On the Night of the Nine Tails, I Punched the Tailed Beast Jade with One Punch

Chapter 443: 444: Sao operation

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Chapter 444

【It is detected that the building prosperity exceeds 3,000, you can choose any one of the following three templates】

[Due to the prosperity level reaching 3,000 and above, the details of the template life introduction have increased, allowing you to more accurately select the desired template]

[Yamamoto Yuanyugai Shigekuni - the strongest **** of death in the soul world]

【Hatake Kakashi-Sure Immortal】

[Uzumaki Naruto - Six Paths Immortal Mode]

Looking at the three templates of the precipitation phase, Yongze was stunned for a moment. He really didn't expect to see Kakashi in the fourth template selection.

In a sense, he seems to have an extraordinary fate with Kakashi. In the second template selection, there was Kakashi's template.

However, Kakashi's writing wheel eyes in that template period were still three-gou jade, and it was true that there was no meaning for Yongze to choose.

But Yongze really didn't expect Kakashi to appear in the fourth template selection.

Although the system didn't say it clearly, it was obvious that apart from the first benefit selection, the template strengths for the next two times were progressive. According to his speculation, the template strengths this time should all be at the Sixth Path level.

Obviously his speculation is not wrong, the first template is the commander in chief Yamamoto Yuanyugai Shigekuni.

The strength of the commander-in-chief is unquestionable, and if you put it in Hokage, it is the sixth level.

The third template is more direct, it is directly Naruto in the Six Paths Immortal Mode, which is of course the Six Paths level, it is directly called the Six Paths Immortal Mode, what else can it be if it is not the Six Paths level.

And he Kakashi He De He Neng is enough to be selected together with the captain and Naruto in Six Paths Immortal Mode.

Looking at "Silei Immortal" Yongze behind the dash, he had some conjectures in his heart.

The format of the template is very clear. Generally, the name of the template character is in front, and the strongest state of the template task, or title, or identity, is behind.

For example, Yamamoto Yuanyugai Shigekuni, the strongest **** of death in the soul world is his title.

Like Misaka Mikoto, one of the original templates, the lv5 superpower is her identity.

As for Naruto, the Six Paths Immortal Mode is his strongest state.

But in the words of Kakashi in the original book, Yongze felt that his strongest period should be when he inherited the Obito Kaleidoscope and only had a little bit of the power of the Six Paths left.

Due to the inheritance of the Obito plug-in, Kakashi can release the divine power at will in that state, and can also attach the divine power to weapons, ninjutsu, and summon the complete body Susanoo, which has many abilities.

But even Kakashi in the strongest period is not at the sixth level. If you really want to divide it, it is similar to Madara who has not opened Samsara's eyes. It may be stronger. After all, there is still a little bit of the power of the sixth.

But if that's the case, it shouldn't be called Immortal Sulei, but something like "Kakashi-Double Kamui" or "Kakashi-Complete Body Susanoo" or something like that.

However, it should be noted that the above is the "original book". What if this Slay Immortal Kakashi is not the Kakashi of the original line?

Is there a possibility that this Kakashi is the future Kakashi of the Yongze world, because the immortal mode of cultivating the breath of thunder is particularly powerful, and is respected as the immortal Si Lei.

Yongze doesn't think the system can't do this, even other world character templates can be drawn, why can't Yongze's own world be drawn? Do you still expect the system to teach you the Basic Law?

Of course, Yongze was just guessing, so he didn't even read the introduction of the commander-in-chief, and just clicked on Kakashi's template to see the introduction of this Slay Immortal Kakashi.

If it is Naruto, Yongze is easy to identify, because the Naruto in his world is called Naruto Naruto, not Naruto Uzumaki.

Soon, a familiar and somewhat unfamiliar face appeared in Yongze's mind.

Familiar is because I see Kakashi every day, a little strange is that this is the grown-up Kakashi.

A paragraph of text introduction also appeared next to it.

"Hatake Kakashi, the only son of Konoha White Fang Hatake Sakumo, has an extraordinary ninja talent, and is especially good at Thunder and Earth Dun in ninja. He graduated from the ninja school at the age of five, and was promoted to Chunin at the age of six... "

Yongze quickly skipped the previous content. Even Kakashi in his world took a different path from the original under his influence after the end of the third ninja war. You don't need to look for sure.

"During the Third Ninja World War, because good teammates sacrificed one after another, I fell into self-blame and lost my mind about the future. After that, I was reinvigorated by Matekai Fujiwara Nagasawa..."

The stone hammer is really the future Kakashi of his world.

Yong Ze really did not expect that one day he would be able to see his name on the template introduction.

"I don't think there will be my own template later." Yongze couldn't help but complained, the operation of the system was too showy.

But this raises a thought-provoking question, and if so, is there really any destiny.

Or, is Yongze’s journey to Naruto World a work?

But fortunately, Yongze is not someone who likes cranky ideas. For now, the system brings only benefits to him.

If you really have your own template, it just so happens that other templates are average, Yongze may choose his own template, after all, the template bound to the building has a bonus, you can reduce the points and give away the fusion degree.

For this own template, you must not choose 90% of yourself directly, but Yongze has no idea what the challenge task will be.

Yongze quickly scrolled down while thinking about the peach. He felt that the system was too real, and the level of detail increased. He thought the introduction was a little longer, but it turned out that the introduction was directly changed from a hundred words to an abbreviated version. autobiography.

Although it is not recorded every year, there are major events related to Kakashi, and they are basically recorded.

Turning to Kakashi's seventeen-year-old role as the Hokage Guard of the Five Shadow Talks for the second time, Yongze slowed down.

The following introduction, for Yongze, is all "future".

"The situation in the ninja world was turbulent at the age of nineteen. As the commander of the Konoha support force, he led the ninjas to support the land of the land that was jointly attacked by the Kusunin village and the light ninja village, and then supported the country of the wind that was attacked by the light ninja village, and has great prestige in the ninja world. rise…"

Yongze's expression became more subtle. In the past two years, the country of the land and the country of wind has become so pulled?

Being beaten by a small ninja village like Kusunin Village, Konoba Village, had to be supported by Konoha, how miserable it was.

And what the **** is this light ninja village? Where did it come from? It's so fierce, fighting two big countries at once. Is there such a ninja village in the ninja world?

Yongze thought about it carefully and found that there is no ninja village like Guangnin Village in the ninja world.

In other words, Guangren Village was established when Kakashi was seventeen to nineteen years old.

A small forbearance village, which had just built a village, made two big forbearance villages to ask for help, and Yongze didn't know how to describe his feelings for a while.

However, there is indeed someone in the ninja world who can do this, and that is Black Jue.

If there is a change in the ninja world that Yongze doesn't understand, you don't have to think about it, it's a black man. Except for this thousand-year-old Yin ratio, Yongze can't think of anyone who has the strength to pull such a team.

Even Yongze guessed that Nagato and Akatsuki should be involved in it. Even if it was Hei Jue, he couldn't make a strong man out of thin air.

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In fact, Yongze could always go and wipe out Nagato, not to mention that Obito is now on his side with Cong Liang, and all Akatsuki's information has been leaked.

Even if there is no information about Obito, with Yongze's perception ability, it is not easy to go to the country of rain and find a Nagato.

But Yongze didn't do that. Why?

Of course, it's not because Yongze is too lonely and cold to stand at the top, and he wants to wait for an opponent who can fight him.

He wished that he was invincible in the entire universe, so that he could quit his job and fish happily.

Isn't it sweet to play games every day and like girls, fight? Fight ass.

There are many reasons, one is that Nagato is not a threat, and he doesn't need to run over to find trouble.

The second is that he wants to use Nagato and Akatsuki and even Heijue.

Yongze believed that Hei Jue would definitely try to get Nagato to deal with him and Konoha.

Because of the irreconcilable contradictions between the two sides, Kurojue and Nagato want nine tails, but Konoha can't give them away.

But Akatsuki will also attack other tailed beasts in the ninja world.

Yongze is waiting for Akatsuki and Nagato to make a move.

At that time, it was time for the five Ninja Villages to cooperate sincerely, just like the original work.

Yongze feels that he may not be able to speak out. He really wants to promote "internationalization", increase exchanges between countries, and make countries understand each other, and then the world will become more peaceful.

Yongze continued to look down. Although this information was not of great use to him, it would be good if it could increase the fault tolerance rate for rollovers.

"At the age of twenty-four, he was attacked in a style by Otsutsuki and was on the verge of death. He was rescued by Nagasawa Fujiwara..."

Seeing the three words Otsutsuki, Yongze's pupils shrank suddenly.

Even with the strength of the six-path level, he did not let up, and still worked hard to improve Konoha's prosperity, trying to find a way to improve his strength, because he was afraid that Otsutsuki would come to the ninja world again.

It seems that his prudence is not wrong, there will really be another Otsutsuki coming to the ninja world, and it will be seven years later.

Yongze suddenly felt that the description was still lacking. This did not say how Otsutsuki could end in a single way, but only said that Kakashi was rescued by him.

However, Yongze thought that the strength of this Otsutsuki Ichi style should not be as good as his, otherwise Kakashi should die directly, and there will be no future.

"At the age of twenty-five, the breakthrough strength of the Immortal Thunder's Breath of Thunder mode has greatly increased, and he is respected by other Breath of Thunder practitioners as the 'Silei Immortal'."

At this point, the introduction is completely over.

At the age of twenty-five, the achievement of six-level combat power is considered to be the best in the competition. Six-level is not so easy to achieve.

However, Yongze also knows that the biggest factor is him, otherwise he will develop normally, and the 24-year-old Kakashi is a 55 to 50 who can fight twice with anyone.

Yongze briefly looked at the introductions of Yamamoto Motoyanagi and Naruto Uzumaki.

But he just glanced at it casually, and after confirming that it was the captain and Naruto he was familiar with, he didn't look again.

Yongze thought about it carefully and finally chose the template of the captain.

Although Kakashi and Naruto's templates are from Konoha, they will give initial fusion degree and increase fusion degree point reduction.

But the reason for choosing the captain is not only because the captain is strong, but also because the world of the captain is death.

Yongze found a feature after choosing the template for the first time before, that is, when you choose the template, you can exchange points for some things in the world.

Because of the Whitebeard template, Yongze can let Kakashi and the others cultivate domineering, which is still the domineering launched by Chakra.

Without the domineering potential that Yongze gave them, even if they practiced for another thousand years, they would not be able to practice it.

And what is Death, there is spiritual pressure, what is spiritual pressure, is the density of the soul.

That is to say, the stronger the spiritual pressure, the stronger the soul.

Converted to the Hokage side, that is, the stronger the mental power.

And what chakra is is determined by both the body and the spirit. There are more chakras for people with strong body and more chakras for people with strong spirit. If both the spirit and the body are strong, it will be more and more harmonious.

The powerful body of the pirate and the powerful soul of the **** of death to practice chakra, is this not taking off?

In fact, that Kakashi template has Reiatsu ability, and he even has a Zanpakutō. According to the introduction, these are all "taught" or "gifted" by Yongze.

However, Yongze cannot guarantee whether it is related to the world in which the template lives or the ability of the template itself.

In order to choose to gamble for the remaining points, and to choose Kakashi, who has just reached Six Paths, Yongze will not be so short-sighted.

Points are continuously produced. If you miss this time, there will be no death template in the future.

In a word, it's not worth gambling, you won't earn anything if you win, and you lose blood if you lose.

And now Yongze is not so short of points. After perfecting his Breathing Flow Immortal Technique, Yongze seldom used his points and kept saving.

Now he has 1.8 million points. Although he can't get it full, it is enough to master part of the captain's strength, and at the same time leave some for other people's ability of death.

[The binding is successful, the current fusion degree is zero]

Yongze tried to use points to add points, and found that he was worthy of being the captain. It was surprisingly expensive. Only 22,000 points can increase the degree of fusion by 1%.

You should know that this is still 0-50%, and every 10% after that will increase by 50% of the initial price.

In the final stage, I am afraid that it will take 60,000 to 70,000 points to improve by 1%.

Yongze directly spent 1.1 million points to buy the fusion degree, and the fusion degree of the template instantly reached 50%.

Yongze felt a strong energy gushing out from his body, a powerful new force was mastered by him, and a steady stream of new knowledge appeared in his mind, and the ghosts were in vain.

The improvement brought by the captain's template definitely not only gives Yongze a part of his power, but the injection of new power also drives the development of other powers.

Yongze even has the urge to cultivate in situ. If he completely digests the improvement brought by this new power, his chakra will definitely skyrocket.

However, Yongze still suppressed this impulse. He stretched out his hand into the void, and a sword suddenly appeared and was held by Yongze.

Although he already knew his real name, the moment Yongze held the handle of the sword, Yongze knew it, even if he didn't know his real name, he would know it the moment he held it.

Their relationship is so good.

This time template selection, blood earned!

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