One Night Bride

Chapter 5: CH 5

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Chapter 5: He is the Devil

Qin Shang Cheng sees that she has the courage to resist at this moment, he drags her by the hair, like an eagle catching a chick, and carries it to the front. Her legs almost sweep on the sand, the sand is very soft, but Qin Shang Cheng walks fast, and her legs are scrawled between the huge thrust and the sand, soon they are covered with small scars, and the blood is dripping…

When Qin Shang Cheng stops, Hua Rong almost faints but he throws her on the ground, feeling dizzy, then he roars loudly: “Here is where you should stay, you dare to resist the king ……”

Hua Rong barely opens her eyes, she sees a row of trees in front of her where seven or eight women are tied up, each of them cloaked, naked, their bodies covered with terrible marks ……

Every woman, as soon as she looks at this situation, understands that they have suffered or will be abused, it is now broad daylight, the pirates do not know where to go in the evening or even the next minute, regardless of the day and night or broad daylight, they abuse these women Until they are dead or bored and driven like wild dogs on a small raft to their own destruction …… at the discretion of God ……

As long as it is a normal person, it never occurs to them that there can be such an ugly, cruel side of the world…

Her face changes from surprise to bewilderment to horror and despair …… This is also her own fate! The way to escape, exile, I do not know how many hardships I have experienced, I’ve used all kinds of methods to survive, and now I end up in a terrible situation that is even more unthinkable ……

She is finally afraid!

Completely afraid!

No woman can see such a scene and not be afraid!

Qin Shang Cheng is amused and pleased when he suddenly realizes that something is wrong and reaches out to pinch her chin, but it is too late, she has already bitten her tongue and blood is gushing out from her mouth, her feet stomps weakly on the sand a few times and she faints……

He is stunned for a moment, at a loss for words, and does not know what to do, but picks her up, and squeezes her chin tightly ……

When Hua Rong opens her eyes, she finds herself lying on a huge leaf, looking up at dense coconut trees and palm trees which are shading the sky, and she can not see a trace of sunlight.

The mouth seems to be coated with a thick ointment, she moves a little but can not open it.

However, her eyes can still move, and when she turns her eyes, she sees a man sitting in front of her, one of those tower-like bodies, he picks a leaf and whistles some odd tune ……

The devil.

The biggest demon in the world.

The fear in her heart reaches its peak, and she doesn’t know where the strength comes from, she turns over and as she  is about to sit up and run, thinking , even if she runs a few steps or even if she dies. 

But soon her faint hope is wiped out, he turns his head, and reaches out and pulls her in, with a hint of surprise in his eyes: “You’re awake?”

His hand is a huge shackle, her whole body is shaking, her mouth is trembling, and she can’t utter a word.

“Don’t be afraid, I won’t hit you.”

She stares at him with a deadly gaze, and then averts her gaze again.

He holds her face, avoiding only a little of her chin, turns her gaze back to himself, and declares loudly, “Remember, you are my slave girl! You will do whatever I tell you to do.”

Seeing the bear’s palm in front of her again, the terrible feeling of having her chin squeezed, as if the bones are going to be crushed, sweeps through her body again, and she can’t help but nod her head and a horrible “cackle” comes out of his throat.

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“If you are good and obedient, you will not suffer.” Qin Shang Cheng laughs and touches his paw to her face, this time, she does not turn her head, as if she is the most docile lamb.

“You are not allowed to kill yourself either. Your life is also mine, you can only die when I tell you to die”.

She nods blankly, not knowing what to do except to nod.

He is so satisfied with this performance that he is sure that the young girl is completely submissive to him. Only then does he begin to ask the question he wants to know: “How old are you? Where are you from?”

Her mouth opens and closes, but she can not speak at all, and King Qin remembers that her tongue is injured. However, she does not dare not answer, but writes on the sand with her finger: “Seventeen ……”

“Oh, seventeen?” He looks at her writing on the sand: “You still know how to write?”

She nods again .

“What are you to that martial general?”

This time, she does not write, as if she is thinking about how to express herself.

“So many words are hard to write, forget it, tell me when you are better.”

She sighs with relief.

There is a coconut at his feet, and he splits it in half with one palm, takes half of it, and puts the juice in her mouth. She does not disobey in any way, little by little she drinks up half of the coconut juice, he casually throws the coconut shell far away, surprisingly a little happy, and picks up the big leaf just thrown aside, puts it on the mouth and blows, making a very unpleasant sound: “That room is the king’s reward to you, from today, you will live with the king. “

A gust of wind blows and many tiny white sand fall on her hair,on her exposed legs and arms, he sweeps the sand with his palm and pinches the lotus root-like legs, Huo Huo laughs, like some kind of giant monster.

Hua Rong closes her eyes, and does not know what her fate will be in the next moment, every minute and every second, as if suffering a great torture.

The afternoon sun  finally sprinkles from the trees, slanting like a long tube of light circle and you can see a lot of flying dust in the circle of light.

That ray of sunlight just shines on the face of Hua Rong’s black eyelashes, white face and blue lips, three strange colors mixed together turn into an indescribable beauty .

Qin Shang Cheng’s mouth  looks dry, he loweres his head, and bites on her blue lips. It is a violent bite, but after a few bites, it feels a little light and sweet, he gets excited, until he bites a red mark, he let her go of her ankle, picks her up and goes to the house.

The moment her body is next to the bed, she feels the rapid heartbeat pressing against her chest, as if a drum is pounding. Suddenly he hears a “whine” sound wooooo, as if someone is blowing a bull’s horn. Qin Shang Cheng’s face changes , he immediately lets her go: “You rest for two days, remember, do not go anywhere ……” he does not finish the sentence, and hurriedly goes out.

In the corner of the island, the pirates have quickly gathered, like a well-trained army.

As soon as he sees the king, a pirate called Li Xing comes over, full of excitement: “King, we have received news, there is a big deal ……”

Qin Shang Cheng is not impressed: “Another exile? That is not much profit.”

“No, this time we have a secret report, the identity of the ship owner is very special. It is a prince.”

“A prince?”

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