Once Human, Now a Parasite

Chapter 170: Chapter 169

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Chapter 169

Being internally injured, Esdik didn’t charge along the three other Immortals, instead, he rushed at the raging warrior with a dozen soldiers behind him . Albeit being injured, he was still able to manifest strong power but he frowned as he got closer and closer to the warrior .

Although his aura didn’t belong to an Immortal, he was still close to it, each second passed you could see figures flying away from him, sent away by his ruthless kicks and savage punches . The tall bronze-skinned warrior with a bloody tattoo roar loudly as he was dyed with the blood of his foes, his brothers perished and he had no thoughts of living, as long as he could kill a lot of enemies, he can feel relieved .

Despite the fact that he was startled by this raging man, Esdik didn’t stop his charge, he was an Immortal and killing a Deity is a simple thing for him .

Unfortunately for the Regiment Commander, his charge was bound to never happen as he was startled yet again when a big bloody fog suddenly appeared out of thin air which then was followed by inhuman screams and painful wails, he could feel his body unconsciously shiver as he heard those screams . The gargoyle halted and looked at the big expanding fog, an uncontrollable fear submerged him and forced him to take several steps back .

In the midst of his surprise, Esdik felt a small pain to his lower left back, it appeared that the raging warrior was unaffected by the fog and screams as he kept getting rid of enemies and heavily punched Esdik, which caused the latter to stutter a few steps back and regain some of his senses .

For an Immortal, it is an absolute disgrace to be pushed by a mere Mortal, however, Esdik ignored the warrior and turned around left without even hesitating, the fog was expanding at an alarming speed, the hair on his body stood erect and all his senses kept telling him to run .

’What the hell is that thing!’

Spectating from afar, Uyo’s hands tightly clenched his staff, with his mouth half open and contracted pupils, with nothing else to think about, he directly turned around and escaped from this place, not caring about orders whatsoever, for him, his life is much more important and the sheer killing intent he felt from that fog made him unable to run properly as his legs shivered .

The only person who didn’t back off was Rosie, who courageously dived straight into the fog and used her sense to locate the source or more specifically, the thing which is causing the wails .

The fog was expanding at a fast pace, however, all of a sudden, Rosie found herself standing in the middle of a deserted land, with nothing but her, Mary, Taliya, Alina, Sonia, Lucas, four kids, three elderly demons, and Arthur . A hundred meters away from Arthur laid the injured body of the warrior, he still didn’t die but he was already at Death’s door .

Before she could process what the hell just happened, Rosie was dumbfounded as a figure landed ten meters in front of her . The general’s eyes landed on the youth in front of her, he had a short blood red hair, snow white skin, and two closed eyes . He didn’t emit any aura, even after probing him, Rosie couldn’t guess his Realm which meant two things, either he’s a God or a Mortal who never cultivated Nether Energy .

To Rosie’s surprise, the youth was wearing a weird attire, or more accurately, it was unfit for a fight . It was a black suit, a bit similar to a tuxedo, the one which nobles would wear to a banquet .

The youth had both of his hands behind his back as he faced Rosie, his lips were curled up, showing a cold smile .

"Milady, I see thou art brave, but I humbly advise you not to cross this line . Thy fate only depends on thy actions . "

Much suiting to his appearance, the youth had a calm, unaggressive voice, however, it had a hint of arrogance, or you could call it superiority .

Snapping out of her daze, Rosie looked at where the slim hand of the youth pointed . All around Arthur, there was a red line which circled him, with a diameter of a hundred meters . The warrior was included in the circle but since he was one of the prisoners, he was spared, but apart from the people Arthur ordered the Golem and book to protect, none of the rest are allies, they all are enemies that have to be killed .

Rosie was clever and indeed powerful, after all, she was a divine being, however, she could not just walk away and let bygones be bygones . A lot of her people died and despite that the majority was still at the back, staring at the red-haired youth was awe and fear, waiting for her orders . If she just leaves now, not only will she be despised by her people, even a simple soldier will not show respect towards her and instead, she would be mocked .

The appropriate decision is to go back and not fight this dangerous young man, but Rosie was not going to follow this decision . With her sword in hand, Rosie wiped the blood off it and snorted as she retorted

"Hmpf! crossing line? What about the hundreds of soldiers you killed? Do you think I would just turn around and pretend as if nothing happened?"

With a small still plastered on his young face, the youth added

"Milady, thou are misunderstanding the situation . I simply followed what I was instructed; to protect . Thy people attacked so I was forced to defend, if I’m not wrong, it is called self-defense . "

Hearing his strange way of talking, along with the small he was showing, Rosie’s anger increased by another level .

"Y-you . . . . I do not believe you can stop me or my army! I’m also sure you cannot be a God! You’re bluffing . "

Even she, herself, wasn’t convinced by her own words, her lips were uttering nonsense yet she didn’t stop

"Let me see how you’ll stop me!"

"Hahaha, Milady sure has a funny humor . Me? A God? I am but a humble servant, I’m neither a God nor a living being, I live and die following my master’s will, as for our enemies . . . "

With his eyes still closed, he advanced two steps and shrugged his shoulders carelessly

"Only death awaits them . Thou should treat carefully, Milady, as Death does not differentiate between age, gender or Race . "

By the time he finished speaking, Rosie already entered the circle and fiercely stabbed her sword at him with unprecedented speed .


A person who became a Divine being, which is but a step from Godhood, should never be underestimated, especially if it’s a famous General like Rosie . With the sharp edge of her sword stabbing at the young man, a formless red tentacle stretched out from the sword, quickly encircling the youth’s waist while the sword was stabbing at his throat, aiming for a fatal strike .

Rosie was at the peak of 8th Grade of the Divine Realm, so she could be considered a peak Divine Realm, however, even with such insane speed, precision and prowess, she was rendered speechless as she saw the red tentacles get absorbed in some kind of transparent whirlpool which rotated in the youth’s right hand . The tentacle didn’t even last a second before it vanished, as it was instantly absorbed by that strange whirlpool . What followed was even worse for the female General .

The youth, who still hasn’t opened his eyes, magically disappeared from her field of vision and before she could locate him, she felt pain in her back .

By the next second, her figure was stumbling thirty meters from her original position, Rosie couldn’t even react before she felt pain a second time, this time it was at the right part of her waist . She was flung another fifty or so meters before she laid on the ground coughing several mouthfuls of blood . The agonizing pain never stopped, she could feel that several of her bones were shattered and her spine was barely holding, if it was also shattered, she wouldn’t even be able to retaliate anymore .

. . . . .

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Standing four hundred meters away from the battlefield, Vyncent stared at the red-haired youth with a mix of fear and astonishment, his calculated plans he thought of were thrown to the trash bin as he saw the General, who was a Divine being, get trashed so badly like that .

It cannot even be called a fight, it was a one-sided beatdown .

"Milady, thou have been warned, it is a pity but you must die . "

With a tone devoid of emotion whatsoever, the red-haired youth slowly walked toward Rosie, who was struggling to get using her hands .

With the usage of her sword, Rosie somehow managed to barely stand up, but with the pain dominating her and her sorry state due to the powerful strikes of his, she couldn’t properly stand and hold her sword .

Actually, if not for her green armor, she was certain that the last two strikes would have seriously injured her .

’He can’t be a God! That’s impossible! Yet he is so . . . . . ’

A foolish yet a bit reasonable thought crossed Rosie’s mind, she secretly glanced at the motionless Arthur and thought of a possibility . Her focus shifted back to the incoming youth, with a hint of ridicule, she mocked

"You . . . you’re a puppet . "

The red brows of the youth furrowed for a second before his face became deadpan again, he let out a small chuckle and shrugged his shoulders and raised his hands a bit as if feigning innocence .

"If that is what you want to think of me, then sure, I am a puppet, hehehe~~~"

Puppets, commonly used by puppet masters, those masters are not strong individually, however, if they deployed their puppets, which had strong abilities and unique powers, they would be able to overwhelm most of the enemies . Furthermore, puppet masters excel at fighting a big number of enemies and are relatively bad against a fast opponent as their death means the deaths of their puppets .

Rosie thought that Arthur was a puppet master, as that was the only explanation she could think of right now . The red-haired youth’s strength, his aggressive attitude when someone attack Arthur, all of that led to this conclusion . It’s a pity that she’s mistaking but there is one to tell her that .

Resolutely, Rosie stabbed her bloody sword on the ground, which penetrated it easily, the red-haired youth was alarmed and appeared in front of the General to finish her off, however, unfortunately for him, Rosie’s ability was way faster than he predicted . He wasn’t injured, neither was Arthur, but Lucas, Taliya, Alina and the other two were wrapped by a thick tentacle each . The tentacle wrapped around their waist and from their white faces, anyone could guess that these tentacles were suffocating them .

Surprisingly, the tentacles ignored the five remaining prisoners which were a distance away from Arthur and focused on the people who were surrounding him . It was a wise and lucky guess, which may, or may not turn things upside down .

Although she was still hurting, Rosie showed a triumphant smile as she saw the red-haired youth stop his strike and look at her with a strong murderous intent, she could even feel her body uncontrollably shiver for a few seconds albeit the fact that he wasn’t staring at her and had his eyes closed .

"Oh? Why aren’t you attacking? If my hearing isn’t wrong, I’m pretty sure you just said that I will die yet I’m still alive and well . "

Rosie taunted the red-haired youth as she tightened the grip of the tentacles and caused the bound people to groan from pain, only the unconscious Sonia didn’t utter any sound . But for low-leveled people, especially Alina and Lucas, such a strong grip on their waist will cut them in half pretty soon if they continued tightening, it was just a matter of seconds .

The youth backed away five steps and replied with a calm yet a cold tone

"Milady, thou art underestimating me, even if you kill them, you will still die by my hands but now that I’m bound by my master’s orders, I would not kill you, however, I can assure you that what you’re doing will only lead to your downfall along whichever faction you come from . My master is not someone you want to mess with . "

Having a special connection with Arthur, the youth knew perfectly well what his master was capable of, if he were to become extremely enraged, there will be no end to his slaughter unless a miracle happens and Lucy appears, but the probability of that happening is close to zero .

. . . .

Rosie showed an oblivious attitude as she walked toward the hostages without being stopped or blocked by the youth, he didn’t even move a single inch since the last five steps . He wasn’t even facing her anymore as he stood there, but that uneasy and bloody aura he was emanating never disappeared, it gave Rosie, who was a famous and strong General who fought in countless battles, endless creeps .

"I’ll be taking them and retreating, if you were as much as move a single step, I’ll cut them in half immediately . "

There was no room for negotiation, Rosie focused her control over the tentacles and made them slowly move out of the circle as she focused her Sense on the red-haired youth .

She wasn’t a fool and wouldn’t insist on killing Arthur anymore, her mission was accomplished as she managed to kill four colonels of the Pigolo Tribe along with killing thousands of soldiers, she wanted to add another Immortal to the list but didn’t expect things to go this badly .

She would lose some face and reputation, but that’s nothing compared to her life, after all, everyone has but one life . She knew that she wasn’t the youth’s match, she was injured twice and despite not suffering heavy damages that would become permanent injuries, she was still injured by whatever she was hit with earlier .

Heck! She couldn’t even see how he hit her or from where, all she could feel is the unending pain .

It only took Rosie twenty seconds to get out of the circle along with the hostages . The second she got out, Vyncent suddenly appeared next to her with an excited and hopeful face . He whispered something to her and after a few seconds of pondering, she nodded and released the grip of the pale Alina, who could barely breathe properly .

Vyncent caught the girl in his arms and slightly bowed to the General then he melted in the ground with the Demon Princess in his hands .

"Y-you . . . . *pant* . . . what di . . . d you d . d-doo to A . . . . *pant* *pant* . . . . "

Taliya couldn’t even speak, her face was devoid of any color, it’s as if she was already a corpse . The others were in no better condition either, it was even worse than the head maid since they didn’t struggle fiercely like her, their body condition was relatively better but they were still on the verge of death .

"Milady, that was unwise . . . . too unwise, you’ll regret this . "

Still not moving from his location, the red-haired spoke with a cold and chilling tone, not like the previous one . His main priority is Arthur, then Sonia and Mary, Alina happened to be his last priority so he didn’t go save her as it would lead to the death of the others .

He may have let Vyncent take Alina, but if it were Mary or Sonia, he would have been forced to act as it was his orders . However, without Vyncent noticing, a small red stone suddenly appeared on his lower right calf, as if it was glued to his clothes . The young man didn’t notice this strange stone, which actually served as a GPS which will locate him wherever he went .

The red-haired youth turned his head to look at his master and thought to himself

’It should be soon, really soon . ’

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