On the Night of the Nine Tails, I Punched the Tailed Beast Jade with One Punch

Chapter 478: 482: A day in Yongze

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In the early morning, Yongze got up and washed up and used Fei Lei Shen to buy a dumpling. Then he went home and ate the dumpling with strawberry milk. This was his breakfast.

As for Dou, Dou said that he didn't like to eat dumplings in the morning, so Yongze didn't bring it to him, but gave him money to solve it himself.

While eating, Yongze turned on the TV by the way and watched the funny show on TV while eating.

Although it is unimaginable, and there are some incompatible styles, there are indeed many technological products in Hokage, which are almost the same as Yongze's previous life.

But I don't know why, the technology tree is a bit crooked. Although some aspects are similar to Yongze's previous life, many aspects are also very backward.

Among them, the field of scientific and technological weapons is a very backward point.

I don't know if it's because ninjas have chakras. Almost no one deliberately develops pure technological weapons. Even if they study technological weapons, they are not pure technological weapons, but cooperate with chakras and ninjas.

In addition, the aviation field is relatively backward, and there is very little development. It seems that everyone is not interested in manned spaceflight at all, and it seems that they have no idea about the starry sky.

However, this changed a little after Yongze discovered the alien spacecraft. Although the research was very difficult, Yongze still gave a lot of research funds to establish various research projects around the spacecraft.

In his original world, even if everyone didn't know if there were aliens, he was vigorously developing the aviation business.

And Hokage, there are really aliens, I don't even know how many, aviation must be developed.

Yong Zemeng took a mouthful of strawberry milk, then wiped the traces on the corner of his mouth with a tissue, and watched the funny show on TV. For some reason, he gave birth to the idea of ​​making Konoha a TV station.

But if Konoha wants to start a TV station, it will be a little strange. The military base has a TV station...

I don't know what to do with the show, so do you want to learn about ninjas with everyone?

When Yongze thought about it, he really felt that if there was this show, it should be very popular. Ordinary people should still be very curious about ninjas.

In fact, many big figures in Konoha have been invited to speak and have been on TV, and Yongze is no exception.

After the Five Shadows Conference, there are still TV stations to interview reporters with him and Minato, asking them how the Five Shadows meeting will have a major impact on the situation of the entire ninja world.

However, Konoha's positioning is rather special, and generally few reporters come.

Although there is no TV station, Konoha also has his own newspaper.

It was also made in the past few years. It was suggested by Yongze, and it was only released inside Konoha.

The purpose of running the newspaper is not to make money but to better let the Konoha villagers know more information.

For example, Yongze once specially wrote an article in the newspaper for the enrollment of the special warfare class, so that everyone can better understand what this is, and what is the difference between joining the special warfare class and directly becoming an ordinary jinnin.

After breakfast, Yongze turned off the TV, walked out of the house, and walked towards the Hokage Building.

On this part of the road, Yongze seldom used Flying Thunder God to rush over directly, but liked to walk slowly.

As for why you want to ask, is the environment of this road so beautiful that Yongze wanted to enjoy the scenery along the way, so he gave up using Fei Lei Shen to save time?

That's right, there are ghosts.

I buy food with Fei Lei Shen because I want to eat the food I want to eat faster.

But what's the benefit of using the Flying Thor to arrive early on the way to work, and do more work?

So Yongze likes to walk slowly to the Hokage Building to work.

On the way, there will be many ninjas and the public greeting Yongze with a smile, and Yongze also responded one by one.

Probably because Yongze is like this every day, although Konoha has a lot of his fans, but Yongze rarely encounters when he goes out and is surrounded.

Usually when he is surrounded, the heads of various projects surround him and ask him to deal with problems...

Sometimes when he is busy with cultivation, Yongze will let the shadow clone go to work.

But recently, the research on the Death God system has fallen into a bottleneck. Yongze decided to give himself a vacation and not rush to cultivate for the time being, so he is working on the main body today.

Skillfully walked into the Hokage Building, and not long after sitting down, a ninja walked into the office with a lot of information.

So Yongze started today's work.

As I mentioned before, there are actually quite a few positions in Yongze, not to mention the special operations training team, as well as those positions in the Ministry of Education's Medical Department.

So he has a lot to deal with.

Because most of his positions in those departments are not empty positions, they are to work, or in some departments he is simply the boss.

In fact, those departments where he was the boss were not busy, because Yongze would have long thought about work and found a good tool for himself to handle affairs.

For example, the training team has Shishui and Saltwater to handle various affairs together, and Kakashi Inuzuka Green and the others are mainly responsible for training.

In fact, the special warfare class doesn't need Yongze to come forward too much. He points the trainers more often than the ordinary players.

Because there are too few people who can learn the daily breathing, and those basic breathing methods, it is enough to have a trainer. Yongze only needs to check the progress from time to time and whether there is any room for improvement.

Although Yongze enjoys fishing very much, he will still earnestly complete his own work.

The files he processes are fast.

Yongze now often wonders if he is still a person.

His body is extremely hard, and even without chakra strengthening, the detonating charm cannot cause damage to him, and it is easy to resist ninjutsu.

Now he can perform the unthinkable operation of going out of the body, which can be compared with Dan Kato's spiritualization technique and the concept of turning around the heart of the Yamanaka clan.

However, Yongze is not a hypocritical person, that is, he doesn't think about it for a moment, why do he shut up so much, he looks like a person, and he also feels that he is a person, that's fine.

But he was curious, what would those Otsutsuki think they were, gods? Still think of yourself as a "human".

Today's work is not much, Yongze finished it in two hours.

After finishing the work, Yongze poured himself a glass of water, and then walked out of his office slowly.

He wasn't about to leave the Hokage Building, but to have fun.

Yongze, holding a water glass in one hand and the other behind his back, walked into the consultant's office like a veteran cadre who came to inspect.

When Yongze walked in, the two consultants were sitting on the sofa in the office, not knowing what they were talking about.

In fact, the two consultants have their own independent offices.

But it may be because the two of them used to be second-generation disciples, and their relationship is relatively good, so when there is nothing, Mito Menyan will go to the office of Xiaochun to sit down.

Sometimes Yongze can even see three generations.

"Who came in without knocking on the door?" Xiaochun frowned when she heard the sound of the door opening.

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Seeing that it was Yongze, his brows could not help but wrinkle deeply.

Due to different political opinions, her relationship with Yongze is not very good, and she has always disagreed with the policies proposed by Yongze.

Even Danzo, an old classmate back then, had a disagreement between the two for a while, and Xiaochun seldom gave Danzo a good look because of political differences.

Not to mention that she didn't really like Yong Ze very much.

At the beginning, Xiaochun thought that Yongze was forced to come up through the back door by relying on the relationship of Minato.

Although Yongze proved himself with his strength later, because of the initial impression, Xiaochun didn't like Yongze when he went to bed.

Not to mention that Yongze and Minato later defied all opinions and locked Danzo in, and they were sentenced to ten years at once.

In the past ten years, it was even the result of an exchange of interests. Minato took the opportunity to lift Yongze to a high level and became Hokage's assistant left.

From the point of view of Xiaochun, although Danzo made a mistake that should not be made, Danzo has also done a lot of things for Konoha diligently over the years, and there is no credit or hard work.

At this age, he has to spend the rest of his life in prison, how miserable.

It's a pity that Yongze and Minato are very firm. Even if the three generations want to compromise with the muddy and get a five-year sentence, Minato and Yongze have not let go, saying that ten years is the minimum, and it should have been thirty years.

"Why, Yongze Fuzuo still has time to come to me, an old man who has no right to speak." Xiaochun opened the mouth strangely.

"Where is it, an old man who has no right to speak, you have more wrinkles, the flesh on your face is loose, and the rest still look like seventy years old." Yongze smiled with a refined and easy-going look.

Since Xiaochun opened fire when he turned to bed, he was also welcome.

After a long absence, Xiaochun felt a feeling of blood boiling, and she wanted to beat up the young man with a hippy smile in front of her.

I don't know if a woman's age is a taboo topic, and she is seventy years old, she is obviously over sixty, and rounding up to seven is an eighteen-year-old girl!

But after recalling the scene of destruction when Yongze made his move, Xiaochun's boiling blood subsided again.

They couldn't beat them, they couldn't beat them at all. If they had this strength, they wouldn't have to break them off with the second generation back then, and they would directly backhand into Yunyin Village.

Although it was impossible to beat him, Xiaochun could not give Yongze a good look when she went to bed. She glared at Yongze, and then looked at Yongze with a stern face.

As long as he doesn't fight with Yongze, then Yongze doesn't count as winning her. Since Yongze didn't win her, then she won.

Just when Koharu was thinking about the spiritual victory method in his head, Mito Menyan who was drinking tea saw Nagasawa and his hands trembled.

The first time he was seen here by Yongze, Yongze said he wanted to investigate them on the grounds that he was fishing during working hours, but Mito Menyan was indeed fishing that day.

In order to prevent things from expanding, Mito Gate Yan had to admit it himself.

At that time, Mito Gate Yan thought that he was going to follow the old road of his old classmate Danzo, and he had to be locked in. He didn't expect that Yongze was not punished as severely, but his salary was deducted.

Since then, the number of times that Mito Menyan went to find Xiaochun to transfer to bed has been reduced a lot, and he will go after finishing his work.

However, after thinking that he had finished his work, Mito Menyan became more stubborn, his hands stopped shaking, and he continued to drink tea leisurely.

As long as he has no loopholes, Yongze can't trouble him!

However, Yongze didn't say that they were fishing like Mitomen thought, and he didn't even talk about work.

Yongze said a few words casually and left again.

"Strange, this kid didn't make trouble this time?" Xiaochun was a little puzzled when she turned to bed. She was nervous just now, just rehearsing where Yongze might be looking for trouble, but Yongze actually left like this. Made her a little surprised.

"Could it be that this kid finally realized the importance of respecting seniors?"

Mito Menyan did not speak, and drank tea silently.

Yongze just satirized Xiaochun who turned into a seventy-year-old man. At this level, was it considered that he was not looking for trouble?

Before they know it, how much their bottom line has been pushed back.

Mito Menyan is in a melancholy mood, Yongze can put such pressure on them just by showing up, how can he oppose him at the high-level meeting at that time.

In fact, it is not because of the fact that Yongze is not pleasing to the eye that he opposes the policy proposed by Yongze.

But in Mito Menyan's view, Nagasawa is a more radical person than Danzo, and everything he does will make a big change in Konoha.

At least, Danzo will not propose a policy of opening up Konoha and attracting a large number of people to Konoha.

What is this, are you going to rebel? Why do you need so many people in a military organization in Ninja Village?

Mito Menyan always felt that Nagasawa seemed to want to fall out with the daimyo.

The reform of the ninja school is also something that shakes the fundamentals of the ninja village. This thing is the whole ninja world who is learning Konoha. You can change it if you say it.

Still 4+3+4, a full eleven years of study time, what to do after studying so long.

Of course, Mito Menyan would not agree to these policies. He could accept some small and gentle changes, but he could not accept this.

Although in fact, it seems that Yongze is right, but he is wrong.

But Mito Menyan didn't think so. Could it be that Yongze can continue to fight, so radical, if the car overturned, it would be a doomed end.

Yongze, who walked out of the office, still had a happy smile on his face.

He remembered Xiaochun's angry face when he turned to bed in the office just now, but he was even happier when he didn't dare to fight.

He likes this kind of look when others are angry but don't dare to do it.

Who let these two people always oppose him, and always rely on the old to sell the old, and they are annoying to death.

Yongze felt that he was already kind, so he would disgust them when he was bored. Instead, he was the protagonist of some novels in his previous life, and the bodies of both of them were cold.

Yongze saw that the two were also thinking of Konoha, so he didn't treat them like Danzo.

After all, they are not like Danzo, Danzo really destroyed Konoha.

When it was almost noon, Yongze left the Hokage Building and went home to solve lunch.

In the afternoon, he went to the orphanage and volunteered for Ye Naiyu for free for a while. In the evening, the two played role-playing, which was the script of sneaking into the failed ninja.

After leaving Yongze's body, Yongze also separated shadow clones to be in charge of Naruto Zuo's cultivation, as well as paying attention to the situation of those who have unlocked the talent of death.

ps: push a book

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