One Piece: Ascension to the Crimson Throne

Chapter 66: Chapter 64: Not buying into Lies

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Chapter 64: Not buying into Lies

The old lady was spreading out the citizens as if she had supernatural powers, so dear to the people the Queen was to those simple people.

Queen Cormat Conney of the Sorbet Kingdom, a lady who had a will akin to Forged Iron, kept her kingdom whole even in the darkest hours in the recent history of the kingdom, where various misfortunes from pirate attacks to plagues, haunted the simple people.

From the former King, Bartholomew Kuma who transformed himself into a tyrant draining the people of their wealth and spirit, constantly acting as he wished without taking in consideration the feelings of the people. A person who later on becomes a notorious criminal and pirate, earning the nickname 'Tyrant' for the cruel acts he would do on the sea of destroying islands in their integrity.

He was the person that took the Sorbet Kingdom to its darkest hours, and luckily for Queen Conney who reinstated herself with the Diet of Everfall where all of the Nobility in the Kingdom invested her with all authority to remove the King, Bartholomew Kuma off the throne.

Yet, this was a piece of history that only remained in the close circles of the Sorbet Kingdom, with no foreigner bothering to understand the reasons and politics of the kingdom.

The Queen entered the hotel and was surprised by how organized everything looked, from the people waiting on the various benches to those who were lying on some sofas, having their eyes closed, clearly recovering from the curse that was dispelled.

In her observation, she noticed how Fischer and the other 9 soldiers, who looked to be officers were doing some actions that spelled 'Torture' in her mind, even though the silver-haired general was talking in a calm tone to the one in suffering.

'What is happening here? Is this hidden torture? Was that fool Viril actually right in his nonsense?'

The old lady was taken by surprise, and as she approached Fischer, her presence was noticed when she spoke to the sickly man.

"Dear boy, tell me, are you being held here with force? To be tortured?"

"Who? Ahhh, impossible! Y-Your Majesty?! What are you doing here?" asked the sickly man, turning the heads of everyone in the room, including Titania who was standing upright on Cohm's head watching everything with her keen eyes.

"I've made my way here to see how the treatment is proceeding, but … I never expected that it would look like this."

"Your Majesty … Everything is alright. It might hurt … a lot more than I expected, but this is for my own good to heal up. So many people have recovered from this curse that was cast over the Kingdom. Hah, I even found out there's no such a thing as a curse, but instead, I got bitten by a bug who tried to eat me, which caused the sickness."

"A parasite? Go on, tell me more, young man. How have you even picked this parasite that caused your sickness?"

"Your Majesty, I am a merchant who is required to constantly do the trade route from Everfall to Wolfsden, and the fastest way to the second region is to take the passage from Yehimal. I ignored the warnings, and this is what I got for not taking into consideration the warnings of the rest of the merchants who might … no longer be in this world."

"And on the way there, I am sure there have been many opportunities for those bugs to attack me without me even noticing."

"Sigh. Indeed, the only quickest route to Wolfsden is the passage in Yehimal compared to going around the mountain which would increase the journey by two weeks. But what's all about this parasite?"

The sick merchant turns his head at Fischer who tied his leg hard so the Maggris Worm wouldn't escape being placed under high pressure, the one who responds the question of the old Queen, was a cold and emotionless voice, that sounded full of arrogance and dignity, pressing down on people who weren't used with such an ordering tone.

"My, my. A person of honor came into my operation hall. Your Majesty, since you want to discover the cause of the sickness that remained incurred for so many years in your Kingdom, I can present to you the culprit in its last stage of evolution."

'It's almost … similar to those 5 Elders who look down on everyone.'

Queen Conney looked toward the source of the cold voice and noticed a tall man about 1,95 meters exiting from the specific space where white veils blocked the eyesight of people, and from the opening created by Vlad exiting, she could see a man who had his upper body fully covered in bandages, breathing slowly.

She watched Vlad's devilish appearance and remained for a longer period staring into his black eyes that were void of any light, and in her mind, she understood a little bit as to why seeing in her life such people … people suffering from blindness.

'The appearance of a refined gentleman. Still, why do I have this feeling that I've seen this boy somewhere in the past? … Hah, my old age, you aren't helping me nowadays in remembering those small details about people.'

She tried to remember from where she found Vlad familiar and remaining quiet for a while as if thinking about what response to give, she also watched carefully the woman walking behind the black-haired man, a woman of beauty that could land her in the high graces of the Celestial Houses.

"If you want to show this old hag, and open her eyes a bit. I don't mind." responded the queen, acting humble, noticing how Vlad nodded his head slowly, before taking from his pocket a larger glass jar where 8 small worms where crimson-red veins pulsed all over their body in a menacing way.

The last evolution stage of the Maggris Worm, had them get colored by a pitch black color, while the crimson-red veins give it a nightmarish appearance.

"Interesting. What are you calling those worms, young man?"

"Those worms are known all over the world, or at least should be known as Maggris Worm. They are a rare species of parasites who live in high altitudes and in extremely cold environments."

"Can you tell me more?"

"I don't mind. Those worms like to hibernate in cold zones. Normally most of the world doesn't even struggle with those worms, since they find it hard to survive in other climates."

Conney approached Vlad slowly and watched with curious eyes the captured worms looking sinister, not being able to hold her question.

"Are those worms, truly the reason why so many innocent lives have been lost? Why don't you kill them, if they are so dangerous?"

"I have my reasons for keeping them. As to your previous question. My answer is yes and no."

"How come?"




"First of all, those worms might be the cause of many deaths, innocent ones, still, the worms can be extracted relatively easily in a methodical way as the soldiers can demonstrate. Even though the method might look barbaric at first sight, this is my choice as an expert while weighing down two options.

Operating on their body, meaning cutting them open to extract the bugs, risking hurting them in the long run, or simply picking this barbaric method which has shown 99.9% success rate."

"I understand, and why isn't the worm's fault?"

"As I mentioned, the worm can be extracted. This means that any ordinary doctor who understands some medicine could easily identify the cause of the sickness, instead of placing it on some superstition. This is what true charlatans are doing to fool the ones not knowing better."


The queen remained silent, as Vlad was talking without even caring about the ranks between them, viewing himself akin to his first life, a monarch who stood head to head with the greatest conquerors the world have ever seen.

"Majesty, there's no reason for you to feel down about the incompetence of others. It is the job of the doctor to always stay informed about the progress in medicine, explore various documents from the past, that speak about the medicine of the ancestors, and so on.

There are so many manuals and documents, mentioning about the Maggris Worms. It's not like your Kingdom is the only one situated on an arctic island, for example, the cure to the Maggris Worm comes from Lady Kureha."

"Lady Kureha?? I heard this name before. Is she that famous doctor?" asked Conney, who showed to be informed on international matters.

"Mhm, I haven't yet met her, but I hope in the future to be able to meet her and learn from her craft and experience." added Vlad, confirming the information,  and in the moment he was talking about the worms with the old Queen, in the hotel Viril and his Acolytes made their presence known from the door screaming like the snakes they were.

"YOUR MAJESTY!! You should be careful! This is the devil I've been telling you about! Sir Garald, what are you waiting for. Arrest those traitors!"

Vlad remained indifferent, not changing his facial expression, in fact he was ignoring Garald who seemed to be contemplating on what he should do since his Queen remained silent, but before he could act, Vlad started laughing in an amused.

"Worm, have you returned again to me? You old, ignorant fool, don't talk with me if you want to stay alive."

"See Your Majesty, such a violent person with such vocabulary."

*Chuckle* "Continue on pestering me, I can promise you that you'll not leave this place alive. Do you want to make an acquaintance with the last stage of the Maggris Worm? What can I say, they are really, really itching on eating someone."

Seeing how the old prick got silenced by Vlad's statement, he crossed his arms waiting for something to happen which would entertain him.


"Hmph, quit with your devilish spells you monster. Don't think I don't know what you are up to."

"Ohh, what do you think I want from this kingdom? Haven't you heard the people outside? I am not doing my work for money at all."

"Then it's for sure those monstrous bugs. You want to poison people using them."

Viril entered in his artist persona, trying his best to change the perception of the Queen in regard to Vlad, but the old woman already formed in her mind a first impression in regard to the youngster. It didn't require a genius to understand, who was speaking the truth and who was lying.

The one remaining calm and unfazed even in the face of so many insults, only smiling a bit as if the one throwing the insults was nothing more than a lesser being. Or the one almost reaching a state he gained foam under the lips.

"And this is why, you are a devil for trying to collect those monstrous worms. Am I wrong, you foreigner? What reason would you have for coming to Sorbet?"

Eleine who watched the old doctor insulting Vlad with various nasty words, was staring at this old guy like a dead person, even touching her dagger held hidden on her right tight, only to be stopped by Vlad, later on saying.

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"And? Go on, let me see how big your vocabulary is in regard to swearing? I might learn some more about the culture of Sorbet Kingdom in this manner."

"It seems you are agreeing with everything I've been saying. See, your Majesty? I was right all along in regard to this devil."

The Queen could feel the atmosphere around Vlad changing, with the air around him getting heavier and she was reminded about some mythical abilities of people who were born a certain way, people who would shake the world to its whole foundation once growing to their full maturity.

'To think such a person would visit my little kingdom. I can't have him get offended by some stupid old guy who doesn't know better.'

Conney was quick-witted for her age, and with a raised voice, she told Viril and his Acolytes, as if to warn them.

"Such a language for an honored guest of the Sorbet Kingdom. This isn't a proper welcoming for a gentleman who worked tirelessly for the betterment of the kingdom, don't you think my sirs? For a person who fought thousands of kilometers, fighting the wrath of the sea which envelops all the world.

Welcoming such a guest like this is embarrassing for me, the Queen of this Kingdom."

"Your Majesty, don't listen to that devil. Have I ever lied to you?"



"Truthful? On too many occasions that I don't want to be bothered to tell. I forgive you because we are childhood friends. The case of the 'Curse of the Mountain Spirit' is just one example. Also, I had enough of listening to your crazed rantings, so I will invite you to get some fresh air and learn what you've done wrong."


"No, servant Viril. Right now you are speaking with Queen Cormac Conney. Sir Garald, you can invite sir Viril and the other gentlemen to the castle's punishment room. There they will be staying for some days to cool down their heads, and afterwards we will have a human-to-human conversation."

"Your order is law, my Queen." responded the golden-haired man, who snapped his fingers loudly that from outside of the hotel a group of 6 soldiers wearing Silver Chain Armor, stormed inside, appearing behind the middle-aged man.

"Take Viril and the other old doctors to the punishment room."

"Shall we serve it too?" asked a black-haired man in his mid-twenties, standing to Garald's right side.

"No, just let them cool their heads and treat them decently."

Receiving their orders the men under Garald were quick to act, taking the old pricks out of the hotel room so quickly they couldn't even realize their plans of setting up Vlad against Conney backfired heavily. What's more, they were forced to suffer again the humiliating booing of the citizens gathered at the center of Everfall and the courtyard of Ursus Hotel.


Meanwhile, the Queen who noticed the air around Vlad shifting back to a normal one, asked him about the Maggris Worms, and what effects they might have, a subject that he didn't mind speaking about since it would help him enforce certain information he knew by teaching it to others.

It made Conney curious about this young doctor, who wasn't even older than 20 years old, in fact, Vlad looked to be someone of a age close to her granddaughter.

Vlad discusses with a lot of casualties with the old lady, as if he was once again speaking with his mentor, Patrick, and he is surprised about how this old woman wasn't oblivious about certain medical terms.

Like this, while watching Fischer and the other soldiers who were focusing on their job, until he turns toward the wife of the man he just operated on, ignoring the old lady altogether.

"Madame, you should make sure, he isn't doing much physical activity, especially those that would place strain on his chest area. For about one week, I want him to remain in a passive state, to allow his body to recover on its own."

"I will make sure to do this, Sensei." replied the woman, bowing her head deeply at this tall man who saved her husband from certain death.

"You better, because as you have seen, you people of Sorbet, don't have capable doctors to take care of you when sick. I might help you from time to time if I am inside Sorbet Kingdom, but I will be available only when I feel like it."

"Any other questions, madame?"

The Queen watched as Vlad was spending 10 minutes talking with the wife of a patient he carried out an open operation, and it showed to the old woman about one quality of this young doctor. He was meticulous in how he was doing things, and liked to make sure everything was explained and under his control.

The appreciation of the woman's expression was visible for the Queen, who in the meantime talked out with Fischer the small doubts she had about him.

"Granny … do you actually believe everything that foolish old fart is talking about me? That I would try to betray you? I will cut my own throat before even daring to do this … to someone like my mother figure."

Conney could only smile as she caressed the silvery head of the middle-aged man who was lowered down to treat the sickly people.

"I know you better than everyone one little Fischer since you've grown together with my little Runa. Anyway, what do you think about this doctor, Vlad Dracul?"

"What do I think? After spending about 4 hours with him … I can tell you from only watching how he was cutting open the bodies of those poor people, his hands are of a cold butcher who doesn't feel any emotions when killing people."

"Is that so, little Fischer? Then we better keep this person in our good graces."

"I agree. His medical expertise is scary for a person his age. Since he doesn't even look older than 20 years old. Maybe … but I am just talking hypothetically, we ask him to teach some of the youngsters who show to have talent in the medical arts."

"Mhm, I was trying to have Viril and those other 4 fools to teach the younger generation, but when they would take in some people, it wouldn't last long, complaining that the youngsters are too stupid for their "great knowledge"."

"Those old fools might be scared that they would be forced out from their prestigious position if they teach the younger generation."

"I realized that, but I can't just simply force him. I tried to act like a bigger sister with him all those years, and make him understand the problems of the kingdom, especially after what Kuma did. Hah, it's so hard on me nowadays, dealing with the modern troubles of the kingdom."

"Gran, you can bring all those youngsters who have been taught a little bit, and ask this Dracul guy to teach them."

"And would he teach them? Haven't you heard how he talks with me? As if we are equals. He doesn't care about my status as Queen."

"Everyone has a price, Granny. Maybe … we can have him meet little Anne, and maybe we can have her ask him."

"No. I will not use my only blood as a pawn for this kingdom. I am sure we will reach a consensus if we talk it out."


Even if Vlad had a feeling that this old lady was trying to scheme something behind his back, he remained unbothered continuing on with his operations while Queen Conney was watching the process of the soldier's treating the sickly, even entering inside the white tent to watch the "butchering" happening at first hand, where Eleine was holding a oil lamp to keep the light on.

"Eleine, you know I don't need the oil lamp." mentioned Vlad when he felt his "maid" do something that didn't make sense when it came to himself.

"I know, master, but I was thinking that maybe the Queen would be interested to see you at work."

"My, I got so into the operation that I even failed to notice you, Majesty. Please, if you have any questions, go ahead. I extracted the worm, so this man should be safe." added Vlad who started the procedure of sewing back the chest of this man, while talking with the Queen, as if it wasn't a big deal for him.

Seeing the smooth, calm, cold and sometimes even ruthless hand movements executed in sewing up the chest of the map that was almost cleaved in half, I couldn't help but keep quiet and just admire a master performing his art.

Time flew by, and the news about the queen coming to Hotel Ursus died down, most of the news being focused on the Doctor, Vlad Dracul, someone so capable he could heal any illness in the world. Such was the effect of the words spreading, it could get a fearsome stigma, or paint a person's acts as something beautified.

With himself wrapping things when the clock showed 10:30 PM, standing for about 10 hours inside this place operating constantly without even showing signs of slowing down or being tired, so mentally fortuned this youngster looked in the eyes of the experienced Queen, who still lurked on the thought she had initially about Vlad.

'Why do I find this boy so familiar? I still can't remember with whom he is so familiar.'

"Your Majesty, I will wrap things for tonight. Still have to tell those people to disperse so they don't waste their time waiting any longer."

"It seems you also have your limits, Sir Dracul. But I am still thankful for your act of healing up my dear citizens."

"I took care of the ones who were on the brink of death. I did all I could do humanely for your people, as for the rest, they can be treated by General Fischer and the other soldiers or doctors. It's not in my interest to waste time on some charity work, especially when I stand to gain nothing."

"I am sure General Fischer will be able to continue the treatment of the general public, but what if the serious cases of people like the one you've been dealing with appear? I doubt there are many people around who are as skilled as you are, sir Dracul.

For that I am aware, it takes a lot of skill and patience, and I doubt the doctors of my Kingdom are so fortunate and patient to help those suffering people."

"Lady, it's none of my concern. This is in your interest to manage the scholars in your kingdom, and also build the future generation of scholars."

"I am old, mister Dracul. With too much to handle on those frail old hag hangs. I would appreciate it a lot, if someone of your talent would want to share some ideas with this old lady. "

"... You want ideas on how to deal with those 5 ignorant fools?"

"Tha too. Having a guest from afar, especially of your caliber, I am sure your ideas will be different from the ways of the Sorbet. This is why I want to extend an invitation to a diner with me, for which it would fit well for someone who worked tirelessly for so many hours."

"... A diner? Sure, it's been a while since I got invited to a banquet, decades."

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