stupid, although she was stunned at first, it was because she was frightened by Obito behind the door.

Anyone who thinks they have successfully escaped and sees the murderous villain who kidnapped them will be at a loss.

According to her observation, Obito was injured and looked very embarrassed, and the mask he usually wore was gone.

On the other hand, Yongze is clean and full of energy.

Such two people walking together, Obito still looks like a little follower.

Obviously, Obito, the big villain, was punished, and Yongze was the one who shot.

Otherwise, if the two were companions, if they encountered a battle, how could Obito be so miserable, and Yongze looked like he was okay.

This is equivalent to Yongze being her savior, to be repaid.

"My name is Fujiwara Nagasawa. You can call me my last name or my first name." Yongze said with a smile, thinking that this little girl is quite interesting.

Huo Naixiang was taken outside only to find out that it was actually early in the morning and it was still dark.

Since she's been in the basement, and there's no clock in it, she can't tell the time at all.

When Yongze left Wuyin Village with Obito and Huo Naixiang, the sky soon became bright, and the time reached more than six o'clock.

Considering that Huo Naixiang was locked in the basement, and Obito was beaten severely by him, Yongze took the two to have a breakfast first, and then set off.

However, Yongze noticed that Obito felt absent-minded whether he was on the road or eating, but Huo Naixiang looked quite happy.

Yongze took a little money from the ninja bag and handed it to Huo Naixiang, asking Huo Naixiang to buy something.

After Huo Naixiang left, Yongze asked Obito: "What's wrong with you, I don't know if I thought I was going to kidnap you to Konoha, so I'm so unhappy."

Obito shook his head, and said with some melancholy: "I don't hate Konoha, but I don't know how to face Minato-sensei, Kushina-san, and Kakashi..."

A deceased person suddenly cheated and appeared as a mysterious person who had attacked Konoha.

Although the two memories Yongze showed him contained a conversation between him and Minato in the future, Minato didn't blame him.

But that was not his personal experience after all, and Minato was not the same Minato. When it came time to face it, Obito should be nervous or nervous.

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Especially Kushina, Obito felt that he didn't have the face to meet this teacher who used to be good to him.

"Don't worry, my medical ninjutsu is not weak, you will definitely not die, but you have to suffer some flesh and blood, and you also know the temper of Kushina." Yongze patted Obito on the shoulder and comforted.

"I don't mind if you beat me hard enough to calm down." Obito sighed.

If Kushina is willing to beat him, it may also mean that there is a possibility of forgiving him, for fear that Kushina will not want to see him at that time.

Yongze looked at Obito with strange eyes, touched his chin and said, "Could it be that I hit too hard, causing you to awaken some strange habit?

First of all, it's none of my business. If Minato asks you, you can say that you've become like this because you've gradually perverted outside. "

Obito:  …

Shouldn't this kind of tragic scene say some sensational words, why do you think he has awakened some strange habit.

And it's too scornful to throw away the responsibility in advance. When I was in Konoha before, I didn't realize that this guy has such a scornful side.

"What pervert?" After shopping, Honoka felt that she heard something she shouldn't have heard.

"Huo Naixiang, be careful with the soil, this guy may have awakened some amazing hobbies." Yongze said to Huo Naixiang as if he warned his children not to study with bad children.

"I thought this guy was abnormal for a long time." Huo Naoxiang nodded in agreement, then hid behind Yongze, only sticking out his head to look at Obito cautiously, arresting the young girl and locking it in the basement, why? It's a pervert, I guess.

Listening to Yongze and Huo Naixiang singing together, he almost wrote the word pervert on his face, and Obito was speechless for a while.

However, because of this, the atmosphere became cheerful, and Obito was not so nervous.


Konoha Chunin Exam Venue.

Today is the day for the quarter-finals of the Chunin Exam. At this time, the venue is full of people. There are rich businessmen from all over the ninja world, ninjas from various ninja villages, and many Konoha ninjas and Konoha residents.

At this time, it is two o'clock in the afternoon, and the eight top eight players will have a decisive battle here, and the four ninjas in the semi-finals will be selected.

The rules are still the same as before, the opponent and order are determined by the serial number.

Kakashi, wearing a mask, stood in the center ring with the roster, announcing the start of the first fight of the quarterfinals.

"In the first battle, the pharmacist faced Kang Sheng."

"Players enter."

Hearing his name read on the broadcast, he walked from the aisle dedicated to the players into the center arena.

Just as he was about to reach the ring, his opponent, Kang Sheng, the ninja Iwakaku, also happened to walk into the arena.

The two can be said to be old rivals. They met each other the first time they **** the psychic steel amulet, trying to hide in the dark and wait for them to lose both before coming out to **** the psychic steel amulet.

But he didn't expect that, with the advantage of his own medical ninjutsu skills, he used his teammates as a threat to first unite with Yun Yin and then with Sha Yin, making those who want to take advantage of it to fail.

How to face each other in the second battle for the psychic steel talisman, this time the psychic steel talisman battle ended with the strength of Dou and others.

He failed in two consecutive duels, and his opponent was just a child who graduated early, which made Kang Sheng feel very embarrassed, because those two battles were both broadcast live.

Kang Sheng desperately wanted to save face, in this quarter-final.

The two walked slowly towards the middle of the ring, and finally stopped at a position not too close or far under Kakashi's signal. At this time, the two sides were separated by fifteen meters.

Kakashi raised his hand, looked left and right twice, and after confirming that the two of them had done nothing illegal, the countdown started. When he shouted one, he quickly waved his hand down, and then quickly pushed it to the edge of the ring.

"Have you seen it? That's my dad. He's so fast that he can't see clearly. He's super strong." In the third-to-last row from the top, a little white-haired girl pointed at the Kakashi said proudly.

"Che, what's the matter, my brother Uchiha Itachi is still a player, he will definitely be the first." Sasuke raised his head slightly, and said arrogantly.

"Your father and brother are not as good as my father, but my father is sitting in the highest place." Naruto proudly pointed to the place where the shadows were sitting with his little finger, where Minato was chatting and laughing with the shadows.

Before Naruto could finish chattering, Kushina, who was holding him, slapped Naruto on the back of his head with a loving beating.

"It's none of your business that Minato is great. To show off this kind of thing, of course, you have to show your ability." Kushina taught Naruto a lesson.

"It hurts!" There were some tears in Naruto's eyes, and the mother's beating hurt the most, she was so strong!

"Kushina won't do it, you are too heavy, Naruto is about to cry." Uchiha Mikoto reminded.

There was nothing to do today, Kushina, Uchiha Mikoto and Hua Ling brought their own children to a group to watch the Chunin exam.

"It's okay, Naruto, who inherited my physique, won't get hurt so easily." Kushina said with a big smile.

Due to Kushina's strong suppression, the show-off competition was forced to be suspended before a winner was produced, and Baihehua and others focused more on the competition.

In the ring competition, Kang Sheng, who was eager to justify his name, continued to use the blaster to attack Duo. There was an endless stream of rumbling explosions on the field, and the ground was damaged.

"Exploding the bloodline is really violent. You don't need too many fancy things. Just launching the bloodline can cause a terrorist attack."

"Yeah, compared to ordinary ninjas, blood-based boundary ninjas have great advantages..."

"This Yanyin Burst Escape Boy is in danger, and it's not far from losing if this goes on."

The people at the meeting continued to discuss, and the ninjas of all levels began to discuss, and even the commoners discussed with gusto.

The huge discussion figure at the venue did not affect the two who were fighting.

"Huhu." Kang Sheng gasped and paused his attack. Dou was like a slippery loach. In addition, the field was very large, so his bursts could not cover the entire field, which made his attack look loud, but in fact caused a great deal of damage to Dou. threat is very limited.

"You have the ability to fight me head-on." Kang Sheng provocatively said a little depressed.

Obviously, in order to cooperate with the explosive escape, he also did intensive training in physical skills, but he did not expect to lose to a child in speed.

"Okay." Tou replied with a smile, the strength of the hand holding the short Chakra blade increased a bit.

Now that the stamina is almost exhausted, it is time to end the battle.

He is very experienced in dealing with such impatient ninjas. After all, a certain Uchiha who does not want to leave his name has been challenging him.

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