On the Night of the Nine Tails, I Punched the Tailed Beast Jade with One Punch

Chapter 497: 498: embers

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Shouhe hurriedly summoned a large number of sandstorms to wrap himself, trying to defend against Yongze's attack.

But it far underestimated Yongze's strength.

Click! Click!

Yongze's fist wrapped in a white halo hit Shouhe's sandstorm armor, as if hitting a mirror, and there was a sound like a mirror breaking.

For a time, Shouhe's airtight armor appeared densely packed with tiny white cracks.

Boom! ! !

A huge explosion sounded, and the powerful aftermath turned into an arc-like air wave and pressed towards the surrounding area, pressing down a large number of trees, and the ground also exploded, setting off a cloud of smoke that covered the sight.

"How is it possible, this power!" Shouhe's eyes widened, and he quickly flew out with a look of disbelief. All the armor on his body turned into scattered sand and fell to the ground.

At this time, Shouhe only felt a huge pain coming from a huge place, as if he was hit by a meteorite falling from the sky.

Boom boom boom! !

Shouhe, who flew out, smashed into a big mountain and then stopped, and Yongze also dodged and appeared in front of Shouhe again.

"Who are you, how can you have such power?" Shouhe couldn't help asking.

Obviously, Yongze's power makes Shouhe puzzled. It's not that he has never seen someone who can suppress a tailed beast, but it is the first time Shouhe has seen a person who beat the tailed beast with his fist.

"Me? Just an ordinary Hokage assistant." Yongze said with a smile.

"Shouhe, now you are no longer in Shayin, but in Konoha, and Konoha happens to be my site. I hope you don't make trouble in the future and listen to Gaara."

"What, if you want me to listen to that three-year-old child, are you dreaming? Even Fengying doesn't dare to talk to me like that." Although Kazuo was punched hard just now, his temperament remained unchanged. a.

Yong Ze raised his eyebrows, probably because the punch was too strong, so that one tail didn't seem to be hurt, and he dared to be so mad.

"It just so happens that Feng Ying didn't dare to speak like that in front of me, otherwise let's continue practicing." Yong Ze said with a smile.

Since one punch doesn't hurt, then it's better to punch two more punches. If two more punches are not enough, then keep punching until the end is convinced.

Seeing that Yongze had a tendency to do it again, Yiwei subconsciously took a step back, and he knew from the short battle just now that he was not Yongze's opponent.

Relying on the petite body and speed of human beings, it can't hit Yongze at all, but Yongze can hit him easily, and it is very painful.

"Listen to humans, it's impossible for me to listen to that little brat, but if you're willing to confront my tailed beast head-on, I won't take the initiative during Konoha's time." Ichiao thought for a while and said. .

Although Yongze is strong, Shouhe has confidence in his tailed beast jade. Although those ninjas are powerful, they are generally not too strong. They are not as resistant to beatings as their tailed beasts. Yiwei feels that if it is a tailed beast jade , Yongze will definitely not be able to block it head-on.

This wave is to promote strengths and avoid weaknesses.

If the tailed beast jade is used directly, Yiwei thinks that it may not be able to hit Yongze. For a fast ninja like Yongze, the hit rate of the tailed beast jade is too touching. …

"It's not good if you don't come out. You can't take the initiative to come out after I strengthen the seal on Gaara's body." Yongze shook his head. He has always been the only one who has the right to prostitute others.

"Well, if I take your tailed beast jade head-on, you will have to chat with Gaara every day for at least half an hour, how about that?" Yongze thought for a while and said.

If you want to completely control all the power of the tailed beast, you must understand and communicate with the tailed beast.

This is not so easy to achieve, a major premise is to have a good relationship with the tail beast.

On the surface, it seems to be making friends. What's so difficult? After careful analysis, you will know how ugly it is.

What is a tail beast? They used to live well in the deep mountains and old forests, but they were suddenly caught by ninjas as the ultimate weapons in the ninja village, and they have been sealed in the human body.

If the IQ of the tailed beast is normal, then it will definitely not like humans who destroy their free life. This is imprisonment. It's still a captivity in darkness, the kind where you can't even see the sun.

In this case, it is normal for the tailed beast to hate the human column force, so the perfect human column force is not so easy to achieve.

However, most of the tailed beasts are also very understanding, and will not focus their hatred of humans on individuals. If Renzhuli is really doing well, it is still possible to become friends with the tailed beast.

Yongze asked Kazuo and Gaara to chat, just to let Gaara get to know each other, and he felt that the two sides still had a certain degree of fit.

"Haha, if you want me to chat with that little kid, I'm afraid he won't sleep." Yiwei said with a big laugh, there was a sense of sarcasm in his words.

"This is not what you are worried about. You can say yes or no." After speaking, Yong Ze made a fist with his right hand again, and a huge white halo wrapped his fist.

Seeing that Yongze was about to launch an attack again, Yiwei nodded quickly and said, "I promise you, first of all, it must be taken from the front, and you can't avoid it!"

Yiwei decided in his heart that it was impossible for Yongze to take the tailed beast jade head-on, so he readily agreed to Yongze's conditions.

"I won't hide." Yongze said lightly, just hard-wired the tailed beast jade, it's easy, he could do it a few years ago, it was still the nine-tailed beast jade, let alone now.

Seeing that Yongze agreed, Yi Tai showed a smiling face with a successful conspiracy, then opened his **** mouth, mobilized the chakra of the whole body, and prepared to condense a super and super large tailed beast jade.

As Yiwei's big mouth opened, a small black-purple ball appeared in front of the mouth that he thought, and with Yiwei's continuous injection of chakra, the tailed beast jade rapidly expanded and became larger, and soon surpassed the one tail's mouth. head.

Just then, Yiwei quickly compressed the tailed beast jade and turned it into a small black ball, which started to grow slowly again.

Since Yongze does not disturb it, the tail must condense a tailed beast jade with extreme power, do what it can do to the extreme, compress it with all its strength, and then add more chakra.

Ichiao's actions didn't change Yongze's face, he still looked relaxed.

'Wait for this arrogant human to know how stupid it is to take the tailed beast jade head-on. ' One tail thought proudly. …

Its extremely powerful tailed beast jade, it is not a problem to destroy a ninja village, and it is also easy to blow up several mountains.

Such a powerful attack, even if the ninja is wiped, it will melt directly, let alone block it frontally.

Even more, because the tailed beast jade has reached its limit, the tailed beast jade is directly spit out towards Yongze, and a huge black tailed beast jade with a height of five meters flies towards Yongze.

Watching Yiwei finally spit out the tailed beast jade, Yongze held it in the void, and he held a samurai sword in his hand.

"There are all kinds of things, they are all ashes, and the blades are like fire!"

Yongze slowly pulled out the flowing blade like fire, and the momentum on his body suddenly changed.

Immediately after the chakra erupted on Yongze's body, his breathing began to change, and the Ryu Renruo volcano ignited a violent flame, causing the surrounding temperature to rise rapidly.

Since Yongze can't use the combination of Reiatsu and Chakra now, he is wrapping Reiatsu with Chakra, just like adding a fist or pointing tiger to Reiatsu.

You are reading story On the Night of the Nine Tails, I Punched the Tailed Beast Jade with One Punch at novel35.com

Although this method of use is a bit wasteful, and the improvement is not much, it is more stable.

This is not the end, Yongze thought for a while and decided to use Swastika!

Yongze burst out all the spiritual pressure on his body and began to use 卍卍卍. At this time, the flowing blade was like a fire, but there was no flame on the sword, and the body of the sword changed. the same as the knife.

But as long as the perception is slightly stronger, you can know that this knife is not simple, and there is a very terrifying aura on the tip of the knife.

Because of Yongze's release of the Swastika, a river in the forest was quickly evaporated to dryness.

Yiwei sensed the increasingly wrong Yongze and the abnormal temperature, and the mentality that was originally stable as an old dog also changed.

"This guy, can't you..." Kazuo couldn't help but think of bad things.

"It shouldn't be. This is my ultimate tailed beast jade. Even if a stupid fox takes it, it will not feel good. How can a mere human take it head-on." Yiwei comforted himself.

"Remnant Fire Sword, Ashes of Heaven and Earth!" Yongze swung a very fast slash, and the surrounding temperature rose rapidly again, turning the collapsed tree into black ashes, and the speed was so fast that Shouhe saw Yongze swinging the knife just after , the next instant a slash hit the tailed beast jade.

At the moment of the slash, the tailed beast jade instantly turned into two halves, and then there was a loud noise, and a violent explosion sounded, but it did not cause any huge damage, because all the aftermath was also burned out.

Shou He looked at this scene stupidly, and saw that the ground that was hit by the slashing ** silently formed an abyss of more than 20 meters in width and length of unknown length.

Shouhe was very stunned. It was such a big tailed beast jade, why did it disappear all of a sudden, what kind of move, how come it has never seen it before, and it is too foul.

Someone opened up, but Shouhe didn't say who it was.

After wielding that knife, Yongze quickly released the state, using the **** to release is cool, but the surrounding environment is not good.

Yongze walked up to Shouhe with a relaxed face. He didn't immediately say the agreed thing, but smiled: "How about my slash?"

"Very strong." Shouhe said honestly. …

If speaking of the range of destructive power, Shouhe felt that his ultimate tailed beast jade was not weak, but Shouhe knew how terrifying Yongze's knife just now was.

That knife contained a powerful force that it couldn't understand, and even the power of the tailed beast jade was burned. It has lived for thousands of years and has never seen such an outrageous thing, the knife split the tailed beast jade.

"The promised thing?" Yong Ze asked with a smile.

"I will abide by the agreement, but if that kid doesn't want me, I can't help it." Kazuo said a little unhappily.

It suddenly found that it seemed to be trapped. No wonder Yongze made such an agreement. It turned out that his strength was so strong.

"I will communicate with him on Gaara's side." Yongze said lightly.

"Go back, remember the agreement, for those who do not abide by the agreement, I will usually give him a slash like the one just now."

Shouhe seriously suspected that Yongze was threatening himself, and he had evidence, but he had no way to deal with it, so he had to go back in despair.

Yongze's slash is too terrifying, as long as Yongze dares to use it, Shouhe will dare to die in front of Yongze.

After Shouhe returned, Gaara quickly woke up.

"Brother Yongze..." Gaara looked at Yongze blankly.

Yongze smiled and touched Gaara's red hair, then said, "The problem is solved, you don't have to worry about Shouhe going wild in the future."

"Yeah." Gaara nodded.

"Next, I'm going to take you to re-strengthen your seal." Yongze said.

In fact, Gaara couldn't sleep and it wasn't because Shouhe deliberately did it. If Shouhe ate too much, he would be bored to bully a human child.

It has a certain relationship with Sandyin's sealing technique, which makes Gaara easily affected by Shouhe's Chakra.

In addition, Gaara was afraid of the monsters on his body, afraid of being occupied by monsters and being manipulated by them, so he couldn't sleep.

Yongze felt that, on the one hand, he let Gaara and Yiwei chat to enhance their relationship, and on the other hand, he strengthened the seal. If the two-pronged approach is used, the problem should be solved.

After finishing speaking, Nagasawa brought Gaara to Kushina.

"She is Uzumaki Kushina, Naruto's mother, and the one who will help you strengthen the seal later." Yongze introduced Kushina to Gaara.

"Naruto-kun's mother." Gaara's eyes widened, then hurriedly introduced himself.

"I... I'm Gaara, hello..."

"It's a very cute child." Kushina smiled and squatted down and touched Gaara's red hair.

"He is one-tailed person Zhuli. He will stay on Konoha's side for a long time now. There is something wrong with the seal on Shayin's side. I will help you to strengthen the seal." Yongze said.

Kushina nodded, patted his chest and said, "I'm the best at this, leave it to me."

Kushina was surprised to see Gaara very pleasing to the eye.

The hair is the same beautiful red hair as hers, and it is also a human pillar.

After solving the seal problem, Yongze took Gaara to his house in Konoha.

On the way, Yongze warned: "In your body is an existence called a tailed beast, don't call it a monster, just call it Shouhe, of course, if you want to call it a little civet cat , it's just that Shouhe might get angry."

"I'll give you a task here, Gaara, don't you want to make friends, then you should become friends with Shouhe first and talk to it every day."

"Actually, Shouhe is not an existence with only killing in his heart, you can try to understand its past.

Of course, if it threatens you with anything, you tell Shouhe that you will sue me. "

"Only if you and Shouhe are in the same mind, can you unleash his true power and master the power that can protect the existence you want to protect."

"I see." Gaara nodded silently.

And the monster in the body, oh not a ** friend, Gaara feels a little weird.

But what Yongze said should be fine.


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