One Piece: Ascension to the Crimson Throne

Chapter 12: Chapter 11: Mary

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Chapter 11: Mary


The book reading went according to Vlad, who after a couple of days since he captured the desire of the city girl, Mary, without her even knowing, was reading a folklore book inside a large house which she never expected to belong to the young blind.

All sorts of questions stirred her, but her mission was still set on capturing and spellbinding Vlad, securing his affection for herself.

She was even more pleased seeing Vlad so clueless and eating from her hands each of her excuses and words, and by a couple of days since the library, without even noticing, she was still reading the book while only having a sexy nightgown.

"Vlad, I am getting tired of reading this book. Can't we do something more entertaining? We are all alone in your house. Would it be a shame?"

"Okay, but tomorrow you have to promise me we will continue with the book since it got to an interesting point, a challenge for the worthy."

"Still darling, those are just stories."

"Legends, but they also hold some truth to them."

The brown-haired woman closed the book while lying beside Vlad reading at the oil lamp, placing the book on the floor and blowing the oil lamp. Moving to kiss his lips, where the latter returned the gesture with a forceful kiss, teasing her tongue.

Mary felt Vlad take her nightgown off and start fondling her breast that still had room to mature if nature willed, being only 18 years old.

She was so pleased by Vlad's skills that she felt more enjoyment in having sex with him than her other boyfriend, Revil. As such, her bitchy remarks in her mind about him started shifting.

Meanwhile, Vlad was also having a great time releasing his sex drive since he also began getting affected by the bulging testosterone of a young man, being no different than an adolescent when his drive couldn't be kept in check by his strong mind.

He began doing a foreplay that made Mary feel precious, not missing any erogenous spot on her body.

As was the saying 'He didn't leave that place without every single stone to be unturned.'.

His body was drenched in her orgasm, and it was more enjoyable after preparing Mary, exciting her, turning her more perverted, and starting doing all sorts of pleasure techniques.

Even her vagina wasn't bad, having a tightness he was familiar with, and with plenty of time in the night, he made the image of her body in his mind, with every single of his caresses.

Barely even having the concept of night, Vlad's energy was spent in those moments, leaving Mary to have a pleasant sleep with a beaming smile on her face that Vlad couldn't see, but could guess that she reached the 'Heaven' from how strong her moans and cries of pleasure, and even the dirty words which pushed Vlad to get rougher with her.



Day came, and while Mary woke herself tired with her body sore, she was almost scared by Vlad's meditative state next to her, with his legs crossed. (A/N: Now, do you guys know what I thought here? About the guy sitting on his head while another one was standing in the corner, cowering in fear)

"Good morning, darling. What are you doing?"

"Meditation? It helps me clear my mind and start my day with a calm mind. What about you, how is your body? I think I've gone a bit overboard, forcing you to do all of those."

'Blind beast, you've gotta be kidding. Doing those positions felt so good. You've hit all my weak spots. But I'd rather not tell him this since he will use that weakness on me again to make me his.'

"It is fine, darling. I felt excellent."

"I see, glad to hear that. Now, don't forget what you've promised me."

"Understood, darling. But I also want my reward afterward."

"Mhm. Clean yourself, and you can eat the remains from last night's meal." mentioned Vlad calmly, while Mary sniffed a bit her sweaty body, immediately getting up, rushing to the bathroom, seeing a large bathtub filled with steaming water.

'Ahh, he even did this for me. Such a gentleman. Why can't Revil be like this, attentive and make me feel precious? That fool doesn't even know to act romantically. Besides having eyesight, Rival doesn't compare with Vlad at all.'

'What's more, he is the city's alchemist, supplying the city with precious curing elixirs.'

She stepped inside the bathtub and admired the small decorations of the bathroom, and after cleaning herself, she woke herself with a delicate dress that had a clean design on a wooden hanger that wasn't initially in the bathroom.

It made her smile with a pure smile, and after she had her breakfast, Vlad was inside his living room, standing with his hands crossed at his chest, pondering on something, and she went to sit beside him, wrapping her hands around him in a loving manner.

"What is on your mind?"

"I was thinking about that legend and its location. Have you relaxed enough, little Mary?"

"Don't worry, darling, after I recharge my spirit standing like this, I will immediately begin from where I stopped."

"Hah, how cute, go ahead, it feels rather nice standing, as if I have a warm blanket. Wait, I got an idea."

Saying that after Mary made herself comfortable at his shoulder, he took her by surprise and raised her like a feather, placing her on his chest as if he was about to start a second round.

And Mary believed that which made her get horny, especially when Vlad opened his black eyes. Feeling spellbound, she went to kiss him but got stopped by his long index finger.

"You have to be good, don't be so slutty."

Mary took his finger in her mouth starting sucking it like she was doing his dick, which made Vlad chuckle, amused by how perverted this girl could be. Even the noblewoman from Mathias's court weren't such sluts, having some decency in how they behaved. Yet this girl only had sex in mind, limiting her from which he was restraining her.

Then, after the girl calmed, being like a cat on his chest, she went to pick the book from the bedroom and began reading it for Vlad, reaching what his mind was trying to figure out.

The stories about a large mountain with a weird shape to it, various peaks that the one who wrote this legend had difficulty describing.

However, something stuck to him, it was the fact that in the tallest point of the Mountain, there was a lake.

Other points could be used for hints in this legend, such as the rivers, flora or fauna.

While Mary kept on reading this book, that mentioned the challenge awaiting a future hero, the stuff of legends, but inside Vlad's mind, he was pinning together all these small details, from locations to the appearance of the Mountain, which led to him concluding an appropriate zone that fit the description of this legend.

'All those details seem similar to what Elias has read about the landscapes of Picodras.'

'A book found inside Galena Mountain, beside the skeleton of someone, along with other belongings of this explorer.'

'Still, what was the interesting point in that adventurer's journal was how it ended, [I heard something, and it makes me tremble in fear. Now I understand why those villagers at the base of the Mountain say that the Guardian will not allow anyone on the mountain passage.].'

'Such words can't be written down by someone who wants to fool someone, and his dead body and journal were subject to this.'

'It can be that exactly this Galena Mountain hides something from those villages, and I got to explore it and experience it for myself.'

'If I am to also combine what Arik and the boys told me about the Island, how it looks from the sea, mentioning the Mountain, and how around the coastal villages its view was the best thing they ever saw. You could say this information also fits the legend.'

Still, even though he made up his mind about this legend, that he would explore it since it was as if it was behind his backyard,

He continued listening to Mary reading as if he was a teacher listening to a student, and once the lesson was over, he reached his target of having the folklore book being read.

Afterwards, Mary's reaction when Vlad told her that he had something to do and that she should also go to her home was comical.

"Wait, darling. Are you really going somewhere? Can't I stay here and wait for you like a good girl?"

"No." mentioned Vlad in a concise, direct way that confused Mary, as if all her progress went back to Step 1.

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Even when she tried to get clingy with him, asking him in a cute, loving manner, and even slutty way, she was denied.

"Let me ask you, little Mary. Are we in a relationship?"

"Aren't we? I love you a lot." continued Mary on her acting, which was so-so, even though she didn't know what she felt, but Vlad rejected this, and with a calm reply brought her with the feet on the ground.

"I can't get inside your mind to see how much you do, but for me, I see you as a little maid who wants a lot more from her master. But are you my little maid? Obviously, no, this is why you can't rely on me or others."

"Please don't say such words. You know how I feel about you."

Vlad rejected, and the girl with a dejected expression also departed, however, she made a mistake not changing in her initial clothes.

She departed with the dress gifted to her by Vlad without even changing on her initial clothes, and while Vlad saw her off, he felt a hateful stare running not too far from his house.

'Haha, I hope you can admire her beauty now, little boy. The next time she kisses you, saying that she loves you, the thought that she blew me so hard that I painted her entire face in white.'

'Those worries of what happened inside will eat you alive, little boy. It will get you so badly that you will rush to me, trying to kill me. I can't wait, maybe this time someone does something interesting.''

His keen senses made it easy to guess who the person staring at him so hatefully was, and the lover who went to search for his lover was shocked to see his woman exiting the house of another man, wearing an elegant dress that made her more beautiful, and with some earrings.

'So that letter was right. Mary was indeed cheating on me with the Blind. Arghhh, I will kill that bastard! But before that, I will have to settle this problem with Mary. I either take her on the sea with my boys, going for the Grand Line or breaking up for good.

However, before I depart, I will kill that Blind bastard.'

Nonetheless, when the young man moved from his spot, Vlad started chuckling, finding the entire situation comical, and another cruel thought ran through his mind.

'Maybe I should also prepare that boy a parting gift since the boys at the harbour kept mentioning that Rigal was preparing to set sail with some of his friends, maybe precisely the ones who picked on me at my weakest.

Closing the door with his own key, he departed, moving toward Patrick's mansion, where immediately once he got inside, he heard the old man remark with some disappointment in his voice.

"Boy, you really had to pick that girl? Mary?"

"Oho, what do you mean, old man?"

"Don't fool with me, child, the news that you are seeing that girl Mary has been spreading out for one week that you were 'occupied'. Mind explaining to this old man? Why would you do this, stealing the woman of someone else."

"As far I am concerned, if the girl told me she doesn't see anyone, she's good for catching. I don't care if she was in a relationship or not since it wouldn't affect me in particular." mentioned Vlad smiling a bit, where he began laughing, finding the situation amusing.

"I take you lower yourself that much to take revenge on some kid that picked on you in the past?"

"It's not the main reason I picked that girl. It is even comical. She approached me even though she had a partner?

Besides, I'll not miss that chance. I heard she has quite the pepite face. Her body was also decent." remarked Vlad, who got a seat in Patrick's living room while having his eyes closed.

"Hah, you stupid kid, you might be ruining your status in the community for adultery."

"Now, now. Could you stop worrying about me? I am no longer that boy with all his body broken, who required your assistance to feed.

Even if I am blind, do you see me being affected too much?

Also, if people start annoying me, I will simply cut their supply of potions, and I'll see how those guys will deal with their wounds after getting used to my alchemical concoctions."

"Okay, I will not bother you with this, since I doubt you are serious about this relation of yours."

"Pfff, you thought I would pick up a little slut for my partner. Please, my brain might have been damaged but not to that extent.

That is just me fooling around and having a taste of flesh." explained Vlad with a casual smile on his face, getting into some details with Patrick that he would only tell him since he saw him akin to a father figure.

"You are walking on a thin rope. You might have that Revil brat actually try to pull something on you." remarked Patrick who listened to Vlad's reasons for picking Mary, which made some sense, but was also quite crazy and cruel.

"Hmm. What can he do? I am curious." inquired Vlad with a smile on his face, making it seem as if he was a deranged person, expecting something bad to happen.

"Ambush you with numbers and kill you?"

"Interesting. I will await that day, it's been a while since I've seen that little shit. Besides, I didn't visit you to tell you about those childish affairs of mine, instead I want to inform you that I will be out of the city for a longer period."

"By yourself? How long?" asked Patrick, slightly worried about Vlad doing such walkouts.

"Indeed, for about two weeks, maybe? It can be longer since I am unfamiliar with the outside of the city.

I want to experience something myself, the Mountain. From a legend book, I heard about a place that would grant powers to an individual who passes a respective challenge."

"Sigh, boy, don't believe in everything you read. Galena Mountain is dangerous, full of beasts and monsters that will devour you. Don't you remember that notebook of the adventurer who shocked the entire Island? You wish to be the second to be immortalized in the villagers' minds."

"Why are you acting like some worried mother? It is my choice and I believe in my abilities to ascend the Mountain with or without beasts.

Also, this is an opportune chance of testing my sword skills, " replied Vlad casually, making old Patrick ogle at his calm face, not showing signs of fear.

"... Fine, you may go, but don't you fucking dare not return in one piece."

"I was expecting such a response." smugly replied Vlad while having a relaxed posture on the couch, making old Patrick laugh dejectedly as if he was defeated by Vlad's stubbornness.

Then, with only telling Patrick about his crazy idea, not bothering with Lagos or Arik for fear he would start annoying him to tag along, for fear he would lose his path, he went to prepare his supplies for this "adventure".

It didn't take him long, that in the cover of the night, a tall young man with tied black hair wearing some hunter clothes that were styled with some merchant clothing pieces, who had a large backpack on his back, with a longsword strapped at his waist, seeming to be ready for war.

And with all of his preparations, his journey started taking him outside of the city gates without anyone ever noticing that he left apart from Patrick who he briefed with regard to his plans.

The picture of a tall young man using a cane to walk forward in the dark night made it quite a bitter scene.

For Vlad, this was just a typical night where his ears and senses were overwhelmed by the massive amount of information his brain was picking from his surroundings, especially once he stepped inside a forest, leading to the following settlement on his list.

'Welcome home, Impaling Prince, and let's hope I get some luck on my way and stumble on a real legend.' thought Vlad, who walked at a steady pace, checking around with his cane in case he would be stepping in the wrong way.

'To not forget, the boys told me it would take me two days to reach Triel Village, and there I will be able to sleep at the tavern. Afterwards, there are 2 more days to reach Bray. From there on, I might require some directions.'



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