On the Night of the Nine Tails, I Punched the Tailed Beast Jade with One Punch

Chapter 495: 496: Brave One Tail

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As Yongze expected, Naruto and Zuo Suke practiced at the place he arranged at this time.

"Uncle Yongze/Mr. Yongze."

Naruto and Zuosuke saw Yongze's arrival and temporarily stopped their practice and greeted Yongze.

And Yongze also responded to them with a smile, and then walked a little to the side, revealing Gaara who was hiding behind him.

"He came to our Konoha to study from another village. He may practice with you in the future. Let's get acquainted with him." Yongze introduced Gaara to Naruto Zuosuke.

At the same time, Yongze also said to Gaara: "Say hello, the one with the yellow hair in the white shirt with red patterns is the Naruto I told you before, the name of the black-haired man with the blue shirt next to him is called Naruto. Uchiha Zuosuke."

"You... Hello." Suddenly exposed to Naruto Zuosuke's field of vision, and feeling the curious eyes of the two, Gaara was a little nervous.

"I'm from Sandyin Village, and my name is Gaara."

After the introduction, Gaara closed his mouth, lowered his head slightly, and secretly looked at Naruto and Zuosuke from the corner of his eye.

Seeing Naruto's seemingly infinitely confident smile, Gaara can already think of what kind of child he is.

'He must have a lot of friends just like Brother Yongze said. ' I Aro thought to himself.

Naruto Zuosuke was also very curious about the other ninja village children that Yongzawa brought, especially Naruto.

Looking at the dark circle around Gaara's eyes, Naruto was a little curious and said, "Hello, I'm Naruto Naruto, why is there such a dark circle around your eyes?"

Hearing Naruto's words, Gaara subconsciously touched the dark circles under his eyes, then lowered his head even further, as if he didn't want people to see his dark circles.

Obviously, this characteristic that is different from other children has hindered him a lot on the way to making friends.

"Because I often have insomnia and can't sleep, that's all." Gaara said with her head lowered.

"It's actually like this, I thought you drew it yourself to make yourself look more unique." Naruto showed a shocked expression.

"Stupid Naruto, no one would do this." Zuozhu spit out.

Naruto scratched his head, ignoring Zuo Suke's complaints, but continued to say to Gaara:

"I sometimes can't sleep, but I don't have such exaggerated dark circles under my eyes. You must be suffering from severe insomnia."

As far as Naruto himself is concerned, when he usually can't sleep, Yongze finishes telling the story and then stops it out of context. At night, Naruto will speculate on the next plot of the story by himself, and he can't sleep.

Naruto felt that it was really uncomfortable at that time, not only the pain of being broken, but also the feeling of wanting to sleep but not being able to sleep.

I clearly wanted to sleep in my heart, but my thoughts continued to diverge. In the end, the more I thought about it, the more energetic I became, and the more I couldn't sleep.

When you force yourself not to think about things, in the blink of an eye, itachi starts to think about other things. It may take half an hour to realize that you start to think wildly again, and then force yourself to stop thinking and start a new cycle until you are mentally exhausted. No, I fell asleep unknowingly.

He felt uncomfortable like this every now and then, Naruto couldn't imagine the pain someone would feel like this every day.

"It's okay, it's not that uncomfortable when you get used to it." Gaara raised his head and looked at Naruto.

He felt that this time was really different, that Naruto was different from other children he had met before.

In Sandyin Village, when others saw his dark circles, they could only think of rumors of monsters, but Naruto would care if he was uncomfortable.

At this moment, Gaara has a feeling in his heart that Naruto will become his friend, and they will definitely become good friends.

"If you have insomnia, go to the hospital. It's not a good thing to fight hard yourself." Zuo Suke next to Naruto interjected.

"Thank you, but my situation is a bit special. It's not that I'm sick, it's..." Gaara thanked him. He wanted to tell the truth, but stopped again.

"But what? Why didn't you say it." Naruto was a little anxious when he saw Gaara talking halfway through. He was wondering why Gaara was like this, and suddenly there was no text.

Gaara is brewing, and it takes courage to tell people that there is a monster in his body. Now Zhang Si

"Instead, there is a monster named Shouhe in my body, and its power will interfere with my sleep, so I often suffer from insomnia." Gaara said helplessly with courage.

"There's a monster in the body, isn't it?" Zuo Assistant looked at Gaara with suspicious eyes, isn't this a child of their age, how can he pretend to be a monster with such a small body.

"Monster, why are there monsters in your body?" Although Naruto looked at Gaara without suspicion, he also raised a question.

Hearing Naruto's question and Zuosuke's suspicious gaze, Gaara really felt the difference.

In Sandyin, even if he didn't say anything, he would be treated as a monster. Here, he himself said that there is a monster in his body and he has to be suspected.

But he had a little doubt. Didn't Yongze say that Naruto also has monsters in his body, but Naruto doesn't have dark circles under his eyes. The common thing with ordinary children is that there are three slender beards on his face, and Naruto seems to be I didn't know there were monsters in my body.

What I do not know is that not everyone has the same attitude towards Ren Zhuli as his father Luo Sha.

Like Minato, when Naruto was so young, he naturally wouldn't tell Naruto that he was Hiroshima with a tail beast in his body.

Minato was going to tell him the situation after he graduated from Naruto Ninja School and became a full-fledged ninja. Control the big. Control the tyrannical strong sacrifice reading sacrifice

At that time, Naruto already had enough mental qualities to meet these.

"I don't know how to explain it, but I do have monsters in my body." Gaara thought about it and didn't know how to answer Naruto's question.

At this time, Naruto said to Yongze next to him: "Uncle Yongze, Gaara said that he has a monster in his body. You can help him kill the monster. You must be so powerful."

Hearing Naruto's words, Yongze smiled and said: "The monster in Gaara's body is a tailed beast, and now it is closely linked with Gaara. It is easy to kill Shoukaku, but Gaara is that. I'm going to die together."

For the current Yongze, the tailed beast is no longer a problem. It is not too simple to defeat a tailed beast.

But he could not guarantee whether Ren Zhuli would send it along with him.

According to the experience of the original work, if you want Human Zhuli to break away from the tailed beast and not die, only the tailed beast will take the initiative to cut off a part of the Chakra and keep it in the human Zhuli's body, so as to prevent the human Zhuli from being violently killed.

It's like Yatai left Kirabi an octopus tentacle.

But obviously the relationship between most of the tailed beasts and Ren Zhuli is not so good, it is impossible for Ren Zhuli to deliberately give up part of the power to stay in Ren Zhuli's body.

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"Hey, why is this?" Naruto was obviously disappointed.

"Hey, that's not the point, so there really is a monster in his body!" Zuo Help showed a shocked expression.

He looked left and looked, but he couldn't see how Gaara's small body contained a monster. Could it be that the monster's body was not huge, but rather miniature?

Zuo Yu was lost in thought.

I don't know if it was because I heard that someone was going to kill it, or because I asked about the taste of the nine tails that I hated the most, and the Shouhe in Gaara woke up.

"Why does it smell like that stinky fox?" Shouhe woke up a little confused.

"Could it be that the war has started again, and this person is so weak that he has to go to the battlefield?"

The tailed beast can actually perceive the outside to a certain extent in Ren Zhuli's body.

So when Shouhe was a little confused, it directly sensed what was going on outside.

Shouhe found that this was not the battlefield he had guessed, but only two children and an ordinary ninja he didn't know, and Shouhe couldn't help but feel even more confused.

"That kid with yellow hair and beard should be Ren Zhuli of the stinky fox." Shouhe said that the stench of the nine tails could be smelled through a space.

Shouhe was ecstatic when he was stunned.

Although it doesn't know why the nine-tailed man Zhuli is here, it doesn't know where it is, and it doesn't even want to look at Sandyin Village.

But it knew one thing, and that was the time for revenge.

Nine tails, this little brat, shows off its nine big tails all day long, and preaches that the strength of a tailed beast is determined by the number of tails. Strong Sacrifice Read Sacrifice

Can it endure this violent temper? Of course you can't, just blow yourself up, you brat, and if you step on it and hold one, it's almost as if it's one tail is the most delicious among the tailed beasts.

But is Ichiao really weak? Actually, it's not weak, so Ichiao naturally hates nine tails.

A violent chakra erupted in Gaara's body, and a tyrannical aura full of killing slowly rose.

If he grew up, Gaara might still be able to suppress the tailed beast with his spirit, but at the moment, the three-year-old Gaara obviously does not have this ability. Gotta rattle.

Naruto and Zuosuke were shocked by Morizuru's powerful tyrannical killing and couldn't move.

After all, they are only three-year-olds who have just come into contact with the practice. It is a bit difficult for them to face the tailed beast in a lighthearted manner.

The nine tails in Naruto's body sensed the movement outside, and also sensed it curiously. Then, after sensing Yongze's breath, he quickly suppressed his own breath to the lowest level.

"It's that stupid civet cat, this idiot still hasn't progressed, things are going to be miserable." Nine Tails in Naruto's consciousness space couldn't help grinning, showing an expression of schadenfreude.

Ever since she was inexplicably dragged out on the night of the Nine-Tails and suffered an unprecedented beating, Nine-Tails is now extremely honest, and she doesn't dare to make any small moves. Now Zhang Si

Do you know how much psychological shadow a tailed beast will have when someone grabs it in your hand and smashes it around? Nine tails said that he knew, and even experienced it twice.

Once, the big Buddha in the pillars grabbed it like a chicken and said he was too strong.

Nine tails really want to say, can you please not squeeze so tightly when you say this, it hurts.

The latter time was beaten violently by Yongze with his fist.

That time also made Jiuwei very suspicious of life, Yongze, this little guy, can be so powerful.

Now that the nine tails are already lying flat, you can do whatever you want. He is not happy to ask him to go out, and he is worried about what to do if he is beaten again.

So now, seeing Yiwei revealing the true body of the tailed beast in front of Yongze, Jiuwei is very happy. What else can be better than others who suffer the same loss as him, of course, that person happens to be himself nasty people.

Gaara felt the drastic change in her body and her face turned pale. Looking at Naruto and Zuosuke who were scared to stay in place, Gaara tried her best to suppress Yiwei, let it come out a little slower, and let it come out slowly. shouted:

"Naruto and Zuozu, run away, the monster in my body is going to run wild, it will hurt you, I can't control it."

Watching his body was gradually replaced by the ugly body of Yiwei, Gaara's big eyes were full of tears, and the tears could not be controlled.

Why, why did this happen when he was about to make friends.

Seeing his ugly and embarrassing appearance, Naruto and the others would definitely be very afraid of him, let alone being friends, they would be afraid when they were together.

Gaara's aura was getting stronger and stronger. First, the hands and feet began to change, turning into the grayish-yellow limbs, and then the other parts.

The powerful momentum rose into the sky, and a large number of birds felt this tyrannical and powerful aura and were frightened to fly around. Some animals on the ground were frightened and curled up and shivered. This was the oppression of the tailed beast.

Even ninjas from a certain distance felt the terrifying breath and hurriedly reported to the top.

‘Maybe I should really be alone, people with monsters in their bodies don’t deserve friends, my presence will only hurt them. ' Gaara thought sadly, this was his last thought before he lost consciousness.

"I'm not too brave." Yongze next to him raised his eyebrows, this tail has always been so brave, don't you know that Yongze is here, and the strongest nine tails dare not be so crazy.

Perceiving the breath here, Yongze's body descended directly. First, he patted the tail back with a big mouth, and then a sealing technique reinforced the seal.

Watching the main body come, the shadow clone nodded and released the shadow clone, otherwise it would not be good for the two Yongze to stand together.

After all, his shadow avatar also inherited his handsomeness. Two such handsome people stand together, everyone can decide to see that one, how bad it is.

Gaara also regained consciousness as Ichiu was sealed at the speed of light.

Seeing that everything around him was safe, Gaara opened his eyes wide, a little in disbelief. Every time he was like this before, it was basically a mess.

There was nothing at all this time, and Naruto Zuosuke also stood there, but his hair was a little messed up.

"I'm sorry, I..." Gaara lowered his head and apologized to Naruto Zuosuke and Nagasawa.

At this moment, Gaara is ready to be scolded and scolded, and he has also decided in his heart that he will not seek any friends in the future. He is not worthy of this kind of person.

"You guy, really..." Naruto came back to his senses, walked to Gaara, and raised his hand.

Gaara still kept her head down. control the big. control the lord

I like the night of the nine tails, I punched the tailed beast jade with one punch

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